Romance, Drama, Japan

Started by Soaring Knight, November 23, 2014, 01:09:35 PM

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Soaring Knight

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Hey everybody; just finished watching Kill La Kill and really enjoyed it. I fell in love with Ryuko's character over the course of the city, and by the bittersweet end, I nearly cried. Anyway, If it wasn't clear already, she's the person I want to use as a face claim for this story. What is this story? This story is one filled with romance, with drama, with the idea of coming of age and finding yourself. It's one that, hopefully, will touch the heart. And perhaps most importantly, it is a long term story.

I've got a few ideas, and I know exactly who I want to play. But this is a sales pitch, so for more information you'll have to PM me. I'll just leave you with a few things:

Ties of Fate connecting two hearts that can be severed.
Money can't buy happiness
Don't judge a book by its cover.

And since this is a new thread, I'll say this. OOC gender doesn't matter. A girl interest works. A boy interest works. Characters of the same age or old work. I think because I intend her to be 'rich' as a background, a character who is poor or at least certainly poorer is best as an interest. And... rest assured that we'll be playing multiple characters, or at least I will! Oh and I should say she isn't cut and paste Ryuuko from Kill la Kill, but she is scrappy!