A Queen's Quest (Extreme Pathfinder)

Started by Jaded, November 16, 2014, 03:28:51 AM

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I hate rejecting people. :-(  I liked pretty much all the concepts, but do need to keep it smaller just so I don't overwhelm myself (and slow the group(s)).  If people would like to keep them in mind in case of attrition, please let me know.  My apologies to those I couldn't accept, and thank you for taking the time to toss in a concept. 

ThatOneShrroth: Elf or Half-Elf Flying Blade Swashbuckler
Muse: Human Evoker Wizard
ViperFang: Human Rakshasa Bloodline Sorceress
Blinkin: Human Inspired Blade Swashbuckler
schnookums: Kitsune Inquisitor
Chulanowa: Human Hunter

I may add one more as the Queen, or will NPC her.  If I NPC her (or even if I don't), I would be looking for a villain or two to help out with the bad guys.  If you're interested, let me know.

OOC: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=217893.0
Characters: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=217894.0


Ah, damn. I didn't realise there was a cut off date for this or I'd have had my entry in already. :(
Oh well. Have fun guys~


Perhaps in the future you will feel more comfortable with extra players, or maybe life will get in the way for someone... in either case, if you need new blood Jaded, revive this thread or send out PM's! Have fun! 'w' b