Time rescuer (Female needed)

Started by Frosty bite, June 04, 2015, 12:13:56 AM

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Frosty bite

Well hello there everyone, since you're reading this it means you've taken your precious time to read my thread, so please than continue reading it but before that, take a look at my On and Offs.

This idea came to my mind when I was looking for a Role play, after seeing someone's thread. I wanted to do it from a long time but never had a chance and as time passed on, I forgot about it.

It's s kinda rip off from a cartoon series I watched as a young version of myself.

It was called Time squad .
It revolved around going back in time and helping old dudes to let them achieve what we know they have achieved. Like helping Da Vinci in completing his Mona Lisa.

But the plot change here,

Our character, your and mine has been hired to save the time. After hiring them and telling them what to do, he killed himself so that no one can use his knowledge. He told them that here are two time machines, both made by him but one is in the hand of the bad guys but they don't have complete control over it. So the scientist has connected the time machines and whenever the bad guys will use it our characters will know it and they will be notified of the time where they has gone. So our characters can go back in time and stop them doing from whatever they are upto.

So it's a basic outline but it will require a little historical knowledge and rest can be fiction. I imagine it will not have that much smut but there will be tension, since the fate of two human who didn't even knew other existed before meeting in that room of the scientist where they were hired first.

Why they were chosen, we can discuss it.

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to his wife hath said, "Breakfast be damned, come back to bed."

O/O's Thread

Frosty bite

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to his wife hath said, "Breakfast be damned, come back to bed."

O/O's Thread

Frosty bite

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to his wife hath said, "Breakfast be damned, come back to bed."

O/O's Thread

Frosty bite

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to his wife hath said, "Breakfast be damned, come back to bed."

O/O's Thread

Frosty bite

Still looking for a fellow time traveller. !

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to his wife hath said, "Breakfast be damned, come back to bed."

O/O's Thread