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An odd request

Started by Muppet, May 08, 2015, 05:32:32 AM

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Hi. I like stories, and sometimes true stories are the best, depending on how you tell them. I'm looking an answer (or at least a partial answer) to the most complicated thing on this planet: Love/relationships. So here's my request to all of you who have been, or are in a relationship. How long it has lasted or did last, doesn't matter to me. What matters is how it felt. 6 months with someone can be better than 3 years with another. What am I "looking" for? Some clearance to a personal question, which I'll tell if enough people tell their stories. You don't need to reveal any personal information. If you wish, you can change the names of the people in the story as well. If I am capable of within my imagination, I will try and turn the best ones into stories with some embellishment added to them and publish them on the forums.

Please send me a private message where you have answered the questions and told me your story. Title the message "What is love?"

What do I want to know?

1: How and where did you meet? Don't just type "We met in a concert.". Did you bump into each other? Did the other one started talking suddenly to you? What did they say to you? Did they look you in a certain way? Was there something that drew you towards that person? What happened? Tell me. =)

2: Did you fall in love quickly after meeting the person or did it take time? No matter which answer...why? Why did it take long or short amount of time?

3: What kind of things made you fall in love with the other person? Was it how they appeared? Was it how they were? Their personality?

4: Did the moment when you fell in love feel natural or did you need to force yourself (to some extent) to do something? Like talk to them, kiss etc.

5: If they broke up with you, what do you think changed? Did they change or did you change? Or both? Was it something else? If yes, what?

6: This is for those who have been in a long-term relationship. Why do you think it has lasted this long? Do you still get that feeling of falling in love (or adoration/butterflies in stomach) with that person occasionally? Whatever the answer (yes or no), why do you think this is?

7: During the time when you were starting to see each other, did you or the other person let each other know how they feel? As in by telling you through words, shows of affection, etc. Was it hard for you to show emotions like this and trust to someone? If yes, why?

8: Was the other person noticeably different than you in some way? In their appearance, the things he/she liked...did they differ a lot? Did you or the other person (or both) have a passion towards something? Like a hobby or something that made them forget the worries of the world.

9: And the last question: How would you define love? Do you think love is shallow sometimes?



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