(MnM3e) Super Interns! (NC-Exotic)

Started by ShadowFox89, February 17, 2015, 10:10:07 PM

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Quote from: TFcommando on February 24, 2015, 01:12:16 AM
Isn't PL 8 120 points?  PL10 is 150.

It is, normally. But I bumped it from 15pts/rank to 20pts/rank. Gives you some better spending room.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Quote from: ShadowFox89 on February 24, 2015, 01:33:09 AM
It is, normally. But I bumped it from 15pts/rank to 20pts/rank. Gives you some better spending room.
I thoroughly and completely approve of this move. Now I just have to post my character sometime today or tomorrow...


One approach I've seen is PL 8 with 135 points.  More flexibility to put in fun stuff, and it represents younger heroes with a lot of potential or experience, but still not close to their mentors and elders.

And I completely missed the point upgrade mentioned above!  Back to the drawing board!
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


I can't into character sheets right now, but I'm willing to expand upon the concept a bit.

A genetic experimentation victim who has heavily enhanced human capabilities.  Largely was unaware of them until recently and is still developing control along with crime fighting skills.  May or may not have obvious mutations or mutations that become obvious.  Still heavily indebted to the heroes of the city for sparing their life.

EDIT: Having thought things over, I decided to go back to my idea of a cyborg.

The young girl known as Fiona Chen was born into a hard life.  Deaf from birth, she had a lot to live up to in a poor household and in a bad neighborhood.  A reclusive child by nature, she often lost herself in stories she wrote and play with an imaginary friend while slacking on her signing lessons.  She always did imagine herself a superhero, someone who was beyond reproach and would always do the right thing.

She managed to survive high school, if not thrive in it, but she had no real future outside of it.  She didn't get into a college and most employers had no need for a worker who could not hear commands to obey them without question.

When her parents' house was broken into and robbed, Fiona did investigate.  It did not take long for her to realize who had done it.  A street gang that had been messing around her neighborhood made no real effort to hide its involvement, even if it left no calling card or real evidence to follow.

Fiona did not bother gathering evidence.  She got a bat and went to solve her problems the hard way one rainy night.

The problem was that she ended up on the sidewalk with a lot more ventilation than she had expected to end up that day with.

She would have died there if not for a stray 9mm bullet having ricocheted into a mad scientist's home.  The mad woman came out to blast whoever had bothered to attack her home with a death ray, but just found a gasping young adult on the sidewalk.  A grin came over the mad genius's face as she scraped the wannabe corpse off of the sidewalk.

It was a fun day in the lab...

Needless to say, Fiona woke up with quite a few bits of metal in places where they probably should not be and a pain in her ears that she was sure was just a result of the gunshots...until she heard the birds chirping.

The mad scientist got a good laugh out of how much screaming the girl did when she realized that her limbs wouldn't move, but she was quick to assure her that everything would be in working order once the neural connections were activated.  However, she did make it very clear that these modifications were quite expensive and that they would have to be paid back.

Fiona flinched at the idea of having to do most reprehensible things...

In the end, though, she just got to beat up a whole bunch of robots.  The things she did and survived were thorough proof that the enhancements to her had put her far beyond human.

After a lot of bruises and what felt like an age's worth of trials, Fiona was told that she was free to go, but told to come back whenever she needed anything.

She decided to not question why the mad scientist let her go, and to go back to her parents to tell them that everything was all right.  She made the mistake of responding to them when they spoke, however, and had a lot of explaining to do.  She was grounded for a week, despite her insistence that she was an adult, so that her parents would have a chance to figure everything out...

She made her living as a local vigilante from then on, though she indulged in asking for rewards so her family could save a little money...

Perhaps that was how she came into contact with the superheroes and was recruited...or perhaps they caught wind of her unreported income and decided to bust her.

It was a pretty hazy night that she was recruited, after all.


Proposed powers
Super-enhanced hearing thanks to bionic ears, which comes along with resistance to sonic effects.
Sign Language (Naruto nerds will think she's casting spells and run away.  It's totally legit with a high enough bluff check.)
Armored carapace (because dying to small arms fire is for suckers)
Enhanced physical capabilities
Near superhuman determination.
Awesome balance because heavily modified ears.


Well, here is my character offering. Since we have at least two characters who are going with some sort of robot/cyborg theme, I made a super-mechanic/technician/doctor/artificer. Dr. Malta can handle all repairs and upgrades needed for the team, as well as providing resources from his fortune. As far as anyone knows, a genius technician is all he is. Of course, in Superhero land, that is seldom the case...

I am not sure how balanced or overpowered he is, but I tried to balance out his powers and disadvantages. If I did not give sufficient drawbacks, or somehow gave him too many, please let me know. Anyway, here is my idea:

Dr. John C. Malta

In a world where the exceptional is commonplace, and supers of all kinds and moralities pop up seemingly at randomly, a supra-genius boy who graduated with multiple doctoral degrees when most of his peers were in Middle School is not quite the international headline grabber it would be in a more mundane world. An orphan of unknown origin, dropped off at the door of a church by a shadowy figure that vanished into the night, his infancy was unremarkable in a world where that sort of thing is quite commonplace, but once his towering intellect began to manifest he was quickly adopted by the wealthy Malta family.

At fourteen years old, after completing his first doctorate, the now Dr. John C. Malta began interning with various Super Scientists and other tech and/or magic based heroes. A very competent minion, he has worked in labs from Manila to the Moon. Due to his own inventions, family fortune, and the profitability of working for the greatest magical and scientific minds of the universe, he quickly built up a substantial wealth independent of his parents.

His cocky, arrogant disposition, complete confidence in his superiority, lack of regard for social niceties, and impatience with the idiotic masses made him a rather impossible person to deal with throughout most of his life. He alienated all those close to him, except his parents, with his utter contempt of all life that was not his own. Coupled with a disregard for most authorities, and a general misanthropy, he was well on his way to being a potential supervillain. Then his sixteenth birthday came, and his entire personality changed. He became humble, subdued, polite, and quiet. He redoubled his efforts, submersing himself completely in work, afraid to be caught idle for even a second, stopping even sleeping. Sometimes, he could be caught muttering to himself, or in heated argument with unseen powers. All in all, he acted rather suspiciously, but as he had become a model employee, people figured it was just one of those eccentricities superpowered individuals sometimes have, and promoted him to his current position.

Now a little past seventeen, Dr. John Christian Malta stands 5’6” and weighs about 110lbs. With golden blond hair, and hypnotically blue eyes, he would be incredibly good looking if he did not chronically skip meals and sleep, resulting in a willow-thin slip of a man with perpetual bags around his eyes. He is currently working with the other heroes in a support role, fixing items (and people), creating devices, filing paperwork, and hosting people at his country estate. Since his personality has changed so much for the better when dealing with others, he has gained a few female admirers (he is as good-looking as is normal for a superhero, in his geeky way, not to mention a multi-millionaire with a very nice house), but he has stridently avoided anything with the merest hint of sensuality.

Basic Ability Scores: 36pp
Strength: -1  Stamina: -1  Agility: -1  Dexterity: 3
Fighting: -1  Intellect: 16  Awareness:Presence: 1   
Most of the time John Malta is a hyper-genius but otherwise rather ordinary teenager with the pitiful physical stats one would expect of an untrained, scrawny, glasses-wearing nerd.

Defenses: 0pp
Dodge: -1  Parry: -1  Fortitude: -1
Will:Toughness: -1  Initiative -1
John C. Malta has no formal combat training. He prefers to avoid fights.

Skills: 3pp
Expertise: Magic: +2  Technology: +2 Treatment: +2
As a Jack of all Trades, John Malta usually just relies on his pure ability scores for his skills, but he has a few ranks in magic, technology, and treatment from his research.

Advantages: 25pp
Artificer, Connected, Contacts, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Ritualist, Trance
Benefit: 5 Ranks: Multi-Millionaire, Ambidextrous
Equipment: 5 Ranks
Langauge: 3 Ranks: English, German, Welsh, Latin, Japanese, Tagalog, and Chinese.
Skill Mastery: 2 Ranks: Expertise: Magic and Technology
Dr. Malta has many perks borne of his research and hobnobbing around the world.

Powers: 36pp
Spellcaster: Magic, 10 Ranks (20pp). Alternate Affects: Dazzle, Mental Communications, Selective Environment Control, Force Field, Healing, Move Object, Sleep, Teleport. (8pp)
Dr. Malta is a technomage. He can create a number of magical events, one at a time. Most of them are rather limited, and used more for work convenience than actual combat.

Hovering: Flight 2, Ranks (4pp).
Technically one of his spells, this is the only one that he can cast at the same time as another one.

Rapid Calculations: Quickness, 6 Ranks, Limited to Mental Effects (3pp).
Dr. Malta is very rapid in his thoughts.

Insomniac Immunity (Sustained), 1 Rank (1pp).
Dr. Malta does not sleep. This is not a pure immunity, as he suffers exhaustion and distress for not sleeping, but nothing that seriously impedes him. This is a well-known facet of working with him.

PL 8, 100pp.

Equipment: 25 Points.
Crossroads Manor
Size: Huge. Toughness: 10. Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Garage, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Security System, Transport (Teleporter), Workshop.
As a very rich man, Dr. Malta has a very nice house. He has a number of mundane vehicles, but nothing he uses as part of his job, especially since he commutes using the teleporter. • 20 Points.
Undercover Shirt: Tough and resistant to ballistics, this is part of the basic uniform for a technician. • 2 Points.
Multitool: Faster than improvising • 1 Points
Cellphone: Useful for calling people and accessing his home computer’s files • 2 Points

Motivation: Keeping busy. Dr. Malta seems to mostly work with the heroes for the sake of having something to do. Superheroes have the best tech, labs, spells, and research resources, so working with them is quite natural for a neutral party whose keen mind requires complex stimulation.

Secrets: A whole pile of them, encompassing 60pp. See spoiler.

The Hospitaller

The truth of Dr. Malta’s sudden personality transformation on his sixteenth birthday was that a ghostly, winged woman calling herself ‘The Sealed Valkyrie’ appeared to him on this day, explaining that his true heritage was that of a child of the Otherworld, Faerie, mixed with the blood of humanity. Though by itself that ancestry was not even close to being unique, dozens of superheroes and supervillains can claim the same, somehow, his blood uniquely allowed her to communicate and empower him. Initially, Dr. Malta was reluctant to obey her, as he did not know who she really was, or what her true goals were, not helped by her evasive answers to any such questions. But by dint of persuasion, offers of immortality and power, and explanation that he had been promised to her even before his birth, and that any promise to a Fae power like her was unbreakably binding (meaning that she could force him if she wanted to) Dr. Malta finally decided to accept her powers, and the limitations along with them.

Said limitations are incredibly strict. Sealed Valkyrie had apparently been mostly inactive since about the time of the Crusades, and drew much of her morality and codes of actions and ethos from a particularly narrow, limiting form of medieval theological thought borne of a bizarre mixture of ancient moralism and bloodthirsty ‘justice’. Her final goals unknown, Sealed Valkyrie will pester Dr. Malta to do many things he finds rather unpleasant, such as executing anyone who would have earned death in Medieval Europe (a lot of them), in additional to behaving according to the chivalrous ideal at all times. Since keeping very busy, with very little sleep or downtime, helps to prevent her from goading him into near-homicidal fits of sinner-smiting, he is forced to keep busy.

So far, Dr. Malta has avoided ever using his Hospitaller alter-ego, and the existence of these powers is an absolute secret, known only by Dr. Malta (who does not want anyone to know) and Sealed Valkyrie (who cannot tell anyone).

Powers 60pp
Medium Comprehend Spirits, (Limited): 2 Ranks (2pp)
Dr. Malta can communicate with ghosts and other spiritual entities, mostly Sealed Valkyrie, normally invisible to even other mediums. Usually he can only communicate with her, but occasionally she broadens his sight. This is not even close to being a regular occurrence, however, being randomly at her whim. 

Fae Body Immunity: 6 Ranks – Age, Disease, Poison, Radiation, Heat, Cold – (6pp),  Regeneration (Limited): 8 Ranks (4pp).
Dr. Malta, as an immortal fae, has massive resistance to a lot of common human problems, such as age. He regenerates most normal damage very quickly, but is allergic to iron. He takes damage from merely touching iron, and does not regenerate wounds caused by iron weapons. Steel is fine though, it is only more pure forms of iron, especially Cold Iron (iron ore that has not been fully smelted, only beaten into shape) that burn him with a mere touch.

Fae Speech Comprehend Languages and Writing (Limited): 3 Ranks (4pp)
Dr. Malta can instantly understand, speak, and write all spoken and written languages, by means of his access to the Faerie tongue. There is a tradeoff though: he is unable to lie in any language. If he manages to overcome an incredibly steep Will DC to force himself to lie, he instantly loses all access to this power until Sealed Valkyrie sees fit to return it to him.

Valkyrie Resurrection Immortality (Limited): 5 Ranks (5pp)
Since Sealed Valkyrie does not want her chosen champion (the only person who can see or hear her) to die, she uses her powers to resurrect him after about a day of death. This resurrection cannot be prevented by destroying his corpse, but can be prevented by beheading him (provided the both the head and the corpse is still in existence, if it is not, then see the part about ‘destroying the corpse’) or by leaving any iron implements embedded in his chest or head. In theory, he can be permanently killed by destroying Sealed Valkyrie (provided she is real and not the manifestation of Dr. Malta’s severe psychosis), though how one would go about killing a dreamlike, hallucinatory, incorporeal, intangible, invisible being is a mystery.

Crusader Form All descriptions here have the (Limited) and (Activated) modifiers.
Growth: 1 Rank (1pp)
Enhanced Advantages: 6 Ranks – Attractive 2, Improved Initiative 2, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge – (2pp), Enhanced Abilities: 46 Ranks – Strength 6, Stamina 6, Agility 6, Dexterity 4, Fighting 12, Awareness 6, Presence 6. (23pp)
This is Dr. Malta’s real power: a superpowered alter ego called The Hospitaller, meant for the smiting of the unjust and the destruction of the unholy. It takes a long time to activate and access to it is dependent purely on The Sealed Valkyrie’s whims. Dr. Malta must occasionally make Will saves to prevent from going into homicidal levels of righteous rage against lawbreakers and evildoers. Since he is bigger and older-looking in this form, he has a tendency to rip out of his clothes. This is not usually a problem, since he can instantly summon armour. It can be embarrassing when he leaves the form and loses access to the summoned armour, however...

Crusader Armaments All descriptions here have the (Limited) Modifiers.
Ranged Damage (Holy): 8 Ranks (4pp), Alternate Effect: Damage (Holy): 8 Ranks (1pp), Protection: 10 Ranks (5pp), Parry: 4 Ranks (4pp).
As part of his Crusader Form, and only when in his Crusader Form, The Hospitaller can summon spectral armaments. Though they look like normal armor and weapons (Full plate armour, bow and arrows, sword and shield, sweet black tunic with a white cross…) they are actually manifestations of his powers, summoned and removed at will as long as he is in the Crusader Form.

Hospitaller Stats
Strength:Stamina:Agility:Dexterity: 7
Fighting: 11  Intellect: 16  Awareness:Presence: 7

Dodge:Parry: 15  Fortitude: 6
Will:Toughness: 16  Initiative 13

The Hospitaller stands 6’6”, with over 200 lbs. of muscle. His hair turns white, and his eyes glow purple. With Dr. Malta’s looks improved by not being a short, under-muscled, under-fed, exhausted nerd: he is incredibly good looking.

Motivations: The Hospitaller is dedicated to justice, protecting the innocent, punishing the wicked, etc.

Power Incontinence: Dr. Malta does not have very good control over his powers, especially the way they warp his personality. He can slip into the Hospitaller alter-ego against his will, or completely loss access to it at inconvenient times. The exact reasons are not always clear, but he is more likely to go into the form when evil is committed around him, and he usually loses access when he does something to upset Sealed Valkyrie.


damn, this sounds trully fun

once i have some free time i would love to join
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained"
-Mark Twain


 I don't plan for there to really be any size limit, but not everyone will get to be in the fighty-plots at once, you'll split off into teams at times. So one group might go off to handle Dr.Dupa (yes, I know what that word means, yes I'm using both meanings) while she terrorizes the city while another might have to handle DOCTOR MOBIUS and his roboscorpions.

Just to clarify, this is not going to be a serious game. I intend for it to be something fun with a bit of serious here and there for when people need reminding they are actually heroes and need to do actual heroic things.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Doctor Mobius is best doctor!


Anyway, regarding a pirate ship, alas, no. The pirate would emerge with but a cutlass, some flintlock pistols, their clothes, and a treasure chest with an odd gem.


The concept I've been refining is the half-succubus mage, tentative name Darkling, daughter of a hero and a mid-level succubus villain... possibly the big Dr. Fate/Dr. Strange type hero of the world, after the succubus seduced him.  Raised in secret by her mother (Possibly in the demon realm for part of the time).  She's just not into trying to corrupt the world and summon forth the demon lord the way her mother wants her to, and has taken up superheroing in part as an act of teenage rebellion, and part of a heroic legacy.   As part of the superhero victory, the top mystical hero (her dad?) sealed away the great demon lord, so all the plots to summon demons to Earth are at an end and the succubus mom has just been encouraging perversion in her part of suburbia.  ("I just say we're doing a 50 Shades of Grey reading club and the rest is easy!")

Hope it doesn't overlap with Hospitaller too much though.  She has a variety of attack spells and some seduction-related powers and high social skills. 
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Quote from: Loneeagle42s on February 27, 2015, 06:52:43 AM
Doctor Mobius is best doctor!



Quote from: TFcommando on February 27, 2015, 04:44:54 PM
The concept I've been refining is the half-succubus mage, tentative name Darkling, daughter of a hero and a mid-level succubus villain... possibly the big Dr. Fate/Dr. Strange type hero of the world, after the succubus seduced him.  Raised in secret by her mother (Possibly in the demon realm for part of the time).  She's just not into trying to corrupt the world and summon forth the demon lord the way her mother wants her to, and has taken up superheroing in part as an act of teenage rebellion, and part of a heroic legacy.   As part of the superhero victory, the top mystical hero (her dad?) sealed away the great demon lord, so all the plots to summon demons to Earth are at an end and the succubus mom has just been encouraging perversion in her part of suburbia.  ("I just say we're doing a 50 Shades of Grey reading club and the rest is easy!")

Hope it doesn't overlap with Hospitaller too much though.  She has a variety of attack spells and some seduction-related powers and high social skills. 
Well, the Hospitaller is not actually going to be seen all that much. The way I see, Dr. Malta is there for support and comedy, The Hospitaller will only show up when things get serious. So I do not see any overlap. Though, since part of Dr. Malta's backstory is being the consummate intern, working as an assistant to most of the science/magic heroes, perhaps at one point he worked for your character's father?


Been talking with Shadowfox about joining.  Looking at a lady with lightning manipulation powers among other things.  Will try and get done soon (I have HeroLab!)


Quote from: Birchleaf on February 28, 2015, 01:06:25 PM
Well, the Hospitaller is not actually going to be seen all that much. The way I see, Dr. Malta is there for support and comedy, The Hospitaller will only show up when things get serious. So I do not see any overlap. Though, since part of Dr. Malta's backstory is being the consummate intern, working as an assistant to most of the science/magic heroes, perhaps at one point he worked for your character's father?

OK, sounds good.  I didn't want to step on any toes (or niches). 

And having a link through Darkling's father works well.  A sorcerer supreme has a lot of demands on his time and would need some people to farm things out to, as well as technical/magical support.

I noticed a few things that were off for the Hospitaller though:

Dodge: 5  Parry: 15  Fortitude: 6
Will: 8  Toughness: 16  Initiative 13

The total active defenses, Dodge/Parry, and the passive one, Toughness, can't be any higher than 2x the Power Level, total.  So you could have 8 Dodge and Parry and 8 Toughness, or 10 Dodge and Parry with 6 Toughness, or anything that totals up to 16 between the two. 

You mentioned he was a techno-mage... does he have any technical interface powers, or can he repair machines, or is it all "normal" magic with a techno-mage special effect?  You put a lot of points into said powers, but they can't be used that effectively since he has almost no to-hit ability.  Possibly by design though. 

Also, the enhanced stats are quite expensive for what they give you.  Dexterity only affects Vehicles, Slight of Hand and ranged combat.  He could buy a ranged combat advantage or skill to cover that for fewer points.  Social skills are a better deal than Presence.  Even if you buy all three social skills, it's still less 25% than the raw stat.  You might want to take a look at the effect those stats give and what he'd be using them for to see if there's a lower-cost alternative. 
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay



Going to need to work on the background but feel like I should resurrect the incredibly bad super-villain Go-Girl for this as a hero with her Speedster like momentum shifting powers. Gotta go fast!

Just feels that with all these smart and talented people we need someone who's basically a (sometimes) useful idiot.


Power Level 8 – PP 160

Name:          Fiona Chen
Motivation:   Justice

Abilities 28 + Defenses 10 +  Skills 10 + Advantages 2 + Powers 67 = 117 out of 160

Abilities (2 PP per +1)
Str      +2 (2 Base)
Sta     +2 (2 Base)
Agl     +8 (2 Base + Implants 6)
Dex    +8 (2 Base + Implants 6)
Fgt     +8 (2 Base + Implants 6)
Int      +0 (0 Base)
Awe   +2 (2 Base)
Pre     +2 (2 Base)

Defenses (1 PP per 1 rank over Base)
Parry  +8 (Base 2 + Implants 6)
Dodge +8 (Base 2 + Implants 6)
Tough +8 (Base 2 + Subdermal 6)
Fort     +6  (Base 2 + Bonus 4)
Will     +8  (Base 2 + Bonus 6)

Init = +8 (Agility 8 + Advantages + Power Mods)

Skills (1 power point per 2 ranks)
Acrobatics +20 (2 Ranks + Agi 8 + Power 10)
Athletics    +8   (6 ranks + Str 2)
-Pop Cul    +4   (4 ranks + Int 0)
Insight       +4   (2 ranks + Awa 2)
Perception +4   (2 ranks + Awa 2)
Stealth      +12 (4 ranks + Agi 8)

Advantages (1 PP per 1 advantage)
Improved Disarm
Language 1 (American Sign Language)


Cybernetic Combat Implants
(Enhanced Fighting 6) (12 points)
(Enhanced Dexterity 6) (12 points)
(Precise Attack 4)          (4 points)
(Enhanced Agility 6)     (12 points)

Subdermal Bioarmor
(Protection 6, Impervious, Innate) (13 points)

Cybernetic Ear Implants
(Half Immunity to Sonic Effects) (3 points)
(Accurate, Acute, Extended, Radio, Ultra-Hearing) (6 points)
(Enhanced Acrobatics 10) (5 points)

Equipment and Other Related Stuff

Quote: “Quick...and quieter than a pin drop.”

Personality: Fiona is an introvert and would much prefer to stay out of trouble, but life often has other plans and she knows that
she was not given her modifications to sit around and to not help.

Appearance: Fiona falls on the darker side of the olive skintone, with straight black hair that she usually ties back into a plain ponytail.  Her eyes
are a plain brown and seem to take in the world with a great interest. She is a bit more muscled than most would expect, but not
to the point that it would be too too noticeable.  Sometimes, near her, one can hear a quiet click or whirr on occasion. She often dresses
in business casual, preferring slacks and a button up shirt to proper casual or anything more formal.

She is often found reading novels.

Justice - Bad people do not deserve to escape punishment.
Deaf - It's not a problem any more, but Fiona still counts herself as deaf.
Power Loss - Technology can fail...and that leaves Fiona pretty normal, if more capable than most and still with exceptional
body armor.


Quote from: TFcommando on March 02, 2015, 03:08:55 AM
OK, sounds good.  I didn't want to step on any toes (or niches). 

And having a link through Darkling's father works well.  A sorcerer supreme has a lot of demands on his time and would need some people to farm things out to, as well as technical/magical support.

I noticed a few things that were off for the Hospitaller though:

Dodge: 5  Parry: 15  Fortitude: 6
Will: 8  Toughness: 16  Initiative 13

The total active defenses, Dodge/Parry, and the passive one, Toughness, can't be any higher than 2x the Power Level, total.  So you could have 8 Dodge and Parry and 8 Toughness, or 10 Dodge and Parry with 6 Toughness, or anything that totals up to 16 between the two. 

You mentioned he was a techno-mage... does he have any technical interface powers, or can he repair machines, or is it all "normal" magic with a techno-mage special effect?  You put a lot of points into said powers, but they can't be used that effectively since he has almost no to-hit ability.  Possibly by design though. 

Also, the enhanced stats are quite expensive for what they give you.  Dexterity only affects Vehicles, Slight of Hand and ranged combat.  He could buy a ranged combat advantage or skill to cover that for fewer points.  Social skills are a better deal than Presence.  Even if you buy all three social skills, it's still less 25% than the raw stat.  You might want to take a look at the effect those stats give and what he'd be using them for to see if there's a lower-cost alternative.

All good points. When it came to the Power Level, I did not realize that those things stacked. I thought that each of them blocked a different thing. So that will free up some PP. I can try to add some more tech/magic hybrid powers with those freed points. I will probably do a severe rewrite before we start, all things considered.

As for his lousy to-hit, if it is in his normal form that is intentional, but if it is in his battleform than it is not. Dr. Malta is supposed to be pretty wimpy, all things considered, being more of a super-powered intern than an intern superhero (that is, someone with super intern powers). The Hospitaller is supposed to be the actual superhero with the abilities to fight. So for Dr. Malta, all I want him to be able to do is super science and magic, and survive long enough to run from fights, or rig the environment to win said fight for him.


Not yet as polished as I'd like, but I wanted to get something up.


Lucy Jones

PL8 160 points

Attributes 46 PP
Strength 0
Agility 2
Fighting 0
Awareness 8
Stamina 8
Dexterity 0
Intellect 5
Presence 0

Defenses 8 PP
4 Dodge 6
4 Parry 4
Fort 8
- Tough. 8/10
0 - Will 8

Initiative +6

Attack spells +6 hit/10 damage
Kiss of the Succubus +8 hit/8 effect

Skills: 28 PP 56 points
Acrobatics +8/10
Deception +16/16
Expertise: History +5/10
Expertise: Magic +10/15
Insight +8/16
Perception +2/10
Persuasion +7/7

Advantages 15 PP
1 Assessment
2 Attractive 2
1 Daze (Deception)
1 Eidetic Memory
1 Equipment 1 (Smartphone)
1 Fascinate - Deception
1 Favored Foe - demons
1 Great Endurance
1 Improved Initiative 1
2 Languages Infernal, Japanese
1 Power Attack
1 Ritualist
1 Taunt

Powers 63 PP

31 CP Greater Magics Array
24 CP Elemental Bolts Ranged Damage 10 Variable Descriptor magical (elements) 1 Accurate 3 24 CP
1 CP AP Summon Frost Serpents Close Selective Area Cone Damage 8 24 CP
1 CP AP Fireball – Ranged Area Burst Damage 8 24 CP
1 CP AP Dispel Magic – Perception Nullify 8, Broad – Magic powers  24 CP
1 CP AP Spell Mirror – Deflect 8, Reflect, Redirect, Perception Range, Vs. Magic Attacks Only -1  24 CP 
1 CP AP Spectral Hands – Perception Move Object 8 24 CP
1 CP AP Gate - Teleport 10 (500 miles) Extended, Extended Only, Accurate, Unreliable (5 uses)  Extra Mass 4 (800 lbs) 24 CP
1 CP AP Kiss of the Succubus Affliction 8 Avoided by Parry, Resisted by Will  (Entranced, Compelled, Paralyzed), Cumulative,  Incurable, Subtle 2, Reversible, Accurate 4 24 CP 

12 CP Magic Shield – Protection 2 linked to Persistent Impervious Toughness 10

8 CP Succubus Wings - Flight 7 Wings, Subtle 1 

1 CP Tantric Sex Magic - Quickness 4, only for ritual magic, requires tantric sex acts with partner(s).

1 CP Transformation Sequence Feature 1 – Instant Change

4 CP Infernal Constitution Immunity Poison, Disease, Aging, Heat Environment

4 CP Succubus Eye Senses 4 – Darkvision, Sight penetrates illusion. 

2 CP Detect Magic Senses 2 Magical Awareness, Extended 1 (Mental).


Motivation: Doing Good.  Good for its own sake, to make people feel better, instead of tearing stuff down for fun or to get ahead, the way she's seen demons behave.

Family: Her mother has the power to embarrass with her sex demon ways and her father is a bit standoffish, plus his current apprentice doesn't want him to be around Lucy, who she regards as a threat. 

Power Loss: To maintain enough mana for her greater magics, Darkling must periodically recharge via  Tantric ritual sex.

Quirk - Her wings will emerge when she's on sanctified ground or in the presence of significant religious artifacts. 

Prof. Mystery is the mystic master of the Defenders of Humanity, battling not only against supervillains, but threats unseen and unimagined by the world at large.  His arch enemy was the demon lord Abraxis, as the Prof. stood in the way of Abraxis unleashing his hordes on the Earth.  There was considerable competition among the demon hordes to destroy the Professor and win the favor of their lord.  Many a plot failed and a demon died in the effort.  One succubus, Mezora, took a more subtle approach than attempting to rend him limb from limb.  With a few mundane pharamcuticals and some social media research into his type, she seduced him and stole his seed, planning to bear a daughter with the Professor's arcane power and the infernal wiles of a succubus... and he wouldn't be able to truly fight against his own daughter!

Lucy was the fruit of that union, raised in a series of unassuming towns and spending summer vacations in the infernal realm where time passed more quickly.  She's 17 now, though was born on Earth less than 10 years ago.  She was sent to a hellish place to learn the depths of depravity and cruelty... high school!  Mastering the mystic arts in a demonic plane was cake compared with that.  And she didn't really WANT to be a living weapon against the sorcerer of order... she got tired of her mom going on and on about it.  And of her mom seducing every boyfriend she took home.  Girlfriends too!

Professor Mystery sealed away Abraxis forever during Lucy's sophomore year and the whole infernal hierarchy collapsed into anarchy, so Mezora's plan became moot, much to her dismay and Lucy's relief. 

Lucy has met her father a few times... it's very awkward, to say the least, what with how she was conceived and her half-infernal nature and the whole “use her as a weapon to destroy him” thing... her mom went on and on about it when she caught them together once... she's really unhappy that all her work has been wasted.  Prof. Mystery's apprentice/lover Vera doesn't like all of this either, or Lucy... who may have more magical potential than she does. 

Lucy has been getting into superheroics lately, wanting to put her powers to good use while following in her father's footsteps (Or trying to get his attention, her mom says).

She's a well-read young woman and a student of history in particular... she's studying how magic has affected the course of history, though this will be hard to write a paper on. 

Darkling is a half human, half succubus.  She stands 5'6” tall and has pale skin, dark brown eyes and long, straight black hair, bangs in the front, falling to her waist.    She can grow large black and red bat wings from her back, but has no other demonic features. 

Her hybrid heritage gives her great potential for the arcane arts and she's an apt pupil, having mastered powerful combat magics.   Her demon half lets her fly with her wings, cause incredible pleasure with just a touch, detect magic and see in the dark, and through illusions.  Her insight is uncanny and seduction and manipulation is like a second nature to her.  She also has endurance far beyond the human norm. 

Despite her upbringing, Lucy doesn't use sex as a weapon or people as tools to advance her aims.  Unless there's a good reason, or violence is the alternative.  That said, Lucy is rather casual about nudity, and only a little more so about sex.  She is well aware of how a few catty words or a touch can fan the flames of jealousy and turn people against one another... but she hates drama. 

Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Guys, for my sanity, I'd prefer if you listed an array (a single main power with many alternative powers) as such.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Updated with that in mind, and a few more background details, the last point spent, etc. 

Is her background OK, inserting a major hero character as a member of the DoH and some supernatural events in the way it does? 
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


interesting...i have liked rping heroes since city of heroes...now to find my book...and was i understanding that we have 2 people playing cyborg/robot types?


Go-Girl - PL 8

Strength 1, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 7, Intellect 1, Awareness 1, Presence 3

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Attractive 2, Defensive Attack, Evasion 2, Fascinate (Persuasion), Improved Initiative 4, Interpose, Luck 4, Move-by Action, Redirect, Takedown 2

Acrobatics 8 (+10), Athletics 8 (+9), Close Combat: KE Pinball Punch: Strength-based Damage 7 1 (+8), Expertise: Statics + Dynamics 17 (+18), Perception 12 (+13), Persuasion 6 (+9), Ranged Combat: KE Blast: Damage 8 6 (+8)

Hyperkinesis (Advantages: Improved Initiative 4, Interpose, Redirect)
. . Quickness: Quickness 10 (Perform routine tasks in -10 time ranks)
. . Speed Stunts: Movement 3 (Wall-crawling 2: full speed, Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: While running)
. . Speed: Speed 10 (Speed: 2000 miles/hour, 4 miles/round)
. . . . Flight: Flight 5 (Alternate; Speed: 60 miles/hour, 900 feet/round)
KE Force Field: Protection 7 (+7 Toughness)
Kinetic Energy Manipulation
. . KE Blast: Damage 8 (DC 23; Increased Range: ranged)
. . KE Dampening: Affliction 8 (1st degree: Hindered, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Increased Range: ranged)
. . KE Drain: Weaken 8 (Affects: Speed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Increased Range: ranged)
. . KE Inversion Field: Deflect 8
. . KE Pinball Punch: Strength-based Damage 7 (DC 23; Multiattack)
. . KE Power Pulse: Burst Area Damage 8 (DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18)
. . Kinetic-kinesis. Is a thing now: Move Object 8 (6 tons)

Initiative +18
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 11)
KE Blast: Damage 8, +8 (DC 23)
KE Dampening: Affliction 8, +8 (DC Fort 18)
KE Drain: Weaken 8, +8 (DC Fort 18)
KE Pinball Punch: Strength-based Damage 7, +8 (DC 23)
KE Power Pulse: Burst Area Damage 8 (DC 23)
Kinetic-kinesis. Is a thing now: Move Object 8, +2 (DC 18)
Throw, +2 (DC 16)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 16)

Identity: Go-Girl very jealously protects her secret identity, even though any reaction to someone actually seeing it would be "I have no idea who you are"
Quirk: Go-Girl just isn't very bright and can easily be confused by the smarter villains.

Native Language

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8, Will 8

Power Points
Abilities 36 + Powers 59 + Advantages 15 + Skills 29 (58 ranks) + Defenses 21 = 160


The Hype - PL 8
Real Name: Heironymus Heide


All-out Attack, Diehard, Fast Grab, Inspire 2, Leadership, Power Attack, Takedown 1, Ultimate Effort (Toughness checks).

Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+6), Expertise: Psychology 6 (+8), Insight 5 (+6), Intimidation 7 (+11), Perception 5 (+6), Ranged Combat: Throwing 5 (+6)

Psionic Body: Leaping 10 • 10 points
Psionically-Enhanced Stamina: Enhanced Stamina 10, Immunity 12 (Cold and Heat Damage, Fatigue, Pressure), Impervious Toughness 12, Regeneration 10 (Extra: persistent) • 64 points
Psionically-Enhanced Strength: Enhanced Strength 10, plus Enhanced Strength 6, Limited to Lifting (Lifting Str16; 1,600 tons) • 26 points


Throw +6   Ranged, Damage 10
Unarmed +6 Close, Damage 10

DODGE 6           FORTITUDE 10
WILL 6   

Tradeoffs: -2 Atk, +2 Damage

Motivation: Responsibility. Heiro is dedicated to using his powers to protect others.

Complications: Identity. His identity is publicly known.
Power Loss. Powers rely on self-confidence, and may be reduced or disappear entirely when his self-confidence wanes.

Character Point Totals
Total 158/160

Background: Heironymus Heide is the great-grandson of the early 1900's hero known as Omni-Man, a legend among the superhero community who gained his powers from exposure to radiation which altered his genetic structure. Omni-Man died at the hands of his nemesis Fallout when his child was only a baby, and when his powers were not passed on to his son or grandson, it was assumed that the potential for superhuman powers was not present in his descendants until Heironymus' powers activated when he was sixteen years old.

Heiro, as he is called by his closest friends initially chose not to become a superhero, instead continuing his education and living a normal life despite his fantastic powers until Fallout re-appeared, now an insane radiation-mutated horror seeking revenge on the descendant of his old nemesis. Heiro managed to defeat Fallout, but the radiation and the damage from the battle, much of it caused by the powerful but inexperienced Heiro, killed nearly forty people, and Heiro swore that he would never allow anyone else to die because of his failures.

Powers: Despite their seemingly physical nature Heiro's powers stem from his psionically-awakened mind as a result of his great grandfathers radiation-induced genetic mutation. He manipulates matter and kinetic energy subconsciously, which takes the form of his superhuman strength and durability and rapid healing factor as he constantly enhances and repairs damage to his own body.



Game has more or less started now, but I'm seeing this as a game that will always take applicants. Lord knows super teams have large casts....
Call me Shadow
My A/A


So I'm going to assume this is still open? Because I've got a Psychic hero ready to go, I'll just have to drop some stuff since it seems we're power level 8.

EDIT: Wait a second, we've got 160 PP at Power level 8? Well, awesome.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Oh yay! I feared this was dead. I will do a final rebalance of my character (taking out the parts where I accidentally exceeded the power level) and get my sheet up within sometime Thursday, once my IRL obligations die down a bit.