Young Justice: Rebellion

Started by SmilingFox, November 30, 2014, 06:28:26 PM

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It all happened so fast. One day the world is ringing in the new year, the next the watchtower is plummeting to earth.

Aliens. Nothing new to the people of Earth. They've come before, and the Justice League pushed them back, time and again. But these ones were different. Their language is almost impossible for humans to speak, but people call them Dan'shee, or just Xenos if you're pissed enough. Regardless, their goal was complete control over the populations of earth, to use as they see fit for their twisted experimentation.

Worse, within a few months, they succeeded. Their opposition has been utterly crushed, reduced to petty guerrilla tactics and sabotage. Meanwhile people everywhere live in a police state. Entire cities walled off into quarantined zones, awaiting their chosen date for experimentation. Obedience means becoming something different, often times something inhuman. Sometimes death is preferable.

Resistance? Well... They'd like you to believe resistance is futile. But there's whispers, in the darkest alleyways. 'Superman lives'.

This will be a freeform roleplay based around DC or Young Justice. No knowledge of the setting is entirely necessary, but it would help you flavor your character appropriately.

The premise is that the earth is attacked by a robotic race fixated on experimentation. The heroes of the world rise up, and are quickly quashed. Most of the familiar names are either dead or missing, and only a few remain to launch guerrilla warfare against the invaders.

The villains largely keep quiet out of self preservation, or occasionally help out against the aliens (because there's no point ruling the world if the aliens wreck it). In the mean time, the aliens keep a police state over most of the world, occasionally quarantining sections of the populace to run experiments.

The basic idea is that due to their experimentation, anything goes. Most people have mutations, ranging from the mundane (pink hair), to the extraordinary (Scales and wings and the like). During the initial stages of the attack, the aliens deployed a wide-spread chemical weapon designed to subdue and render humanity passive. The weapon failed utterly, only serving to alter a select few who had an adverse reaction, either partially or fully shifting their gender. (Thus allowing any gender you like as a character, including any form of futa you like.)

While the machines regularly seek out 'successful' experiments for capture and study, some of them manage to get away and fight back with their new abilities. Lots of rebel groups have shown up to fight back against the aliens. But the aliens have brought a lot of their own successful experiments along with them, previous races brought up to the height of their abilities.

At character level, the plot would revolve around a small city, designated Experimentation Zone 316-A (EZ316-A for short). The experiment was conducted long ago, so only surveillance drones monitor the area. Otherwise the population is walled in, with only supply drops keeping everyone alive. The inside is relatively harmless, if you avoid the gangs, but getting out is nearly impossible. Which is the first task of the players:

Find a way out of EZ316-A.

How the game works:

When designing your character, put some thought into their abilities. Think of them like a comic book character, give them weaknesses, give them believable flaws. I'm more likely to okay a character with strong powers but glaring weaknesses, than I am a moderate character who's good at everything. Playing up your weaknesses, failing your roles, will earn you leniency to do something incredible later on.

That being said, I do give credit for 'stunting'. If your character is trying something difficult, or even otherwise impossible, roleplay it. Can't get past a shield with your beam attack? Ricochet beams off of objects so several hit it at once. Things like that can mean the difference between success and failure, when it comes down to it.

In any case, if you want to join in, (And I hope you do), leave a character sheet.

Hero Name:

(Also note, the aliens get Really kinky with their experiments. If there's anything in particular you do/don't want to see, feel free to mention it.)


Also expressing interest, already working on a character.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Also stating tentative interest. One concept is an Ultra Boy type powerset where the character has access to several powers but can't use more than one at a time (can't fly while using super speed, can't use super speed or fly when invulnerable, etc).  Another is a hero who can become organic diamond, along the lines of Emma Frost's secondary mutation, without the psychic powers, or like Colossus.


Darkest, I should note that my character was going to basically have crystalline wings.  Rather, they start as normal feathers, and can be ejected as a high-speed projectile.  When they're ejected in such a manner, they crystallize.  It's a combination of Emma's diamond stuff, Angel, and Black Canary, I think.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Showing my own interest; what's the rule on, canon-ish characters? I'm thinking of a modified more Young-Justice-ie Raven.

Also speaking of Crystals.

Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!


Canon-ish characters are fine. Honestly, the whole thing's open to whatever you wish to play. So long as you avoid people explicitly out of canon I'm cool with whatever strange powersets you come up with.


Quote from: D12 on November 30, 2014, 10:50:14 PM
Showing my own interest; what's the rule on, canon-ish characters? I'm thinking of a modified more Young-Justice-ie Raven.

Also speaking of Crystals.


Crystalline feathers. Enough of a distinction for me to flip that picture away. ^^;
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


I wanna be loved by you. Just you. And everyone else too. I wanna be loved by everyone. ;o)


Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on November 30, 2014, 11:04:08 PM
Crystalline feathers. Enough of a distinction for me to flip that picture away. ^^;

Technically she was more like Marrow, only with crystals instead of bones anyway.
Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!


 Hmm... I have a character or two that might work.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Latooni Subota

Interested . . you know, once work ends and I can sit down and make a concept.
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


 I'm thinking of either bringing back my electrokinetic, statting up an empath, or nabbing Teen Titans Animated-verse Terra....

quick edit: Or I have a character that was a chemistry lab assistant and could create explosions from anything by rapidly calculating the chemical equation required to make it happen in her head and applying it to a limited area....
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I absolutely adored Terra, and was so sad with how she wound up...


 I was in a Teen Titans RP last year (jesus, last year already?) where I played Terra. She was someone who just wanted to ignore the super life and go back to normal, graduate college, but Deathstroke coming back made that impossible for her...

I'll probably go with the explosion character, as she was a lot of fun in her initial concept. Started off throwing grenade sized explosions with plans to eventually do things like make air bursts to deflect attacks and concentrated blasts to break barriers. She had quick thinking but the downside was she needed to be able to focus to use her powers.... And she had somehow mixed her genetics with that of a Yorkie, so had explosive bursts of energy (hah, pun) and other such traits.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Shadow, I think your Michael Bay-esque character and my sonic character will get along swimmingly. Tactical explosions, anyone?
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Quote from: SmilingFox on December 01, 2014, 06:46:14 PM
I absolutely adored Terra, and was so sad with how she wound up...

As someone who's actually read the New Teen Titan comics... Terra was kind of a horrible person.
Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!


 Animated Terra, not comics Terra.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I honestly like comics Terra better >:-P
Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!


It would have been awesome if Static did a TT crossover, and then became a full fledged member when his show ended.


Quote from: Juggtacular on December 02, 2014, 01:24:09 AM
It would have been awesome if Static did a TT crossover, and then became a full fledged member when his show ended.

You mean like what happened in the comics?

pics or it didn't happen.
Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!


Yeah. I was saying they should have followed the comic storyline a bit closer at parts. Like Beast Boy and Raven actually hooking up.


Is that Raven on the right? She looks...a lot more tan than she did in the show... Huh.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on December 02, 2014, 01:31:29 AM
Is that Raven on the right? She looks...a lot more tan than she did in the show... Huh.

That's a bad image, but she was never albino/gray in the comics.
She was also originally like 21 when she first appeared:

(She also originally had a romance with Kid Flash (Wally West) instead of Beast Boy. the Raven/BB thing didn't really show up until after the show aired and ended.)
Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!


Yeah, that version looks much more mature.  It's nice to see that she still has that air of mystery about her, though.
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on December 02, 2014, 01:34:56 AM
Yeah, that version looks much more mature.  It's nice to see that she still has that air of mystery about her, though.

They really played up the 'mystery' part of her in her first appearance. She was a devout pacifist who really only showed up to say "There's trouble." and then teleport the team to it, and then disappear. It caused friction with the team. Cyborg called her 'The Witch' for like, a while.
Quote from: Angiejuusan
D12 has earned the power of the GM's Laughter! This does nothing but tell the world you made the GM laugh out loud!