BBCode Question

Started by Chrystal, February 11, 2015, 02:59:50 AM

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I recently saw some code in someone else's game thread that I REALLY need to know how to do, but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it!

(The way I learn BBCode is, when I see something new that I like, I "Quote" the post to see how it's done, then don't save my quote so as not to interfere with the thread it's in...)

So, when creating a hyperlink within BBCode using the url tags, this defaults to opening the link in a new tab (or window depending on browser settings). This is fine for hopping between threads, but if you want to go to a specific location with in a thread it can be a little annoying to have it open a new tab each time.

What I came across was someone who had used a different tag, which jumped to a defined location within the same thread. It required having a tag at the start of each post in that thread.

Please could someone who knows how to do this post a reply? I would love to be able to do this on character threads in group games.


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I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I know there's [anchor] and [goto] BBCode out there (you "anchor" a bit of text that you want to be able to go to and then use to go to command to create a link there) but I don't believe it's implemented on E.


Quote from: consortium11 on February 11, 2015, 03:25:18 AM
I know there's [anchor] and [goto] BBCode out there (you "anchor" a bit of text that you want to be able to go to and then use to go to command to create a link there) but I don't believe it's implemented on E.

I've seen it used here... I don't know if it's those two exact tags, but there is definitely a way of doing it!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


It's definitely the anchor tags and you can learn how to do them here:

I use them in my Table of Contents in my O&Os. :-)
Story status: Not Available
Life Status: Just keep swimming...
Working on: N/A

Bloodied Porcelain

you're thinking of anchor and link. link is what you would click to go to a certain place, and anchor is where you want to go. they work like url tags, except you can put in whatever you want after =.

So if I want to go from a TOC at the top of my game info thread to say... the character sheet post, I would do this:

In the TOC:
[link=SHEETS]Character Sheets[/link]

And in the post I want to bounce to:
[anch=SHEETS]Character Sheets[/anch]

Here's a post where I'm using them:

As can be seen there, you can even use them to bounce from later posts to the first post (I have To Top links in all my posts for that thread because of how lengthy some of the posts are).
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Thanks. That is exactly what I was after. (bookmarks the post with all the other useful code bits in too)

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!