EverUndine's Roleplay requests {M/M or F/M}

Started by EverUndine, January 19, 2015, 01:02:30 AM

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Hey there, I'm Ever. You can contact me through private messages, I’m friendly enough :). I've been on a very long hiatus but I'm ready to ease back into the habit of writing more. I have a full time job and sometimes work 50 hour weeks, that plus trying to have a weekend limits the time I spend online so I might not be able to reply more than two or three times per week to my roleplays. I usually write anywhere from 4-7 paragraphs (sometimes more if I'm inspired to), but I'd like to delve more into the realm of quality over quantity as far as my posts are concerned. I prefer to write in the third person. I can play men and women in any of the following pairings: MalexMale, MalexFemale. All of my characters are Switches and I prefer to play against another switch, its fun to mix things up. I will also say that my switch can vary from dead center, to leaning heavily toward dom or sub. I'm open to discussing any plot for any pairing. I love a good fandom rp but I'm quite good at originals also. I prefer fantasy and scifi with romance. Also, I'm a very plot oriented person. Smut is great but I just can't stand smut for the sake of smut.

No longer looking=Strikethrough
Huge Craving=Bold

-Craving something with a heavy gore aspect (not in the sexual manner, but story-wise. I'm dying to test my descriptive skills.)
-I really want to do something Uncharted/Indiana Jones inspired.
-I'd really like to play a character with an Adam Driver or Dominic Sherwood face claim.
-Anything Star Wars, tbh.
-Something in the world of His Dark Materials!!
-Had the idea to do a story where two cops are caught by gangsters and have to rely on each other to live through their ordeal.
-Leaning very heavily toward Scifi these days.
-Really looking for post-war Luna/Draco rn.
-Victorian England demon hunters, anyone??
-All the angst.

Some originals I have been really craving are:
Mob-Owned BoxerxFormer fan
Switchy AlphaxMouthy Omega
Band memberxNew band member (elements of Hardcore drug use, depression, self harm)

A few fandoms I'm always interested in roleplaying in are:
The Shadowhunter Chronicles:
The Last Hours series
(AlastairxThomas, JamesxMatthew, JamesxCordelia, OC ShadowhunterxOC Downworlder*, OC ShadowhunterxOC Shadowhunter*)
The Infernal Devices series (WillxTessa, GideonxSophie, WillxGabriel, WillxJem, OC ShadowhunterxOC Downworlder*, OC ShadowhunterxOC Shadowhunter*)
The Mortal Instruments series or Shadowhunters (TV show) (SimonxJace*, SimonxRaphael, JacexMeliorn, OC ShadowhunterxOC Downworlder*, OC ShadowhunterxOC Shadowhunter*)
The Witcher (GeraltxJaskier)
Lore Olympus (PersephonexHades)

The Arcana (JulianxOC, AsraxOC, JulianxAsra) <-- (here I'd prefer to be my OC apprentice if we do one of the first two pairings)
Star Wars (Reylo(ReyxKylo Ren/Ben Solo)*, RosexHux*, FinnxPoe, KyloxPoe*, KyloxHux*, KyloxOC, JediOCxJediOC, JediOCxSithOC, JediOCxCloneTrooperOC, Han SoloxOC)
Uncharted (Nathan DrakexOC)
Game of Thrones (Sansa StarkxJon Snow)
Lord of the Rings (LegolasxOC, ThranduilxOC, HumanOCxElfOC, LegolasxAragorn, LegolasxÉomer*, LegolasxHaldir, LegolasxBoromir)
Harry Potter (DracoxLuna*, DracoxHermione)
Doctor Who (ClaraxEleven, ClaraxOCDoctor, ElevenxOC, TenxOC, TenxClara)
Star Trek (SpockxOC*, SpockxUhura, SpockxKirk, SpockxBones) <--(here I would prefer to play Spock on all accounts except maybe the OC)
Tron [New Tron] (RinzlerxSam, RinzlerxTron, OCxOC)
Marvel (SpiderManxDeadPool)
DC (Hal Jordan/Green LanternxBruce Wayne/Batman, Hal Jordan/Green LanternxBarry Allen/Flash)
Celebrities (Oscar IsaacxSophie Turner, Matt SmithxJenna Coleman)
Dragon Age/Dragon Age II/DA:Inquisition (Favorite pairings:OCxOC, FenrisxAnders, Female!HawkexVarric, Female!InquisitorxVarric, Male!HawkexVarric, Male!InquisitorxVarric, Male!InquisitorxCullen, Male!InquisitorxSolas, Female!InquisitorxSolas, Iron BullxCullen, DorianxCullen, CullenxSolas)

Dragon Age specific Ideas:
I would like to play Cullen, my Cullen is an awkward little duck and, depending on the rp, could have suicidal/self-destructive tendencies. I also love a more Bottom!Cullen, but he would still be a switch. Cullen met Solas in the fade years after his Circle days. He never asked his name, didn't even truly believe he was real, he took comfort in him when his life was in a dark place. Now he had joined the Inquisition and there is a familiar looking apostate here. At first he thinks Andraste is punishing him. He knows that voice, that face...but it's impossible. Soon he starts getting visits from the elf in the fade and he still can't believe they are anything but hopes, wishful dreams. And then he hears that Solas can walk in the fade, Live waking dreams. And he wonders... Are these just dreams? Or could they lead to something more?
-I really want to play Vulcan!Solas to a male or female Trevelyan in a Star Trek/Dragon Age crossover
-I'm also game for post-inquisition SolasxMale Inquisitor.
-My Fem!Hawke is Bianca Hawke, she can be either a mage or a rogue but I prefer mages. For the Tethras/Hawke plot I can play either Varric or Hawke, Bianca is Hawke's first name although no one but her mother knows it. Everyone calls her
Hawke and she is just fine with that. Varric has asked Hawke for her first name and wonders why she won't tell him so he goes about getting it his own way. How will he react when he finds out the truth? I can also tweak this plot to suit a Male!Hawke, in which case I'd prefer to play Varric.
-If I play the inquisitor I play as either a male or female elf mage, depending on the RP. And then for the Tethras/Inquisitor plot I can play either Varric or the Inquisitor (Although my stipulation for playing Varric is that the Inquisitor not be a dwarf or Qunari), Varric is trying to stay away from women. Hawke broke his heart and he finds himself back in Ferelden with Cassandra when he meets the elf that bears the mark that can close the rifts. He and the elf develop a close bond and Varric becomes conflicted over her. How long can he keep his feelings for the woman in check?
-I also had an idea for a plot taking place shortly after the first battle with Corypheus. The Inquisitor was near death in all of that snow and wind and when she returns, as if from the grave, Varric realizes how much he truly cares for the woman and finds ways to show her. Both of these plots can be tweaked to accommodate Male!Hawke.

Mass Effect (FemShepxGarrus, female!humanxmale!turian**)

I had the idea to do a Post-ME3 rp where Shepard is found and nursed back to health but she has amnesia. She becomes an assassin and Garrus comes across her when she takes a job in a system he happens to be in. Hints of memories come back to her when she is near the Turian. (I would really like to play Shepard)


I can play oc's, canon characters and non-canon characters.
I'm usually up for anything except the following under any circumstances:

I will only do the following if it's for plot or background story (this means my character will have NOT enjoyed these things when they were experiencing them):


Edit: completely reworked this request thread.


Edit: added DorianxCullen pairing to list of Dragon age pairings.


Edit: Added Criminal Minds pairing. Slight edit to some of my Dragon Age plots. Am currently looking to play either with or as Varric Tethras.


Edit: Added Mass Effect pairing and idea.


Edit: Added new Star Wars pairings and Original Pairings. Craving male/male stories.





Edit: Slight edit to cravings. Very much wanting to play Spock with either a female or male, doesn't matter.


Edit: added a few pairings, still wanting to play Spock.





Edit: deleted a few pairings. I am still DESPERATELY looking to play as or with Varric Tethras or Spock!!!



Edit: added soul eater pairings and a few more dragon age pairings


Edit: added Vulcan!Solas idea; under dragon age plot ideas



Edit: Added more Dragon Age plots. Still craving Vulcan!Solas and I really want to play Varric for someone as well!


Edit: added new dragon age pairing and plot!


Edit: added Huge Cravings. Right now I want to be Spock. For anyone. Male or female, original character or existing character.



A simple bump because I haven't done one of those in a while.


Edit: added the crabbing to play mouthy male sub to male dom. Please pm me about this is interested.


Edit: On winter break and very ugh craving some Male thief/archeologist/adventurerxMale partner





Edit: minor edit in cravings and Dragon age section



Edit: added Celebrities. Craving Oscar IsaacxSophie Turner.


Edit: edited cravings, added pairings. Only searching for mxm.



Edit: added band memberxNew band member pairing



Edit: I'm back! Added Kylo RenxGeneral Hux (Kylux) to Star Wars Pairings.


Haven't bumped this thread in a long time but I'll bump with a personal note. I am currently looking for a partner who is okay with my slowness. I am going to be making a HUGE move (7 hours away from my current residence) in a month so I'm busy but dedicated:)


Edit: added texting idea. Craving this one and Kylux.


Edit: added info about Assassin and Adam Driver face claim


Monthly bump because I REALLY want to play as Spock or with an Adam Driver face claim


Edit: added SpockxBones and LegolasxBoromir as well as updated cravings.


Major Edit to this whole post, back from a very very long hiatus!


Edit: Added a few ideas, no longer looking for FinnxPoe as I have something in the works with someone right now.




Edit: Updated cravings, added The Last Hours, The Infernal Devices, and The Mortal Instruments pairings.


Edit: Major additions to The Shadowhunter Chronicles pairings. A DracoxLuna story I had in the works fell through as well as two Star Wars stories, so still looking for those as well.