Pathfinder: Carrion Crown Adventure Path (Closed)

Started by Pockets, April 09, 2015, 02:49:33 PM

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08/02 - New A/A Update


Okay! I looked at it, and apparently Mythweavers has new sheet things that dont tweak my OCD as badly as the old ones, so yay.

After the discussion in the Wrath thread, I have decided to go with a Gnome. You wanted us to ask about achetypes and alternate traits, so heres what im thinking;

The character i has in mind is a Gnome, with the Master Tinker alternate racial (Replaces Defensive Training and Hatred)

She could fit equally well as a Investigator or Alchemist, I am leaning towards the Empiricist Investigator. But I was wondering how you feel about it? The two classes seem to have almost identical 'spellcasting' capabilities, while the Alch uses a number of ranged aoe-bombs for damage and offers the Crypt Breaker which seems to be a excellent fit for this AP (does a larger die damage on undead with bombs). On the other hand, Investigators eventually get impressive bonuses to melee in the form of precision damage, is more skillmonkeyey, and knowledge skills are their bitches.  ;D

I was wondering if you had any opinion on which might go along better with the game?


Quote from: Pockets on April 09, 2015, 08:59:14 PM
Badger, I'm assuming that you're taking the +1 HP option for favored class? It's the only way I can see you having 14 HP.
Yup, max hp 12 plus 2 favored class plus 2 trait less 2 for lousy 'I was a little bit sacrificed to an evil god' constitution. 


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Minor Alteration to the sheet, forgot to knock the 1 gp of the Waterskin off what gold I had left.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Question; seeing as we're starting with 1,000 GP as-is, could there be some alternate benefit to the "On the Payroll" trait? 150 GP is pretty piddly - it's not even good as traits go.


Quote from: Chulanowa on April 10, 2015, 03:27:55 AM
Question; seeing as we're starting with 1,000 GP as-is, could there be some alternate benefit to the "On the Payroll" trait? 150 GP is pretty piddly - it's not even good as traits go.

That's the one I'm taking FWIW before any changes :P


Name: Justin DeWinter
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'11
Weight: 198 lbs.
Class: Swashbuckler 2 (Inspired Blade)

Physical Description:

Justin, standing a respectable 5’11, makes quite an impression between his mane of sable colored hair, bright green eyes and almost constant grin that hints at some mischief about to be revealed. A tanned complexion under a straight, almost bold nose, well formed masculine mouth and strong, square jawed chin makes him a favorites of the ladies and might, under the wide brim of his flat topped cap with it’s thick plume on his head, make him appear just a hint of the Dandy. Often dressed in well made, expensive clothing in bold colors, well fitted leather pants tucked into turned down boots and weapons belt about his trim waist certainly shows a flare for the dramatic, he none-the less manages to walk with the grace of a hunting cat, each step almost a dance all by itself… the swagger of a man who knows that he’s dangerous and willing to commit mayhem if it’s called for.

His wide shoulders and well formed arms are the result of good, honest work. His broad chest narrows in a V to a trim waist and the hips of a dancer with long, well muscled legs.


Justin never lacks for something to say, usually witty and perhaps just a little insulting, but that’s only to his opponents. A fairly happy-go-lucky man, Justin is everything that a swashbuckler should be, urbane, polite, and loves a good duel. While he might plan to kill a man tomorrow, there’s no reason why he can’t sit down and have a drink with the man for some banter and piffy interchanges the day before. As long as the rules of etiquette are followed, he’ll even buy the drink. But, when the time calls for seriousness… well, he’s probably not the guy to look toward.  He’s not lazy, or doesn’t take things seriously, he just doesn’t want to look like he is. But, when the decks are awash with blood and the sails are flapping in the dead air, he’s the man you want at your back.


Justin DeWinter was born to prosperous merchants who traveled extensively, doing the business of trade that was the lifes-blood of the family. Once Justin was old enough to travel with them, meaning that he could be carried without an alarming amount of care, Justin went along for the ride. Even at the very early age of 2 years old, Justin loved the sea and ships. He would sleep through the worst storm and had his sea legs before he had learned to run… so his favorite times where when they traveled by water and vastly preferred it to his times on land.

Unfortunately, when Justin was less than 5 years old, he was found alone in the ship’s longboat, dehydrated and near death from exposure. The fate of the vessel that he and his parents had been on, or the crew was never discovered. As Justin only knew his age, and had no memory of the events that led to him being alone in the boat, he was returned to his grandparents, who took over the merchant house and sent him off to learn about such things as economics, diplomacy and such.

Justin disappointed his grandfather however, when he took the first opportunity to go back to sea and learn the arts of sailing, swordplay and adventure. Although he spent many years at sea, eventually, all good things must come to an end and eventually Justin found himself back on land, not particularly happy and looking for an income… he refused to return to the bordom of the family business.

Justin fell into an opportunity with a small mercenary band, not always a good fit because he required the others to take on jobs based on more than who can pay their rates… they had to meet his requirements that the cause was right and at least reasonably just in it’s outcome. Since then, he’s been relatively happy fighting, wenching and being who he was meant to be… a pain in the arse of anyone who doesn’t like him… as hard as that might be to understand… the liking him, not the pain, that is.

It was while Justin was returning from a previous engagement as a caravan guard that he came across the good professor being harassed by some highwaymen. Never the one to pass up a good fight, nor leave a man (or woman) to the tender mercies of villains, he ran into the fray and through luck and skill, chased off the men set on mayhem. With the old man safe and uninjured, Justin struck up a conversation and the rest is, as they say, very fasenating history.

Recently, Justin has received a message requesting his presence, and he has set out to travel to the town of his friend’s home.

Mythweavers sheet
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: Darkling on April 09, 2015, 10:17:08 PM
Okay! I looked at it, and apparently Mythweavers has new sheet things that dont tweak my OCD as badly as the old ones, so yay.

After the discussion in the Wrath thread, I have decided to go with a Gnome. You wanted us to ask about achetypes and alternate traits, so heres what im thinking;

The character i has in mind is a Gnome, with the Master Tinker alternate racial (Replaces Defensive Training and Hatred)

She could fit equally well as a Investigator or Alchemist, I am leaning towards the Empiricist Investigator. But I was wondering how you feel about it? The two classes seem to have almost identical 'spellcasting' capabilities, while the Alch uses a number of ranged aoe-bombs for damage and offers the Crypt Breaker which seems to be a excellent fit for this AP (does a larger die damage on undead with bombs). On the other hand, Investigators eventually get impressive bonuses to melee in the form of precision damage, is more skillmonkeyey, and knowledge skills are their bitches.  ;D

I was wondering if you had any opinion on which might go along better with the game?

I’m fine with taking the Master Tinker racial modifier as long as you’re not trying to abuse it.

As far as the archetypes that you’ve asked about, I’m fine with both of them. As far as advise is concerned, not going to bias anything or anyone to anything. So just play what you want.

Quote from: Muse on April 09, 2015, 10:51:12 PM

   Am I too late? 

Only if you want to be. Character selection is Sunday 04/12/15 at about 1 pm EST.

Quote from: Chulanowa on April 10, 2015, 03:27:55 AM
Question; seeing as we're starting with 1,000 GP as-is, could there be some alternate benefit to the "On the Payroll" trait? 150 GP is pretty piddly - it's not even good as traits go.

Well for a first level character that trait is really nice, but no I can’t offer you a new perk to it. Traits are something I’m still learning how to design so they’re not unbalanced.

Quote from: Blinkin on April 10, 2015, 05:41:28 AM
If the Inspired Blade archetype isn't acceptible, I'll drop the archetype, but it's the iconic swashbuckler, to me.

No Blinkin, you’re fine. As far as Archetypes go, I think that’s one that truly is Iconic. Run with it.
08/02 - New A/A Update


Name: Tyrandir

Class: Arcanist (School Savant (Evocation: Admixture) Archetype)

The citizens of Ustalav distrusted, and even feared magic to an extent in all its forms, though there was one among their number whose curiosity pushed him every farther towards the most arcane of practices to wield the very forces of creation and shape reality in his hands.

But this story is not one of endings, but rather beginnings. And Tyrandir's beginning was of no great importance. Villages dotted the landscape of Ustalav, and this one which we peer upon is no different, except that a portentous event is about to take place. Professor Petros Lorrimor was on a journey, as he was want, and the village seemed inviting--at least, as much as any in Ustalav can be. After introducing himself, he was greeted warmly, for many knew of his fame as a scholar, teacher, and explorer, and many mothers pushed their children to the forefront at his approach, hoping for a better life for them by having them join with the great scholar and study at one of the magnificent universities throughout the Inner Sea. And seldomly he took these offered children with him, but usually he would simply shake his head with a sad smile and would receive hospitality in exchange for a few small coins.

Such was the case here... until the youngest boy was brought out. Tyrandir, named after some archangel, or perhaps simply because his mother enjoyed the sound of the name, was a runt compared to the rough and tumble of his brothers and sisters, but had a marvelous gift; he could read, and at a young age. Most houses in Ustalav had a copy of the Almanac, though it saw more use as a replacement for toilet paper than anything more, but the grubby copy which Tyr had in one hand, and could read from expertly, was a wonder to the older man.

It was soon decided that Tyrandir would go to learn at a proper school away from his village. There he would learn his letters and numbers, languages and sums, and understand what it meant to be a proper gentleman. It would also be the last time he would ever see his family, or even his village. Years passed by, and when Tyrandir was in his late teens he received word that his village had been attacked by the unseelie fey, evil fairies that were alien to such an extent that their actions were all but meaningless to mortals.

Tyrandir dropped everything and ran to help his village, but too late. His family was gone. The homes that had stood for decades untold were likewise gone, burned to the ground in what was later found to be an oil fire. This experience changed Tyrandir forever. He began to see danger everywhere and distrusted any who did not prove themselves to be of Ustalav heritage, unable to be certain that they were not simply faeries in disguise.

During his travels he learned the value of magic. Searing fire, crackling lightning, sizzling acid, and his favorite, freezing cold, were all elements that could be harnessed with the right formula. And each of them was a balm to his ears as everything unnatural and warped that harmed the people of Ustalav which stood in his way was brought down. He remained in contact with Professor Lorrimor, and often accompanied the professor on some of the more dangerous adventures as a deterrent to bandits who often fled at the sight of pure energy flying through the air, just as superstitious as most of the region's inhabitants. He probably would have been run out of more than one village for his ability to wield magic were it not for his obvious heritage as "one of them".

It has been a few years since then, and Tyrandir has for the most part mellowed out. He had met people on his travels that proved to him that not every traveller was an enemy or a faerie in disguise, but nevertheless he remains wary of those who do not share his own traditions, or those of the land, just as the majority of the citizens do. Still, he is willing to work together with those whose purpose matches his own, and especially those who have some connection to Professor Lorrimor, the man who saved him from a life behind a plow. Upon hearing of the old man's final fate, he quickly rushed to Ravengro, resolved to do whatever he could... and at the very least, pay his respects to the dead.


In a heavy shirt and vest festooned with various bits and bobbles meant to facilitate his magic, Tyrandir stands at around average height and is more slim than heavy. His light auburn hair, almost to a shade of red, virtually glows in firelight and especially when he uses some of his more flashy spells, flinging about fire or ice. He tends to walk with a sure air, though at the same time he tends to act cautiously when presented with new information, especially information that runs contrary to what he thinks he already knows and gains a strange, confused look on his face during such occasions. He prefers colors cut of blue fabric, as he favors spells that conjure frost into the very air, and finds the connection fitting. Spectacles adorn his face, behind which quiet green eyes watch the world turn, judging silently and deciding when best and how to use his abilities.


While he is friendly almost immediately to those whom he knows have a connection to the late Professor, Tyrandir has also experienced the strange ways that the creatures of Ustalav can fake the appearance of others, and tends to be suspicious of complete strangers, and absolutely so of those who are obviously not native to Ustalav--not that this is absolutely surprising, as many of the Ustalav's citizens feel this way, and are even more fervent in their attempts to run outsiders from their midst. With that said, he warms easily to others, and is not angered quickly, preferring the company of those who would shield him from the dangers of the world as he knows all too well how very fragile he is, and how easily his existence could be snuffed out.

Other concepts:

Nessalthax, Kobold Gunmage
Class: Gunslinger (Bushwacker) / Magus (Myrmidarch)

Professor Lorrimor spent much time travelling the different ways and paths of Ustalav, and one such adventure took him to a kobold lair where the evil creatures were under the thrall of an evil green dragon. The kobolds, who had previously kept to themselves much of the time, had been forced into raids by the dragon that they worshipped, and had begun to raze the nearby farms who had sent out a cry for help. It was Professor Lorrimor that answered that cry, and he single-handedly slew the dragon. The kobolds, afraid of his might, agreed not to raid the nearby farms, but one came forward. Nessalthax had been gripped by wanderlust at a young age, and begged the professor to join him on his journey. It took some time to convince him, but finally Nessalthax joined the professor and, under his aegis, made his way to a large city. There he learned many things, but he took best to gunpowder and magic, and sought to combine the two. Years passed, and hearing of the old man's death he went to Ravengro to lay the Professor to rest.

Ferazin, Half-Elf Archer
Class: Monk (Zen Archer)

Ustalav, while not big on monasteries, is filled with trappers and hunters of all kinds who daily forage and kill prey in order to feed their families, and sometimes there are competitions where people show off their skills, and special schools to train people in order to have the ability to take home various awards. Ferazin was studying under the masters of one such school when Professor Lorrimor came calling, wanting to see the famed skill of the bowmasters. Ferazin, still young, did acceptably well with the bow, and said something about wishing to see the wide world. At that, Professor Lorrimor smiled kindly and said that once the lad came of age, he would consider the request to come along. Time passed, and Ferazin finally became a journeyman in that trade. He travelled with Professor Lorrimor for a time, just as promised, and after more months had passed he returned to the school, intent on honing his skills. It was then that word came to him of the Professor's death, and he came to Ravengro to do what he could.

Dimitri, Half-Elf Feytaken
Class: Summoner (Wild Caller)

Dimitri was a plain boy growing up, and just as most boys did, he enjoyed romping about in the woods. One time, however, he got himself lost. The woods he had known like the back of his hand appeared weird and twisted. Then a beautiful woman came to him, and agreed to lead him safely home if he would make a pact with her. He agreed, and during their time together she told him tales of a wonderful man named Professor Lorrimor, and about his adventures. Dimitri forgot all about the woman once he got home, but the stories stuck with him, and when he was older he went in search of the Professor, and joined him on a few of his journeys. Time passed, and the two left each other's company, until one day when Dimitri found himself standing in the eery wood once more. The woman appeared before him, told him of the Professor's death, and invoked the pact, binding their spirits together and placing him under an imperative, to investigate the old man's death. Dimitri left then, motivated both internally, and by the woman's binding, to Ravengro to see what he might find.

Evgeni, Human Holy Slayer
Class: Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer)

The land of Ustalav still shakes from the remains left by the Whispering Tyrant. People remain huddled within their homes as monsters occasionally wander the countryside. It is human nature though, to rise and find for what is good and right. Evgeni was one such soul, and from a young age he studied the creatures that moved and tore through villages, learning their tricks and how to defeat them. One such occurrence almost ended fatally, though. Evgeni had been tracking the swamp troll that had near destroyed a village before limping away to lick its wounds. He was certain he was ready; flasks of acid and alchemist's fire lined his belt, and he had a longspear to keep it at bay while twin cestuses covered both hands in case it got close enough that he could pummel it down. At first it worked perfectly, and he was able to nail it with a flask of acid before it charged him. But then things went horribly wrong. It got cold, clammy fingers around his neck before he could do more than scream, and he could feel his vision going black. Moments later, the troll shuddered and was rolled off of him. Someone had saved him. That was Professor Lorrimor, and Evgeni knew that he owed the Professor his life. The two went their separate ways after trading stories, and it was some time before Evgeni heard of the Professor's death. Knowing he had to make his final peace with the old man, and he traveled to Ravengro do just that.

(If one of these is chosen, will expand the background further, add a picture and character sheet, etc)


In case it wasn't clear, I'm going with the Chance Savior trait for Justin. It seemed like the best fit and complimented the Over-protective drawback as he wouldn't leave the old man once he moved in to help him.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Final question, would you preferr i paid the normal price for gear i self-crafted or do i get the half-cost did-it-yourself-discount?

Obviously, we get stuff for half in-game if we make it ourselves, but i was wondering if you might preferr i pay it straight at chargen?

(my sword and probably a bunch of potions, if your wondering)


It's actually 1/3 of the cost if you do it yourself. And you can only do this for one item.

For those of you who have already made your characters, if you want to go back and adjust the price for one item you can use the Craft/Profession skill to make you can.
08/02 - New A/A Update


Huh! Right you are, wonder why i thought it was half.


Magic items are at one-half the cost, mundane crafted items are at 1/3 the cost, I think that's where the confusion was :-)


The smart money savers usually go for armor over weapon, although I went for the weapon.

Mithral chain shirt cost a mere 366 GP, 6 Silver and 7 CP when you craft it yourself. That's a hell of a savings.

As it is, a MW rapier is just a little over 100 GP... shame that I couldn't find a special material that would work against ghost.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: Pockets on April 10, 2015, 10:30:39 AM
It's actually 1/3 of the cost if you do it yourself. And you can only do this for one item.

For those of you who have already made your characters, if you want to go back and adjust the price for one item you can use the Craft/Profession skill to make you can.

Yay, cheap jewelry means my crossbow becomes a real bow!  And sorted out the final odds of bits of gear. 

...and it says something that the jewelry was a higher priority. 


I have been asked if a person can post more than one concept. I'm going to say yes. This does not mean you'll have a better chance of being selected because I'm not choosing solely on roles.
08/02 - New A/A Update


I am so tempted to drop the Banded Mail and go for Full Plate instead...I might just do that since I DID take Armorsmith...
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Empiricist Investigator 2

Siri is a most particular individual, which is to say, shes a Gnome. Like most Gnomes, Siri engages with life in a constant search for the new and interesting, so as to stave off the Bleaching that can claim gnomes who live overly stagnant lives. The methods for this are as varied as the Gnomes themselves, but in Siri's case, she chose to peruse the path of the mind. Already possessed of a keen mind, she absorbed all that she could; as a child she listened to the tales of her elders, the sights they had seen and the places that they had been, as a teen she spent her time anywhere with reading material, and as a adult she wandered from one house of leaning to another. And to this day her passion for learning new things is unabated, or indeed, any less enthusiastic.

This is not to say that she is a empty headed academic. Siri has traveled far in her life, and has well learned the necessity of defending ones self. To this end she has learned the smith's craft, at leased as far as creating weapons goes, and spent many a hour creating, experimenting with, and eventually discarding a long procession of blades, before finally settling on the Estoc. A heavy, brutal cousin of the Rapier, its length is excellent for challenging larger foes while the triangular form and weight allow it to punch through armour, meaning she has to rely less on her typically low strength. She supplements her blade with the arts of Alchemy, though she is only yet a novice at the craft, she expects her growing skills will pay dividends one day.

Likewise, there is more to Siri's life than the pursuit of knowledge. Evermindful of the threat of Bleaching, she makes great effort to broaden her horizons. Though it may be almost impossible ot pry her off a new tome, in between her manic bouts of study she takes time to visit schools of alchemy and swordsmanship to master her twin crafts, occasionally works as a swordsmith and/or scribe, and has cultivated the skills of a talent conversationalist. Which of course, leads her into all sorts of interesting encounters. Its all about knowing what to say and how to say it.

It was with some sadness that she heard of the death of Professor Lorrimor, The man had taken her underwing a few years back and introduced her to to the arts of Alchemy while visiting a university that Siri was attending. He had appreciated her sharp mind and offered to teach her how to put that intellect to good use as a true Alchemist, rather than a mere dabbler. The man had even watched over the creation of her first Extract and they had toasted with polypurpose panaceas. It was rather more shocking from Siri's point of view that he had named her in his will, but she did not hesitate to sent out to her once-mentor's homeland to see his last will through.

Besides, she had never been to Ustalav. How bad could it be?

Siri is a complicated individual, she comes off little different than most gnomes; friendly, energetic, and spontaneous to the point of aggravating... when she isnt obsessing over the newest thing that has captured her attention.

However things are not always as they seem; Siri spent many years of her life reading and learning while others were out playing and interacting with each other, as a result she has grown up to be rather poorly socialized and often had difficulty simply interacting with people. By the time she realized that it was important to have people in her life, she was too hopelessly awkward and sandoffish to form relationships easily. As with many things however she developed a solution to the problem using her powerful intellect instead. Nowadays Siri is widely regarded as a charming and unusually stable individual, especially for a Gnome, but her social talents are more the result reading and emulating social cues, rather than innate empathy. While she is painfully aware that shes doing the 'charming psychopath' thing, she is not herself a psychopath and simply a socially awkward individual who is using her intellect to compensate. While this may be manipulative, Siri considers it vastly superior to being lonely, and primarily uses her skills to engage with individuals for work or pleasure and has left a string of colleagues with good opinions of her both personally and professionally. To say nothing of her personal conquests, which have been universally short term but often very amicable. She works hard not to leave ill will in her wake.

The flipside to all of this of course, is what happens when she stops acting. Rare though it is; she rarely gets angry as she is too cerebral to give into emotion easily, rather such lapses usually occur when shes caught up in something that demands all her attention. She simply stops pretending to be a nice, charming person and operates with the cool, obsessive precision that is her natural state. Shes not cruel but simply too focused to bother with social niceties, none the less, the shift can be extremely jarring for those who are more used to her friendly persona.


Darkling... i love that you made an investigator named siri.



*tries to figure out reference*
*goes to look it up*

Huh, neat. I dont even use apple.


Name: Aelys Wimpenny
Class: Slayer 2
Race: Half-Elf
Background Trait: Subject of Study
Character Sheet:

Concept: Aelys was a proper young lady, brought up by one of the noble houses of Ustalav, raised in a dark and foreboding castle full of secrets.  She is prone to fits of restlessness and curiosity, but is quite good at quietly stalking her prey with the single-mindedness of a cat on the prowl.  Her breeding has made her very good with social interaction and etiquette, but her training has added a level of intrigue to her interplay.  She can be seen as somewhat unpredictable, her personality shifting from the well-bred socialite to the cold-blooded hunter as easily as breathing.

Character Information
Personality: Aelys is a master of disguise, and this extends to her personality.  She can sit and drink tea with the crustiest of upper crusts, or stalk a vile beast through the mud and filth without batting an eye.  She is pleasant enough company, if one can bear up against the inevitable onslaught of questions, and quite graciously accepts other people's personal boundaries.  Still, her desire to understand everything makes her somewhat tedious at times, leading her to probe at her companions until they either grow exasperated and tell her to stop, or they exhaust their life histories.  She is constantly fighting the urge to search through things that don't belong to her, and takes undue pleasure in searching...and sometimes dissecting, the bodies of her kills.

Description: Aelys has not shed the refinement of her youth, and dresses in a way that might seem unexpected of someone with her skill set.  Her fluffy clothing is, nevertheless, tailored in a way to allow her a full range of motion and a streamlined silhouette, so that she can blend into the shadows and easily hide behind cover.  Her thick, silky black hair is cut into heavy, blunt bangs and held back at either side of her head to prevent it getting into her grey eyes.  She stands at 5'3" tall and her slender form is graced with soft curves, making her easy to dismiss as an opponent.  Which works precisely to her advantage.

Background: Aelys was the second daughter of Troun and Elspeth Wimpenny, a noble family of Ustalav centered in the capital city of Caliphas.  She was raised to be a proper noble woman, with training in etiquette, singing, fashion and studies which might lend to her conversational skills.  She was quite content, for the most part, with her strange, yet pampered lifestyle, though she often wondered about the lives of those beyond the walls of the castle.  She knew that their town was not like other places in Golarion, and that many young women's studies did not include archery training or lessons on the undead.  Nor did their homes contain so many places where holy water and silver weapons were squirreled away.

When Aelys was ten years old, she woke to the sound of fighting and screams, terror sizzling in her veins as she tried to figure out what was happening.  Rather than hiding, as she'd been taught, Aelys rushed from her room and down the hall toward her parents and sister's rooms, crying their names foolishly.  When she reached her older sister's bedroom, she was confronted by the sight of her sister's mauled body.  Her blood seemed to cover ever surface and her limbs had been tossed about the place.  Standing over her, its head buried in the remains of her sister's torso, was a lycanthrope with its filthy fur matted and dripping her sister's blood.  It heard Aelys's gasp and whimper of despair, and turned to her with blood lust and madness shining in its eyes.

Aelys froze for a moment, then ran, racing down the hall and back toward her own bedroom, hearing the click of claws on the stone behind her as the beast gave chase.  Instinctively, she feinted at the intersection and sent the beast careening head-first into a stone wall as it tried to correct its momentum.  This stroke of luck, and a little genius, gave her just enough time to reach her room and slam and bar the heavy wooden door behind her.  Even as the beast mindlessly crashed into the door, ramming it over and over in an attempt to break it down, Aelys fetched her bow and arrows from beneath her bed.  The arrows were tipped with silver, and there was a secret hidden beneath her bed that would serve her well.  When the door crashed in and the lycan burst into her room, Aelys was ready for him, standing tall behind her bed with an arrow knocked and pointed at the door.  With no hesitation, Aelys took aim and let the arrow fly, sending the silver tip straight through the left eye of the beast.

As it roared and batted at the curious thing suddenly jutting from its face, Aelys took the opportunity to drop down and slide beneath her bed.  She rolled into the niche that had been carved into the stone floor and began to slither nimbly through the tunnel it led to.  Behind her, the beast raged and tore apart her room in anger over its lost quarry, and the pain of its wound, but Aelys found herself smiling.  She knew that once she was away, she would grieve deeply for the loss of her family, but in that moment she was elated by her besting of the creature.  She thought that if she could do that the rest of her life, she might find peace and even happiness.  Besides, it was far more enjoyable than taking tea and making polite conversation, especially now that she knew exactly what horrors existed in the world.

Still working on her sheet a touch, but she's largely complete. Done!


Quote from: Angiejuusan on April 09, 2015, 03:32:12 PM
That being said, I'm a little worried about the HP thing-does that "Half+1" also include a "+CON" that just wasn't marked down? I don't mind it I just wanna know what rules we're playing by here.

Yes, it's half your HD +1 +Con. Also Angie, I'm not seeing any feats on your character sheet. Am I missing something? Or did you forget to list them?
08/02 - New A/A Update