The Arklay Incident: Alternate Universe Resident Evil Game(Interest Check)

Started by Urbanzorro, April 25, 2015, 02:56:59 AM

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By now everyone knows the story…

The Arklay Mountains Outbreak was the first reported outbreak of the T-virus. Despite just how horrifying and disastrous this situation became, it was eventually dwarfed by the Raccoon City Outbreak, which was even worse in scope and consequences.

If one follows the timeline leading up to both outbreaks they will find that both events seem to almost be fated to have happened. With several examples of what appear to be the most unfortunate string of coincidences and accidents imaginable having occurred.

…But what if these events were not fated? What if the events that took place in 1998 were simply the result of several coincidences? And what if one of these small, seemingly unimportant events were to change? What if a turning point was reached and history took a different course?

Then perhaps history itself would change… But for the better? Or for the worse?

July 24, 1999, Racoon City is a quite Midwestern city built near the Arklay Mountains, recently a number of grisly murders have taken place on the outskirts of the forest surrounding Racoon City. The victims have all been attacked in their homes by what appears to have been a group of assailants. The crime scenes have also show evidence of cannibalism by the attackers. Baffled by the strange nature of these cases the Raccoon City Police Department (R.P.D.) has sent in the Special Tactics And Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) to investigate the mysterious events taking place near, and in, the woods. The S.T.A.R.S. Charlie Team has been dispatched to the Arklay forest. Their mission is to track, locate, and subdue the people responsible for the attacks.


Ok, so this is my idea for a non-cannon game set in a slightly altered version of the Resident Evil universe. Now before you read any further you should know that when I say ‘non-cannon’ I don’t only mean that the game’s players will be using non-cannon characters. I also mean that the specifics of some situations will be different and that actions taken by the player characters will alter the history of major events in the Resident Evil universe. As for exactly how these events(and thus the history of the series) are changed… that is entirely up to the characters’ actions. SO basically I’m proposing a game that offers players the ability to actually have a ‘real’ effect on the course of events in the Resident Evil universe.

If this concept is something that upsets you /violates everything you love about Resident Evil. Then you should probably not join this game. BUT if you’re like me and you think this concept is quite interesting then please read a bit more and find out of this game is to your liking. If it in fact is, then please feel free to read on and see if this is the game for you.

The Basics
This section is meant to give you an idea of what the general feel of the game will be and as such there are a few points about the game that should be listed.

1.       I’ll be going by the video game universe as opposed to the movie one. This is simply because I grew up on the games and they to me are the true Resident Evil.

2.       I’ve got a long term story, taking part over several chapters, in mind for this game. Ideally it will stretch much further than just one night's worth of terror.

3.       In order to create a more compelling and unique story for us all to enjoy I'll be changing elements of our game in comparison to the video games. So for instance certain buildings or areas may be designed quite differently than in the games.

4.       I’m going to attempt to capture the spirit of the original video games/universe as much as possible. This means that the games will involve suspense, mystery, in depth stories and characters, and even puzzles that the characters will have to solve using their skills and their wits.

5.       The puzzles will NOT be game breaking, and if the players get snagged up by one anywhere along the line I’ll be more than willing to give hints/answers.

The Setting
I’d like to also, for the sake of clarity on what has already been said, point out that we will be playing in a slightly altered version of the Resident Evil universe. In this universe the outbreaks happen a year later than they did in the cannon universe(1999 as opposed to 1998). My reason for this is to allow myself to make changes to the setting as needed to make for a better role play experience and for those changes to be easily explained as things that would have happened should the year of 1998 proceeded without incident.

A Note On Characters and NPCs
I’m going to require that player characters for all the chapters in the game be 100% original, they can be inspired by whoever/whatever you like but please don’t make any carbon copies of existing characters.

As far as NPCs go, players can expect to run into both original and cannon characters as the story progresses.

System? Freeform?
Additionally I'm toying with the idea of using a home-brewed system for the game. But I haven't decided just yet so if anyone has any thoughts either way it would be great to hear them. If enough interest in the game is shown I'll probably put it to a vote.


I'm looking for people to play members of the S.T.A.R.S. Charlie Team which has been dispatched into the woods to investigate the strange murders taking place there. The team consists of five team members and one team leader. In order to keep the story moving I'll be NPCing the team leader while the other team member slots are open to anyone. I'd be willing to start the game with as few as 3 players though 5 would be awesome. ;D

Well that's about it, if some interest is show I'll make a decision as to if the game will be freeform or if it will use as system, then post up a character sheet.

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Lustful Bride

*plants a small interest flag in this*

QuoteI’ve got a long term story, taking part over several chapters, in mind for this game. Ideally it will stretch much further than just one night's worth of terror.

*Crosses fingers for Raccoon City*



Yay, some interest :D

Would you guys prefer a freeform game? Or one using a system?
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Lustful Bride

Quote from: Urbanzorro on April 25, 2015, 12:40:26 PM
Yay, some interest :D

Would you guys prefer a freeform game? Or one using a system?

Never played a system game before T_T  so im leaning towards Freeform, but maybe if others want system, something with a low system style?


The one I have in mind would cover combat, virus infection rate, and the characters' abilities to enter act with certain things. For example telling if you're strong enough to skip a puzzle by forcing open a door or if you have to find the key. That having been said I've structured it so that dice rolls are all handled by the GM and players really just have to stick to "My character shoots at the zombie's head" statements rather than "my character shoots the zombie in the head." Statements for it all to run smoothly. Basically from the players perspective it's a freeform game with the GM deciding combat and such, but the GM uses dice and rules to do so rather than a more "I feel this way about it so that's how it is." Approach.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Lustful Bride

Quote from: Urbanzorro on April 25, 2015, 01:06:34 PM
The one I have in mind would cover combat, virus infection rate, and the characters' abilities to enter act with certain things. For example telling if you're strong enough to skip a puzzle by forcing open a door or if you have to find the key. That having been said I've structured it so that dice rolls are all handled by the GM and players really just have to stick to "My character shoots at the zombie's head" statements rather than "my character shoots the zombie in the head." Statements for it all to run smoothly. Basically from the players perspective it's a freeform game with the GM deciding combat and such, but the GM uses dice and rules to do so rather than a more "I feel this way about it so that's how it is." Approach.

*nods* I see, perhaps things like our weapons and what we do have effects?

Like for example say you have an assault rifle or SMG, if you flick the fire mode to the different fire modes from full auto to single shot, it makes it mre accurate and likely to  hit, but you can take less shots and the zombies still get closer, even though your dropping them one by one.

Just a random thought.  :P


Something like that. Basically you assign your stats, which gives you the basis of your character's strengths and weakness. Then you pick and customize their weapons, which gives you how they will be able to combat their enemy.  Then you pick any additional equipment and special skills which gives them an extra little bit that they can do, such as being the teams tech guy with a combat laptop on his person. Or being the medic with a medical kit, etc.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Lustful Bride

Okay, so we can do whatever we want but the end results of our actions are up to you and the roll of the die....I like it :)

So how far into the RE Storyline/ history or whatever do you expect to take this? And how fast and loose can we play with cannon?


I intend to start things off around the time of the Resident Evil 1/Resident Evil 0. With regards to how far along it goes right now I can see the game progressing into Resident Evil 2/3 (the outbreak in Racoon City) if we get that far. Though for the first portion we will be looking mostly at a survival adventure in the areas explored during Resident Evil 1 and some of Resident Evil 0. That having been said I'll be sticking to cannon on some things. I.E. the T-Virus will still be the T-Virus, Umbrella is still a huge corporation, T-Virus zombies are still zombies. Though other things, such as the layout of the area I'll be changing. Really it depends on what you have in mind?
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Lustful Bride

Quote from: Urbanzorro on April 25, 2015, 02:25:03 PM
I intend to start things off around the time of the Resident Evil 1/Resident Evil 0. With regards to how far along it goes right now I can see the game progressing into Resident Evil 2/3 (the outbreak in Racoon City) if we get that far. Though for the first portion we will be looking mostly at a survival adventure in the areas explored during Resident Evil 1 and some of Resident Evil 0. That having been said I'll be sticking to cannon on some things. I.E. the T-Virus will still be the T-Virus, Umbrella is still a huge corporation, T-Virus zombies are still zombies. Though other things, such as the layout of the area I'll be changing. Really it depends on what you have in mind?

Perhaps the government takes a more active role in the Outbreak in Raccoon City because..a whole city overrun by zombies would not just be abandoned and nuked later on. Plus gives us a chance to fight the goons from Operation: Raccoon City.


I've got quite a few plans for the Outbreak in Racoon City, once we get there. ;D thought right now I'm keeping them a secret
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Very interested. I'd be interested in a demolition kind of role if there's room.


Glad to has you interested. And there is room for a demolitions expert. Do you have an opinion on making use of a system or not?
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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I'm staking out some interest. I think a system would help add some real stress/fear of death/consequences that a free-form system can't really do -- but I would play either way.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


I think we've got enough stated interest to get started. I'll be posting the stuff for character creation up today after work.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Ok I know I said it would be up earlier, but the interweb decided to eat my post and I had to start again from scratch.


I've decided to implement a homebrewed system for the use of determining combat and a few other things in the game. Posted below is the character sheet as well as everything you need to know to create a character for the game. It's actually really simple. I'll post up a more in depth description of the dice rolls and such behind the system once I've gotten it all written out. But as far as creating a character and playing in the game goes all you really need to do is follow the instructions in this bit and leave the rest to the GM.

[float=left][img]http://Your character's image goes here[/img][/float]
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Self explanatory
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Self explanatory
[b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] See above ;D
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] What your character looks like. An image is best, though any differences between the image and your character’s appearance should also be noted
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] What your character acts like, their attitude on life. Please provide at least one paragraph.
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]  Who your character is, their life story. Pleas provide at least two paragraphs, though there is no real upward limit so feel free to flesh them out as much as you like.
[u]Armor: [/u] What form of armor your character has, along with any upgrades to it
[u]Primary Weapon:[/u] Your character’s primary weapon choice along with any upgrades to it
[u]Secondary Weapon: [/u] Your character’ secondary weapon choice along with any upgrades to it
[u]Defensive Weapon:[/u] Your character’s defensive weapon choice
[u]Extra Item:[/u] Your character's extra item choice.
[u]Specialty Item:[/u] Your character's specialization specific item

[b][u]Assigned Stats[/u][/b]
[b]Health:[/b] The measure of how much Damage your character can take before dying. Additionally it effects how resistant to infection, poison, and blood loss your character is.
[b]Strength:[/b] How strong your character is. Strength effects how easily they can make use of large weapons or move large objects.
[b]Accuracy:[/b] How accurate your character's aim is. Accuracy effects how often your characters ranged and/or melee attacks will strike their intended targets.
[b]Agility:[/b] How quick your character is in their movements. Agility effects how easily your character can close the distance with, or escape, enemies, avoid attacks, their reaction speeds, and overall gracefulness. 
[b]Intelligence:[/b] How smart your character is. Intelligence effects your character's ability to interact with certain portions of the world, as well as how easily they are able to solve puzzles, riddles, and other such tasks.
[b]Stealth:[/b] How easily your character can avoid detection. Stealth determines how effective your character is at remaining hidden from enemies.
[b]Perception:[/b] How easily your character notices things. Perception determines how easily your character can spot others who are attempting to hide from them as well as how likely they are to notice clues and objects that are out of place in their surroundings.
[b]Luck:[/b] How often good (or bad) things just seem to randomly happen to your character. Luck has a minor effect on many aspects of the game and also determines how often your character scores a critical hit.
Your character's special skill selection(s) goes here.

[u][b]Derived Stats[/b][/u]
[b]Poison Resistance[/b] How likely your character is to avoid being poisoned. The GM well enter it using your assigned stats to calculate it so you don't need to do anything with it now.
[b]Infection Resistance[/b] How likely your character is to avoid being infected The GM well enter it using your assigned stats to calculate it so you don't need to do anything with it now.
[b]Infection Rate[/b] How quickly infection takes hold on your character. T. The GM well enter it using your assigned stats to calculate it so you don't need to do anything with it now.
[b]Infection Stage[/b] What stage of infection your character is at and any effects this stage has on them. All characters start the game as Uninfected
[b]Bleed Chance[/b] How likely your character is to avoid serious bleeding when attacked. . The GM well enter it using your assigned stats to calculate it so you don't need to do anything with it now.
[b]Critical Hit Chance[/b] How likely your character is to score a Critical Hit. The GM well enter it using your assigned stats to calculate it so you don't need to do anything with it now.

The System

Here is a description of the system the game will use.

Character Creation

This section will give you all the information and tools you need to create your own character for the game. First off is a quick list of the steps needed to make a character.

Step 1: Decide who you want your character to be, write a bio for them, decide their appearance, etc.
Step 2: Assign your character their Stats. There are 8 Stats that you can assign values to and 45 points to spread out between these Stats. All of which is described below in the Stats section.
Step 3: Select your character's Specialization. A character's Specialization represents the role they normally play in the team. For instance are they a Medic? A Pilot? A Weapons Specialist?
Step 3: Select your character's equipment. Each character can choose 1 form of Armor, 1 Primary Weapon, 1 Secondary Weapon, 1 Defensive Weapon, 2 Extra Items and 1 Specialty Item. All of which are listed in the Equipment section.
Step 4: Submit your character for GM approval and get ready to play!

The Stats

The system makes use of two different types of stats. The first is Assigned Stats and the second is Derived Stats. The primary difference between these two types is that Assigned stats are determined by the player during character creation. And Derived Stats are calculated by the GM based off of the character's Assigned Stats. A quick list and description of each stat can be found below.
Assigned Stats

There are 8 Assigned Stats which are all balanced to be equally important. The minimum value for any assigned stat is 1 while the maximum value is 10, with the exception of Health which has no set maximum value. During character creation the player is given 45 Stat Points to spread out amongst their character's Assigned Stats as they see fit. The 8 Assigned Stats are as follows:

Health: The measure of how much Damage your character can take before dying. Additionally it effects how resistant to infection, poison, and blood loss your character is. Characters with a high Health will be able to survive multiple injuries and will take longer to succumb to the negative effects of poison, infection, and blood loss.

Strength: How strong your character is. Strength effects how easily your character can make use of large weapons or move large objects. Characters with a high Strength may be able to circumvent certain obstacles simply by forcing their way through/past them. Additionally they will be able to lift and make use of large objects that other characters might not be able to.

Accuracy: How accurate your character's aim is. Accuracy effects how often your characters ranged and/or melee attacks will strike their intended targets. Characters with a high Accuracy will rarely miss their targets and be better suited to hitting their enemies weakest spots.

Agility: How quick your character is in their movements. Agility effects how easily your character can close the distance with, or escape, enemies, avoid attacks, their reaction speeds, and overall gracefulness. Characters with high Agility will be more skilled at dodging enemy attacks, escaping or chasing down others, and traversing unstable ground.

Intelligence: How smart your character is. Intelligence effects your character's ability to interact with certain portions of the world, as well as how easily they are able to solve puzzles, riddles, and other such tasks. Characters with a high Intelligence will be more likely to solve puzzles with no effort, piece clues together, and interact with complicated devices.

Stealth: How easily your character can avoid detection. Stealth determines how effective your character is at remaining hidden from enemies. A character with a high Stealth will be more able to sneak up on others without being noticed and escape pursuers by hiding.

Perception: How easily your character notices things. Perception determines how easily your character can spot others who are attempting to hide from them as well as how likely they are to notice clues and objects that are out of place in their surroundings. A high Perception means your character will be more likely to spot important objects, detect enemies, and identify traps.

Luck: How often good (or bad) things just seem to randomly happen to your character. Luck has a minor effect on many aspects of the game and also determines how often your character scores a critical hit. A high Luck stat means your character will score Critical Hits more often and be more likely to have random events turn up in their favor.

Derived Stats

As stated above Derived Stats are based off of a character's Assigned Stats and are calculated by the GM. Below is a description of each one as well as the formula used to calculate it.
Poison Resistance How likely your character is to avoid being poisoned. Poison Resistance is listed as a percentage with a higher number being better than a lower one.
Poison Resistance Formula
Poison Resistance = (30+(Health x 10))/2

Infection Resistance How likely your character is to avoid being infected by any of the viruses they come into contact with. Infection Resistance is listed as a percentage with a higher number being better than a lower one.
Infection Resistance Formula
Infection Resistance = (10+(Health x 10))/2

Bleed Chance How likely your character is to avoid serious bleeding when attacked. Bleed Chance is listed as a percentage with a higher number being better than a lower one.
Bleed Chance Formula
Bleed Chance = ((Health + Strength)/2) x 10

Critical Hit Chance How likely your character is to score a Critical Hit. Critical Hit Chance is listed as a percentage with a higher number being better than a lower one.
Critical Hit Chance Formula
Critical Hit Chance = 10+(Luck x 2)


You're character's Specialization represents the special and unique skills that they bring to their team. Specialization grants additional abilities and skills to a character as well as granting access to a unique item. A character's Specialization usually has something to do with a character's background, for instance someone who was once a doctor could easily be the team's medic. Each character can select a single Specialization. There is no limit on how many players can select a specific Specialization, for instance everyone could be a medic, though they are designed to work best with several characters possessing different skills in order to better support one another. The specialization choices are as follows.

Aircraft Pilot: Your character has been trained to pilot aircraft, whether they be helicopters or fixed wing planes doesn’t matter. Your character is skilled at both.
Effect: Your character's chance of successfully interacting with an aircraft is doubled, your character is able to expertly pilot any aircraft they can interact with. Your character has the Flare Pistol special item.

Mechanic: Your character has a strong understanding of mechanics and is able to fix most broken machines.
Effect: You character’s chance of repairing machinery is doubled. Your character has the Mechanics Toolkit special item

Biochemist: Your character has studied biology and chemistry for many years, they are an expert at understanding the organic systems of animals and other organisms.
Effect: Your character is able to examine dead organisms and from their bodies determine information about them. Your character is twice as likely to be successful when working with viruses or chemicals. Your character has access to the Chemical Kit specialty item.

Medic: Your character has been trained to serve as a medic and can heal many different forms of injury.
Effect: Healing items are twice as effective when used by your character. Your character has access to the Medical Kit specialty item.

Explosives Expert: Your character is skilled at the placement of explosives as well as the disarming of them.
Effect: Your character ]is twice as likely to be able to spot and disarm explosives. Your character has access to the Demolitions Kit.

Electronics Expert: Your character has an innate skill with electronics such as computers, communication equipment, and electronic locks.
Effect: Your character is twice as likely to succeed when attempting to hack computers or break into electronic locks. Your character has access to the Combat Laptop specialty item.

Weapons Specialist: Your character has logged hours upon hours of experience with all forms of firearms.
Effect: Your character is able to carry an additional Primary Weapon in their specialty item slot.

Detective: You character has a strong eye for detail and patterns, making them an excellent detective.
Effect: Your character is twice as likely to notice important clues or details when solving puzzles. Your character has access to the Crime Scene Analysis Kit specialty item.

Locksmith: Your character is skilled at working with locks. Such as those on doors, safes, cabinets, and windows.
Effect: Your character is twice as likely to succeed when attempting to break or pick locks. Your character has access to the Lock Pick Tools specialty item.



There are three categories of weapons in the game, Primary Weapons, Secondary Weapons, and Defensive Weapons. Each character is allowed one of each weapon type. With the exception being Weapon Specialists who are allowed to carry a second Primary Weapon as their Specialty Item
Primary Weapons

Primary Weapons are the largest weapons issued to S.T.A.R.S. Officers. Each character, except the Weapons Specialist, can carry only one Primary Weapon at a time. In general Primary Weapons are stronger than Secondary or Defensive Weapons but also run out of ammunition much faster. Each Primary weapon can support 3 modifications which can be added to represent the customization of  equipment that is common in special units such as S.T.A.R.S. Each weapon's modification options are listed below the weapon and are only applicable to itself. For instance you can't take an upgrade for a sniper rifle and attache it to a shotgun.

Light Machine Gun

The light machine gun is designed to be a heavy fire support weapon manned by an individual soldier without an assistant. Light machine guns boast an extremely high rate of fire as well as a high caliber round making them very effective at medium and long range combat. But their size and weight makes them less effective at close range combat.
Damage: 9
Effects: -2 Agility, -1 Accuracy at Close Range

Light Machine Gun Modifications

Bipod:A two legged stand fixed to the bottom of the light machine gun, this stand allows the user to fire more accurately when placing the weapon so that it is propped up by the bipod
Effects: +2 Accuracy when set up
Special Rules
-Set Up: Your character can take a turn to set up a firing position for their weapon granting them increased Accuracy for as long as they are in their firing position.

Sling:  A sling attached to the light machine gun and worn around the shoulder, it is meant to help support the weight of the light machine gun when the user does not have the weapon propped against something. This added support helps the user focus their strength on steadying the weapon.
Effect:  +1 Accuracy, +1 Agility

Box Magazine:  A large ammunition magazine meant to carry far more rounds than a standard magazine, box magazines are useful for lowering the number of times a weapon needs to be reloaded in combat and thus increasing the weapon’s overall fire output.
Effect: The Light Machine Gun takes twice as long to run out of ammunition.

Muzzle Brake: A device fitted to the muzzle of a firearm to redirect propellant gases and cut the weapon’s recoil.
Effect: +1 Accuracy, -1 Stealth

Holographic Sight: A non-zooming sight which uses mirrors to project the illusion a crosshair image to anyone staring down the weapon’s sights.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Increased Rate of Fire: Re-working of each individual part of the light machine gun has allowed the weapon to achieve a higher rate of fire than originally possible, this increased rate of fire does, however, add to the weapon’s recoil factor.
Effects: +3 Damage, -2 Accuracy

Sniper Rifle

A precision-rifle used to ensure m:ore accurate placement of shots at longer ranges than other projectile weapons. A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, and intended to be used to make exact shots on specific targets. The size of a sniper rifle often makes it less useful in close range than most other man-portable weapons. As such they are best deployed at longer ranges where their accuracy and stopping power can bring down targets before the user is even in his target’s weapon range.
Damage: 8
Effects: -2 Accuracy at Close Range, -1 Agility, +2 Accuracy at Long Range

Sniper Rifle Modifications

Muzzle Brake: A device fitted to the muzzle of a firearm to redirect propellant gases and cut the weapon’s recoil.
Effect: +1 Accuracy, -1 Stealth

Bipod:A two legged stand fixed to the bottom of the Sniper Rifle, this stand allows the user to fire more accurately when placing the weapon so that it is propped up by the bipod
Effects: +2 Accuracy when set up
Special Rules
-Set Up Your character can take a turn to set up a firing position for their weapon granting them increased Accuracy for as long as they are in their firing position.

Carbon Fiber Stock: A carbon fiber stock provides a better strength to weight ratio allowing the sniper rifle's weight to be cut down considerably.
Effect: +1 Agility

Magnifying Scope: A scope attached to the top of the weapon which magnifies images seen through it, allowing for increased accuracy at long ranges.
Effect: +3 Accuracy

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Armor Piercing Rounds: Rounds specially designed for use against ‘hard’ targets, this ammunition excels at punching through any protective layers around the target, such as body armor.
Effect: +4 Damage


A weapon similar to, but shorter than, a rifle, carbines often fire the same ammunition as rifles but at a lower velocity due to their shorter barrels. Their smaller size and lighter weight than rifles makes them easier to handle in a close-quarter situation, while their higher caliber ammunition gives them a higher degree of stopping power than submachine guns and assault rifles. They are often best employed at the upper edge of mid-range to the lower edge of long-range combat.
Damage: 6
Effects: -1 Accuracy at Close Range

Carbine Modifications

Holographic Sight: A non-zooming sight which uses mirrors to project the illusion a crosshair image to anyone staring down the weapon’s sights.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Reduced Stock
The carbine's stock has been reduced in size, making it easier to maneuver with in close confines but also making it more difficult to aim with.
Effects: +2 Agility, -1 Accuracy

Fully Automatic Fire:  The weapon has been modified to support a fully automatic firing mode.
Effect: +2 Damage & -1 Accuracy when the carbine is fired on full automatic mode.

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Under-Slung Grenade Launcher: A grenade launcher which is attached to the bottom of the weapon’s barrel. Though the launcher is capable of firing any standard sized grenade rounds, the R.P.D.’s Chief has determined that the use of anything other than smoke grenade rounds by police officers gives off the wrong image.
Effect: Allows your character to use Smoke Grenades without taking them as an Extra Item
Special Rules
-Limited Use This item can only be used 3 times before your character runs out of ammunition.
-Changeable Ammunition This item can make use of any grenade rounds found throughout the game.

Assault Rifle

Often the standard infantry weapons in most modern armies. Assault rifles fire intermediate cartridges, making their caliber above that of a sub-machine gun but below that of a carbine. They generally fire at a higher rate than a carbine but not as prodigious a rate as sub-machine guns. This, along with the smaller caliber of their ammunition makes them most effective at mid-ranged combat particularly in situations where, as their name suggests, the user is assaulting an enemy position.
Damage: 5

Assault Rifle Upgrades

Holographic Sight: A non-zooming sight which uses mirrors to project the illusion a crosshair image to anyone staring down the weapon’s sights.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Armor Piercing Rounds: Rounds specially designed for use against ‘hard’ targets, this ammunition excels at punching through any protective layers around the target, such as body armor.
Effect: +2 Damage

Fire Selector:  An enhanced fire selector has been added to the assault rifle, allowing the weapon to now also be fired in a semi-automatic firing mode.
Effect: +2 Accuracy & -1 Damage when fired on semi-automatic firing mode

Extended Clip: A modified clip for the assault rifle which, by holding more rounds than a standard clip, allows the weapon to be fired for longer before the need to reload arises.
Effect: The assault rifle takes 25% longer to run out of ammunition.

Submachine Gun

An automatic weapon designed to fire pistol cartridges. Submachine guns are highly effective in close quarters. Where their lower-powered pistol cartridges make them generally more controllable in fully automatic fire compared to assault rifles. While their small size and light weight grant increased maneuverability in tight confines. They are best used in close-range combat and situations involving tight confines, such as the clearing of buildings.
Damage: 4
Effects: -2 Accuracy at Long Range, +1 Agility, +2 Damage at Close Range

Submachine Gun Modifications

Holographic Sight: A non-zooming sight which uses mirrors to project the illusion a crosshair image to anyone staring down the weapon’s sights.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Hollow Points: Rounds designed to do maximum damage to soft targets. Hollow points expand upon entering a target in order to decrease penetration and maximize tissue damage, blood loss and shock.
Effect: The effects of Critical Hits are increased by one level on the Critical Hit chart.

Telescopic Stock: A stock which folds in on itself in order to become more compact and thus easier to maneuver with.
Effect: +2 Agility

Snubnosed: The barrel of the weapon has been shortened to allow for more ease of use in tight spaces, though a shortened barrel also results in lower accuracy.
Effect: +1 Agility, -1 Accuracy


Shotguns fire a single shell which contains a number of small spherical pellets called shot, or a solid projectile called a slug. The shot pellets from a shotgun spread upon leaving the barrel, and the power of the burning charge is divided among the pellets, which means that the energy of any one ball of shot is fairly low making shotguns somewhat ineffective at long range but devastating in close range situations where a target can be expected to be hit by the majority of the pellets fired by a single shell. They are also favored by law enforcement for their ease of use with less than lethal ammunition. shotguns are even more effective at close range than sub-machine guns but lack effectiveness at long range.
Damage: 5
Effects: +3 Damage at Close Range, +1 Accuracy at Close Range, -5 Accuracy at Long Range

Shotgun Modifications

Barrel Choke:  A constriction in a shotgun barrel formed by compressing the end of the outside of the barrel. Chokes are useful for limiting a shotgun’s spread pattern and thus increasing the weapon’s accuracy and effective range.
Effect: +2 Accuracy, -1 Damage
Special Rules:
-Incompatible With Sawed Off: Cannot be taken with Sawed Off

Fully Automatic Fire:The internal workings of the weapon allow for it to be fired automatically, though the recoil from such action is considerable.
Effect: +4 Damage & -2 Accuracy when fired on fully automatic firing mode.

Increased Ammunition Capacity: The shotgun has a greater capacity to carry ammunition, requiring less frequent reloading of the weapon and increasing its effectiveness in combat situations.
Effect: The shotgun takes 25% longer to run out of ammunition.

Slug-shot: A type of round developed specially for the S.T.A.R.S. team. Slug-shot is a mixture of normal shotgun shells and slug rounds. Each shell, when fired, releases a single solid slug in addition to the normal shot. This is useful for increasing the odds of hitting a target that the weapon is aimed at, and offering greater penetration of said target. Especially at close range.
Effect: +2 Accuracy, Critical Hits deal double damage in addition to any other effects.

Sawed-Off: A type of shotgun with a shorter gun barrel and often a shorter or deleted stock. The shortened barrel increases the weapon’s spread which in turn increases the raw power of the weapon at close range but also cuts on it’s accuracy.
Effect: +2 Damage, -1 Accuracy
Special Rules:
-Incompatible With Barrel Choke: Cannot be taken with Barrel Choke

Baton Rounds: A small fabric “pillow” filled with lead shot and fired from a shotgun. It is designed to deliver a blow that will cause minimum long-term trauma and no penetration but will result in a muscle spasm or other reaction to briefly render a violent suspect immobile.
Effects: -3 Damage & 50% chance of knocking down human sized (or smaller) targets when used

Machine Pistol

A handgun style self-loading firearm, capable of fully automatic or burst fire, they are capable of firing rounds at a rate that can rival sub-machine guns but are less accurate, particularly at anything longer than close range. Their primary advantage is their extremely light weight, and small size. Making many models capable of being easily fired single handedly by an experienced user.
Damage: 3
Effects: -2 Accuracy, +2 Agility
Special Rules
-Requires One Hand: This weapon requires only one hand to use

Machine Pistol Modifications

Detachable Stock: A removable meant to be held against the shoulder in order to provide a means for the shooter to firmly support the device and easily aim it.
Effects: +2 Accuracy, -1 Agility

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Extended Clip: A modified clip for the assault rifle which, by holding more rounds than a standard clip, allows the weapon to be fired for longer before the need to reload arises.
Effect: The machine pistol takes 25% longer to run out of ammunition.

Fire Selector:  An enhanced fire selector has been added to the machine pistol, allowing the weapon to now also be fired in a semi-automatic firing mode.
Effect: +2 Accuracy & -1 Damage when fired on semi-automatic firing mode

Muzzle Brake: A device fitted to the muzzle of a firearm to redirect propellant gases and cut the weapon’s recoil.
Effect: +1 Accuracy, -1 Stealth

Secondary Weapons

Secondary Weapons are backup weapons utilized by S.T.A.R.S. Officers in order to insure that they are not without a firearm should they be unable to use their Primary Weapon. Each character is allowed to select a single Secondary Weapon. Once again each selection has several options for modification which can be added to represent the customization of equipment that can be common in special units such as S.T.A.R.S. Each Secondary Weapon can support 2 modifications. Additionally it should be noted that should a player choose to, they can opt to take two secondary weapons with one replacing their primary weapon option. In general Secondary Weapons, while still stronger than Defensive Weapons, are not as powerful as Primary Weapons. However, Secondary Weapons run out of ammunition much slower than Primary Weapons.

Machine Pistol

A handgun style self-loading firearm, capable of fully automatic or burst fire, they are capable of firing rounds at a rate that can rival sub-machine guns but are less accurate, particularly at anything longer than close range. Their primary advantage is their extremely light weight, and small size. Making many models capable of being easily fired single handedly by an experienced user.
Damage: 3
Effects: -2 Accuracy, +2 Agility
Special Rules
-Requires One Hand: This weapon requires only one hand to use

Machine Pistol Modifications

Detachable Stock: A removable meant to be held against the shoulder in order to provide a means for the shooter to firmly support the device and easily aim it.
Effects: +2 Accuracy, -1 Agility

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Extended Clip: A modified clip for the assault rifle which, by holding more rounds than a standard clip, allows the weapon to be fired for longer before the need to reload arises.
Effect: The machine pistol takes 25% longer to run out of ammunition.

Fire Selector:  An enhanced fire selector has been added to the machine pistol, allowing the weapon to now also be fired in a semi-automatic firing mode.
Effect: +2 Accuracy & -1 Damage when fired on semi-automatic firing mode

Muzzle Brake: A device fitted to the muzzle of a firearm to redirect propellant gases and cut the weapon’s recoil.
Effect: +1 Accuracy, -1 Stealth


A repeating firearm that has a cylinder containing multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing. When the hammer is cocked the cylinder revolves to align the next chamber and round with the hammer and barrel, which gives this type of firearm its name. Revolvers have been largely replaced by semi-automatic pistols in military and law enforcement due to their longer reload times, and the distraction from situational awareness that loading a revolver can cause. Despite this fact, many people have been known to prefer revolvers for their greater stopping power.
Damage: 4
Effect: -1 Perception

Revolver Modifications

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Double Action: In a double action revolver, the cocking action is achieved by the trigger pull itself and thus it is unnecessary to manually cock the weapon before it is fired.
Effect: Allows the Revolver to count as a one handed weapon.

Magnum: A magnum cartridge is a firearm cartridge larger than, or derived from, a similar cartridge. A firearm which uses these rounds is often said to be a magnum. Generally speaking magnum revolvers possess greater stopping power than non-magnum revolvers.
Effect: +2 Damage, -1 Accuracy

Speed Loader: A device designed to cut down on the, often, long reload time that revolvers often suffer from. This is done by the device holding a full load worth of rounds in a circular configuration, enabling the user to simply place all the necessary rounds into the revolver’s chambers at once.
Effect: +1 Perception

Semi-Automatic Pistol

A type of handgun which uses a single chamber and barrel, with a mechanism powered by the previous shot to load a fresh cartridge into the chamber. One round is fired each time the trigger of a semi-automatic pistol is pulled. This system, along with the fact that they often fire a lower caliber round than revolvers, allows them to make recoil less of an issue for the user. Making them somewhat more accurate than revolvers.
Damage: 2
Effects: +1 Accuracy
Special Rules
-Requires One Hand: This weapon requires only one hand to use

Semi-Automatic Pistol Modifications

Suppressor: A device attached to the barrel of a firearm in order to reduce the amount of noise and flash generated by firing the weapon.
Effect: +2 Stealth

Laser Sight: A small laser light placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. The laser appears as a small dot on the targeted area, even at long distances.
Effect: +1 Accuracy

Hollow Points: Rounds designed to do maximum damage to soft targets. Hollow points expand upon entering a target in order to decrease penetration and maximize tissue damage, blood loss and shock.
Effect: The effects of Critical Hits are increased by one level on the Critical Hit chart.

Defensive Weapons

Defensive Weapons are issued to S.T.A.R.S. Officers as a holdout weapon to insure that even if they are to lose their Primary and Secondary Weapons a S.T.A.R.S. Officer will not be entirely unarmed. Each character is allowed to select a single Defensive Weapon. Defensive Weapons are generally weaker than Primary or Secondary Weapons and cannot be modified.  But have the advantage of not requiring any ammunition.


A hand-held cutting tool with an exposed blade. Knives are some of the oldest tools in human history but still retain their usefulness even in the modern world. A good knife is easy to handle, light, and very sharp.
Damage 1
Effects: +1 Agility
Special Rules
-Requires One Hand: This weapon requires only one hand to use


An electroshock weapon that uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles. Which means that it interrupts the ability of the brain to control the muscles in the body. This creates an immediate and unavoidable incapacitation that is not based on pain and cannot be overcome. Once the electricity stops flowing the subject immediately regains control of his body
Damage: 1
Special Rules 1 in 4 chance that human sized enemies(or smaller) will be Knocked Down when attacked
-Requires One Hand: This weapon requires only one hand to use

Blunt Weapon

A solid object used as a weapon, which damages its target by applying direct mechanical force, and has no penetrating point or edge. Blunt instruments typically inflict blunt force trauma, causing bruising, and fractures if used with enough force. Blunt weapons are very effective at throwing a person off balance and are useful when their wielder wishes to drive an opponent backwards.
Damage: 1
Effects: Targets who are struck suffer -2 Agility
Special Rules
-Requires One Hand: This weapon requires only one hand to use
Body Armor

Body Armor is a commonly issued piece of equipment for law enforcement personnel. Each character is allowed to make use of a single set of body armor. Much like Primary and Secondary Weapons each form of body armor has modification options which can be used to customize a character's armor. Each Body Armor can support 2 modifications.

Tactical Vest

A vest designed for use by military and police special forces. Tactical Vests are designed to offer a limited amount of protection from most forms of bodily harm while not impeding on the wearer's mobility. They are easily customizable with holsters, straps, emblems, etc.
Effects: +2 Agility, +4 Health

Tactical Vest Modifications

Equipment Clip
Clips on the Tactical Vest designed to allow it's wearer to carry additional equipment.
Effect: Allows your character to carry an additional Extra Item

Shoulder-born Flashlight
A simple flashlight affixed to the shoulder strap of the Tactical Vest, useful for increasing it's user's visual capabilities without occupying a hand.
Effect: +2 Perception, -1 Stealth

Ammunition Pouches
Pouches on the Tactical Vest meant to carry extra ammunition
Effect: Your character's weapons take 25% longer to run out of ammunition

Reenforced Chest Layering
A extra layer of bulletproofed material is added into the chest of the Tactical Vest
Effect: +2 Health

Riot Gear

A set of full body armor designed to offer police officers and a high level of protection during situations where the possibility for injury is high. Riot Gear, while heavy, offers superber physical protection.
Effects: +6 Health

Riot Gear Modifications

Stab-Proof Layering
An additional layer of knife proof materials are woven into the Riot Gear
Effects: Your character suffers 2 less Damage from Melee Attacks

Bulletproof Layering
An additional layer of bulletproof materials are woven into the Riot Gear
Effects: Your character suffers 2 less Damage from Ranged Attacks

Chemically Treated
The Riot Gear's outer surface has been made resistant to acidic chemicals
Effects: Your character suffers 2 less Damage from Acid attacks

Kevlar Plates
A set of Kevlar Plates built into the inner layer of the Riot Gear
Effects: +2 Health

Extra Items

Extra Items are additional pieces of equipment which can prove useful to S.T.A.R.S. Officers when on a mission. Unless specified within the item’s listing ammunition/battery life/etc is not a factor with these items.

Flash-bang Grenade

Less than lethal grenades which incapacitate their targets with a flash of light and a blast of sound at levels strong enough to overload the human body’s ability to cope with such stimulation.
Effect: -2 Agility to any targets struck by the grenade
Special Rules
-Single Use: This item may only be used once, after which it is removed from the character's inventory.

Smoke Grenade

Less than lethal grenades which are meant to mask the location of the user by deploying a thick cloud of smoke which makes anything within said cloud much harder to see.
Effect: -2 Accuracy
Special Rules
-Single Use: This item may only be used once, after which it is removed from the character's inventory.

Anti-Virus Spray

A spray bottle containing a liquid that is heavily laden with anti-viral agents and as such is useful for fighting off infections.
Effect: Lowers Infection status by one Stage when used, Cannot bring Infection stats to Stage 0
Special Rules
-Single Use: This item may only be used once, after which it is removed from the character's inventory.

First Aid Spray

A spray bottle containing an advanced mixture of anti-biotic agents, coagulants, and pain relievers. This makes first aid spray extremely effective at helping victims to recover from wounds.
Effect: Target heals up to 10 Health points.
Special Rules
-Single Use: This item may only be used once, after which it is removed from the character's inventory.


Short for an anti-hemorrhagic agent is a substance that promotes homeostasis (stops bleeding).
Effect: Removes Bleeding status from Target
Special Rules
-Single Use: This item may only be used once, after which it is removed from the character's inventory.

Gas Mask

A mask which uses filters to protect its wearer from undesired particles within the air.
Effect: +10% Infection Resistance
Special Rules

Night Vision Goggles

Goggles which enhance an area’s levels of ambient light. They are particularly useful for spotting details in dark areas.
Effect: +2 Perception
Special Rules

Specialty Items

These are items that are associated with the special skills that characters can take. They cost no points and are simply here to help illustrate said characters’ abilities and specialization in their specific role within the team. They fit under the “Specialty Item” section on the Character Sheet.

Demolition Equipment
A somewhat large amount of C-4, trip wire, timers, detonators, and assorted landmines. Demolition equipment is useful when setting traps for one’s enemies.
Effect: Your character can place explosive traps within rooms that have been cleared, Enemies who attempt to travel through these rooms suffer 20 points of Damage and alert all characters to there presence when they trigger the trap.
Special Rules
-Limited Use This item can be used 5 times

Flare Pistol

A pistol like weapon used to fire signal flares.
Effects: All characters gain +5 Perception while in the area where the Flare Pistol has been used.
Special Rules:
-Limited Use This item can only be used 4 times
-Requires One Hand This item only requires one hand to use.

Mechanics Tools

A set of tools useful for repairing equipment while in the field.
Effects: Your character can repair broken pieces of equipment.
Special Rules
-Limited Use: This item can be used 5 times

Chemical Kit

A high-tech kit of chemical handling tools, mixing agents, and analyzing tools.
Effects: Your character can mix chemicals and solutions without needing any lab equipment. Your character can use Blue Herbs to create Anti-Virus Sprays
Special Rules:

Medical Kit

An extensive first aid kit on par with those used by most military field medics.
Effects: When another character's Health reaches 0 your character can prevent them from dying and heal them for 5 Health points.
Special Rules:
-Limited Use: This item can be used 4 times.

Combat Laptop

A laptop which has been built specifically to survive the rigors of use in a combat environment.
Effects: Failed hacking attempts can be attempted a second time. Your character can remotely access any successfully hacked computer system.
Special Rules:

Crime Scene Analysis Kit

A kit used to examine crime scenes for DNA evidence, Fingerprints, and other details.
Effects: Your character can determine which items in a room have recently been tampered with.
Special Rules:

Lock Pick Tools

A set of picks, and other tools useful for picking locks as well as cracking combination locks.
Effects: Any failed attempt at picking a lock is re-rolled a single time. Your character can attempt to pick locks which would normally not be pickable.
Special Rules:

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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How are the stats determined, and is there any hard limit on skills?
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Lustful Bride

Name: Gabrielle "Gabby" Sanchez.

Age: 23

Gender: Female.

Appearance: A Hispanic woman born and raised in the US. She is fit, flexible and no slouch despite being the techy. While she loves having her hair long, she knows that STARS missions can be dangerous and so she usually cuts it shorter.

Personality: Gabby is a professionally minded woman who has seen the American Dream first hand from her own parents, giving her a strong patriotic streak to the point she has more than once been caught with stars and stripes on her clothes or underwear, to which she shruts off any jokes. She doesn't try to let many things bother her and focuses on her job as a STARS officer, keeping the people safe and putting bad guys in jail or six feet under. What more could she want? Under fire she keeps a cool head and focuses on task, though will have a freakout after the mission in what she calls "Moments of Clarity".

Bio: Gabby is a first generation American. Her parents were South American Immigrants who came North to find a new life, a new beginning. They did so by starting their own little shop in the city of Tall Oaks, they had three children and she grew up happily with them, even with one of her cousins who moved into the same city. She joined the local PD because she wanted to help the Hispanic community in Tall Oaks to have a chance to have their own American Dream without fear of gangs and violence.

She proved to be an exemplary officer there and loved her work, till she heard of the new and famous STARS team and immediately sent in her application after working as hard as she could to meet their standards. The day she heard she was accepted into STARS, it was the happiest day of her life.


Armor: Light Kevlar vest, shoulder and knee pads, lots of tactical pockets.

Primary Weapon: MP5. +Hollow Points and a Green Laser Sight. Because she likes green.

Secondary Weapon: USP-45 (pistol) +Surpressor and Hollow Points.

Defensive Weapon: Tazer.

Extra Item: one of those fancy new Sattelite phones.* (if she could get the damn thing to work)

Specialty Item:
Hacking Tool
+ Hemostat and one (1) pair of NVGs.

(cant find a better picture of it.)

Assigned Stats
Health: 6
Strength: 4
Accuracy: 7
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 7
Stealth: 5
Perception: 5
Luck: 5


Derived Stats

Derived Stats
Poison Resistance:45%
Infection Resistance :35%
Infection Stage: Uninfected
Bleed Chance: 50%
Critical Hit Chance:20%

*Get it? Cause its the 90's X3

Il add the other stuff in later cause...I kind of don't understand the Stats @_@. Might also edit the General info abit more once I think on it. Treat this as a place holder for the moment.


She looks good so far, if you need me to give you a hand with the system side please feel free to shoo me a PM, that goes for everyone by the way :)

@lockepick: There are 8 stats you assign yourself Health, Strength, Accuracy, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Stealth, and Luck. You get 45 stat points to spread aroun them as you see fit. The max for Health is 20 the max for everything else is 10. Additionally some pieces of equipment alter your stats as well. It's all listed in detail in the spoiler labeled  "The System"

Also of you have any questions or need help feel free to ask.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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My Apologies.

Lustful Bride

Quote from: Urbanzorro on April 29, 2015, 05:53:20 PM
She looks good so far, if you need me to give you a hand with the system side please feel free to shoo me a PM, that goes for everyone by the way :)

@lockepick: There are 8 stats you assign yourself Health, Strength, Accuracy, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Stealth, and Luck. You get 45 stat points to spread aroun them as you see fit. The max for Health is 20 the max for everything else is 10. Additionally some pieces of equipment alter your stats as well. It's all listed in detail in the spoiler labeled  "The System"

Also of you have any questions or need help feel free to ask.

Maybe it would help if you showed us an example of a completed character or something similar.  :-[


Ask and ye shall receive.

Anyway, here is a filled out character sheet for the team's leader. Basically if post up something like this I can fill in the rest for you when I post up all the characters on the eventual OOC thread. Also you don't need to fill in the derived stats on your sheets. I did it on mine but I can do it for yours as well.

Also(again) I didn't add in the effects from his equipment to his stats and neither do you guys, that's something I can handle behind the scenes.

Name: Arthur Lancaster
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Appearance: Arthur has a U.S.M.C. tattoo on his right arm, just below the shoulder.
Personality: Arthur is a very straight forward person. He rarely ever hides his opinion or hesitates to tell people the truth. Even if it isn't what they want to hear. This, combined with his strong dedication to completing the mission as well as the well being of those under his command, is exactly why he was an easy choice to head the R.P.D.'s S.T.A.R.S. Charlie Team.

Bio:  Arthur was born in California. His father was a U.S. Marine and Arthur was very much a military brat as a young boy. As he grew older Arthur grew to admire his father's career choice more and more. And so it was no, surprise to anyone who knew him, when Arthur decided to join the Marines when he exited high school.

For the next nine years of his life Arthur proudly served his country with honor and managed to rise to the rank of Master Sergeant. In fact he would still be serving in the Marines it it wasn't for the fact that he was honorably discharged due to military budget cuts during the mid 90s

He eventually moved to Raccoon City in order to be closer to his sister, who works in one of the Umbrella Corporation's many office buildings within Raccoon City. Arthur joined the R.P.D. four years ago and has been working his way up the police force's ranks ever since.
Armor: Riot Gear with Kevlar Plates and Stab Proof Layering
Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle with Suppressor, Laser Sight, & Extended Clip
Secondary Weapon: Semi-Automatic Pistol with Hollow Points and Laser Sight
Defensive Weapon: Combat Knife
Extra Items: Flashbang Grenade & Night Vision Goggles
Specialty Item: Crime Scene Analysis Kit

Assigned Stats
Health: 7
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 6
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 7
Stealth: 5
Perception: 6
Luck: 4
Specialty Detective

Derived Stats
Poison Resistance 50%
Infection Resistance 40%
Infection Stage Uninfected
Bleed Chance 60%
Critical Hit Chance  18%
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Lustful Bride

Okay, made the final edits for my character so I am completely ready now ^_^


Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!