Secrets of Candlewick (Supernatural Romance-Fae and WereCreatures-LGBT Friendly)

Started by Crash, June 08, 2015, 09:34:53 PM

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My hubby has been making noises about joining and has a pretty fricken awesome concept too. I'll continuously goad him into getting a character sheet written up and showing face in here!!


I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.




Hey Crash.  Let me know what you think, then I can submit for approval after any changes you need me to square away.

Anyone else reading this...

Ineluki might indeed make a sound bodyguard or protector when traveling about. (See the oaths)

Or a servant for that matter...(See the oaths again)

He can be an effective tool depending on the person he's interacting with and due to his roaming about for centuries he could very well have exposure to each of the different Courts.

I'm struggling with a reason to have him straying into the "earthly realm" at the moment but if his ward were over there...well that takes care of that.  :)

Name: Ineluki Eirandrion Elderbough || “Zenil Kenainath Ceilan Kan Turta”  Roughly translated to “Broken Prince of the Four Seasons”
Player:  Praxis
Concept:  Incubus
Dirty Secret:  It took decades for Ineluki to master his abilities and while confused by them as a child and a “young fae”  (relatively), Ineluki; at times unknowingly evoked passion and lust from the courtiers around him.  Young as he was and inexperienced as he was, he was raped twice by female members of the court and three times by male members of the court.  The third of which he killed.

Court: Spring Court
Court Rank: Exiled Prince of the Spring Court
Sex: Male
Age: 919 years || Physical appearance:  mid - thirties
Orientation: Heterosexual
On’s: Grace, charm, beauty – (Truth is, I’d rather you just interact with him and find out.  PM me if you’re concerned.  Crash; give me shit if you don’t like this.)
Off’s: Depending on the writing partner, I’ll take things as far as they are looking to go.  I have some hard stops but PM me and I can’t imagine any of them are surprising.

Appearance: Not particularly prone to pleasant smiles.  Even when in the Fae realm, Ineluki spends the entirety of his time appearing as a mix of human and Fae which might be due to some unconscious…or very deliberate attempt to separate himself from the politics and laws of the Fae world.  He has taken great pains (quite literally) to cover himself with ferocious looking red tattoos.  When he chooses (rarely) he can make the tattoos disappear but they tend to flare into sight when exercising his power, excited or in a fight.  Sleek, well-defined and quite hard, Ineluki appears every bit a predator. 

Hair: A rich crimson in colour with the sides of his head shorn clean.
Eyes: Green, or white without pupils when he chooses.
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 178 lbs


Johnathan Rhys Meyers

human form 1
human form 2


Ferocious – Ineluki’s solution to a problem often involves charging headlong in the waiting jaws of whatever beast…or problem he encounters.

Passionate – Moderation of emotion is something that Ineluki struggles with daily.

Feral - Time spent alone exploring in the wilds of Arcadia has caused Ineluki to begin emulating the traits of animals and other feral creatures that he has encountered, hunted and cared for.

Forbearance -  Ineluki has little to none of this.

Detachment - Ineluki has a sizable number of issues around intimacy.  Only until recently has he bothered to keep creatures; from fae to human and everything betwixt the two alive after mating with them.  He does not relish killing but personal connections result in complications.  Complications are things he tries to avoid.

Little regard for humanity - Much like insects they are something to be endured.  In fact; insects have a purpose.  A significant purpose.  He has yet to understand humanity's purpose beyond being highly susceptible vessels with which for him to feed, heal and grow strong.

Upon being satiated - After feeding fully, particularly from fae.  Ineluki can become relaxed, open and almost normal in his ability to converse in a civil manner for a period of time as the sexual energy he has fed upon acts as a balm for all that he experienced when he was younger.

Changeling Abilities:

Long lived – Outside of Arcadia changelings are mortal though love lived.  Changelings need glamor to live and use their magic.  Glamour is gained from strong emotions or dreams and can be gathered in one of three ways.  Items from the outskirts of Arcadia such as goblin fruit contain glamour, but more commonly Changelings feed on the emotions of humans.  This can be done by leeching already present emotions from humans, stepping into a mortals dreams and stealing a little bit of their dream for yourself or reaping which is inciting quick burst of emotions.  Reaping is not as nourishing as leeching and can cause severe emotional trauma of done repeatedly.

Glamour – The art of making one thing look like another.  All Changelings have this ability to some extent.  Their true selves and all things made of glamour or from the hedge appear mundane to human eyes unless the human has been glamoured in which case they can see the Changelings as they truly are.  Many Changelings learn to expand their use of glamour to spin incredibly realistic illusions. 

Oath Spinning 

Oath of the Accepted Burden - A knowledgeable individual that is performing a sexual act with Ineluki; should they know the proper words is capable of binding him to this oath.  The individual that binds Ineluki to the oath can give him a task to fulfill.  The task itself is irrelevant.  Upon completing the task, Ineluki is free from the oath.  While under the oath, Ineluki is still empowered by his own free will but has one year to satisfy the terms of the oath.  Ineluki cannot be commanded to end his own existence.

Oath of Fealty - A knowledgeable individual that is performing a sexual act with Ineluki; should they know the proper words is capable of binding him to this oath.  Ineluki has no will beyond that of the individual who has committed him to the oath.  Ineluki is the embodiment of that individual's will and want for one quarter of a human hour.  Ineluki is not particularly fond of this oath, nor of any who might seek to bind him to it.  Expect resistance during and an individual would be well advised to have an iron will before evoking the oath.  They would also be well-advised to be free and clear of Ineluki when the time expires.  Ineluki cannot be commanded to end his own existence while under this oath.

Oath of Guardianship -  A knowledgeable individual that is performing a sexual act with Ineluki; should they know the proper words is capable of binding him to this oath. Ineluki will be assigned an object, a place, or a person and it his duty to protect them from any and all harm.  This oath can lead to the ending of Ineluki's existence and he do anything to ensure this oath is kept.  A time must indeed be set during the oath and the length of that time depends upon the skill of the individual Ineluki is mating with and their ability to hold him to that time.

Contracts: Contract of Desire

Seductive Touch - Skin on skin contact with Ineluki can result in the increase of sexual desire within the individual he is touching.  This depends on a number of factors.

i) There are no varying degrees to the affect of Ineluki's touch.  There is no "seduction" here.  The sexual need is raw and primal.  It is binary.  It is either on...or off.  Ineluki does not "seduce the pretty woman just a little bit".  There is nothing "pretty", nor romantic to what he does.  Over time, the desire for him does not fade but sex with other individuals often can lessen the need to a point where the individual can function relatively well in society.

ii)  Ineluki's touch works best and easiest on heterosexual women and homosexual men.  Where he can indeed affect homosexual women and heterosexual men, the contact must be prolonged and Ineluki must exert greater will to bring them to the same state of desire as previously described.

iii) On pansexual and omnisexual individuals...things become a bit hazy.  Some find themselves helplessly in his thrall even after being used repeatedly by him, whereas others feel what has been described a warming and pleasant tingle and little else.  Ineluki has yet to understand this or master control of this particular aspect of his ability.

Superior Strength & Speed - The Shine

Ineluki grows significantly stronger and faster upon feeding from sexual energy.  His strength and speed scales with the ferocity and passion with which he and the individual...or others mate with one another.  Mating with one human usually gives him the "shine" for roughly twelve hours.  Multiple humans can increase that.  Mating with a fae results in the shine lasting for upwards of two days.  The power of that fae can positively correlates to the power passed onto him.


Ineluki heals from the sexual energy he is able to feed on and at one time, near death and unable to move was able to heal from the sexual energy created by five humans mating with one another was an interesting story.  *shrugs*  Ask him some time.


Ineluki is the product of one of Oberon's multitudinous dalliances.  Having Oberon as a father shortly before his spiral into madness and a succubi for a mother proved Ineluki's presence was a complicated one at best and unwanted at worst. A pawn but a powerful pawn; Ineluki was given no instruction on his abilities and was quick shuffled about the court and placed aside, partly due to the lineage of his mother, the ever-increasing madness of his father and the threat that he posed with his powers.  It was altogether likely that he would have been killed had Oberon not been his father.  During that time, the King of the Spring Court was growing more and more...random with his emotions and actions.  Killing a son of the king, even an unwanted one might very have proven to be nothing worth mentioning or...the entire palace could be destroyed.  Oberon was unraveling that quickly.

Ineluki was passed on as a ward from one member of the court to the next and as he grew, his untrained powers would indeed cause him hardship.  He was raped on five separate occasions between the ages of eleven to fifteen by individuals of the court.  The fifth and final one also happened to be one that he killed during...having learned finer control of increased strength that he then used to crush the windpipe of the male fae raping him.  It turned out that the fae Ineluki killed was from a family that had a good deal of pull with The Spring Court and with no one falling upon his side in the argument, the family was calling for blood.

Ineluki; feeling as though things were growing dire for him...fled.

He spent the next four centuries living in the wilds of Arcadia.  Spending roughly a century in the realm of the Spring Court before moving onto the next. 

He learned of wrath in the realm of the Summer Court.

He learned of fear in the realm of the Autumn Court.

He learned of loss in the realm of the Winter Court.

All three traits he felt far more keenly that that of desire; that which was his birthright and his curse.  Wrath, fear and loss allowed him to exert control upon those around him.  Desire...caused him little else but trouble and hatred.

He has learned to survive on his own by his terms and over multiple centuries he has indeed learned to control his abilities while still failing to master a level of subtlety over them.  He embodies the primal ferocity that one might find in the wilderness of Arcadia.

Bloodied Porcelain

*slips in and quietly plants an interested flag, along with a "mine" tag on Praxis' new lovely, and then goes to track down a face claim*
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Quote from: Ghostraven on June 16, 2015, 11:36:37 PM
Ok; Here is my first draft of my Fae.
I'm sure I'll probably still revise and flesh out some things.

Let me know if anything looks amiss Crash. :-)


Siobhan MacCnaimhin
Name: Siobhan MacCnaimhin
Player: Ghostraven
Concept:  Unseelie Banshee
Dirty Secret: Siobhan saw to the demise of her parents and her two sisters.

Court: Winter
Court Rank: Lady of the Black Harp
Sex: Female
Age: Old, very old (In her mortal seeming she appears to be in her late 20’s)
Orientation: Pansexual
On’s: <Please include a link to your own On’s in addition to any On’s your character may have.>
Off’s: <Please include a link to your own Off’s in addition to any Off’s your character may have.>

Hair: Blonde (Mortal Seeming) Ethereal White
Eyes: Ice Blue
Height: 5 ft 1 in / 155 cm
Weight: 50 kg / 110 pounds

<Written description of character, images or both.  Include a description of your character’s Fae self and what they look like in human form.  Include a description of your mantle as well of you are a member of one of the courts.>

Personality: Siobhan can be a conceited, wanton, capricious girl who is manipulative, and vengeful much like the rest of the Fae pledged to the Dark Court. Like all Banshees, she is empathic to a degree and will often reflect the strong emotions of those around her giving rise to the notoriously mercurial personalities of some Fae. Siobhan exemplifies this flighty temperament seeming to fall in love in one breath and become enraged in the next. She has gotten much better over the years in subduing the most extreme shifts in her disposition… at least on the surface.

Conceited: Siobhan is excessively proud of herself and her physical appearance, both her mortal seeming and Fae visage.
Wanton: She like all dark Fae can be cruel or even violent in action and word, she takes deliberate pleasure in destroying those that have provoked her ire. Be it the next instant or years later.
Sly: Almost by default Siobhan is deceitful of nature, cunning and cruel. Lies are just another tool to achieve her goals.
Capricious: She is often given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior her fae nature making her chaotic. Particularly when she feel slighted in some fashion.
Manipulative: Siobhan is not above using others to get what she wants. Just pawns to further her ends, her desires.
Vengeful: Woe be to those that draw the wrath of a Banshee, especially a would be Banshee Queen.

Changeling Abilities:

Long lived – Outside of Arcadia changelings are mortal though love lived.  Changelings need glamor to live and use their magic.

Glamour – The art of making one thing look like another.  All Changelings have this ability to some extent.  Their true selves and all things made of glamour or from the hedge appear mundane to human eyes unless the human has been glamoured in which case they can see the Changelings as they truly are.  Many Changelings learn to expand their use of glamour to spin incredibly realistic illusions.

Oath Spinning – The Changelings take oaths and promises very seriously.  A true oath will state what is expected of the Changelings and the thing they are oathsworn too and what the repercussions are to both parties should they break this oath.

Keening Songs:
Whisper Wisp; Ghostly disembodied voices can distract and frighten, or communicate
Murmuring Hum; The weak willed are directed they find the voices in their head have a plan.
Hum of Sympathy; Sway the emotions of those that can hear the faint susurration of the enchanted song.
Howling Shriek; The Banshee can shatter glass and stone or sunder flesh and bone.
Black Wail; The banshee’s howl becomes the thing of legend slaying the lucky and damming the unlucky that hear her deathly wail. Woe to those whom she knows their true name.

Shade and Spirit:
Ghostly Presence: Speak to ghosts and spirits at twilight
Phantom Footfalls; Move Silently, leave no trace
Flesh Made Spirit; Ignore physical damage, physical form is infused with spirit essence
Wings of Phantasm; Flight;
Shedding the Flesh; Intangibility, move through solid matter as if it was but air.

Oaths: Oath of Winter


Youngest daughter of three, it's no wonder that an air of sorrow seems to cloak the poor girl. Left all alone in this world. Fate seeming to have conspired against the family to bring the poor dear nothing but loneliness and sadness.
The family happy, mother and father, and three lovely girls fair of hair and skin.  Sorcha the eldest, Saoirse the middle child, and Siobhan the youngest.
The Family ran and Siobhan still runs ‘The Wayward’. A quaint little curio shop and book store, odd curiosities displayed here and there, books old and battered piled and set on well worn shelves.
Little trinkets and charms that catch the eye and a small sampling of imported sweets.

Nigh ten years ago a string of tragedy began, befalling the family. First was the the fire. The three sisters parents killed all those years ago in that terrible fire, burned alive they say.
Then her sisters, one distraught after the death of her parents she took her own life two years to the day of her parents unfortunate fate. Drowned in the lake it seems, found weeks later still clutching the waterlogged journal that confessed her hopelessness.
Then her elder sister seeming so bright, almost the opposite of the younger Siobhan and now her only sister.
Though it seems her happiness was but a facade the deaths of her parents and sister weighing too heavily on her even as she she did her best to put on a cheery face. The lost sister too met her own tragic fate. A year and a day after the sad demise of her sister did she too suffer an unfortunate event.
While hiking high in the Tearmark cliffs, at a time that was too dark for such adventure, the bright woman took a misstep in the evening gloom and plummeted to her doom. She was days later after she went missing, broken and bloodied in a deep ravine.
And so only poor Siobhan is left of the family, melancholy but still pressing on. She does her best to put the past behind her to keep her spirits up as much as she’s able.

Siobhan’s family left Arcadia when she was young, well in Fae terms young. Here in the mortal realm her seeming was that of the youngest daughter of the family, the MacCnaimhin. Her parents pledged to no house, seeking to avoid the politics of the other realm when they ventured to Candlewick. A chance to be a normal family. And they were all seemed well until that night the night of the new moon.
While her parents and elder sisters saw peace in the mortal realm Siobhan saw opportunity, power. The youngest daughter sided with the Winter court, the former Queen of winter eager to draw out her true nature as a Banshee, to serve her in Winter and foster her own ends. To this end the queen befriended the girl teaching her showing her the ways of the Winter Court and bestowing upon her the Clarsach Dorchadas (Harp of Darkness). Siobhan quickly falling under the sway of the corrupting artifact, and embracing the unseelie aspects of her Banshee heritage.
Of course the old Winter Queen’s ambition to make her an ally of winter proved to be almost too much for her. Siobhan quickly plotted and planned to make use of other tidbits that she had learned, books are a wonderful thing…
So in short order the dark touched Fae plotted the deaths of her own kin starting with her parents then sisters. Her eldest sister Sorcha joined the Summer Court part of her realizing that there was some plot against her and her kin, thought she realized too late just how close the keeper of that plot was...
So now Siobhan, serves the Court of Winter and the New Winter Queen, biding her time till she  assumes her place as the new Queen…
In the mean time she plots and plans, watches and waits, gathering her strength and resources until the time is right to sing a new lament of Winter.

Currently she is running the old, family shop. A little curio and book store off the main square. The building one of the originals to the town. The corner shop looking like it was plucked from Ireland and set down here a hundred years ago. Which may not be that far off.
A quaint wooden placard depicting an open chest with books, spyglass, harp, and dagger presented. A fine border of Celtic knot-work frames the slightly weathered sign as it  hangs over the doorway to the shop.

She looks good so far.  No instadeath abilities so no guarantee her banshee wail will kill player characters. We can discuss more in detail when you have her finished.

Quote from: bubby on June 17, 2015, 03:26:19 AM
I'd like to change my faceclaim to Angie Everhart please.

Will do.

Praxis - Will look over hopefully tonight.  I have a really busy day and evening.

Quote from: Bloodied Porcelain on June 17, 2015, 08:23:52 AM
*slips in and quietly plants an interested flag, along with a "mine" tag on Praxis' new lovely, and then goes to track down a face claim*

This makes me happy.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Bloodied Porcelain

Here's a question... Is it possible for True Fae and Humans to breed? Like if a human were taken as a slave in Arcadia, would it be possible for said human to give birth to their Master's offspring?
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Quote from: Crash on June 17, 2015, 09:15:09 AM

Praxis - Will look over hopefully tonight.  I have a really busy day and evening.

No rush, man.  You take care of you and yours.  :)


Quote from: Bloodied Porcelain on June 17, 2015, 09:33:40 AM
Here's a question... Is it possible for True Fae and Humans to breed? Like if a human were taken as a slave in Arcadia, would it be possible for said human to give birth to their Master's offspring?

Yes'm.  My Queen of the Spring Court is True Fae, and has at least one known half human offspring.

Bloodied Porcelain

Quote from: Haloriel on June 17, 2015, 09:37:05 AM
Yes'm.  My Queen of the Spring Court is True Fae, and has at least one known half human offspring.

Eeeeexcellent. *plottyplotplots*
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.

Hazy Sky

Looking for and accepting new stories.

Current earworms
The Midnight

Bloodied Porcelain

Quote from: skyre on June 17, 2015, 09:46:32 AM
*Waves at Bloodied.* Nice to bump into you again.

Hello darling! *waves*

Also, Crash, I'd like to face claim Zara Axeronias. :D
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious



Name: Annis (elfin), Riley (human).
Player: wigglebiscuit
Concept:  Nisse elf
Dirty Secret:  Annis stole a pair of snowflake earrings from Nova Frost, the Winter Queen. She unintentionally caused the death of a human boy; see background, below.

Court: carefully independent
Court Rank: none, though she does occasionally act as an informant
Sex: female
Age: whatever equates to early-twenties in fae years.
Orientation: parts aren't that important to Annis. It's the person inside that counts. But she does love boobs.
On/Off: here and here.

Hair: Red, blue, green. Sometimes yellow or pink. Depends.
Eyes: Usually hazel, but this changes according to her mood, from black to crisp, cold blue
Height: six inches
Weight: less than a pound

The majority of the time, Annis is in her elfin form. As such, she stands just under six inches tall. She is quite elusive, able to easily escape the notice of bigger, clumsier folk, even other fae.
Elsewise she usually wears the mantle of some small animal; ravens and shrews are her favorite, but she is also fond of spiders, snakes, and house cats.
Very rarely, when the situation demands it, or she is particularly taken with a mortal, she assumes the guise of Riley, a human teenager of average size and proportion.

Personality: Nisse elves are diminutive fae that are often drawn to human dwellings. Annis is no different. Her favorite thing linger around an area where people are like to gather--a mall, or church gathering, perhaps--pick a person or family, and follow them home. If they capture her interest, she will "adopt" them for a time. Clever families may notice that their sleep improves, their dreams, and by extension, their lives. They may, in turn, leave treats for the fae. She is especially fond of beer, weed, and whisky.
As such, she is quite curious, especially about humans.

Due to her inquisitive nature, she is an excellent source of information and rumors. She often works as a peddler of secrets, flitting between the various courts and the human realm.

She has a fondness for glittery things. The actual worth of such things has very little value to her.

Annis is resentful of the old order. She'd like to see changes in Candlewick. Big Changes, as in bright lights, big city-type changes. Modern cars. Modern toys. Modern baubles. Why is everything so stuck in the past?

She also has a capricious sense of justice. She hates bullies, of any race, and finds ways to stick up for the little guy, of both the proverbial and literal variety.

Changeling Abilities:

Long lived – Outside of Arcadia changelings are mortal though love lived.  Changelings need glamor to live and use their magic.  Glamour is gained from strong emotions or dreams and can be gathered in one of three ways.  Items from the outskirts of Arcadia such as goblin fruit contain glamour, but more commonly Changelings feed on the emotions of humans.  This can be done by leeching already present emotions from humans, stepping into a mortals dreams and stealing a little bit of their dream for yourself or reaping which is inciting quick burst of emotions.  Reaping is not as nourishing as leeching and can cause severe emotional trauma of done repeatedly.

Glamour – The art of making one thing look like another.  All Changelings have this ability to some extent.  Their true selves and all things made of glamour or from the hedge appear mundane to human eyes unless the human has been glamoured in which case they can see the Changelings as they truly are.  Many Changelings learn to expand their use of glamour to spin incredibly realistic illusions.

Oath Spinning – The Changelings take oaths and promises very seriously.  A true oath will state what is expected of the Changelings and the thing they are oathsworn too and what the repercussions are to both parties should they break this oath.

Contract of Dreams – Annis is a dream thief - she steals the dreams of others. She likes to live in dreams, especially the dreams of mortals. She takes bits and pieces of dreams and weaves them into a tapestry all her own. When the mood strikes her, or when she has been contracted to do so, she can manipulate dreams.

By weaving dream magic, she can have a subtle effect on mortal dreamers. For example, if a girl is being bullied at school, Annis could manipulate the dream so that, in the girl's nightmares, she is the stronger one, not the bully. Gradually, as the girl gained confidence, this could translate to real-life results.

Since people relieve past experiences in dreams, Annis is able to, over time, dig deep into the subconscious of others and gradually learn their secrets.

Contract of Talon and Fang – This is a simple glamour. Annis' animal forms are always black: spiders, snakes, mice, cats, and ravens, primarily.

Oaths: None taken

Background: Annis spent her youth in Arcadia. Her parents were born from different courts (summer and winter) and had a correspondingly capricious relationship--even for fae standards. For most of her youth she was listless and withdrawn, preferring the solitude of the twilight forests to the company of her kind. But when she did choose to mingle, it was always with the lesser fae--boggles and redcaps and spriggans and such. She had little patience for courtly life.

Her first venture into the Vale came by accident, she literally stumbled through and found herself in a human farmstead. Her natural nisse tendencies kicked in, and she became the self-appointed fae guardian of her humans. The son of this family, Nathanial Gavins, wrote the most beautiful words she had ever heard. She became fixated on him, and as she manipulated his dreams in order to understand his perfect mind, she unintentionally broke him. Shortly thereafter, he hanged himself.

Annis never speaks of this. It is her deepest, darkest, secret.

She withdrew from both human and fae society for many years following this, and has only recently returned. In her last trip to Arcadia, she stole a pair of earrings from Nova Frost--the Winter Queen. The earrings are a pair of matching snowflakes that never melt. She knows she shouldn't have done it, but they are just so pretty.


I am going to do a write up on oaths and oath-binding as I realize I have not explained the concept well.  Oaths can be anything.  Such as an agreement for a changeling to protect someone's dreams from nightmares in exchange for a sad memory (leeching glamour) or a marriage oath and anything in between.  The keep thing is both parties get something while bound to the oath and there is always a consequence if the oath is broken.  You can start with an oath between characters or between characters and an noc but you do not have to and can do this in game.  Oaths have to be bound with glamour to make them binding.

I will put some info in the game information thread when I have more time. This is optional of course and players can ignore oath binding if they wish but it is a very Fae thing to do.

Welcome wigglebiscuit!

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I altogether misunderstood the oaths and the premise...

...methinks a complete rewrite is in order.


Quote from: Praxis on June 17, 2015, 11:00:02 AM
I altogether misunderstood the oaths and the premise...

...methinks a complete rewrite is in order.

My fault really.  I should have explained them.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on June 17, 2015, 11:14:46 AM
My fault really.  I should have explained them.

Not a problem.

I was just envisioning the oaths as a way with which to saddle and control Ineluki.  Give him more of a primal, uncontrollable angle without those oaths in place.

Some sort of...unwilling pact?  If you get me?


Ahh that is the thing about oaths.  You go in willingly (mostly).  Now the phrasing is important as Fae often follow the exact wording of the oath. ;)

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Wigglebiscuit - I will likely have a way for her to assume a more normal if short human size so she can switch back and forth between a human size and a pixie size.  We can work that into her contracts though so no worries.  Either of those dirty secrets works for me.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I'd like to go ahead an face claim Nina Dobrev, if acceptable, though that is subject to change, please.


Quote from: Pixy on June 17, 2015, 12:40:24 PM
I'd like to go ahead an face claim Nina Dobrev, if acceptable, though that is subject to change, please.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I'd like to claim Mary Elizabeth Winstead for my face claim please.


Quote from: Haloriel on June 17, 2015, 03:35:04 AM
Oooh, still gorgeous. 10/10 <3

;D Right? I just figured a classy redhead is more what I'm going for not only for Summer, but for her 'status' in Candlewick.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious