5e D&D interest check

Started by Togashi, May 09, 2015, 11:07:49 PM

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Wondering if there is room for one more?
Whatever the outcome, it's on you.


Sorrow Singer

Sorry the numbers after the slash are the saves for each attribute. I thought it would be easier on the eyes than giving them a wholly new section of their own. The ones in bold are proficient saves, as provided by the fighter class.

As for the stats, I should have given more detail. It's complicated getting the numbers to mesh sometimes but I think I got it right. I'll re-math it just to be sure. starting block is;
15 Str, 10 Dex, 14 Con, int 12, wis 13, cha 8
Human gives two so one goes into str the other into con. Then she gets +1 to strength from Heavy Armor Mastery, the feat she chose as part of the alternative human trait.
17 Str, 10 Dex, 15 Con, int 12, wis 13, cha 8
At level four she chooses to take stats instead of a feat, gaining two more points. she spends these on Strength and con again, one in each. Now we get our total stat pool looking like
18 Str, 10 Dex, 16 Con, int 12, wis 13, cha 8
So four points to spend and one from heavy armor mastery.


I'll submit my sheet soon. Working from a smartphone makes putting a sheet on tricky.


Okay party people!  I will work on her more tomorrow, but for the moment here is what I have.

... where do I find Rare and Uncommon magical items?

Work in Progress!

Lydis Faernil
L5 Human
Neutral Good
Entertainer - Dancer, Storyteller, Instrumentalist

Strength 9 Dexterity 14 Constitution 11 Intelligence 15 Wisdom 13 Charisma 18

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +1
Arcana +5
Athletics -1
Deception +7
History +2
Insight +1
Intimidation +4
Investigation +2
Medicine +1
Nature +2
Perception +1
Performance +7
Persuasion +4
Religion +2
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth +2
Survival +1

Common, Elven

Fey Ancestry

Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend
Spells Known: 0th:  Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Eldritch Blast
1st:  Witch Bolt, Charm Person
2nd: Scorching Ray, Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd:  Fireball

Dark One's Blessing:  Gain 9 Temp HP when I reduce a creature to 0 HP
Pact of the Tome:  Light, Message, Dancing Lights

Eldritch Invocations:  Armor of Shadows (Mage Armor at Will), Repelling Blast

Sorrow Singer

 The new magic items are in the Game Masters Guide. They took a very interesting turn on magic items in fifth edition, they are much rarer it seems and not the sort of thing you just buy in town.  It's a refreshing new way to look at magic items, they have so much more flavor without a price associated, and feel much more like unique treasures. If you don't have a copy of the guide or need a hand pick out a few basic ones I, or someone else could probably give you a hand.


  I like it from what I've seen so far.  It's a lot closer to how we did things back in 2nd edition.  :)
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Looks like I'm too late to get in on this, but please add me to a waiting list, if such a thing exists. I'll bookmark the thread, but please do PM me if there's a spot open so I can get a character together ASAP.



Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



Rikka, as the first person to ask after I declared one last spot it's yours.

Tracyfreegirl, I will add you to the waiting list. If you want to make a character you can, this way you can be ready. If someone drops, or becomes inactive too long we can work you in.


Quote from: Togashi on May 18, 2015, 10:47:31 AM
Rikka, as the first person to ask after I declared one last spot it's yours.

Tracyfreegirl, I will add you to the waiting list. If you want to make a character you can, this way you can be ready. If someone drops, or becomes inactive too long we can work you in.

Sounds good. It'll be lower priority for me as it's not anything active, so if you think you'll need me, poke me in a PM to get me moving on character creation.

Asphodel Terrarium

 O:) Thank you, Muse and Jayna for helping me with the character.

Name: Rurik Ungart
Race: dwarf
Class: fighter

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 8



Shandri Duskweaver
Human  Monk 3/Cleric 2 (Tymora)  CG

Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 8 (-1) Wis 15 (+2) Int 10 (0) Cha 13 (+1)

Uncommon magic items - quiver of Ehlonna, short sword +1
Rare magic item - bracers of defense

I'm not sure what I could do with 5000 gp, it's a bit too much.

Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



For those unaware, 5k gold can be used to buy additional gear, magic items and so on.


Togashi, did you hear me ask if i can buy extra spells for my spellbook with that gold? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


My barbarian is done. I just need to post him up for the gm.

Sorrow Singer

I was doing some gold math and came to a conclusion, if five of us keep two thousand gold we can spend it as a joint venture, on a ten thousand gold sailing ship. and then pirates be we. alternatively we invest in property.


Is there a rule of thumb on how much magic items cost? 
Whatever the outcome, it's on you.



Well remember you can only be attuned to 3 at a time. But uncommon items will run you about 750 gold. A rare will cost all 5k.


I might buy another uncommon.  I could get in on the property thing, though, if other people wanted to do that.  Where are the rules for buying property?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I apologize everyone. I misquoted. It's actually 500 gold. As for property buying I need to know a few things.


I still don't know how to has magic items without a DMG


I'll help you out with them, Faeli.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

A Painter

Is this still open to new players?


I'm willing to invest in either a ship or property. Maybe even both, once we know who will be in which groups



Lydis Faernil
L5 Human
Chaotic Good
Entertainer - Dancer, Storyteller, Instrumentalist

Strength 9 Dexterity 14 Constitution 11 Intelligence 15 Wisdom 13 Charisma 18

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +1
Arcana +5
Athletics -1
Deception +7
History +2
Insight +1
Intimidation +4
Investigation +2
Medicine +1
Nature +2
Perception +1
Performance +7
Persuasion +4
Religion +2
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth +2
Survival +1

Common, Elven

Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend
Spells Known: 0th:  Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Eldritch Blast
1st:  Witch Bolt, Charm Person
2nd: Scorching Ray, Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd:  Fireball

Dark One's Blessing:  Gain 9 Temp HP when I reduce a creature to 0 HP
Pact of the Tome:  Light, Message, Dancing Lights

Eldritch Invocations:  Armor of Shadows (Mage Armor at Will), Repelling Blast, Devil's Sight

+2 Rod of the Pact Keeper
Bag of Holding
Broom of Flying

1 Set Fine Cloths
3 Sets Travellers Clothes
1 Set Costume
Steel Mirror
2 Vials Perfume
2 Person Tent

4931 Gold