Adventurers Wanted! The Games must go on! (D&D 5e)

Started by Inerrant Lust, March 02, 2015, 09:48:46 PM

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Inerrant Lust

Are you tired of living in fear that maybe that HOUSECAT is going to slit your throat while you sleep?
Are you tired of earning one silver piece a day doing unskilled labor while all the cool people go out on ADVENTURES?
Do you want to go out and earn THOUSANDS OF GOLD PIECES for HALF A DAY'S WORK?
Do you want to slay DRAGONS, bed foreign maidens, and plunder ancient dungeons?

If you said YES to any of these questions, you are eligible to be taken on contract in a local adventurer's guild TODAY. For just 10 insignifigant gold pieces each, Rygar & Morvald Adventuring Guild Agency will set you up with a client and a sponsor to begin adventuring THE VERY NEXT DAY. Parties in excess of three members get a 2 gold discount!

The age of peril has long passed. The goodly races no longer fear invasion from the drow, orcs, or any villages being destroyed by fearsome dragons. Most of the dangers facing the world today are only dangerous when one seeks them out. A proper dragon slaying hasn't happened in over eighty years, and heroes and adventurers, once the only thing keeping the world from complete destruction, have now become a mere novelty. Adventuring has become nothing more than a sport, an industry unto itself.

Most adventurers have a sponsor, who pays for the expenses of their quests for publicity and endorsement and occasionally a cut of any profits made from the adventure. Often one takes a quest from a client, usually a powerful nobleman... though it could be anyone willing to pay. Some quests are for personal gain to the client, while others are to rid the world of a menace. ...but most are simply for amusement. These quests are often recorded magically, so that these heroes could be cheered on and rooted for as they adventure. Adventurers tend to play characters, bad boys or good girls, heels and faces. Blood is shed, but often the favorites will never die.

Millions of gold pieces are exchanged every day in this industry. Those nobles who hold public broadcasts will often sell advertising rights to businesses during these adventures, others bet and gamble on the result. Sometimes the most arbitrary challenges are thrown into the quest. Once, a half-giant fighter was offered the chance to double her cash reward if she could complete her quest in nothing but a loin cloth and a chainmail bikini. She accepted, slaying the otyugh cluster and winning the hearts of all who witnessed her wardrobe malfunction in real time.

Unfortunately for most spectators, Blackwood's Familial Consideration Commission (FCC) levied harsh fines against the heroine, her sponsor and her client, as well as restricting future challenges to 'Gear of an armor category of no less than light cannot be wagered, unless magically enchanted for the sake of modesty.'

Not long after, a more 'adult-friendly' venue of adventuring began to circulate throughout the civilized world.

You, and your new found friends, are adventuring hopefuls or amateur adventurers without much experience yet.

Looking for: A mostly female adventuring party, with perhaps one token male.

A variety would be awesome. It would be neat for a genuine do-gooder paladin seeking to punish wicked monsters adventuring alongside someone who just wants to become a 'pro adventuring superstar' or someone who is just in it for the money. Not just classes and personalities but races and such.

Afterall, the crowd loves anyone who stands out... whether for being genuinely skilled or just having a lot of flashy moves and charm. Unusual adventurers attract more attention, earning them greater publicity and better sponsors and clients in the future. Most have resorted to just acting out and being eccentric... although without any real skill, you can only go so far.

What will seperate this party from all the others is two things; the 'characters' become popular... and they are actually competent in a fight and don't just fight kobolds constantly for an easy show.

All the mechanics details haven't been decided yet. Low to mid level. Party of maybe 4 or 5, all female save one token male, perhaps two if the party is large. Setting is high semi-utopian fantasy; floating cities, exotic wizards and renaissance-esque tech, everybody's mostly happy. As said above, most of the baddies have been pushed out of the ordinary's citizens concerns. If you want trouble, you have to go looking for it. That being said, there's a lot of dark places in the world, demons and devils and ancient evils.... just that most of them aren't anywhere near the goodly races. And the adventuring league is constantly hunting down exotic beasts and evildoers for sport.

Mostly light-hearted, though with a bit of seriousness here and there. Oh, and lots of sex.


I'm definitely interested in this game especially given how much fun the first incarnation was.

Probably going to play someone who wants to gain fame from it, but I'm not sure of anything beyond that.


Whatever the outcome, it's on you.




I'd be interested in participating as well.

Edit: And after flipping through the Player's Handbook for ideas for character concepts, the first one that sprang to mind was to play a Tiefling Paladin.  Oath of Devotion and the Knight background (an optional alternate take on the Noble background), and I'd play her as someone who's very serious and tries to be devout and pure, but who keeps accidentally winding up in a variety of absurd sexual situations (potentially as a result of the blood of her succubus grandmother subtly influencing the way people react to her).

All of this would suit the noble lady whose house she serves and who acts as her manager just fine, however, as said noblewoman would have a habit of living out her various sexual fantasies and desires vicariously through her poor, unlucky fiendblooded Knight.


Absolutely 100% interested in this. I'm not sure yet what I'll play... but I like most of 5e's classes and I have plenty of ideas rolling around in my head, so coming up with concepts won't be a problem. Not like deciding between them.


Right now I'm leaning toward half-elf warlock. A noble, the youngest daughter of a mid-ranked family who would have a political marriage and dull life of household management ahead of her if she hadn't made a pact. Instead she gets to go out and experience all of the thrills that were denied to her when she was supposed to be a proper young lady.

Of course, not all of her lessons were about being proper. There are a large number of improper things that she was expected to know about if only to protect herself and use them a weapons if she needed to. Weapons that can be wielded for more fame once she has the opportunity.


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Laughing Hyena

Finally! It's back! I loved this campaign! Let me in please!


Looking at something weird, like a Dwarf bard or Rogue, or a Halfling monk or wizard. Or who knows what. Something to brain over while I sleep


Hmm.  Depending on what sort of party makeup we wind up getting, I might also try a different character, instead of the Paladin.  She's a character that I had fun with in a previous 5th edition game here on Elliquiy, a Halfling Rogue named Euphemia 'Yuffi' Lovelace.

For this particular setting, she'd take the Arcane Trickster specialty, and would be a former barmaid and occasional wizard's apprentice who took one look at the advertisement in the opening post, answered an enthusiastic yes to every question on it, and then rushed off to become an adventurer without really thinking too hard about the consequences. (Wisdom was her dump stat in the previous game, you see.)

One of the advantages for picking her to play as is that I already have a good picture ready...

Laughing Hyena



I'd like to play too, but it seems like there's already a lot of interest and I don't want to overcrowd. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Call me Shadow
My A/A


Dibs on Elf Assassin if accepting new players. :)


Considering the characters others are considering... I'm currently leaning towards a cleric, probably life domain but light is an option too. A priestess of Sharess or some similar deity (do you have a set pantheon for this setting? Or will we be allowed to come up with our own?), someone who is in it for the gold... only not for herself, but for her temple, and anyone else she could use it to help. The attention it gets her doesn't hurt either. She'll probably be a bit of an exhibitionist. Someone caring and sultry, deeply interested in making sure everyone has a good time, always there to provide healing and moral support for the group and plenty of sex appeal for anyone watching (not that the party will be lacking it).

Other ideas, just in case...

A gladiator and show fighter of some sort, probably fighter or bard, but barbarian might work too - someone who takes the job of adventurer because her old work was wearing a bit thin. As much as she liked it, she thought there had to be something even more exciting out there, you know? Something that would really get her some attention. Probably a show-off prone to over-acting and theatrics, even at inappropriate times, but essentially a good person at heart.

Or a sorcerer, dragon bloodline, someone whose dragon blood manifested more strongly in her than others, bringing certain... urges with it. No, not those kinds of urges. It's more about gold. ...Okay, maybe those kinds of urges too. She wouldn't say no to having a harem along with her hoard. Princesses preferred. There are plenty of those laying around, right? Regardless. Being from a dispossessed noble family, she always felt cheated of the wealth and power that she felt were her right, and when she heard of this adventuring guild... well, they were promising her just about everything she wanted. And she loves being the center of attention. How could she say no?


I'm going with a mute elf assassin. Maybe on loan from an assassin's guild for the group adventuring party. Small, nimble and deadly.


 I was planning on an elf assassin myself, a longbow user who prefers to snipe targets. Perhaps rivals?
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Inerrant Lust

There's too many awesome ideas. :P

I may just have to have more than one group...


Would the groups exist in the same universe? Because I'm imagining that could be a lot of fun... going on separate adventures but having a chance to interact with each other during any mutual downtime, and maybe even sharing information and working together indirectly on particularly difficult missions, splitting up to take on threats from different angles and the like. But maybe that would be a lot of work.

Oh, and my second idea could work fine for a wizard or sorcerer too, in addition to fighter or bard... the gladiator background part isn't as important as the show-off thrillseeker looking for greater adventure, in my mind. She could be a performer too. I could be tempted to play a druid as well, with how I love shapeshifting and the connection to nature could be a good excuse to have fun with her being all "I only refuse to wear clothes because that's nature's way! I'm not just showing off for our viewers!", but I would need to think on that more. (And there's no reason I can't do something similar to the latter with a cleric, I guess... and maybe even paladin, if I could customize an oath a bit...)


Expressing interest! I need to look at the PDF, but I'd love to play a showy grappler who performs for fame/honor, really getting the audience excited.  Either that, or some kind of celestial-blooded swindler claiming to possess divine powers... =p
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Posting interest first, brainstorming character ideas =D

Inerrant Lust

Yes, that would be my intention, CeruleanSerenity. One of the ideas I had was of a giant competition that brings adventurers in from around the globe, and both teams could be participating at the same time. ...Though the problem is with that I have a plot arc in mind, one which very much puts the characters involved in 'main character' status of the world's setting. :P Having multiple groups share that role might be... difficult.

As you can tell, the big angle of this whole setting is more or less that you are pro wrestlers. Therefore, characters who play to the angle that they are participants in a spectator sport will go a long way towards being accepted. :P