[BON?][UN] - Prophesies - A Male (Main Character) - Few Other People.

Started by Mistress Of Damned Ink, October 06, 2008, 07:53:40 PM

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Mistress Of Damned Ink

I am looking for particular writers who are good with symbolism and poetic details and who are devout to their characters...
I, myself, tend to write a one to a few pages for each response, so I wish to seek out writers who can do the same and can be my muse, and I theirs.

This is about a prophecy, of a child born with a birth mark, who would be beyond all persons in strength, intelligence, beauty, speed and skill, who was prophesied to end "the rivalry". This prophecy was told from generation to generation, until atlas, it came into perspective. A large and successful clan began to split, and then finally at last they parted, forming two clans, rivals of each other. The Kalinants and The Daelunas. Though they did not see the prophesy coming true, into each clan a child was born with this mark, each clan unaware that the other cradled a similar child. These children were raised different than the other children, as you would presume and each, when they finally bloomed into adulthood, was named the highest ranked assassin. Finally, after years of fighting over the kingdom, the clans reached a mutual agreement, that the clan to rule the kingdom would be named to the clan with the strongest warrior. And so they fought, near equals, until finally one slipped up, and the decision was made. The Daelunas claimed the kingdom in spite of ROMEO, and the life of the assassin, Elizabeth was spared by the victorious Daeluna. However, to the Daelunas it was unaware that the assassin for the Kalinants was that of a woman. This same woman, has been told that she will be marrying the gallant ROMEO so that she may penetrate the kingdom from within and that a few woman will also take on the same role of being married into the kingdom. However, things become intensely dramatic, when the assassins learn that the other is also of the prophecy, and the clans become nervous. What will this mean, has the Kalinants attempt to invade the Daelunas been discovered? What does the prophecy hold and who will rise above, and who will fall beneath? How will the feud end?

Characters Needed:
ROMEO - That doesn't have to be his name - I just put it there so everyone knew who the lead male role was.
I will also be needing a Male leader for each Clan, the Daelunas and the Kalinants.
And Perhaps a Younger Woman who will be sent in and married to a royal male, lower down on the chain.
And a Male or Two - One perhaps the spouse of the Younger Woman, and another male to play a role unknown.

Any ideas, or suggestions, I am a very open person.
PM me if interested - statuses will change once I decide someone for the roles and edits will be in red.

Status Of Character Roles:
Romeo- Taken by Jineriq.
Kalinants Leader- Open.
Kalinants Younger Woman (Undercover Assasign/Spy)- Taken By The Talented Mdazfrench. XD
Daelunas Leader- Taken by Schlafly.
Daelunas Royal Male- Open.
Other Roles- Open.
"Her kiss could part your body and soul, and even as she breathed in your soul from your body, you would be in the most heighten sensual bliss, even knowing that when her lips moved from yours, you would be no more." ---In reference to Ebony, Raven of Darkness.


<Reaches out and smacks a few randomly passing males on the back of their heads>

C'mon boys!  Mistress and I won't bite! . . . . .much (I personally prefer using claws :P )

Kitty's Do/Don'ts

I'm not crazy.  I'm insane, there's a difference :P


Showing some interest for a male character. I'll bookmark and read more later.