A Jedi Enslaved (F seeking GM, NC or Extreme)

Started by Jaded, November 16, 2014, 03:39:32 AM

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I'd like to play a game, either as freeform, Saga Edition, or Edge of the Empire, set in the Star Wars universe.  The basic idea I have in mind is that a Jedi or Padawan managed to survive Order 66, only to find herself blackmailed by a Hutt who discovered her identity.  Either she serves him, or he turns her over to the Empire.

The game would hopefully have her struggling with the missions she has to do for him, while trying to stick to the Jedi Code and her own beliefs.  Plus a healthy dose of enslavement and abuse at the hands of the Hutt, his servants, and his enemies. 

Any interest?  I would be fine with a one on one or small group game.