Of Melkor and Galadriel (M lf F, longterm, epic drama)

Started by Barbarian, March 08, 2015, 06:43:21 AM

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I generally don't do long term RPs because 1) I often do not have much time to prolong them, when I have a few weeks free time, I just do some short ones and then fall silent 2) I don't like to discuss a good story, start it and all of a sudden it is over because either side lose interest.

So for this one, I need a special partner.

This will be one of very few long terms I will do here so please contact me if you're really really really really up to this :)

Another requirement is, of course, familiarity with LotR and in particular, events of Silmarillion. You don't need to be a LotR freak, but it's good if you've read it at least once and take a look at the summary of its events before we start the RP.

I admit, I also don't like reading three LotR books much. But Silmarillion is another thing for me. It is a legend I just love to read again and again. It's much more like a mythology book, fast-going and epic.

Now, to the story;

Note: The RP will follow the events of Silmarillion, so no great changes. But the major story, the relationship of Galadriel (or some other female elven princess if you like, but Galadriel is the most likely candidate, for various reasons) and Melkor will be our input.

Basically, Melkor is free after he asks forgiveness from the Valar. The elves and Valar live in Aman peacefully. Melkor, hiding his true intentions, spreads lies and conspiracy among Noldor. He approaches Galadriel and an intimate relationship starts between them. (Note that this youung Galadriel is more ambitious and passionate from the LotR version. She is still wise and powerful but she is the only female princess who support the leave from Aman by the leadership of Feanor.) And Galadriel is the first to be poisoned by the words of Melkor. In time, she may or may not understand Melkor's true intentions and all her efforts (if she understands) to turn him from the path he is about to take, shall ultimately fail. Melkor in the meantime shall poison Feanor's mind and all will lead to Feanor's sword-drawing against his brother. After the theft of Silmarils, Melkor will run east, Feanor will lead the migration of Noldor.

The story may fast-forward a little at that time, as Galadriel and Melkor will be separated. All the wars of Silmarils period can go fast, with a few posts about the situation of our heroes at those times. Then, at the Battle of Wrath, Galadriel may again find some hidden path to the castle of Morgoth and pass a final night with him before he is ultimately defeated by Valar.

To put a basic summary of RP's parts;

Part 1: Melkor is forvigen and lives among elves. He starts poisoning their minds with lies and turns them into one another. He starts a relationship with Galadriel, they share some nights together and she also is deceived by him. Later, she may understand the true purpose of Melkor and she may try to warn others, but she is too late and uncapable of turning Feanor to peace. Feanor threathens Fingolfin, he is exiled, the light of trees are sucked by Ungoliath led by Melkor. Silmarils are stolen and Melkor runs east. Feanor rebels against the Valar and lead the march. While Galadriel has not fallen deep into Melkor's lies as Feanor, Melkor still had an influence on her and she supports the migration. This part will be the major part of the story, it will be long and slow-going.

Part 2: Melkor rebuilds his fortress at Middle Earth. Feanor leads Noldor to the east, captures ships of Teleri and leaving a party at Araman, sailing with his sons to Middle Earth, burning the ships once he comes. Galadriel is one of the leaders of the group that had been left alone by Feanor. They make a hard walk to Middle Earth and settle here, living away from Feanor and his lost cause. Although they know they are now forever separated, Galadriel and Melkor, now called Morgoth, cannot remove each other from their thoughts entirely. This part can be a little bit quicker, with few posts as Galadriel and Melkor are now away from each other.

Part 3: Many wars erupt between elves and Morgoth. At last, the dark lord convinces the men of the east to his cause and defeat an army of elves, men and dwarves. He is now the ruler supreme of Middle Earth. This part will pass very quick, with just one or two posts.

Part 4: Elves ask for aid from the Valar and the forces of Morgoth are eventually defeated at Battle of Wrath. During the siege, Galadriel pays a last visit to him, sharing a final night together. Afterwards, Morgoth is defeated and imprisoned forever by the Valar. This part also can be just a little long, not as much as the first one though.

I guess that's all for now. If you have read it so far and still interested, I guess you are one of the few special people that I can share this story.

If you want to play another female elf than Galadriel, that's also fine, but I could not find any better candidate so far...

Last thing, for this one, only ladies please.


Yeah maybe you know everything about them but still, here are some pictures of Melkor and Galadriel...

Note: Very detailed knowledge of Silmarillion is not necessary. If you're clueless about the topic but still interested to make a longterm epic sad-drama, I'm all ok and will provide you with every information you need. The events and scenes in story does not need to be, and will not be, exactly same as the book.

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Galadriel, the Noldor Princess
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