Cravings and Silly ideas, (F lf M)

Started by Verasaille, January 18, 2015, 05:30:30 PM

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This list will be added to as I find more ideas. Thanks for checking it out!!

I had an inspiration to play a woman warrior that is very much a hard hitting fighter. Not womanly at all. Never wears a dress or does anything girly. She spends time with friends, and always enjoys a few drinks at the local tavern. The friends she hangs out with are all mercenaries and townspeople who have a lot of experience. She respects them and would do anything to protect them. But she never seems willing to do anything in the way of relationships.

There is one friend who irritates the hell out of her. He is a dandy, a lady killer of the most dashing and extravagant way. An outrageous flirt, who will hit on almost any woman. He will never settle down and love one woman. He has way too much fun playing the field. He is witty and charming, wears fancy clothing and lacy shirts and looks like your classic debonair  hero. The only thing he has never done is try to charm my character. Not that he might not like her, he respects her and her skill as a warrior. But he just does not think she is womanly enough for him.

Something similar to this for the guy.

Now the story I had in mind was a friendly bet, between the dandy and a mutual friend, that the dandy cannot get the warrior to act like a lady instead of a hard ass warrior. Or to conquer her or some other bet that would involve him trying to get her to be a lady and actually enjoy it. This will be an extremely hard uphill climb.

Think of My Fair Lady, set in a fantasy universe.

TAKEN for now.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


More people to help me build my world of Tierra. I have lots of ideas on different areas of the world. You can find the world building thread here:

I would like some help in fleshing out the Dwarven race. I want them to be more than the standard short humanoids who excel at mining and blacksmithing. I want to build a history for them complete with origins of the race and various Kings, a basic religion with a Deity to worship, and some customs that will be unique for the race.

Some pictures I found that are very interesting involving Dwarves:

So who likes to play a race that is short and very interesting?

I am wide open to making this an adventure to be fun, exciting and sexy!
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


I want to add I am still looking for Elves to help me flesh out a little background in my world.

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The area covers a vast part of the Eastern Seaboard. There are four distinct elven varieties. The Blanqua, the Greneida, the Faela and the Perida. Each tribal unit claims a specific area, they seldom war and are often seen trading with each other without incident. They are barely tolerant of other races, and often chase them off their lands with deadly effects. They have a very highly developed society, full of artistry and song. As well as a potent military. Archery is favored by all the elves, but short blades and melee combat is also trained as well as siege weaponry. The few who delve into magic are unparalleled in skill. Mages are more elusive due to the ban on magic by the Elven King Emortalis. He feels it is too dangerous to the land to use the elements. Though he is considered the High King of the Elves, his rule does not extend beyond the elven lands. All four of the elven main tribes pay him tribute and give him much respect.

From the Misted Peaks to the North that rise out of the sea come the legends of the White Elves. Skin as pale as alabaster, blue slanted eyes and short pointed ears, they are known as the Blanqua. Fine boned and short, there are none taller than four feet in height. As a people they are very reclusive. Living on the smaller game plentiful in the foothills of the Misted Peaks, and gathering berries in the summer to dry and use as seasoning the rest of the year. It is said they can create a mist with their magic and vanish into it like a ghost. They use bows made of willow and arrows tipped with the paralyzing poison of a thorn bush that grows in their woods. They trade with their neighbors to the south for the some foodstuffs and also for spirits like the elven brandy and wine.

The Greneida are the deep forest dwellers, building their beautiful shelters out of the trees and plants without killing them Their dwellings are living and growing constantly and the elves shape them with judicious pruning and song. The only wood that is burned is that of the dead trees that nature has given them for that reason. Sometimes this dead wood is cut into planks and made into furniture and shelves. Woodworking is a very prized part of their heritage and they do it to a fine art. Lacquers and stains made from natural things found in the forest are what make the elven woodworking so fine. Their forests are home to a wide variety of game including the deer, elk and moose. There are smaller animals as well, from skunks and weasels to raccoons and porcupines and beavers. Plenty of birds and a wide variety of cats and wolves. The Greneida pride themselves on living with nature in harmony. In appearance they are taller than most humans, standing at seven feet for the tallest males. They are slender and agile, and very fast. Hair coloring can range from a soft pale green to a vivid red in shades of flame. Their eyes are almost always green.

The smallest members of the Elven race are simply called Faela. There are so many in a wide variety of shapes and sizes that even the elves have given up trying to keep track of them except for a few die hard sages. Ranging in size from twelve inches tall to a full three feet tall, they are gifted with flight. Wings come in many colors and are good only for short distances. A Faela can only stay in the air continuously for about ten minutes. They can however flit about all day. If they are not constantly in the air, it might seem so. Hair is brightly colored often because it is dyed. A natural color would be white. Their eyes range from bright blue to a deep sapphire.

They migrate from the Northern foothills in the summer to the Dales in the winter. They are not a hardy race and are easily harmed by larger and faster predators. Because of this they multiplay rapidly and often have swarms where the play is raucaus and orgiastic. They eat berries and grains and rice, with some insects taking priority at certain times of the year. They also raise silkworms and harvest the silk to sell to the other races. The making of dyes and colored silk cloth is a favored past time.

The Pereida are the southern island dwellers. Making their homes on the rocky promontories out of stone and driftwood and sometimes the bones of sea monsters and whales. The are the shipbuilders and the most likely to trade and make friends with other races. Dark hair and brown or deep violet eyes are common. Their build is wiry and strong, standing at about the same average height as a human. Outgoing and friendly, they love to spin yarns and gamble. They can be passionate and fiery tempered as well.

They ply everything from sea going vessels to riverboats and lake fishing schooners. The love the water, being excellent swimmers and fisherfolk. There have been times when the Pereida were known to be pirates, before the Elf King signed the treaties with the humans to protect trade. There are still some who will try occasionally if they can get away with it.

I find that 1x1's often give me more insight and fun as I build individual histories. I would love to have a pair of elves in any of the areas, or varieties. From the white skinned elusive Blanca in the northern tundra, to the Forest Elves, Greinida. And the Perida in the south, more like Sea faring elves in tune with the water. The Fae are just like pixies and they are a lot of fun.

I would like to invite anyone who wants to portray a shapeshifter to also apply. This class can be Elf, human or dwarf. They are very much in tune with nature and can fully function as up to five different beasts. They have to learn the words to shift, which are learned from contact with other shapeshifters. I do want to have a 1x1 that focuses on the training of a shapeshifter.  I would play a Master and train those who are willing to learn it and are serious enough to dedicate some time to it.

I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Just saw this picture in a craving thread and I snagged it. Anyone care to join me in a romp with some strong elements of a Royal Guard who is tasked with an impossible quest? Just a basic generic story in my mind now. Details can be worked out.

I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.