X-men Forever RPG: (90`s Era/LGTB Freindly) OPEN

Started by VoluptuousVixen, May 30, 2015, 09:56:50 AM

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Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on June 04, 2015, 06:02:49 AM
Juggernaut is cool. And nice.

I mean, come on. How many bad guys would say "pleased to meet you" to the local good guy?

If it's alright, mind if I get one of those custom avatars as well?  :-)


Always thought Stephen Lang would make a great Cable since I saw him Avatar, nice choice!  :-)

37 as his age though? Cable's gotta be around 48 and that's being generous with him...  XD

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: NubianLegend on June 04, 2015, 08:53:26 AM
So I came up with a Captain Britain who's mutant abilities is to assimilate individuals whole, so in a sense he is Braddock. He has Braddock's experience and knowledge, that much is sure.  The more important question is, is he still Psylocke's brother?
I just don't see how this can work without creating a headache for other people. I am having a difficult enough time to think of ways how this character can be reconciled with the bios of Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, and Phoenix (my character), but what if someone wants to play Meggan (who happens to be Brian's girlfriend)?

It's not like there aren't ways around that, but perhaps I can PM you with some suggestions / ideas?

In the meantime, have an avatar.  ;D

(None of the Excalibur logos I found online really agreed with me so I cresated my own logo for some avatars I'm working on. I can use something else if this isn't to your liking.)
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


I suppose I should throw it out there that if anyone wants to plot something out with Rogue to let me know! :D

Sirian Eve

I'm not sure if Lois stated if this was an alternate version or nah, but let's see what she says.



Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on June 04, 2015, 09:37:56 AM
I just don't see how this can work without creating a headache for other people. I am having a difficult enough time to think of ways how this character can be reconciled with the bios of Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, and Phoenix (my character), but what if someone wants to play Meggan (who happens to be Brian's girlfriend)?

It's not like there aren't ways around that, but perhaps I can PM you with some suggestions / ideas?

In the meantime, have an avatar.  ;D

(None of the Excalibur logos I found online really agreed with me so I cresated my own logo for some avatars I'm working on. I can use something else if this isn't to your liking.)

Thanks for the avatar and do go ahead with whatever suggestions you may have.


Quote from: Sirian Eve on June 04, 2015, 09:42:42 AM
I'm not sure if Lois stated if this was an alternate version or nah, but let's see what she says.

So far the one big main deviation from the mainstream timeline I know is that the Legacy Virus isn't about, so Magik is still alive and a few other things likely changed from that main plot deviation. Lois has listed Longshot and Dazzler in the castlist, though both should be married in Mojoworld atm, which is partly why I took Shatterstar over his Papa. I'm placing things so far given the team line-ups at August 1993 as stated on comic release dates on the Marvel wiki.

I removed Shatterstar's teleportation power from his bio as he had not displayed it yet at this point, it was only afterwards when he returns to Mojoworld that he seemed to get it.


Quote from: Sirian Eve on June 04, 2015, 09:42:42 AM
I'm not sure if Lois stated if this was an alternate version or nah, but let's see what she says.

Ok good, I'm glad it's being discussed because I was a bit confused. ^^;


Yeah, I can pin down events at around June to August 1993 for the line-ups here.

The only puzzle is the inclusion of Warlock. He should have died in the episode with Cameron Hodge in Genosha, though he's listed as available here. He does come back in the Phalanx Covenant, though that seems to be after this space here, because line-ups change and people come and go to be different from who is listed here.

Anyway, I got Shatterstar up, I'll put Quicksilver up here sometime later.

Sirian Eve



Quote from: wander on June 04, 2015, 09:27:14 AM
Always thought Stephen Lang would make a great Cable since I saw him Avatar, nice choice!  :-)

37 as his age though? Cable's gotta be around 48 and that's being generous with him...  XD

Shrugs... It's a place holder for now. If I remember correctly he's supposed to be around 15 to 18 years older the Scott. I was planning on changing it when we got a Cyclops sheet, I really didn't want to play the unknown card. Though given Cable's history I don't really think they really cared about birthday's and ages when it was a fight for their lives every day.

I like Stephen Lang as well, though I did see a lot of fan casts using Micheal Biehn.. Love the actor just not sure he'd make a great Cable... And I'm pretty sure I butchered his first name!

Sirian Eve


Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: NubianLegend on June 04, 2015, 09:48:26 AM
Thanks for the avatar and do go ahead with whatever suggestions you may have.
As we are talking continuity here anyway I might as well talk about it here. This way it will also be open for input from whoever wants to play Nightcrawler, given that he's a member of Excalibur.

As you said earlier that you know little about Captain Britain, I'll dig a bit into the background:

Captain Britain is empowered by a transdimensional interface and mystical powers. He might not even be a mutant in the strictest sense of the word. So how much anyone who can absorb mutant powers could copy his powers is an open question. Second, he is part of a multidimensional Captain Britain Corps created by Merlyn (and now run by Merlyn's daughter Roma, omniversal guardian of the universe). If Merlyn or Roma would allow someone to just take over the mantle of Captain britain without their say so is somewhat debateable in my opinion.

Excalibur chronology: At the point where I would like Phoenix to be, Phoenix has just returned to the team after one of those "almost kinda sorta dead" episodes X-Men seem so prone to.  ;) In the canon timeline she and the team travel to the alternate future she comes from and fight the Sentinels there. On the way back Captain Britain is lost in the timestream (and returns only later when Rachel/Phoenix exchanges places with him). Brian being lost to the timestream happens "off camera" in the comics. We are just told that it happens, but we are never shown it.

I think there is an opportunity there.

Two ways we might play this:

Brian Braddock is not lost in the timestream on the return journey of the team from the future, but rather is called away to Otherworld by Roma for some duties she wants/needs him to perform. Meggan could decide to go with him. Now, one option would be that Roma just endows someone with the Captain britain powers to defend the realm in Brian's abscence. The other would be that your Cap is a "temp" from another reality who has been chosen to fill in for Brian while he is gone, the main differenc ebeing that with the first option your character would be completely new to his powers, in the second option already being a member of the Corps and actually being displaced from his native reality.

Either way we would have the option of bringing in Meggan and/or the original Captain Britain at a later time, without changing their timelines too much.

And now that I think about it ... Option #3: Your Captain is a Captain Britain from another universe where almost the same events took place as they did in the 616 universe and during the time travel of the team the two Captains got sdwitched around by accident. Might stretch a few details of canon some more than the other options, but it could be fun to start a journey with one Cap, only to arrive back home with a different Captain. It could even explain some jumbled memories (if that's important to you), as both Captains might have exchanged memories when their lines crossed in the timestream.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


I knew I already had an app made for this. Saves me the trouble hahaha.

CODE NAME: The "Unstoppable" Juggernaut
REAL NAME: Cain Marko
AGE: 70's
HEIGHT: About 8 feet tall, closer to 9
WEIGHT:  Variable, Usually 900lbs
AFFILIATION: Himself, Brotherhood
FACE CLAIM: Nathan Jones


Superhuman Strength: Cain's strength is vast. Simply put there is no known way to actually fully measure the full extent of his strength, and there may well be no limit as he seems to be as strong as necessary. He's knocked down a cosmic entity named "The Stranger" who is a match for Galactus and was 50 feet tall at the time. He's tangled with Hulk and Thor multiple times, and punched through dimensions.

Superhuman Durability: Cain's durability matches his strength and he can handle physical assaults from pretty much anybody, while giving as good as he gets.

Superhuman Stamina: Cain is powered solely by magic, so he has an unlimited amount of stamina, able to exert himself and fight as long as necessary. Furthermore, as he is fully sustained by magic, he is immortal, has no need to eat, sleep, breathe,  or drink(although he still can and does), and is immune to poisons and diseases as well.

Superhuman Speed: Once Cain gets moving, he can really build up some speed. His top speed isn't known, but he can run at least 600mph, although he usually has no reason to go that fast.

Mystical Powers: While Cain focuses almost primarily on physical combat, he does possess additional powers granted by Cyttorak. For example, the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak is a spell that binds people in nearly unbreakable metal shackles made of the same material as his own arm bands and helmet. Beyond that, he can fire off mystical beams of energy and more, although he mainly just blasts things.

Healing Factor: Should he be injured, Cain is capable of healing at an extraordinary rate. Once he was flayed down to a skeleton, and his anger actually kept him alive.

Force Field: This is more for convenience than actual need. Cain possesses the ability to erect a forcefield and expand it outward to cover his body or even a group around him. He mainly uses it in case he doesn't want something to touch him, but it proves useful if he wants to protect friends and teammates.

Unstoppable Force: As the Avatar of Cytorrak, Cain is the physical embodiment of Raw Power, and one of his greatest abilities is unstoppable momentum. Once he begins moving, there is almost nothing that can stop him. He can be slowed down, redirected, and momentarily halted. But once he begins on a path, the only person who can truly stop him, is him.

WEAKNESSES: Cain only has two known weaknesses. The first and foremost being telepathy and psionic intrusion. He has absolutely no defense from telepathic assault, and any decent telepath can take him out of a fight or turn him to their side with ease if they make it past his helmet. His second is ironically himself. A well known fact is that no outside force can stop the Juggernaut once he gets going. He can be slowed, but never stopped. If someone or something could slow him, and then suddenly move...well unstoppable momentum certainly has it's drawbacks.

HISTORY: Cain was born to Dr. Kurt Marko and Marjorie Marko. For the first few yeers of his life, everything was tolerable, but eventually his parents divorced, and with his father being too busy for work, and his mother off doing her own thing, he was sent to Boarding School. He got expelled from each and everyone one. And  by the time he came back, his mother had died and his father had remarried, and was now living with his new wife and her son in a mansion out in Westchester. Turns out dear old dad married his partners wife after he died during a research expedition. Sharon was loaded though, and Cain had a pretty good idea that that was why little Charlie got better treatment than him. Besides treating Charles like a king, Cain's father beat him mercilessly, which of course caused him to hate Charles even more. After it was discovered that Kurt only married Sharon for her money, she died from a broken heart.

Now Cain was stuck with his deadbeat dad, his step-brother, and a shitload of cash. During his early teen years, Cain got in an argument with his father over money of all things, and during that argument he accused Kurt of being behind his partners supposed accident. It turns out that it really was an accident, and while Kurt didn't cause it, he didn't save Xavier either. that got a rise out of dad, and another beating ensued. Finally, Cain got fed up and he tossed a few vials against the wall of his dad's lab; that was a bad idea though, since several volatile chemicals mixed and caused an explosion. Kurt saved Cain and Charles(who'd been eavesdropping at the door) from the fire, but died in the process.

He died from smoke inhalation, and his last words were a warning to Charles about his son. Even to the end he never had a nice thing to say about Cain. So unsurprisingly, Cain could care less that he was dead. Now it was just Cain and Charles, in a big ole house and a  bank account with more cash in it than either of them could ever spend. One day Cain got so pissed he got into a fight with Charles, but his little brother could read his mind and knew every move before he made it.

Needless to say, Cain's hate hadn't died down any, so he took all of the money left to him in the will and left. Well what happens when a guy full of rage and hatred is out on the streets; usually he turns to crime. In this case though, it was legal. All Cain was ever good at was fighting, and even with more money than he could count, he was bored and restless. He joined a mercenary operation and ended up in a third world gulag when the revolutionaries who hired him suffered a crushing defeat.

While imprisoned, he met a man named Black Tom Cassidy who revealed himself as a mutant and helped Cain escape. They became the best of friends. Years later Cain ended up serving in Korea, and in a seemingly cruel twist of fate, he and Charles were placed in the same unit. Things were going great until Command sent them into an obvious ambush just to try and gain some ground. They were outnumbered and outgunned; Cain had never been stupid, and he knew staying meant death.

He deserted and Charlie being the goodie goodie that he was, went to bring him back. Cain found himself in a huge cave that housed a temple of some sort. Little did he know it was the temple of Cyttorak. Once inside, a gigantic ruby drew his attention. If he made it back, he could sell that thing and get millions at least, as it seemed flawless and was bigger than his fist. It rested on the lap of an idol of Cyttorak, and Charles found him just as he lifted the gem and read the inscription on the altar.

"Whosoever touches this gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Henceforth, you who read these words shall become forevermore a human Juggernaut!" A blinding flash of ruby light filled the temple, and when it faded, Cain stood transformed. Bigger, more powerful than ever. Before Charles even got to say anything, a mortar strike shook the cavern and caused the entire cave complex to collapse. Charles made it out, but Cain was buried under several thousand tons of rock and debris.

It took a few years, but he eventually dug his way out and hitched a cargo container back to the US. The first thing he did was seek out his brother, and he fought through all of his X-Men to get to him. He was the Juggernaut, and they couldn't stop him. But the Human Torch melted a portion of his helmet, and when they got it off, Charles put him in a psychically induced coma.

A series of events after that trapped Cain in the Crimson Cosmos, where simply by existing and being the avatar of Cyttorak, he unlocked mystical secrets that he never knew about his powers. While attempting to free himself, he wound up in Nightmare's dimension of dreams and helped Dr. Strange save the cosmic entity known as Eternity. After that, he attacked Eternity to force him to send him home, but was instead banished back to the Crimson Cosmos.

Eventually a scientist accidentally sent Hulk into the Crimson Cosmos and Juggernaut traded places with him in a specially designed Hulkbuster Cell. The machine malfunctioned and Hulk came back, and along with Juggernaut they escaped the facility. Only when Cain started terrorizing the people, he and Hulk got into a brawl.

Hulk caught him off guard and grabbed his helmet, and the force snapped the helmet off and sent Cain flying. Before he could come back for a rematch, Charles found him and once again put him into a coma. Later, he was freed and after a series of adventures ended up in New York where he battled Spider-Man. The web head couldn't beat him, but he tricked him into a deep pit of wet cement.

It took Cain months to tunnel his way out and he ended up causing immense structural damage under the East River(he'd later repair it as Captain Universe). Over the years Cain has been through a lot; constant fighting with the X-Men, crimes a plenty, he's even fought Gods and Monsters in Hulk and Thor several times.

PERSONALITY: Cain is a hard man, and that's from having a hard life. As a child, his father abused him, while at the same time treating his step-brother Charles like a prince. He eventually found out that his old man did it to suck up to Charlie's mom and get the  money she inherited from her husband when he "died".  It didn't make it any better, but the money he got when his own father died took away the sting...just a bit.

The constant abuse and neglect had two results; one being that Cain is for the most part mean as a defense mechanism. The other being that he has an intense hate for Xavier and anyone associated with him; well he used to. Recently he's finally come to terms with the fact that none of the pain in his youth was Charles fault, while all of the pain he caused Charlie was his own.

He respects strength more than anything, seeing as that's what he's all about; so if you can show him some kind of strength, he'll give you the time of day and not look down on you. If he thinks your a pansy, well you got a couple chances to prove him wrong.

EQUIPMENT: Crimson Cosmos Armor: Through a mental command, Cain can summon his mystical armor at any time around his body. The metal is made of an unknown composition, but it's found only in the Crimson Cosmos Dimension where Cyttorak makes his home. It is incredibly durable, and on the chance it is damaged, Cain can repair it with his magic.

Crimson Helmet: The highly identifiable helmet that Cain wears on his head is more than just a cosmetic choice, the metal wreaks hell on psionics of all kinds and even the most powerful telepath can't get through. It's also very durable, but can be damaged and destroyed.

KNOWN ENEMIES:  Charles Xavier/X-Men, Hulk, Thor, Cyttorak, Spider-Man, etc...


Character Name: Quicksilver
Real Name: Pietro Maximoff
Age: 30
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 6'
Weight: 175lbs (79kg)
Affiliation: X-Factor (Government).
Face Claim: Aaron Taylor Johnson


Speed Physiology: Pietro's body is adapted towards the rigors of high-speed running. His cardiovascular and respiratory systems are many times more efficient than those of a normal human being. He metabolizes an estimated 95% of the caloric energy content of foodstuffs (normal humans use about 25%). The chemical processes of Quicksilver's musculature are so highly enhanced that his body does not generate fatigue poisons, the normal by-products of locomotion, which force the body to rest. Rather, his body constantly expels waste products during his accelerated respiration through exhalation. His joints are smoother and lubricated more efficiently than those of a normal human being.
His tendons have the tensile strength of spring steel. His bones contain unknown materials significantly more durable than calcium to withstand the dynamic shocks of his feet touching the ground at speeds a human could never achieve or withstand. Quicksilver's practical reaction time is several times faster than a normal human's and the speed at which his brain processes information is heightened to a level commensurate with his bodily speed, enabling him to perceive his surroundings while traveling at high velocities. Quicksilver's lachrymose is more viscous than normal, thus preventing rapid evaporation and replenishment of surface fluids on his eyeballs under the influence of high wind velocity to occlude his vision.

Superhuman Speed: He was originally capable of running faster than the speed of sound (770 miles per hour). He had sufficient energy reserves that enabled him to run at this average speed for an unknown amount of hours before reducing his speed to replenish his body's store of energy. Quicksilver has used his powers of acceleration for various feats. He has plucked an arrow out of the air from a standing start, and has dodged machine gun fire. He has created cyclone-like gusts of wind, which are able to knock a man off his feet. He is able to run across the Atlantic Ocean and to oversea continents without having to stop, run up the sides of buildings effortlessly, and also seems able to use some type of energy, comparing it to "his father's power".
After being captured by the High Evolutionary, where his powers were upgraded by Isotope E, his speeds have been increased until he was capable of easily reaching high supersonic speeds of Mach 4 (3,080 miles per hour), the true extent of his new speeds are unknown, though he has been observed outrunning Thor's lightning bolts, running from Tibet to Indonesia in a few seconds, and covering half the Earth's distance in 92 seconds. Though he has ran back and forth in time and created time displaced duplicates (which Stephen Hawking theorized to take speeds of 25,000,000 mph) it can be confirmed Quicksilver has moved at speeds faster than light.
No explanation has been given yet for his recent increase in speed. Quicksilver is also immune to the effects of friction, reduced oxygen up to a point where a human can no longer breathe, and impact upon his body while moving at super-speeds. He has traveled around the world by running on top of the ocean water and even ran all the way up Mount Everest without slowing down and went flying above cloud level as a result. He has recently shown the ability to shift his molecules through solid objects, and transport people at speeds greater than the speed of sound without injuring them.

Molecular Acceleration/Destabilization: Through the course of his life as a mutant, his super speed has granted him numerous abilities. One of the very peculiar ones was being able to vibrate his molecular structure at high speeds. Different writers used it for different things that were often absurd or completely ignored it. He has demonstrated the full effect which enables him to destabilize atomic matter by accelerating its molecules often causing it to fall apart or explode usually by touching it. It is unknown if he can do this from a distance like his nephew Thomas Shepherd. He also had the ability to fly for short periods of time.

Intangibility: Quicksilver also can use molecular destabilization to walk through solid objects.

Enhanced Durability: Quicksilver is capable of resisting tremendous impact forces that could easily crush and kill a human without suffering any serious external or internal injuries.

Superhuman Stamina: Quicksilver's physiology grants him greater stamina when compared to an ordinary human, allowing him to operate at peak capacity for at least several hours before he begins to grow tired.

Superhuman Agility: Quicksilver's physiology grants him superhuman agility being more flexible and having greater balance.

Superhuman Reflexes: Quicksilver is capable of reacting fast, because he's moving at superhuman speeds everything moves slower for him.

Superhuman Strength: Quicksilver possesses superhuman strength in his lower body as part of his body's adaptations for running. With his upper body he can lift (press) approximately 1000 pounds while his legs can press approximately 1 ton under optimal conditions.

Precognitive Immunity: It was believed that Quicksilver was invisible to Layla Miller's precognition (Perhaps due to his close relation to the Scarlet Witch). In fact, Layla Miller had no precognition abilities, and her knowledge was given to her by the older Layla Miller who had come back from the future. No explanation has been offered as far.     
Quick Intellect: Pietro is able to think at great speeds, contrary to his impulsiveness. Because Quicksilver has a high speed of perception, telepaths often have difficulty using their abilities against him.

Skilled Combatant: He has been trained in martial arts and other forms of combat by Captain America making him an excellent fighter.

Pietro, along with his sisters, appears to have inherited his father's propensity for mental illness and depression. Pietro has undergone mental breakdowns, episodes of mental illness, and severe depression.

Pietro was born at the Wundagore base of the High Evolutionary, he and his twin sister Wanda were the children of Romani couple Django and Marya Maximoff. The High Evolutionary supposedly abducted the twins when they were babies and experimented on them, once he was disgusted with the results, he returned them to Wundagore, disguised as regular mutants.

As adolescents, Wanda and Pietro discovered that they had unusual superhuman abilities. When Django began to steal food to feed his starving family, enraged villagers attacked the Romani camp. Using his phenomenal speed, Pietro fled from the camp with his sister. The circumstances of their separation from their family were so traumatic that not until well into adulthood could they remembered anything but the barest details of their childhood. For the next few years Wanda and Pietro wandered central Europe, living off the land.

One day, Wanda accidentally caused a house to burst into flame through her hex powers, which she could not yet control. Superstitious townspeople began chasing her, thinking she was a witch. Despite Pietro's attempt to defend her, they were soon overpowered and were about to become victims of mob violence when Magneto came to their rescue. Magneto pressed them into service in his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, costumed them, and named them the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. For months they served Magneto out of a sense of obligation and fear of his reprisal. As members of the Brotherhood, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch aided Magneto in his terrorist campaigns against humanity and helped him combat the original members of the X-Men.

When Magneto was defeated by the overwhelming powers of the alien Stranger, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch quit the Brotherhood; the Stranger transported Magneto away from Earth, and the Maximoff twins returned to Transia. Pietro and Wanda sought refuge with the Avengers, a world-renowned team of super heroes. They were inducted along with Hawkeye to take the place of the charter members, who wished to take a leave of absence. This foursome was nicknamed "Cap's Kooky Quartet". At first it was looked upon as less capable than the previous roster, but defeating Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Doom, and other threats quickly proved their worth. Although the hot-tempered Quicksilver and Hawkeye often both rebelled against his orders, Avengers leader Captain America molded them into valuable team members.

Humanity's suspicion of mutants still rankled Quicksilver, and he briefly rejoined Magneto after the latter returned to Earth, compelling his sister to come with him. The X-Men and Avengers eventually defeated Magneto. The Scarlet Witch then began a quest to recover her powers by studying grimoires, with Quicksilver and the Toad supporting her. Her studies accidentally summoned extra-dimensional caudillo Arkon, who kidnapped the Witch to made her his bride, the Toad when he opposed, and then a number of Earth-born scientists in an attempt to use atomic power to save his own world Polemachus even by destroying Earth. Quicksilver gained the help of the Avengers to save his sister, the Avengers managed to save Polemachus without damaging Earth, Arkon ceased any further violence against Earth and renounced to the Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch eventually resumed their membership with the Avengers. The Toad chose to remain at Polemachus.

Seriously injured during the Avengers' battle against the Sentinels, Quicksilver was taken to medical care by Crystal, a member of the royal family of the hidden race of Inhumans. Months passed before Quicksilver was well enough to contact his companions to tell them what had happened to him. During that time Quicksilver became romantically involved with Crystal, and the two married after a brief courtship. The Inhumans, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four attended the wedding, held in the Inhumans' refuge of Attilan, then located in the Himalayan Mountains.

Not long after the birth of his and Crystal's first child, Luna, Quicksilver learned the alleged truth about his parentage. Magneto had stumbled upon Bova and learned from her that Wanda and Pietro were supposedly his children. Confronting Quicksilver and his sister in Attilan with this revelation, Magneto apparently hoped to sway his children to rejoin his crusade against humanity. But Quicksilver denounced Magneto for his callous treatment of them when they were members of his Brotherhood, and refused to believe he had changed his ways. A man of action, Quicksilver volunteered his services to the head of the Inhumans' small militia and became an officer. During the period of his service, however, the Inhumans had no call for military activity.

Quicksilver's neglect of his wife led Crystal to become involved with another man. Learning of her infidelity, Quicksilver refused to forgive her and fled Attilan, vowing vengeance on her and all those he perceived as having wronged him. Unknown to anyone, however, Crystal's malevolent cousin Maximus was manipulating Quicksilver's mind, fanning Quicksilver's anger at Crystal into a rage directed against his former colleagues in the Avengers. Quicksilver framed the Avengers for treason, thereby turning the federal government against them until they cleared their names. Quicksilver also led the members of the android version of the criminal organization Zodiac against the Avengers, fought the Fantastic Four, and joined forces with various Soviet-era Communist operatives against the Avengers' West Coast division.

Eventually Maximus' control over Quicksilver's mind lapsed and Pietro ended his criminal ways. The Inhumans' monarch Black Bolt commanded that the reluctant Quicksilver reconcile with Crystal. Their initial attempts failed. Quicksilver unofficially joined the Avengers' West Coast branch for a time. Eventually Crystal took Luna to Earth and joined the Avengers, and Quicksilver shortly afterwards became a special operative of the United States government as part of its new, Havok-led version of X-Factor.

Recently Doc Samson did a psychological analysis on all the members of X-Factor. It was here that Quicksilver revealed his disdain of living in a world going in slow motion around him. And most recently was involved with the fighting of the Acolytes in Genosha. Later due to this conflict and the involvement of their child Luna as a hostage, Quicksilver and Crystal again attempted a reconciliation, but Crystal was romantically involved with the Black Knight, who saved Quicksilver's life after being near killed by Exodus, though Crystal was clearly thankful. Since this incident, Quicksilver has been debating where his priorities lie, with the team or with his admittedly estranged family.

Known Enemies: Quicksilver has lots of enemies... ^^;


Once lois tells us what reality we are in I will work on Jubes history.


Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on June 04, 2015, 10:39:47 AM
As we are talking continuity here anyway I might as well talk about it here. This way it will also be open for input from whoever wants to play Nightcrawler, given that he's a member of Excalibur.

As you said earlier that you know little about Captain Britain, I'll dig a bit into the background:

Captain Britain is empowered by a transdimensional interface and mystical powers. He might not even be a mutant in the strictest sense of the word. So how much anyone who can absorb mutant powers could copy his powers is an open question. Second, he is part of a multidimensional Captain Britain Corps created by Merlyn (and now run by Merlyn's daughter Roma, omniversal guardian of the universe). If Merlyn or Roma would allow someone to just take over the mantle of Captain britain without their say so is somewhat debateable in my opinion.

Excalibur chronology: At the point where I would like Phoenix to be, Phoenix has just returned to the team after one of those "almost kinda sorta dead" episodes X-Men seem so prone to.  ;) In the canon timeline she and the team travel to the alternate future she comes from and fight the Sentinels there. On the way back Captain Britain is lost in the timestream (and returns only later when Rachel/Phoenix exchanges places with him). Brian being lost to the timestream happens "off camera" in the comics. We are just told that it happens, but we are never shown it.

I think there is an opportunity there.

Two ways we might play this:

Brian Braddock is not lost in the timestream on the return journey of the team from the future, but rather is called away to Otherworld by Roma for some duties she wants/needs him to perform. Meggan could decide to go with him. Now, one option would be that Roma just endows someone with the Captain britain powers to defend the realm in Brian's abscence. The other would be that your Cap is a "temp" from another reality who has been chosen to fill in for Brian while he is gone, the main differenc ebeing that with the first option your character would be completely new to his powers, in the second option already being a member of the Corps and actually being displaced from his native reality.

Either way we would have the option of bringing in Meggan and/or the original Captain Britain at a later time, without changing their timelines too much.

And now that I think about it ... Option #3: Your Captain is a Captain Britain from another universe where almost the same events took place as they did in the 616 universe and during the time travel of the team the two Captains got sdwitched around by accident. Might stretch a few details of canon some more than the other options, but it could be fun to start a journey with one Cap, only to arrive back home with a different Captain. It could even explain some jumbled memories (if that's important to you), as both Captains might have exchanged memories when their lines crossed in the timestream.

I'm partial to the third option the most out of the three but we'll see what lois has to say on the matter. Personally, I think my explanation leaves little room for speculation as to the fate of Brian Braddock and the intangibles regarding his possible return. One character who was previously the mainstream representation of said feature is replaced by a new unknown character occupying the same role...but is distinctive from his predecessor in some regards. It happens all the time in comics. Ask ultimate peter parker. I think we should go with it, it makes for good writing material and interactions. if someone you know and loved was replaced. Wouldn't you have an opinion? It's a curveball but it's the good kind of curveball that makes stories worth reading.

It's just neater from a story perspective not to have to deal with another a Captain Britain somewhere else. I never explained in my bio how exactly Brian bought it, just that he's presumed dead due to the nature of Murdoch's carnivorous-like abilities, it's entirely possible that the Corps not only had a role in Brian's downfall, but had knowledge of Murdoch's existence and ulterior purpose, I spoke of a shadow branch of British government in my profile, and we can explore that in-story. Don't shy away from unknown, embrace the conspiracy. Now we have a blank slate to develop creatively from. Now we have intrigue. Now we have a mystery.

Sirian Eve

I personally like the idea of Malcolm Murdoch. Gives Psylocke a mission from the jump. With the exception of the rest of the Excalibur team she'll be knocking on his door wanting to know what exactly happened to her brother. I'm just debating on whether she should she hit first and ask questions later or be cordial about it.



Quote from: Sirian Eve on June 04, 2015, 04:18:39 PM
I personally like the idea of Malcolm Murdoch. Gives Psylocke a mission from the jump. With the exception of the rest of the Excalibur team she'll be knocking on his door wanting to know what exactly happened to her brother. I'm just debating on whether she should she hit first and ask questions later or be cordial about it.

Start with a little violence, end with her lighting a cigarette in bed ;)

Sirian Eve



Quote from: Sirian Eve on June 04, 2015, 05:01:20 PM
A little violence you say...

Some kind of Softcore fight porn? Not helping the perception out here that people who do comics are a bunch of perverts.

Sirian Eve

Lol I wouldn't know..I'm a Marvel gal  ;) You know this.

and...some of them might be. *shrug*



To answer the running question it is the 616 universe we are playing in.

The events are set after the Stryfe and Apocalypse conflict. 

A week after to be exact.

In regards to the teams im thinking this.

Excalibur has temporarily disbanded. So Brain and Megan can have time to work on their relationship.
Kitty, Rachel and Kurt have decided to hop back over to America to visit the family after the Strife incident.

X-force for the most part is still in tact but under the leadership of Cannonball with Boomer, Sunspot, Siryn, Rictor, Feral going off to fight the good fight while Cable, Domino, Warpath and Shatterstar heal and lick their wounds at the school. A this point in the comics Cable stepped down to let Sam take leadership and the team all got new costumes. I feel it matches up canon wise with where the characters heads were at.
I think John Proudstar has issues to resolve with the X-men who he always blamed for the death of his brother.

X-factor is still functioning with the exception of Quicksilver who is in the process of separating from Crystal? Again that's your call.

SO far we are MISSING Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman and Nightcrlawer from the team. The members on E I reserved those characters for all have said no to playing them. SO they are available.

I dotn mind you playing more then one character (hell im doing it) but I think 3 is the max I can allow otherwise its too crowded.

I am worried about the game getting out of hand as others have a tendency to do on E, but lets all keep an eye on it.
I want you guys to keep me on my toes but also be supportive, sometimes a GM`S life can not be a friendly one.

SIRIAN EVE is my co GM and we will be plotting this out together.

Here is the OOC page.


Lets resume this chat here.

Sirian Eve

Alright so it looks like some modifications will need to be made.



Quote from: Sirian Eve on June 04, 2015, 05:01:20 PM
A little violence you say...

mixed feelings about that one. I am a HUGE Nightwing fan, but the fight is nicely done and I gotta admit I kinda like the zipper on Psylocke. Yeah, yeah, I'm a typical male. :P
So tell me do you wanna go?
Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you

My Ons and Offs

A/A's Updated 1/25/17