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Coffee addiction

Started by TonyWoods, October 13, 2005, 04:27:22 AM

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What is it with everyone on here and there coffee addictions? Am I the only one who finds the stuff absolutely vile?!

Give me a nice cup of tea any day - must be because I'm British I guess...

*Picks up his Bowler hat and goes off to watch Tennis whilst eating cucumber sandwiches on the lawn...*
Tony's Turn Ons -

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


Quote from: TonyWoods on October 13, 2005, 04:27:22 AM
What is it with everyone on here and there coffee addictions? Am I the only one who finds the stuff absolutely vile?!

Give me a nice cup of tea any day - must be because I'm British I guess...

*Picks up his Bowler hat and goes off to watch Tennis whilst eating cucumber sandwiches on the lawn...*

Tony dear,

My daughter thinks as you do .... you're not alone in this world. I wish I wasn't 'addicted' to the stuff but I am and I admit it. I have tried dropping it for tea or something with less caffeine but it has not happened. I've gone cold turkey, I've cut back all the way to none on a gradual basis ... but as long as there is ONE person in this house (hubby) who refuses to not drink it .. there isn't a lot I can do about it. Heck I tried getting him to go to decaf and he won't so I'm stuck.
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Lost City: Oyushi
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Temple of serpents: Brin
From the sky: Krel
"The Beast": Mari (?)



I guess being addicted to tea is just as bad (or anything with lots of caffeine in it) - and I used to be addicted to tea big time (as in if I didn't have a cup every hour or so I would start to get headaches of the sort that felt like a death metal band has put on a free concert inside your skull and everyone is invited).

Thankfully where I work doesn't have a kitchen to make real tea, and the chemical sludge that the drinks machine dispenses under the guise of being tea tends to eat through the plastic cup it comes in if its left for too long, so I've cut right back!
Tony's Turn Ons -

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


I go through stages where I drink tea non-stop and most is caffeine-free due to being herbal teas. But most of the time I need my coffee, usually during the winter and blah months of the year.
Dark Embrace: Queen Marlinda
Crystal Hearts: Lady Katherine
Dragon Valley: Lessien
Lost City: Oyushi
White Castle: Atara
Runaway Tails: Kara
Hidden Love: Caroline
Temple of serpents: Brin
From the sky: Krel
"The Beast": Mari (?)


I prefer my caffeine to be carbonated, dark and not diet.


I can't stand coffee myself.  I'd have to be desperate to drink it (and I much prefer tea).


^.^ It comes and goes in waves, I alternate between coffee and tea. We swedes appearantly drink a lot of strong coffee, really surprised an american friend who was visiting, he assumed that the coffee would be weaker since we drink so much of it. And first question they asked when I started my current job was "Do you drink coffee? Good, it´s in the kitchen."


*rolls on the floor laughing.* When I'm at home, I drink tea. Lots of it. No coffee here, my nana hates it.

On the other hand, when I go out, I drink coffee. Don't necessarily like it though. tea is cheaper and tastes better.
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Quote from: AutumnFury on October 17, 2005, 02:41:45 AM
*rolls on the floor laughing.* When I'm at home, I drink tea. Lots of it. No coffee here, my nana hates it.

On the other hand, when I go out, I drink coffee. Don't necessarily like it though. tea is cheaper and tastes better.

You should listen to your nana - the lady most obviously has taste

*Can smell very strong coffee being made downstairs, feels very ill*

Mind you, my favourite caffeine delivery system is most definitely Dr Pepper... or Cherry Coke, but they seem to have stopped selling that again over here *Pouts*
Tony's Turn Ons -

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


Yeah, my grandmother has more taste than most people I know. *L*
"You may be the King, but watch the Queen conquer."

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I drink whatever I can drink. But most of the time it's either water or a soda.
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"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


Quote from: TonyWoods on October 18, 2005, 06:29:15 AM
You should listen to your nana - the lady most obviously has taste

*Can smell very strong coffee being made downstairs, feels very ill*

Mind you, my favourite caffeine delivery system is most definitely Dr Pepper... or Cherry Coke, but they seem to have stopped selling that again over here *Pouts*

That's odd. I still see Cherry Coke in Tescos and such.


>.> My tea god shalt smite your cherry pop thing. Ew.
"You may be the King, but watch the Queen conquer."

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Taure Elwe

Quote from: TonyWoods on October 18, 2005, 06:29:15 AM
Mind you, my favourite caffeine delivery system is most definitely Dr Pepper... or Cherry Coke, but they seem to have stopped selling that again over here *Pouts*

::drinking a Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper::  Ahhhhh... The best of both Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke, which are the only two carbonated beverages that I will drink.  Excellent taste Tony!

AutumnFury ~ My soda god smithith your tea god on the bum, sending him scurrying into the distance.   :o  (I drink at least a gallon of tea a week.  And, maybe... two cans of soda pop. ;) )
"Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as meaningless experiences go, it's pretty damned good." ~ Woody Allen


-Snuggles.- Muaha, see? The tea god wins again!
"You may be the King, but watch the Queen conquer."

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The tea god has almost no follower in me: pop is my life blood.  I've thrown back a two liter bottle at lunch on more occassions than I can count.


Wow, a little blood for your pop system eh? Not healthy! -points accusingly.-
"You may be the King, but watch the Queen conquer."

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Quote from: Taure Elwe on October 19, 2005, 06:14:30 PM
::drinking a Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper::  Ahhhhh... The best of both Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke, which are the only two carbonated beverages that I will drink.  Excellent taste Tony!

AutumnFury ~ My soda god smithith your tea god on the bum, sending him scurrying into the distance.   :o  (I drink at least a gallon of tea a week.  And, maybe... two cans of soda pop. ;) )

Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper?! Damn it - why do we only get the 'normal' flavours over here...

Mind you, for the record, you lot can keep your peanut butter M&M's... I'm not making that mistake again... *Shudders at the taste*
Tony's Turn Ons -

We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep


-Sits in her dark corner and freezes her tush off.- Eeeek, I hate to see when winter gets here.
"You may be the King, but watch the Queen conquer."

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Been drinking coffee off and on for more than half my life, don't see any reason to  1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar, no milk.  That's what I want to wake up in the morning.  After work, give me a nice cup of herbal tea, no caffeine.


"Uh yeah, I'd like some coffee with my sugar please."

"You may be the King, but watch the Queen conquer."

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My brother reffers to me as the milk with coffee drinker.


I need my daily dose of coffee to negate my blood ... ya know needing more caffeine blah blah blah
probably why I was up at 4 am today too
Dark Embrace: Queen Marlinda
Crystal Hearts: Lady Katherine
Dragon Valley: Lessien
Lost City: Oyushi
White Castle: Atara
Runaway Tails: Kara
Hidden Love: Caroline
Temple of serpents: Brin
From the sky: Krel
"The Beast": Mari (?)


I never liked coffee for some reason. I guess I share the same tastes of my mother. She didn't start liking it until twenty or so years ago. Just before I was born. I guess she was nervous or something. *snickers*
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"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


Dark Embrace: Queen Marlinda
Crystal Hearts: Lady Katherine
Dragon Valley: Lessien
Lost City: Oyushi
White Castle: Atara
Runaway Tails: Kara
Hidden Love: Caroline
Temple of serpents: Brin
From the sky: Krel
"The Beast": Mari (?)