TamperMonkey Script

Started by Ssieth, June 09, 2015, 05:27:11 PM

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Another small one for v1.23.2

I've now added picture-hiding to viewing other people's profiles :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


I must apologize to gaga and elf... my world outside of E has thrown me a couple of curve balls lately.  I'll post as soon as I am able.  probably within the next couple of days.

~Huggles and kisses to all who wish or want them~


v1.23.3 now out with a very small update.

I've now added some tags that appear in the list by default for the Bookmark Tags (so long as you have relevant features switch on):

  • NotOwed
  • NotReplied

As the names suggest these hide bookmarks from the auto-tags "Posts Owed" and "Replies".  This should make keeping track of solo games easier if you intermingle them with other bookmarks :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ssieth on July 22, 2015, 07:39:22 AM
v1.23.3 now out with a very small update.

I've now added some tags that appear in the list by default for the Bookmark Tags (so long as you have relevant features switch on):

  • NotOwed
  • NotReplied

As the names suggest these hide bookmarks from the auto-tags "Posts Owed" and "Replies".  This should make keeping track of solo games easier if you intermingle them with other bookmarks :)


Thanks again for all of your work on this, it's fantastic!
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♪As flawed as you may think you are, you're perfect to me!♪


And hot on its heels: v1.23.4

Fixed a minor bug with redrawing the BM menu after an update to bookmark tags.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Pretty_in_Pink helped me track down a bug with snippets that had more than one space in the name and Opera doing slightly odd things with them :)

v1.23.8 is out and fixes the issue :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.

Pretty in Pink

Glad I could help, Ssieth!

I've taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RP


v1.23.9 fixes a bug with drafts.  I'm not 100% sure of the full range of circumstances under which it was occurring but it was a clash between different types of draft and that was causing other bits of script not to run (I noticed it with missing wordcounts).

Should be fixed anyway :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Oooh, this is nice.

If you want/need further testing on the various browsers, I'd be happy to help with doing so. Further testing on other OSes will have to wait, unfortunately until I am in my own apartment and can get my other devices back online as currently, I'm on Windows 10. And the Kindle.
Thoughts of a Deaf SysAdmin

People so seldom say "I love you". And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, only that I wish you didn't have to...

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Hey Ssieth, this should be an easy one. Can you add a special display for the bookmarks that shows all your bookmarks that aren't tagged? Im on my phone a lot and then I end up adding threads to my BMs then forget when I go back to tag them.


Quote from: Ritsu on August 12, 2015, 01:40:34 PM
Hey Ssieth, this should be an easy one. Can you add a special display for the bookmarks that shows all your bookmarks that aren't tagged? Im on my phone a lot and then I end up adding threads to my BMs then forget when I go back to tag them.

Yes - I can probably do that :)  Added to the features-to-add-list :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ritsu on August 12, 2015, 01:40:34 PM
Hey Ssieth, this should be an easy one. Can you add a special display for the bookmarks that shows all your bookmarks that aren't tagged? Im on my phone a lot and then I end up adding threads to my BMs then forget when I go back to tag them.

v1.24.0 should deliver :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Can I report a bug? O:) With the Drafts...

When you finish typing and hit preview, the form only loads the last-saved draft and not the previewed text (am I making sense?).

Similarly, when you post and need to go and modify the post to fix something, the textarea again loads only the draft, not the actual text.

At least this happens for me. FF 40.0 on Windows 10 (but it used to happen even when I had Win 8.1)
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Eek- you most certainly can.

I'm afraid I'm away from tomorrow for a week so may not get chance to fix it for a bit.  In the meantime you can probably work around it by switching off auto-loading of drafts.  That will let you load them when you need to but not have them pop into the boxes without manual intervention.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Oooooooh, that works. Thanks a lot. <3

And enjoy the getaway time!
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Quote from: Ssieth on August 14, 2015, 02:01:54 PM
Eek- you most certainly can.

I'm afraid I'm away from tomorrow for a week so may not get chance to fix it for a bit.  In the meantime you can probably work around it by switching off auto-loading of drafts.  That will let you load them when you need to but not have them pop into the boxes without manual intervention.

This was happening to me, too, and with as many threads as I post in, I just shut off the drafts, but thank you for fixing this because it's a feature I quickly got to miss. :-)

That's for the whole script in general. Have a great time on your vacation.
In the darkness of the mind and the shadows of imagination...


Hey Sseith! I love your script, it's super handy. :)

One thing I'd like to mention - which may be an issue on my end but I'm not sure - is with the ignore replies option for threads. I sometimes get a new reply notification but it ends up being from the same Forum Games threads I've already ignored. After I go in and click "Ignore Replies" it tends to happen again once every week or two.

Is there a setting I may need to check/uncheck that I'm forgetting about? I also ran the debugging info and nothing came up besides my user ID and such.


Are you posting in the threads again?
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Nope, I only posted in them once a while back. I have to manually check the New Replies link to see if those ignored threads have new posts (so I presume the Ignore Replies option is working fine). But every week or two I spontaneously see New Replies updates to the same couple of threads.


Problem with Drafts:


I was working on a move, and was unsure if draft saving was working properly. I opened Script settings to be sure it was turned on, and saw that Auto-saving of drafts was off, so I gave it an autosave interval just for 'belt and suspenders'...

...and when I saved the setting, it apparently loaded a BLANK draft over the top of my move, obliterating it. No apparent way to recover, either.


I'm noticing that while I have a SAVE drafts button I have no LOAD drafts button, also.
If one thinks of omniscience as causal rather than predictive- not 'THIS!', but 'If this, then that; infinite matrices of infinite dimensions each- it goes a long way towards reconciliation with Free Will.

It does not, however, make it easier to contemplate or accept a being capable of visualizing such an array.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


There appears a Load Draft button only when there is a Draft to load (or at least that's how mine works).
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Quote from: Nowherewoman on August 20, 2015, 11:38:26 AM
Problem with Drafts:


I was working on a move, and was unsure if draft saving was working properly. I opened Script settings to be sure it was turned on, and saw that Auto-saving of drafts was off, so I gave it an autosave interval just for 'belt and suspenders'...

...and when I saved the setting, it apparently loaded a BLANK draft over the top of my move, obliterating it. No apparent way to recover, either.


I'm noticing that while I have a SAVE drafts button I have no LOAD drafts button, also.

Hi there,

There's two issues here.  Firstly - any time you save settings, it reloads the page you are on.  If you don't already have a draft saved that means you lose it :(  However, pressing the back button in most browsers is usually sufficient to get it back.  Not that that helps you now of course :(  Hopefully it may help someone else though....

The second issue is the load button.  jouzinka is right there - it should appear when there is a draft to load.   If there are drafts you should also see a link at the top right of the post box (presuming it's not quick reply) with a list of available drafts.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


It appears I may have an install issue, then- clicking Save Draft apparently does nothing, and I tried the back button in the case referenced, hoping that might be a last-ditch save. All I have to the upper right is the Snippets link.

*EDIT* And now it's back- how very odd. *sigh* I haz WIN10 gremlins, maybe.


OK...this is very strange.  The 'load draft' and 'drafts' buttons are appearing only on certain pages. I can hit 'save draft' on a page where they are NOT showing, go to another page, and there it is in the drafts list.  But I still cannot get it to actually LOAD a draft into the page, either by hitting 'load draft' or by clicking in the Drafts list.

First of all, is there a minimum word or character count before the script will allow you to save?  For example, on this very post, the last time I edited it, I tried to Save Draft- nothing.  After the SECOND edit- hit 'save draft', and both the Load and Draft buttons magically appeared.

*3rd edit*

OK...it appears to be sync or lag based.  While doing a very long post, I hit 'save draft'- nothing.  A while later, while I was still working on it, the Load Draft and draft list buttons suddenly appeared- and my earlier save was in the list. For some reason, it seems to be taking me a long time to fully load the functionality on any given page.

I AM running Adblock- any possibility that could be part of the issue?
If one thinks of omniscience as causal rather than predictive- not 'THIS!', but 'If this, then that; infinite matrices of infinite dimensions each- it goes a long way towards reconciliation with Free Will.

It does not, however, make it easier to contemplate or accept a being capable of visualizing such an array.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Quote from: Nowherewoman on August 21, 2015, 08:39:45 PM
It appears I may have an install issue, then- clicking Save Draft apparently does nothing, and I tried the back button in the case referenced, hoping that might be a last-ditch save. All I have to the upper right is the Snippets link.

*EDIT* And now it's back- how very odd. *sigh* I haz WIN10 gremlins, maybe.


OK...this is very strange.  The 'load draft' and 'drafts' buttons are appearing only on certain pages. I can hit 'save draft' on a page where they are NOT showing, go to another page, and there it is in the drafts list.  But I still cannot get it to actually LOAD a draft into the page, either by hitting 'load draft' or by clicking in the Drafts list.

First of all, is there a minimum word or character count before the script will allow you to save?  For example, on this very post, the last time I edited it, I tried to Save Draft- nothing.  After the SECOND edit- hit 'save draft', and both the Load and Draft buttons magically appeared.

*3rd edit*

OK...it appears to be sync or lag based.  While doing a very long post, I hit 'save draft'- nothing.  A while later, while I was still working on it, the Load Draft and draft list buttons suddenly appeared- and my earlier save was in the list. For some reason, it seems to be taking me a long time to fully load the functionality on any given page.

I AM running Adblock- any possibility that could be part of the issue?

Hmmmm... that is all really odd... Adblock shouldn't be a problem (of any variety).  I use adblock+ and it seems happy enough.  If you poke me next time we're both on a chat channel (any we both frequent) at the same time I'll talk you through doing a few diagnostics and see if we can get to the bottom of it.  I've not tried it on win10 (still on 8.1 here) but I can't think of any reason that should make a difference.

As for size limits when saving drafts - there's one limit in that there must be something in the box.  It won't save an entirely blank draft.   Or rather shouldn't.
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.



Would the drafts also be possible for PMs?
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