MiMi's Idea Thread

Started by MiraMirror, December 07, 2014, 12:38:03 AM

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Welcome to my humble little thread, barebones as it is.  Below, you'll find a link to my O/O's, and a little blurb about what I'm looking for right now.

My On's and Offs (Updated as of 12/25/2016

Cravings:  Driders, non-con, system-based games (Pathfinder, 3.5, D&D 5th Edition, Dungeon World), anything in O/O's that's an on or isn't mentioned (anything not in offs is a maybe, just ask).  I could really go for a hard non-con game right now.

I'm available for solo games right now, and am absolutely craving a DM to run me through an erotic campaign of one of the above systems, with sex on loss/failure/similar.  Send me a message if you'd like to run a game, and maybe a little blurb for a plot, and we can talk it out!
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Bump after a while, still looking for these ideas. *Nodnod*
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Updated with a new one. *Nod nod*
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Cleaned up the first post, took off dead ideas for now. 

*Would love to be run through a PF/3.5 ERP-ish campaign right now* <3
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Update because I'm bad at updating.  Currently craving a solo Pathfinder/D&D 3.5/D&D 5th Edition (if someone's willing to teach that system to me) ERP campaign.  PM me, etc etc, love you all.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Updated:  Cleaned up the first post/made it less...repetitive?  Also cleaned up the linked O/O page so it's a little clearer and all that.  Also included more recently discovered kinks and updated do's/do not's and posting rates.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Updated because I'm finally back after 5 and a half years or so, great googly moogly.

Really craving some kind of system game lately, whether it's solo or a group-based game.  I really want to make a character and go out on a nice adventure with some kinky potential down the road.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3