The Next Emperor (closed)

Started by mj2002, November 09, 2014, 12:47:24 AM

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The Next Emperor

This is an attempt at a reboot of a previous group roleplay known as 'The Next Emperor' originally started by Untamed Skies back in early 2013. This idea always remained in the back of my head and I feel that now might be the right time to have another go at it. A great deal of inspiration for this story is taken from that story, so a lot of the credit goes to Untamed Skies.

The Story (credit goes to Untamed Skies)

The current Emperor Edward Hellatius has decided that time has finally defeated him. His blade has turned dull, his bones have grown weak, his hair grey and whilst his mind is still sharp, he wants to leave the Empire in good hands after he moves on to the next world. He's no longer fit to rule the Empire and his weakness would make it vulnerable, not only to outside forces but also to internal conflict. Usually, the first born son would take over, but whilst the Emperor has children, they are all daughters. By law of the Hellation Empire, an Emperor without a male heir must select a man from outside of the family to marry a daughter in order to assume a new blood line. Abiding by these sacred laws, Emperor Hellatius has decided to bring in the most famous of champions, lords, warriors, nobles, dukes, counts, and heroes of the land to try and prove their worth as Emperor. At the center of the event will be a grand tournament where the winner may receive the Emperor's blessing.

However there is more to this event than just the tournament, for he who seeks the crown must be more then a simple martial master. He must possess leadership, he must be empathetic towards his people, but most of all, he must be cunning. To be Emperor one has to be approved by not just the Emperor, but by four of the five authorities. The relevant authorities in this decision also include a Princess, The High Bishop, The Speaker of the Senate and The Representative of the Common Folk. Only when he has proved his worth above and beyond the average man will he be allowed to assume the title of Emperor Hellatius. And the only way one can earn such a title is proving his cunning, guile, strength, and conviction before anyone else has a chance, for each authority values a different quality.

At the heart of everything would stand the tournament. Here the princesses might find their interest in a hero, and a hero might find interest in her. Here those who were weak might find foul ways to overcome those who were strong. Here fools would be cast out, and the unworthy destroyed. The winner of the tournament will automatically have the approval of the Emperor himself. Getting approval from the other authorities might not be so straight forward though.

The Concept

This story is more then just a man trying to marry a woman and become Emperor because there is no set princess that is most eligible. The princesses themselves must also prove valuable and worthwhile to the champion trying to become Emperor. If she is judged poorly she might be passed by the champion who may find something he values in one of her sisters. There is plenty of room for foul play by the sisters as they try to sabotage champions that impede their own goals. By all rights you may not be able to trust anyone as almost everyone is after something only two can have, power over the Empire.

As for the champions, they'll have to maneuver through a complicated web of intrigues, politics, rival princesses and competitors, whilst also performing well in the tournament. The first champion who acquires the approval of four authorities (including one princess) is the new Emperor. One might even be able to achieve that without winning the tournament. Each authority desires different qualities in the new Emperor though.

I'm hoping for a reasonable amount of players for this story. The Emperor never had a son but it wasn't for lack of trying, there can be plenty of princesses and I'm looking to start this story with no less than 3 (aiming for 5-6). If there's more than 3 princesses, it is likely that they don't all share the same mother. Details on this can be discussed in this topic, as the character sheets start being posted.

There can be plenty of champions on the other side of things as well. The goal is not to have two champions rise and battle each other for one princess, but to have a cluster of champions and princesses trying to gain power of the throne. This allows for intrigues, backstabbing, love triangles, deceit and all the drama that comes when a collection of people are all competing for the same thing.


This story is set to play in the High Middle Ages with a tiny bit of fantasy added into the mix. Consider a universe like Game of Thrones, but be careful to consider that to the average person on Westeros, the tales of white walkers, dragons, wild fire, etc, are just stories. The more extreme the fantasy-like element may get, the further away from the Capital it would be relevant. Our story will contain some magic, but in a very limited form.

Magic is not powerful, the strongest flame that can be conjured is a little less powerful then a torch. They are like cheap parlor tricks, useful only in certain situations, and even in those situations they only give a slight edge. It is so weak and so little used that a large share of the world does not believe in its existence. Those that do see it either as a gift from the gods, or as vile and demonic. There is nothing strong enough to control one's mind, to make someone ill or to gain a considerable advantage in combat. Some can throw a candle fire at you and it might burn like being burnt by a lighter but that's the extent of it.

The Church grants magic to those most devoted to its cause. Those who have spent many years and have given much time to the pursuit of the betterment towards their Gods are the ones most likely to possess its power. It is supposed to be a sign of the faithful. Magic comes in the form of runes. The church grants and teaches its greatest members how to use magic in the form of runes. These runes are found in certain scriptures and books and must be precisely crafted, and one has to be able to imagine the power they invoke as they craft the rune. As such the only true way to learn magic is through the scriptures.

Scriptures do not all reside in the church. There are many and it is very easy to believe that in a massive castle library there are a few books on runic magic either handed down by the church or taken by overzealous Emperors and princesses. However for a low-class citizen that isn't religious and doesn't have a library near him, the odds of him coming across such information is much lower. If you want to add a rune or two to your character you must explain how you came into the knowledge.

Aside from runes, magic can manifest itself in objects or living beings. In the most extreme sense, one could come across a sword with a particular unnatural glow, though no special strengths. In living beings, one could come across a particularly beautiful bird, or perhaps even a unicorn. Again, no special strengths or powers are available to these creatures, or can be obtained from them. To the ordinary person, they will come across as extraordinary objects, or rare mythical creatures. To a skilled priest, they may be used to craft potions or items that may speed up a sick person's recovery.

The magic dynamic of this story is still a work in progress. If you'd like to have your character be somewhat talented in magic, or reference it in your character's back story, please send me a message with a proposal for this first, before posting it as part of the character sheet.

The story is to play out in and around the largest city in the center of the Hellation Empire, known just as the Capital. Details about the city and some of its areas will be elaborated on in the actual posts that will be made when the story starts. For some general information though, the Empire is rather large meaning that the champions can come from regions that are quite far from each other and from the capital. This allows for a rather diverse background from each of the participants. Your character may not have heard about the existence of another character, or their accomplishments, when they meet each other in the Capital.

The Tournament

Initially the player characters that have champion roles will not face each other. As it is an Empire of great size, there are many different heroes/champions and while the pallet was narrowed down, there are still x men fighting for the right to marry a Princess. The first round(s) of the tournament will feature the champions going up against NPCs. This is in order for the participants to establish and make a name for themselves in the event, and get noticed. The first fight against an NPC champion can be considered a win for your player character, unless you personally decide otherwise. After this wave of fights, player characters can start worrying about facing each other.

The tournament is set with dulled and blunted weapons. The intent is not to kill the champions as participants may have more use to the Empire before the end or may find approval from 4 of the 5 authorities before the tournament winner can. The fight is decided by incapacitating the opponent or surrender. However accidents and schemes do happen, anyone who is set to enter the tournament should be wary. The easiest way to eliminate a threat is to kill it.

No matter what, the winner of the tournament will receive the Emperor's blessing. In the event that the winner of the tournament is not elected as Emperor, he may still choose a wife from the other princesses and receives the title of High King, more than an honorary position.

A noble may have a representative fight for him in his place if he so chooses to do so. However a warning is in order, should your character's Representative be smarter and gain the proper approval you may find him stealing the prize! In this regard many nobles who are doing such, are picking uneducated people to fight for them in hopes they won't become wiser to the overall scheme of things.

It is also possible for a princess to enter the tournament, her prize being she may pick one of her suitors she herself deems most worthy to rule. Should that champion fail to gain approval from the authorities then she, as winner of the tournament, would reign as High Queen alongside her High King.

No one is above the law, if your character is caught murdering innocent people, or other competitors, he/she will be arrested and any chance at the crown will be lost.

NPCs and Entourage

Different from most stories (that I've seen and participated in), NPCs are a rather important part of this story. As mentioned before, there are several important characters that play decisive roles in the story. These are to be taken up by GMs and/or players, likely as a side character. These include the Emperor himself, the other authorities (princesses are to be main roles), other champions, etc. These roles are likely to be assigned people who have previously expressed interest in taking these on, but if you would really like to play these characters (as side character or even as main character) then do post an application! These characters include, but are not limited to;

  • The Emperor Edward Hellatius
  • The Speaker of the Senate (favors nobility, dislikes the common folk)
  • The High Bishop (favors the devout and faithful)
  • The Representative of the Common Folk (favors the common folk, dislikes the nobility)

More information is available for these characters, but if you want to know more, it's best to ask specific questions. Once the story starts, more information with regards to the authorities and their system will be posted in the relevant thread(s).

Secondly, there is main character's entourage. If you sign up as a princess, you will also be in control of your own handmaidens, guards, etc. If you sign up as a champion, you are in charge of your squire(s), guards, priest(s), advisers, etc. The group you show up with is your own choice. A rich lord from a far quadrant of the Hellation Empire may have a large entourage, whilst a poorer or minor lord only brings a squire along.

There is no limit to the size of your entourage (as long as it is reasonable), or how detailed you may want to describe each individual. It is fine to have a few generic guards or unnamed handmaidens that you only refer to in your main character's post, but you are free to flesh out their stories as well and let them wander through the capital city, meet other champions/princesses/characters/etc. Your main character's entourage is under your control only (unless otherwise agreed upon) and serves to accompany your character in the story, gather information, spy on competitors, perform sabotage or even attempt assassinations. Make sure your entourage doesn't completely overshadow your own character, or completely unbalance the event in favor of your own champion/princess.

Signing Up

Before you consider signing up, please ask yourself if you're able and willing commit the time needed to participate in a group story. As participants, you're not required to post multiple times a day, but please keep in mind that longer periods of inactivity are tough for group stories. If you are not able to post at least 2-3 times a week, please consider finding another group story. Exceptions can be made in case you can announce your inactivity ahead of time, but make sure you move your character to such a position where other participants will not have to wait for you.

Participants are very much encourage to also take on a minor role as NPC champion. This is not required, but it would definitely help out in the earlier stages of the tournament, where the champion characters will face NPC champions. You don't need to come up with a whole back story (unless you want to), but just post a few times to provide competition for a player character's champion in the arena. If  you would be interested in doing this, please mention this in your reply. No character sheet or picture is needed for this, just the basics (name, age, maybe appearance).

If you're interested in roles other than princesses, champions or characters with another role, just post your proposal!

Character Sheet

Champion Character Sheet

[b]Full name[/b]:
[b]Title or rank[/b]: Does your character have an officially recognized rank or title known to the Capital?
[b]Home region[/b]: Where does your character hail from? What region does he represent?

[b]Age[/b]: At least 18
[b]Appearance[/b]: What does your character look like? Please provide a physical description and/or image. Make sure to stay true to the medieval theme when finding images on the internet.

[b]Combat ability and experience[/b]: Has your character fought in wars or battles? What are his favorite weapons?

[b]Personality[/b]: What is your character like to be around?
[b]Background and history[/b]: What has made your character worthy of entering this tournament? Think of highlights or noteworthy events.


For the sake of balance, please make sure that your entourage (which includes your main character) has at the very least two main strengths, but also two main weaknesses. You can add more, as long as they are in balance. Examples could be but are certainly not limited to;

[li]You bring along a cunning assassin in order to inflict damage on an opponents entourage.[/li]
[li]Your main character is an exceptional fighter[/li]
[li]One of your squires may be plotting for himself[/li]
[li]Your servant might be spying for another champion[/li]

[b]Other traits[/b]: Add other (personality) traits that may be of relevance to the story.
[b]On/Offs[/b]: Please provide a link to your O/O page if you have one. If not, please specify what relevant concepts you would have your character encounter, or avoid.

Applications for Princesses are closed for now
Princess Character Sheet

[b]Age[/b]: Please coordinate with the other princesses on who is oldest and who is youngest. If we have more than three princesses, a second mother could be involved. For this story, the mother(s) of the princesses play no part unless someone really wants to play that role.
[b]Appearance[/b]: What does your character look like? Please provide a physical description and find an image to go with. Make sure to stay true to the medieval theme when finding images on the internet.

[b]Hobbies and activities[/b]: What does your character enjoy doing in her free time?

[b]Personality[/b]: What is your character like to be around?
[b]Background and history[/b]: 


For the sake of balance, please make sure that your character/entourage has at the very least one main strength, but also one main weakness. You can add more, as long as they are in balance. Examples could be but are certainly not limited to;

[li]Your character is not popular with the city's aristocracy (a champion openly allying themselves with this princess may have a hard time receiving the Speaker of the Senate's approval)[/li]
[li]One of your handmaidens is an informer for one of your sisters[/li]
[li]Your character is widely loved by the common folk[/li]

[b]Other traits[/b]: Add other (personality) traits that may be of relevance to the story.
[b]On/Offs[/b]: Please provide a link to your O/O page if you have one. If not, please specify what relevant concepts you would have your character encounter, or avoid.

Entourage Member Character Sheet

[b]Full name[/b]:l
[b]Role[/b]: What is this character's role, official position, job, etc?
[b]Appearance[/b]: What does this character look like? Please provide a physical description and/or image. Make sure to stay true to the medieval theme when finding images on the internet.

Generic Character Sheet

[b]Full name[/b]:
[b]Title or rank[/b]: Does your character have an officially recognized rank or title known to the Capital?
[b]Role[/b]: What's your character's role, official position, job, etc?
[b]Home region[/b]: Where does your character hail from? What region do they represent or are they from the Capital?

[b]Appearance[/b]: What does your character look like? Please provide a physical description and/or image. Make sure to stay true to the medieval theme when finding images on the internet.

[b]Experience[/b]: What does your character excel at?

[b]Personality[/b]: What is your character like to be around?
[b]Background and history[/b]: What has made your character noteworthy (if applicable)?


[b]Other traits[/b]: Add other (personality) traits that may be of relevance to the story.
[b]On/Offs[/b]: Please provide a link to your O/O page if you have one. If not, please specify what relevant concepts you would have your character encounter, or avoid.



Cool! tomorrow, I will spend some time working on my character.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Alright, so here we go.

Name: Princess Jeniveve Aria Hellatius
Age: 17
Appearance: Jeniveve Hellatius usually dresses simply, in white or neutral colored dresses. Her hair is black and very long, usually to the small of her back or longer. She has deep blue eyes and a caring, gentle demeanor. She is around five five, though she carries herself confidently. Pictorial Reference

Hobbies and activities: Jeniveve enjoys many activities, including swimming, archery (Much to her mother and father's chagrin.) and often takes walks outside of the palace to be with the common folk.

Personality: Jeniveve is friendly, though it is questionable if she is really as ignorant as she looks, of if it is all an act.
Background and history:  Jeniveve grew up like most princesses her age would. She was taught how to read and write, how to speak properly and how to conduct herself during matters of the state, manners, tact and many other 'high social functions'. Though due to her age, she was never really groomed to be Empress, her sisters usually fought amongst themselves for the honor, and she was always happy to let them fight (figuratively) over which Father would choose when the time came. Though, none of them had expected it would turn out quite like this.

Strength: Her main strength is her kindness. She will help anyone who she perceives is in need without being asked.
Weakness:Her main weakness is her weakened mental fortitude. She has been described by many castle stewards as 'dim-witted' and 'slow'. Even with her age, none really know if she is genuinely stupid, or simply plays it well.

Entourage: Jeniveve's Entourage is rather small, given she is the youngest. Her entourage consists of a single guard, and a single handmaiden.

Name: Licca deAntioch
Role: Licca deAntioch serves as Jeniveve's personal guard and escort, seeing the princess safe on her many (somewhat foolish) escapades out of the palace.
Appearance: Slim and tall, Licca's somewhat sweet exterior belies her combat fortitude. Her usual quiet demeanor is her most apparent feature. Her soft face is framed by medium-long silver and deep amber eyes. Dressed in the garb of a Royal Guard, she carries a rapier around with her, and has proven herself time and time again with it. Pictorial Reference. (Note, the clothes are not necessarily how she dresses.)

Name: Deadra Kanvoss
Role: Deadra is Jeniveve's most trusted (and only) Handmaiden. She also serves as Jeniveve's go-fer when she requires anything.
Appearance: Deadra is usually dressed rather extravagantly (thought is always sure she does not overshadow her lady) and carries a small collapsible fan wherever she goes. Her hair is violet, and usually rolled into a bun at the back of her head. Her young face is enhanced by a brilliant green and a dark red eye. Pictorial Reference.

Princess Jeniveve is well liked amongst the peasantry due to her kind, understanding nature; though finds she is ill-liked amongst most of the aristocracy because of her youth and seemingly almost childish behavior. She is also the least experienced in matters of the state then her sisters, so at first glance she would prove to be a poor choice for an Empress. Her entourage is completely loyal to Jeniveve and the Empire. In that order. While Deadra is infrequently around Jeniveve due to the Princess's requests, Licca never leaves her side. She likes to think she is above dirty tactics.

Other traits: Jeniveve loves flowers. She often purchases flowers from the town's flower vendor and brings them back to the castle. She has a strange, almost unhealthy fascination with the world of Magic and desperately wishes to be able to learn some. She has no real 'favorite' food, though she often prefers the food of the peasantry to the 'delicacies' served at the castle. She dislikes broccoli.
On/Offs: General ons and offs for me. Jeniveve herself is exceptionally inexperienced in the matters of the heart, and will probably crumble with a little wooing.

*Exhale* Woo! How'd I do?


Drake Valentine

Full name:
Vhaun Hellatius
Title or rank:
Duke / High Priest
Serves as both Clergy and Merchant. Has had his hands in handling the Kingdom’s commerce.
Home region:
Capital, though he owns his share of land outside from it and far away from the danky seaport his dearest father rules over.


Trade, Tactics, Persuasion.

Vhaun is quite the reserved man, which may be found odd in this day and age, even for him with the cursed background he shared. Some may believe he may share resentment towards his cousins, spite towards his father who was older than the latent king;  but in reality, these trivia matters don’t ever rise up for the male to ponder or reflect upon. He is quite sated and satisfied where he presently is and he is no where near a saint as much as he may present himself to be to the general public eye. Dear no, the man is far worse underneath that charming smile he shows to others and confident aura he perches comfortably upon. He is knowledgeable enough to know that by winning the hearts of the common people, he may have a chance of more power imaginable within the Empire. He also carries a lack of fear about him as he knows well his self worth; or perhaps that too could be possible arrogance? Not that he is one to get bullheaded and put himself intentionally in harms way, still he doesn’t as easily back down either like a spineless coward.
Background and history:
“Are you sure you weren’t adopted?”

A question that he often finds himself presented. It is not from first glimpse that he falls from the family tree in resemblance, but it is also his mannerism as well that makes people wonder. His family line fell off the apple tree in power inheritance, his father wasn’t lucky nor was the child he bore.  Vhaun never had a touch for combat as some of his family may share, open sea warfare was also another lack of his. At a younger age he would cry and throw fits on a vessel and at an older age would lose his stomach and heave. It was determined from that point onwards that the young nephew of the King was a ‘black sheep’ of the family lineage.

His family even lost pride for him, he was taught the fundamentals of reading and writing, along with counting; though he was often denied anything beyond that. Unlike other noble and royal boys and girls who might have been showered with gifts growing up, Vhaun was punished and kept away with such luxuries. Even to this day he carries a fine resentment to such, but it is not just the fact of free gifts that bother him. It is the audacity that many would assume that the boy got his wealth from his family line and no where else in his life; if there was anything he obtained from them, than it was the knowledge they allowed him to have, but from that point on he sharpened his wit to be as dangerous as any blade.

When he was not spending time studying, he was sneaking out to view the city and the common people. Those that lived a lesser life were fascinating in his opinion, in fact they were just like him, but more free than being caged in a mansion. Even what was more entertaining was the fact that they found relief through prayers at the cathedral. These adventures taught him plenty through the years, most importantly that he was not the only one struggling and there were plenty others like him.

At a young age of seventeen, his family was in a bind. One of their contacts in trade was doing poorly, so Vhaun decided to offer to take the man’s place. This was a laugh in itself, his father believed the boy was joking. How could a mere young child do any better than a trained merchant that they hired? On the other hand, this could also prove beneficial as a means to exile him from their line, just by having him set himself up to failure.

Instead, Vhaun surprised them all, within one year he was turning a small commerce into a growing fortune. By going the lengths of different trade outs and scouting out goods, he made a manuscript to reflect off of in a ‘supply and demand.’ Many traders would usually seek quicker routes, but a long solid route that may prove dangerous but pay out in the end was what he always took. He has been a gambler through his years and even if there is a loss in trade on the way, it would been a small one. Buy low and sell high, is his motto.

Still, his profits didn’t always go fully into the pockets of his greedy family. He took his earnings and within a few years broke away from his dealings to do his solo trade. One may imagine the ruckus this created, but Vhaun had nothing more to owe them. His trade efforts has even drew attention from the royal family and also the public eye as well from the various donations he has made towards the church and offerings he has given the poor here and there.

To this day, Vhaun plays the to-go-to guy role in times of need for commerce or money. Lending is something he does, but he rarely does it in lump sums; unless he may be under employment from the royal family and then he doesn’t mind playing around with their wealth to make more. After all, who in their right mind would build a debt to the kingdom and not repay it? When he is not trading and playing the role of the merchant, he is seen visiting the various churches and winning the hearts of the people of his kingdom.

Despite these good habits of his, Vhaun is far darker than the eye lets on. Everything he does is for his benefit and personal gain, even the wealth he obtains and the charity he provides. He has an ambition to have the church armed and for himself to take up the highest position over them all for a private army that would rival the Capital’s own. Except, it would not be led by the Empire, but the leading patriarch of the church instead.

-Tactical and clever.
-Deceit, blackmail,  bribery.
-Reading, writing, counting.
-Mercantile, he knows the flow of trade and how to always make a profit.
-Not a combatant.
-Quite the gambler.
-Often gets sea-sick
-Poor physical capabilities.
-Refuses to address others by ‘title’ during trade.

Other traits:
Vhaun has no care or desire for the throne, this much he often displays; the same as much he cares less who is sitting on it as long as they are profitable to him. His real ambition is becoming a patriarch of the Church, something very few do know.
Trade, sex, tricking/deceiving/outwitting others, reading on trade or warfare tactics, making observations, and usually coming out with a profit.
Frivolous women, greedy people, beggars, open sea, titles, being ‘ordered’ to do anything, and being mistaken that his wealth comes from his family line. The latter the highest of pet peeves.

On/Offs: Please provide a link to your O/O page if you have one. If not, please specify what relevant concepts you would have your character encounter, or avoid.


Full name:
Rufus Kane
Hired Sellsword(Body Guard)

Full name:
Acquired Slave(Former Gladiator, Present Body Guard) 

Full name:
Tezzet Felickins

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Full name: Alias (Formerly Edgar Lamont, third son of Viscount Wilhelm Lamont)
Title or rank: None (Formerly a nobleman, due to his fathers rank)
Home region: The Lamont lands, on the eastern edge of the empire.

Age: 29
Caucasian, with brown hair that is often kept short, and somewhat messy. He has a thin beard and mustache that are kept fairly well-trimmed; but time on the road doesn't always give him the time to properly groom himself. He favors sturdy, utilatarian traveling clothes that are, nonetheless, of fine quality. He has eyes the color of emerald.

Combat ability and experience: The Lamont family has always been martially inclined, though it has been traditional for the men of the family to have positions as officers, generals, tacticians; leadership roles, befitting their rank. Still, they're no slouch in physical combat, and Alias has become even more skilled due to certain lifestyle choices. He is proficient with rapiers, daggers, staves/spears, and even bar-room brawling.

Personality: A bit of an enigma, Alias can at times come across as crude, shallow, even ignorant. However, behind that facade lies a bright mind, one that is skilled with, though not fond of, intrigue and scholarly pursuits. He is even tempered, and while he portrays a wide range of emotions, his feelings are well under his control. Patient, diplomatic at times, but with the understanding that there is a time for words, and a time for actions.
Background and history: Alias, at one time, was the son of a Viscount, who held no small amount of repute, land, and people.  However, he has distanced himself from the family, even being struck from their records as ever having been born. So, it is not the fame of his family that earns him the right to be a hero, to enter the contest; it is the fact that he has wandered the empire itself, often acting quite selflessly in the interests of the people themselves.

One well known story attached to Alias' name, is the time he "single-handedly" hunted down and defeated a band of brigands, which had been evading the local garrisons. He led the small gang of brigands, along with the help of Rebecca, to a local garrison, and turned them in. He even collected a small bounty that had been placed on their heads, stayed around long enough for the execution, then distributed the vast majority of his bounty to the poor and downtrodden of the very next city he visited, keeping only what little he needed for Rebecca and him to travel.

There's been countless times where he has volunteered in relief efforts at various times; clearing roads of fallen trees and landslides, spending his money to purchase bulk supplies of food and paying caravans to provide the food to famine-struck areas, with the vast majority of his actions going unnoticed or unrewarded. This is because he is motivated by a desire to do good, and a great deal of empathy to the commoners, rather than a desire for reward or fame.

He refuses to use his real name, as he does not wish to be associated with his family.
Strengths: Skilled warrior (Edgar)/archer (Rebecca), well-educated (Edgar), steadfastly loyal (Rebecca), calm, compassionate, cunning
Weaknesses: Illiterate (Rebecca),  selfless (Potentially a weakness), at odds with family (Edgar), deceitful (however, only in certain matters pertaining to his heritage and identity)

Other traits: His family did not approve of his rambling, wandering ways, so he was disowned. The Lamont family will undoubtedly take exception to his competition in the tournament, and may try to sabotage him, as they would undoubtedly feel he was unworthy of competing.
On/Offs: Ons: Well-endowed women, rough and passionate sex.
Offs: Gore, vore, scat, watersports.

Full name:l Rebecca Glasgow
Role: She has been swept up in his adventures across the land, after being saved from a horrible fate. She was out hunting with her father one day, when they were accosted by a band of brigands. While her father ended up getting killed, Alias showed up in time to interrupt their attempts at raping her. After saving her, he helped carry the body back to her village for a proper burial. After her tears ran out, she decided to follow after him, a bit like a lost puppy, as she felt directionless in her life. Her mother, too, was dead, having died during childbirth.  With no family of her own, and too many memories associated with her fathers hovel, she decided to forsake the simple life of a huntress, and became a wanderer like Alias.

Skilled at archery, wilderness survival, and tracking, she has been invaluable aid to Alias. She also provides him with a sense of comfort, and a source of encouragement.

A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Full name: Unknown
Title or rank: Judge Magister Gunnolf, High Order of Judges
Home region: Archadia
Age: Early 20's
Appearance: As with the other Judges, Gunnolf is clad in full armor, both to protect and preserve anonymity. Thick platemail obscures gender and the full face helmet hides Gunnolf's appearance and muffles voice. The armor is of high quality, both ornate and extremely protective. It's design marks the wearer as someone with obvious official capacity. Every Judge is granted their own custom set of armor (within reason) and Gunnolf is no exception. The suit bears a wolf motif, matching the Judge's last name, which translates into 'Fighting Wolf' in old Archadian. Gunnolf moves with obvious authority, the Judge practically radiating honor and justice. Gunnolf's figure is imposing, incorruptible, as it should be with all Judges.

Combat ability and experience: Judges are all by their very nature experienced in combat. While one may not have extensive combat expertise upon becoming a Judge, only those that adapt and learn to fighting will survive for very long. Facing down criminals and dispensing justice daily in one's assigned territory requires constant travel and battle, and always in full armor. Judge Gunnolf has kept Archadia peaceful for five years now and has accrued many accolades in that time. Gunnolf is renowned for breaking up the Seven Rings, a notorious slave trade cartel.

Personality: Quiet, Reserved, Imposing, Wise

Background and history: Judges. Hands of justice in the Hellation Empire. Judges are a special order of knights under the Imperial Ministry of Law. With the spread of Hellation influence came a rise in crime and regional conflicts. To reduce the amount of time required by judicial process, the Imperial Ministry of Law introduced legislation bringing a military court into existence, this being the origin of the Order of Judges. They are the supreme enforcers of Hellation law in the country. Each wields extraordinary legal power in his or her own right over lower-ranked officers. They are also sent on extremely important or secretive missions. Should a Judge make an appearance, you know that a serious situation is about to occur. Judges candidates are picked because of their honorable and noble behavior. Even commoners, with sufficient noble deeds, may be selected. Once a considerable pool of potential candidates are selected, the Ministry of Law calls them all to a secluded keep on an island in the center of the kingdom. None of the candidates are ever seen again.

In order to maintain complete anonymity and impartial judgement, all property of every candidate is either abandoned or given away. Any form of identification is burned. When the candidates arrive, they are not noble or common, merchant or priest. They are simply people. After a lengthy trial (the details of which are known only to the Ministry of Law and the royal family), a winner is selected. The chosen person is granted the title of Judge Magister and allowed to select a new name. That person is then brought through a rigorous training course before being dispatched as a Judge. The candidates that do not make the cut are confined to the Keep for the rest of their days, but provided for quite nicely until the next time a new Judge is needed, where they are allowed to try again.   

Judge Gunnolf is as well known as a Judge can be without having his or her identity disclosed. Gunnolf is renowned in Archadia for having a strong sense of duty and honor. Even amongst other Judges, Gunnolf is famed for being even-tempered and looking at situations from an unbiased viewpoint. Gunnolf's greatest claim to fame is most certainly the breaking of the Seven Rings slave cartel, which had been a cancer on Archadia for generations. Previous judges have tried to destroy it and some thought they succeeded, only to have the cartel come back time and again. Gunnolf was the one to finally suss out their base of operations, decimate their leadership, and free scores of slaves.

Strengths: Gunnolf is honorable, wise, and modest. An excellent combatant, Gunnolf has no problems squaring off against even multiple opponents. Wielding a short sword and a spear, Gunnolf is capable of fighting both at medium and short ranges. Judges are both respected and feared, making Gunnolf an imposing enemy.

Weaknesses: Brash when in the face of danger, Gunnolf can sometimes be overtaken by a sense of duty and justice. Fair and honorable, this Judge will not lie (save perhaps for matters of gender) or cheat to get ahead.

Other traits: Gunnolf is a woman. Her heavy armor and face-obscuring helmet will keep her gender a secret and the history of the Judges ensures that almost no one should know her real identity. She was invited because of her valorous deeds, but accepted because she has a very real passion for making a difference for her kingdom. She also wants to see how far she can get as a female competing against men. Gunnolf is also attracted to women, so marrying a princess wouldn't exactly be a downside for her. Her entourage consists of several lower-ranking Archadian soldiers, they are normally posted outside her tent and never allowed in.

Gunnolf's Theme

On/Offs: Gunnolf is a lesbian and has a weakness for attractive women, though she is a bit shy where romance is concerned.
"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."
    - Sima Yi


A wide variety of characters already. I'm really happy to see the initial interest translate into very creative character concepts!


I'll get my character up sooner or later. We're going with European-style, right?
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread


Quote from: ReaperDouble0 on November 09, 2014, 01:20:29 PM
I'll get my character up sooner or later. We're going with European-style, right?
That's the idea.

Drake Valentine

Well, I was under the impression also that people from far away lands(from setting) could also try to be Emperor. Though, this too begs question of foreign language issues.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Quote from: Drake Valentine on November 09, 2014, 01:29:36 PM
Well, I was under the impression also that people from far away lands(from setting) could also try to be Emperor. Though, this too begs question of foreign language issues.
In the setting, I'm trying to explain that the Empire is simply rather large and as such has regions that are quite far from the Capital. I hadn't envisioned language issues though if you'd like to have your character speak a language other than the Empire's 'default' language, you could run into some curious situations.



House Draigaeron
Familia Ignis; Legato Quoque Fidem

History: A century ago, House Draigaeron did not exist. Now they are one of the most powerful and influential noble families in the empire. The story started a little over one hundred years in the past when childless Iarll Gruffydd of Pengwern adopted a peculiar red-haired girl of unknown origin as his daughter, stating that 'God told him to.' Calling her Aerona, he raised her as his heir and taught her the arts of war and rule. Sadly, Gruffydd did not live to see his adopted daughter live to adulthood, he was carried during an outbreak of the Plague shortly before her sixteenth birthday. After she became the Iarlles, Aerona started to show strange tendencies. She claimed to be the last scion of Clan Draigwaed, a mythical dynasty of dragon-blooded rulers that had once ruled the vast lands of Prydain using unique alchemical secrets giving them peculiar longevity and resistance. According to the legends, the Draigwaed were destroyed during a war with vast hordes of barbarian invaders, and subsequently the leaderless lands of Prydain turned the Hellation Empire to bring stability to the region and defend them from attackers, and were absorbed into that realm. Aerona, later given the nickname 'The Dragon' claimed that as the last of this dynasty, her ancesters supposedly having survived in hiding for nearly a millenium, it was her destiny to reestablish control of Prydain. And so, over decades of warring with the other earls, dukes, and princes of Deheubeth, Lloegr, Alban, and Iwerddon, she consolidated power over all of Prydain. Many times imperial emissaries were sent into the region to stop the fighting, after all, they were all nominally vassals of the Hellation Empire, even if the Imperial seat was so far away that actual authority out here was limited, but though Aerona and her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren always obeyed the letter of imperial law, they still fought their way to power whenever the imperial presence cast its interest elsewhere. And so, under the motto Familia Ignis; Legato Quoque Fidem (Family of Fire; Legacy of Loyalty) House Draigaeron, the Heirs of the Dragon, was established.

Personality: The two most notable personality traits of House Draigaeron are their loyalty to each other and their ambition. They are a rather stern, driven lot, with tempers that smolder hot and long. They are capable generals and administrators, having built their native realm from a series of petty imperial vassals and barely controlled wild clans into a single powerful, centralized imperial province.

Physical Attributes: Aerona the Dragon was very tall, with brilliant red hair, vibrant green eyes, and skin pale enough to be otherworldly. Unusually strong, with nearly supernatural resistance to cold and heat alike, the ability to light torches with her breath alone, and incredible longevity. Her descendants largely inherited these traits, developing a distinct phenotype that makes members of the house easily recognizable, similar resistance to the elements and general toughness, very hot breath, and long lifespans. So far, no Draigaeron has died a death other than a violent one. It is suspected by the learned of the empire that House Draigaeron utilizes a unique mixture of alchemy and ritual to imbue themselves with these powers, but the specifics are not known.

Taleisin ap Fychan of House Draigaeron
Title or rank: Iarll (Earl) of Neath
Home region: Prydain, a rugged series of peninsulas and islands of steep mountains, deep valleys, murky moors, thick forests, and brilliant lakes.

Age: 18
Appearance: Follows the typical Draigaeron phenotype pretty closely: i.e. tall, red-haired, green-eyed, fine-featured, athletic build, and very pale skin.

Combat ability and experience: Uses a longbow and a longsword. Has extensive training in military tactics, strategy, high command, and administration. Some experience on the battlefield both as a squire and a captain in several of his family's near-constant wars, but no widely known exploits to make him famous.

Personality: Overall he appears serious, but cheerfully so. He is friendly, diligent, kind, brave, and patient beyond his years. He has yet to develop the sheer presence that characterizes more senior members of his clan though. He is devoutly religious and shows a poetic and musical bent in a distinctively Prydaini style.

Biography: Despite the fact that he is a very smart and capable fellow on his own, there is no doubt that he is in the tournament purely because of family influence. The Draigaerons are notoriously ambitious, and having consolidated their control of Prydain they inevitably began to look to realms beyond to expand their power. When the Emperor announced how his successor would be determined, they practically leaped on the chance to put one of their own on the Imperial seat. Originally they had intended to swamp the contest with as many family members as they could, but a quick addition to the rules prevented that obvious exploit. So, instead, they settled on the most qualified unmarried member of the dynasty: Taleisin, son of Fychan, son of Glywys, son of Aerona II, daughter of Aerona the Dragon. Rather than traditional displays of competence from the candidate himself, Taleisin had his spot then insured by political pressure.

Strengths: House Draigaeron has produced extremely capable rulers for four generations now, with a fifth on the way. Taleisin's strengths are those of his house.

  • Extraordinary ability for war, both in personal combat expertise and strategic genius.
  • Magical Draigaeron traits: longevity, toughness, breath hot enough to melt candles.
  • Massive family influence.
  • Wealth.
Weaknesses: The members of House Draigaeron are Prydaini, a strange culture from the outskirts of the empire. Far from their center of power, they have many enemies in the capital.

  • Foreign language, strange cultural habits, odd religious beliefs, unusual dress and a strong accent, Taleisin and his group are outsiders and cannot rely on local help for anything.
  • Coming from an infamous, feared, and hated family, Taleisin's entourage is vulnerable to their many, many enemies. They cannot trust anyone but themselves; getting locals to work against them is far easier than it would be against any other candidate.
  • Taleisin lacks the real-world experience his competitors have. Additionally, his own distaste for dishonorable conduct means that his group is highly unlikely to use underhanded tactics against their foes, and are far less competent when they do.
  • Taleisin is easily tricked, at the moment.

Other traits: Taleisin is named after a famous bard, and may one day deserve the name. His musical and poetic skills are underdeveloped, but may become a potent weapon of their own in the future.

On/Offs: Here.
Entourage: The members of House Draigaeron who most closely accompany Taleisin on his quest are listed here, but his actual entourage is pretty massive. Each a powerful noble in their own right, they are accompanied by an impressive array of tailors, cooks, smiths, fletchers, maids, and soldiers. And that is just in the city. Camped outside the city, ostensibly to observe the tournament and pay her respects to the old and new emperors alike, is Archduces Aerona the Dragon herself, almost one hundred twenty years old and just now showing the barest signs of age, and her vast retinue, forming a rather powerful army if they are needed. Though the Prydaini have been careful not to appear threatening, the people of the capital openly fear that the Draigaeron host will press their imperial claim by force if another is appointed, ramping up already high tensions.

Aerona III

Full name: Iarlles Aerona III, Aerona ferch Fychan of House Draigaeron
Description: A slender girl of eighteen years, she looks similar enough to Taleisin to be easily mistaken for him while wearing anything form-concealing.
Role: Taleisin's twin sister and closest friend. Long-time co-conspirator and sparring partner, she is his most trusted compatriot. Due to the Draigaeron's custom of absolute primogeniture, at five minutes older she is the heir to the majority of Duc Fychan ap Glywys's estates and titles, so most of their life he was her servant. But now, with this priceless opportunity to seat a Draigaeron Heir on the Imperial Seat, she has agreed to support him in whatever way she can. With her superior diplomatic skills, she helps with matters of society and etiquette. Also, she can provide a body double at a pinch.

Full name: Ardalydd Llywelyn ap Alwyn of House Draigaeron
Description: A well muscled, bearded fellow, he otherwise follows the typical Draigaeron phenotype.
Role: A marquis ("Ardalydd") in his own right, Llywelyn is Aerona III's fiancee. A powerful fighter, he functions as Taleisin's combat adviser and marshal.

Full name: Esgob Caerwyn ap Alwyn of House Draigaeron
Description: Llywelyn's much less physically imposing brother, a beardless, shaven-pated, scholarly fellow, he was appointed as a bishop due to family influence, but despite nepotism is quite qualified for his position. He acts as Taleisin's chaplain.

Full name: Syr Einion ap Gweneth of House Draigaeron
Description: An older cousin from a minor branch of the family, with, oddly enough, blond hair instead of the omnipresent red, Einion does not have quite the same presence as most of his family, instead being quietly unobtrusive.
Role: Fond of organizing and keeping things 'just so', Einion keeps the day-to-day affairs of the entourage running smoothly and functions as a Taleisin's steward, more or less.

Full name: Syrnyw Morwenna ferch Non of House Draigaeron
Description: Unusually short and slight for a Draigaeron, Morwenna easily slips into the shadows and possesses exceptionally keen senses. Her eyes are grey instead of the usual green.
Role: Another minor cousin, Morwenna possessed a penchant for stealth and eavesdropping in half-a-dozen different languages from childhood, making her a natural choice for Taleisin's spymistress and general subterfuge expert.


Full name: Corran "Cor" Disral
Title or rank: Baron of Forest Grove
Home region: his barony is part of the Duchy of Wesnoth, in the northern part of the empire

Appearance: Corran is a tall young man, standing just shy of six feet. His hair is a light brown, and he keeps it cut short as it goes curly and unruly when he lets it get too long. He also shaves whenever he can. His left cheek sports a scar from a barroom brawl when he was sixteen, having the misfortune of being hit by a man with a rather pointy ring.He is rather thinly built, more whipcord than anything.

Combat ability and experience: While he has avoided being part of any wars, he has been party to the squabbles of the nobility in the area around his home. A small number of raids against his more hostile neighbors is the majority of his fighting experience. He is also very keen on personally leading the parties that hunt any bandits in his lands, whenever possible. In addition, like many young noblemen, he has been trained since childhood to use a variety of weapons from lances to rapiers. To this more formal knowledge he has no small skill with knives of various lengths from his younger days spent brawling in the various bars and taverns across the land, not to mention a rather large bit of experience with dirty fighting and unarmed combat.

Personality: Corran works hard to be a likable young man, and whether he is actually good at it or simply seems to be in contrast to his brother, is difficult to say. He does his best to have an easy smile and open attitude, though he pairs this with a quick wit and extraordinary memory. He is capable of being both blunt and subtle, as the situation demands it, and prides himself on being rather diplomatic.

Background and history: Corran is the second son of the Count of Swift Lake. He grew up with the knowledge that his older brother would be count, while he would be a mere baron under his brothers command. At the time, it did not bother him, and the two were very close growing up. From weapons practice to the more boring but practical lessons of governing, they did everything together. When they were old enough, they began carousing together as well. In everything they did, there was a strong, but healthy, spirit of competition, each driving the other to be better and achieve more.

Of course, it all went sour when two things happened. The first was the death of their father. It was not a quick death, the old man being wounded in a minor skirmish and the wound festered. He was a long time in going, and while he festered the two boys began to grow apart. Andrew believed he needed to assert his authority, and Corran resented the way Andrew was acting. They fought often, though this was different from when they were younger. In those past fights, it was mostly wrestling. Nothing dangerous, nothing personal, just a way to show who was boss and Andrew, being older, was always the winner. The last time they fought before they broke completely, Corran began to win and Andrew, desperate and furious with his little brother, punched him in the face, bloodying his lip. When the fight ended, Andrew was on his back, nose broken and body covered in bruises. Corran had won. Their father died by the end of the year, and as per his will, Corran was granted the Barony of Forest Grove, with Andrew as his lord. They spoke only when absolutely necessary, and avoided each other at all costs. 

The second break was a woman. This was after their father died, and at a time when things between them may have been reconciled. However, it was not to be. They both met her at a tournament in the capitol of the Duchy. They both fell head over heels for her, and competed for the whole three weeks of the tourney to win her hand. Andrew used his higher rank as count to humiliate Corran, and they almost drew swords on each other before being forced apart.

When news of the tournament was heard, Corran was adamant that he would go. His brother was set against it, but he was hardly in position to go, being already married and in no condition to fight. He was only just recovering from wounds he received in an ambush, leaving his left leg lamed and his sword hand maimed. He was still able to force his company on Corran by going along to the capitol, and even had the gall to announce himself as the head of the party. However right he may technically be, as he is Corrans liege lord, it was a further annoyance to Corran as his brother once again used his rank, earned only because he was a year older, to force himself into Corrans life.   
-Very quick on his feet, both physically and mentally.
- Manages to give the impression he cares, even if he doesn't
-Can switch between beng a very memorable person to simply fading into the background during social situations, as the need demands
-Physically speaking, he is of no more than average strength and a mediocre rider
-Very stubborn
-Hates his brother

Other traits: Corran is unsure if he wants the throne because he truly desires the job or if it is to simply piss off his brother who cannot compete in the tournament.
On/Offs:Bathroom stuff and vore, essentially. If there`s something I don`t like or am uncomfortable with, I`ll let you know.

Full name: Galdo
Role: Squire.
Appearance: Galdo is a solid young man of seventeen years, being Corrans squire for the past five. He is still a gawky teenager, only just reaching his full height though he has considerable filling out to do. He stands several inches taller than Corran, and looks to be much wider as well. He is quite strong and fairly quick, though he has only recently stopped growing so he is still getting used to his size.

He is a dependable young man, useful in a fight whether it be a duel or a brawl, but he is not the brightest spark around. Still, he is loyal, and that is a trait worth its weight in gold

Full name:Eric Kyle and Stan
Role: These three young men preform the interchangeable role of both spies and servants.
Appearance: All three, while unrelated, share the same stocky peasant build. Kyle has dark red hair, Stan has black haired and  Eric has light brown hair. They are all cheery lads with an easy going manner and the sort of face a you'd trust not to steal your wallet while you're out at the tavern.
The fact that they would and certainly have the skills for it are of no consequence.

Full name:Thomas Stamper
Role: Officially, he is an aide. Unofficially he is the spymaster and assassin, charged with keeping an ear to the ground(or sky or wherever he gets his information) to keep Corran informed of potential threats or opportunities as they arise
Appearance: Stamper is approaching late middle age, though he is in superb condition for his age. His hair is a liberal mix of black and grey. He has quick hands and quicker fingers, and perhaps most importantly, an encyclopedic knowledge of everything a young nobleman should know, and quite a few he should not.

Full name:Andrew
Role: Older brother
Appearance: Andrew looks very much like his younger brother, though he stands a hair taller. He keeps his hair longer and has a neatly trimmed beard. His right hand is a mess of scars that he can barely move, and has been slowly learning to use a sword with his left. It is slow going. His left leg is a similar mess of scars, and he walks with a very pronounced limp. Away from his wife, he drinks too much and has a short temper making him a prime source of information, should any realise it. Corran tries to keep him away from sensitive information but is not always successful.

Full name:Kelsey
Role: Younger Sister
Appearance: Kelsey is the third and last child of the Disrals. She is quite short, just over five feet tall. Her hair is very dark brown, almost black, and she keeps it in a long braid that reaches most of the way down her back. She is a shy, petite woman who has just turned seventeen. Corran was determined to bring her so she might experience life outside their barony (she has taken to living with Corran after their father died), and introduce her to as many other ladies as possible. She and Corran are very close, and she is willing to help him as much as she can. To that end, he will be trying to get her into the good graces of the princesses ladies in waiting.

Unofficial Stuff: (OOC information but could be found out)
Corran is directly responsible for two murders.
The first was a yeoman who was working his way into Corran`s manor. The woman came under suspicion but nothing was solid. Still, Corran gave the order and Stamper had her taken care of.
The second was the fifht son of a rather prominent nobleman of the area who had shown a rather unhealthy interest in Kesley. Corran challenged him to a duel and while everything was going all well and legal, Corran killed him at the conclusion of the fight. He had already given up, but Corran was determined that the man was a danger to his sister, and refused to let him walk away. Luckily, the man`s second was an easily bribed and frequently drunk fop, and the other major witnesses were Corran, Stamper and Galdo, all were trusted to keep quiet about exactly what happened.


Name: Luciana Nerine Hellatius
Age: 20

Appearance: Luciana was named after her golden-blonde hair, reminiscent of sunlight, which falls past her shoulders in natural curls. Her eyes are a medium brown, tinted by amber. Meanwhile her full lips and curved facial features are often mistaken for being almost cherub-like, as though butter would not melt in her mouth. Yet one only needs look at the sashay of her rhythmic hips of the display of ample cleavage to know that she's a woman who is well aware of her sumptuous curves and how best to use them for her gain. Standing at an average 5'6", she is often seen dressed in extravogent gowns, only donning breeches for horse-riding. Upon first appearance, she carries herself immaculately, but her pink-painted lips are as deceitful as the white pearls around her neck. Better she be dressed in scarlet, for that is the true colour of her demeanor.

Picture Reference

Hobbies and Activities: Like her sisters, Luciana was raised to be 'proper' and taught to practice all manner of regal attributes - from reading and writing, to singing and dancing - both of which she particularly enjoys. Yet her true talents lie in playing harp and the lute to accompany her angelic singing voice, and she loves to perform for anyone. She adores the ocean, so she is most likely to be found taking a walk upon the shore at dusk or dawn. Or, if you're really lucky, caught taking a moonlit dip in the still waters. Fond of social events, she will always be found mingling at court, whatever the occasion. She is quite fond of wine and even fonder of entertainment - be it watching or providing. 

Personality: Although she conducts herself as though faithfully devout to her family, reputation and title, Luciana is in fact ruled by several vices. The most predominant being her vanity, pride, and her gluttony for attention. Ever the 'daddy's girl', she is the first to feel the sting of the green eyed monster whenever her sisters gain favour over her. If ever they possess something she does not, then she often craves it - or something like it, to have as her own. Her room is therefore a treasure trove of material possessions, and never is a hair on her head out of place as he strives for perfection in her gait. Oh yes, this one learnt how to pout, sulk and curtsey from an early age, to please with sugar-coated smiles and charm with carefree laughter. But as she became a young woman, she discovered new tricks of the trade. Curiousity led to her shedding her maiden innocence upon a moonlit whim, inevitably feeding her need to be desired and wanted. Maintaining her angelic facade, she strives to earn the love of the people; trading charitable gestures and sunlit smiles in exchange for their support. Yet she's a walking lie, who would sooner spread devious gossip about her rivals than be faced by her own, dirty little secrets.

Background and History: Born the #-- Princess, there was nothing particularly exceptional about Luciana's early upbringing. She dedicated herself to her studies, quickly developing a creative flair for music in particular, and so her studies were focused on learning how to read and write music. Her first instrument was the lute, and upon her twelfth birthday, she was gifted with a harp. Though she is not the greatest songbird in the land, she found that she could hold a tune. In her teen years, she was often compared to an angel or even a siren by various admirers, who fell weak at the knees from the power of her voice alone.

It was as she came of age that the Princess became more and more obsessed by her need to be 'unique' and the most loved by her father. Yet her curiousity was also piqued by a different kind of affection, resulting in her shedding the last layer of her innocence one night. Having caught the attention of a visiting nobleman from another Kingdom, she stole away into the garden with him, and lost herself deep within the maze to their mutual ignited lust. Hardly a blushing violet, when he eventually returned to his homeland without an offer of marriage, she was quick to mend her broken heart. Rather than lock herself away in shame, she begun to crave the same kind of more visceral attention from her other admirers, resulting in various indecent liasions (which her sisters may or may not be aware of) as a liberated young woman. Still, in the public eye, she maintained the facade of her virtuous reputation by providing ulterior gossip in order to deflect any slanderous rumours. She even discovered a certain taste for gossip, in particular, temporarily shifting the attention to the faults of her sisters instead (but never placing herself in a position where the rumour can be traced back to her own devious lips).   

With her father's decision to pass the crown though, it is unknown if Luciana genuinely craves the throne, or if she merely wishes to please what may be one of her father's last wishes. Even she is not certain whether she in fact plans to ultimately lose the competition, whilst she simply enjoys the pleasures of the impending tournament, and the opportunity to shine above her sisters. It has never been her sole ambition to inherit he crown, but the tournament promises to lure many an impressive man to the city, and Luciana is intent to ensure that her future within the Empire remains secure and prosperous, even after her father passes...

Strengths: Luciana knows her body, but she knows how to charm using other means. Though she adores romantic gestures, on the contrary, she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. She is fickle as the skies, and therefore more likely to devote herself only to her own goals. Yet she is also a very skilled actress, able to deceive others into believing that she does in fact, adore them. A Mistress of games and seduction, she is easily entertained by the fortunes and misfortunes of others. Though not a combatant, she is a skilled horse-rider, strong swimmer, and more than capable dancer. The fact that she can be incredibly light upon her feet only aids her ability to sneak around the rumour mill. 

Weaknesses: First and foremost is her reputation. To be publicly named shamed and lose the respect of the public would be her ultimate humiliation, alongside losing her father's love. Though she is mostly well loved by the common folk, she is fooled by her own vanity, which means she may not be as adored as she in fact believes (and certainly not by all). She also has a weakness to material things and notions of adoring romance, meaning she can easily be wooed by expensive gifts and other tokens of ardor. Which she can nock an arrow, she is not the most skilled archer.

Other traits: Luciana will always be on the look out for loyal handmaidens/companions at court.
On/Offs: Here


Full name: Shireen - often nicknamed 'Shiri'
Role: Loyal Handmaiden

Appearance: Shireen hails from the Eastern lands, and as a peace offering between two kingdoms, she was sent to the empire as a slave. Her almost-black hair is often braided into a single plait which reaches down to near the base of her spine, whilst her light moccha skin is unmarked and unblemished save for a single, dark mole above her upper lip. Her large, almond shaped eyes are often lined by black, whilst her lips carry a natural, dark cherry hue.

Picture Reference

Other: Shireen was purchased from the slave market by a passing Luciana, in an effort to appear charitable to the commoners. Yet the truth is, the Princess was drawn to the exotic nature of the woman, and so her reasons for purchase were mostly to satisfy her own selfish goals. In exchange for companionship and loyalty, Shireen was pampered and preened, to embrace her far more pleasant life within the royal castle. She is Luciana's best friend, serving as her eyes, ears and tongue in the places she cannot always reach. Few know that she is skilled with the dagger, serving to discreetly protect the Princess when she walks the common streets. In fact, the Princess is rarely seen without her loyal handmaiden following in her shadow - sometimes seen in clear sight, and sometimes, unseen.
Status: Fully Booked

To sleep, perchance to dream ... All the world's a stage.
Ons and Offs     Ideas / Requests     A&A


So far we have;

MissFire - Champion
TheHangedMan - Champion
Birchleaf - Champion
Jecter - Champion
Xenolord - Princess
PearlRuby - Princess
Drake Valentine - Clergy/Merchant

ReaperDouble - TBA
MarieJulie - TBA

Izaya Orihara - Expressed interest
Question Mark - Expressed interest
IrishWolf - Expressed interest
deadmanshand - Expressed interest

At this stage, we have reached the minimum of character applications that I would consider enough to start the story. For those that have already posted them, you can assume that all of your applications are accepted! This means that I'll start working on posting the threads that we'll use in order to get this project off the ground. This doesn't mean that applications will no longer be accepted, so if you just came across this, don't worry!

Additionally, I'd like to know who is interested in helping out with playing additional NPC characters (not related to your own application/entourage) such as (minor) champions participating in the tournament, ordinary folk living in the capital city, people of the Imperial court, etc. they're meant to be characters who don't necessarily have a recurring role, but serve to interact with the main characters of the story. If this is something that attracts to you and if you want to help out with this, please post a reply here or send a message to me. So far, TheHangedMan has already expressed interest in helping out with at least the champions part, and Question Mark (who has yet to post an application) has expressed interest in helping out with NPCs in general, but any additional help is always welcome! The more we can make this work, the better the overall experience should be for everyone!

Furthermore, I'm also looking for someone (or multiple people) who are willing to assist with the 3-4 other authorities that play a role in the main event. These are; The Emperor, The High Bishop, The Speaker of the Senate and The Representative of the Common Folk. For the time being, I intend to let the role of the Emperor remain in the background. This can work because his blessing is automatically awarded to the winner of the champion's tournament. The other three authorities require an actual character that will show up more than once. If you would want to assist with making this process work, please post a reply here or send a message to me.

Finally, I may need some help with working out the best way in which the actual tournament can be held. At first, it's just a few NPC champions that are fighting each other which can serve as a background for main characters to socialize around and watch for entertainment, etc. But eventually, main characters may be pitted against each other. We would need to have at least a basic system that determines how these encounters develop. I'm not forseeing any paritcularly complex system, but we need something. If you think this is something you'd want to help out with, please post a reply here or send a message to me.


Looks cool. I wouldn't mind playing a few NPC fighters, but I think that will be the extent of my contributions. I don't want to spread myself too thin.

Also, if anybody is interested in playing a member of the Lamont family, that could be really cool, and I'm totally up for it.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!

Drake Valentine

Minor relevant, but I could map build.

That is, if you already have something basic outline and I can restructure it. Continental would be prefer, multi ones in a worldly base build I would like to avoid. It could be crudely drawn, unless you had something of land base and whatnot picked out; but by all means I am able to create things from program I have(it may take time though.)

Of course, I have to get accustomed to the map program again(hence taking time,) I haven't used it in awhile(months.) >_< Fun thing to play around with, regardless.

As for important roles of that, well, I would nominate Vhaun. Though doubtful on Bishop, possibly Representative, depending on how you view his influence; unless that is a more permanent figurehead and not someone randomly appointed for the event. Vhaun does do a lot of traveling after all. Or if you don't want someone bloodline related to Emperor for that position, that is fine too. He is de-nephew after all.

Also, if anyone wants to have had dealings with Vhaun, let me know. He is a merchant after all, so his influence stretches out beyond the kingdom as does his acquired wares and trade ability.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


I also would be willing to play some disposable NPC fighters, but once they no longer become relevant I would prefer to focus on House Draigaeron and its many, many members and various adherents. Since that means that I have dozens or more characters to play, that will be about the extent of my abilities.

Question Mark

Wow, this game took off much faster than I had anticipated.  24 hours and boom, almost all of the applications are in.  I'll see if I can whip something up in the next few hours.

On that note, I can take on some or all of the authorities.  Do you have sheets for them?


Quote from: Question Mark on November 10, 2014, 12:38:23 PM
Wow, this game took off much faster than I had anticipated.  24 hours and boom, almost all of the applications are in.  I'll see if I can whip something up in the next few hours.

On that note, I can take on some or all of the authorities.  Do you have sheets for them?
I had a little something different in mind for the remaining authorities. Did you want to apply for just them, or were you looking to apply as a Champion as well?

Question Mark

Quote from: mj2002 on November 10, 2014, 12:49:20 PM
I had a little something different in mind for the remaining authorities. Did you want to apply for just them, or were you looking to apply as a Champion as well?

You know, now that you mention it, it may be better if I just apply for the authorities.  I may want to introduce a Champion later on, but for right now, I think I'd like to avoid biting off more than I can chew.

So, how do I go about applying for these individuals?  You said you had something a little different in mind.


Quote from: Question Mark on November 10, 2014, 01:05:05 PM
You know, now that you mention it, it may be better if I just apply for the authorities.  I may want to introduce a Champion later on, but for right now, I think I'd like to avoid biting off more than I can chew.

So, how do I go about applying for these individuals?  You said you had something a little different in mind.
In this case, just use the generic character sheet and feel free to add information that you deem necessary. I'll send you a PM at some point about this, but dont let that keep you.

Question Mark

How much freedom do I have with the authority NPCs?  Can I give them wrinkles and subplots, or should I just "play them straight"?


Name: Millianna Hellatius
Age: 21
Appearance: Millianna's hair has the same strong golden blond color to her hair, falling into thick bangs down her back. Her eyes have a strong reddened brown shade to them, making them appear red in sunlight. Her body has a very athletic approach, with her having been a lot more active physically. While it has not made her appear any less feminine, it has given her body a very refined surface.
some eye-candy


Hobbies and activities: There are two sides to this, that being what she is normally seen doing and what she enjoys doing. Being one of the older/the oldest daughter, she is commonly seen doing what would have been considered appropriate for her position, that normally being reading, horse-riding, and sewing. However, her real interests are more directed towards fencing, swordsmanship, war-theory and working physique.

Personality: Over the last few years, Millianna's personality has worked off from having a strong older-sister image, to a lot more harsh and direct feeling. This comes from a rising amount of secrets that she is desperately trying to keep secret from every pair of eye watching, as she is worried her tongue might slip one day and she'd expose all she has been keeping to herself and to those very few whom has been allowed to hear. In private however, she tends to loosen up the strong appearance, becoming a tad more tender and laid back.
Background and history: Millianna's early childhood was very reminiscent to that of her sisters. She was taught early on to read and write, and her parents attempted at making her play music, though it never worked out very well, she simply didn't have it in her. Instead, she picked up art, learning how to paint both accurate and artistic versions of a set image, or just imagination.

Her mindset changed however during a trip horseback. A wild bear had appeared and scared the horse she had been on. The horse ran off, so the bear turned its attention to her and was inches from clawing her to death, though she was saved in the last moment by one of the guards whom had come along. This was the event that directed her mindset more so towards swordplay, the idea of being able to defend oneself.

And thus, she started to train. She started out behind the family back, sneaking out at night, training with those whom she had managed to talk into training her, letting her learn a little. It didn't take long before the information reached her parents however. It was seen as an outrage, but after a long while and a lot of angry conversations, they eventually let her have her will. The plan had been to have her out of the city when the new emperor was to be chosen, making sure she wouldn't get picked. She was sent off to a diplomacy trip for a year and a half, a trip which had been intended to last for three years, but that had been cut off midway due to a long series of inconveniences that had forced them to return.

A short while after returning, led by fascination and adoration, she ended up bedding the current captain of the guard, a married man well over ten years older than her. It has yet to happen again, though she hasn't denied the desire to sleep with someone again.

  • She's a realist. She doesn't have high expectations about what is not to be expected, and it has made her very good at analyzing situations and conflicts.
  • Liked among the military families. The families that are part of the military usually favors her due to her closer connection to the military than the other princesses. Not disliked among the general public, though lacks the same level of appeal as her sisters.
  • Physically strong. Millianna is capable of handling herself and isn't completely reliant on having someone to protect her. Her swordplay is on a very high level, not at that of a champion, but not far off. Her senses are good and her reaction time is on the same level as well.

  • Actively trying to hide her fascination for war, swordsmanship and the likes, not wanting it to be exposed (Only closest family and a very small amount of servants knowing).
  • Has already lost her virginity to the high captain, though this has yet to be exposed.
  • Not too popular inside the royal family for her lack of understanding of gender-roles.

    Other traits: Not too much, only thing worth mentioning is that she isn't too worried about losing faces, bedding any of the champions competing for one of the princesses' hands, since she knows she probably would not be picked as fit either way.
    On/Offs: My O&O-thread is quite outdated, I refer to my role-play preferences, which was updated today (10.11.2014)
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Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread


I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread


Quote from: Question Mark on November 10, 2014, 01:35:46 PM
How much freedom do I have with the authority NPCs?  Can I give them wrinkles and subplots, or should I just "play them straight"?
That's fine, the only concern I have is that they need to have some consistency when it comes to their eventual decision making progress.

Question Mark

Quote from: mj2002 on November 10, 2014, 02:17:55 PM
That's fine, the only concern I have is that they need to have some consistency when it comes to their eventual decision making progress.

That I can do.  I'll begin working on them immediately.

Drake Valentine

Changed Vhaun's title/rank.

I think he would fall more under Duke, since he is practically nephew of Emperor, but then again, royalty ranking back then is confusing. From one chart I was looking at online it was basically.

Royalty > Viceroy & Vicereine > Archduke & Archduchess > Grand Duke & Grand Duchess > Duke & Duchess > Marquess & Marchioness (Marquis & Marquise) > Margrave & Margravine > Count (Earl) & and Countess > Viscount & Viscountess > Baron & Baroness > Baronet & Baronetess > Knight & Dame (Lord & Lady) > Vassals > Armiger > Gentry > Tenant-in-Chief

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Since I am playing a House who their main disadvantage is its cultural, linguistic, and religious differences from what is considered 'normal' in the capital, I am working on specifying what exactly those differences are and adding them to my profile. But before I do that, since getting in good with the Archbishop or whoever is one of the points of the tournament, then what is the religion of the empire? Since we are doing medieval European style, I would assume Roman Catholic with the serial numbers filed off.


Quote from: Birchleaf on November 10, 2014, 03:59:42 PM
Since I am playing a House who their main disadvantage is its cultural, linguistic, and religious differences from what is considered 'normal' in the capital, I am working on specifying what exactly those differences are and adding them to my profile. But before I do that, since getting in good with the Archbishop or whoever is one of the points of the tournament, then what is the religion of the empire? Since we are doing medieval European style, I would assume Roman Catholic with the serial numbers filed off.
I was thinking of a rather generic religion, indeed Roman Catholic style but without the Pope business. Are there any specifics you'd want to develop for the religion?

Question Mark

Quote from: mj2002 on November 10, 2014, 04:04:41 PM
I was thinking of a rather generic religion, indeed Roman Catholic style but without the Pope business. Are there any specifics you'd want to develop for the religion?

I actually have a few points to offer here.  Since one of my characters is the High Bishop, I was going to come up with some ideas for the religion.  If you give me a few minutes, I can type these up and offer them to you.

In short:
- Ditheism (two gods, borrows from Buddhist cyclicism and the Yin-Yang duality)
- Religious Leaders are not elected, but appointed through succession, much like the Dalai Llama
- Magic is considered sacred
- Strong military bent, "peace through superior firepower"


In that case, the Prydaini are monotheistic where the mainstream religion is ditheistic. The religions are considered offshoots of the same religion but have developed in opposite directions. The Prydaini division elevates one of the two gods to God status, and demotes the other to devil status. Generally, the government appoints the bishops, who elect from themselves a governing body which nominally answers the imperial High Bishop, but in fact are independent in all but name. They have different hymns, clerical vestments, priestly customs, and church design, but share the emphasis on militarism and magic, though they take both even farther than the main branch.

Question Mark

Here's the Speaker of the Senate: Gloria Bridgette se Esconvale.  I'll have the High Bishop (Alba Temara) and the Representative of the Common Folk (Martin L'Mae) up soon.  Maybe not tonight, definitely by tomorrow night.

Full Name: Gloria Bridgette se Esconvale
Title or Rank: The Speaker of the Senate
Role: Gloria is Speaker Esconvale, the Speaker of the Senate, the Emperor's First Adviser, Arbiter of the Nobles and their ultimate representative in the Empire.
Home region: Gloria was born and raised on her father's plantation, one of dozens that dot the rolling foothills to the north of the Capital.  She considers the Capital her home, now and forevermore, but she sees any district with dirt in the streets or downtrodden standing in gutters to be the "lower capital".  To this point, Gloria considers much of the actual Capital to be a festering sore, merely an ugly footstool that can be stood upon to observe Hellatia's gleaming spires, and which must never be allowed to taint their immaculate masonry.

Age: 39
Appearance: Gloria is a tall woman, with a strong imposing frame that radiates strength and confidence.  Her hair descends to the shoulderblades, and is a dusky white.  Despite the coloration, which is due to an exotic dye she uses, it is full and rich with no signs of aging.  Gloria's face is round and harsh, always serious and usually frowning.  Those who knew her before she joined the Senate will comment that she had been exceedingly beautiful when she could smile, especially when she had let black hair fall about her face -- all this was said behind closed doors of course.  Gloria is many things, and vindictive is one of them.  Unlike the majority of her predecessors, Gloria is almost always dressed in the Speaker's regalia (see picture; the pauldrons and bracers are not metal, but instead artfully treated leather, while the breastplate is thin steel with painted tin decor).  This includes the Speaker's Sceptor, which is not pictured.

Experience: Gloria is a politician through and through.  She has extensive experience in all matters of statehood, having been groomed for the Senate by her father.  She is diplomatic but assertive, able to navigate the treacherous political waters of the Empire with a smooth grace that seems almost inborn.  She also has extensive knowledge on the laws, traditions, and rights inherent to the Empire, making her a formidable foe in a debate.

Personality: Severe, strict, assertive, manipulative, vindictive, moral, straightforward, convincing, pragmatic, arrogant, intelligent, confident, insensitive, proponent of "tough love", willing to make sacrifices for the greater good, unwilling to empathize with others, doesn't care for frivolity, hates stupidity and wastefulness, bigoted against "lower folks," entrenched in her beliefs.  Gloria's personality is dominated by her dual motivations: to make the Hellation Empire greater than it ever has before, and to preserve civilization from the gibbering masses of vermin that crowd her streets and farm her fields.  Once willing to enjoy life, she has become almost wholly devoured by her duty since the assassination attempt.  Gloria is not a pleasant person to be around if you're looking for company, but you will find no politician more dedicated to her cause, more willing to push herself, or more brutally effective in the pursuit of her goals.
Background and history: Raised on her father's citrus plantation a half day's ride from the Capital, Gloria grew up in a wealthy household that gave her enough to be comfortable, and asked for much in return.  Gloria's mother had died during the childbirth due to a ruptured uterus.  Gloria's father, the Esteemed Senator Harold se Esconvale, had picked her up soon after, cord still dangling from her stomach, and wiped her mother's blood from her face.  As he would tell her countless times until his death a decade later, he had decided in that moment that his beloved's sacrifice would not be in vain.

As a result, Gloria's childhood became a curious mix between a pampered girl and a driven workhorse.  She was provided for in every way, and expected to spend her days studying law, history, and statehood in return.  At a young age, Gloria discovered she could easily manipulate people.  Everyone had a button -- an exposed nerve or hidden secret or any number of things -- that anyone could simply reach out and push.  If she pushed their button at the right time and in the right way, they would cave.  Her father recognized this skill when she tried to use it on him.  Thereafter, a significant chunk of Gloria's time was spent in the Capital with him, observing the practices of the Court and Senate in first person, learning how the political currents flowed, and how to push them where she wanted.

Harold se Esconvale died when Gloria was 10, and she passed into the care of her aunt, a kind woman who was nonetheless blind to politics and so endlessly frustrating to Gloria.  When she turned fifteen, the young woman appeared in the Senate to appeal a new tax being levied upon the citrus her family's plantation grew.  Her argument was convincing, far more so than any ordinary teenager's argument should be.  Impressed, one of the Senators took her under his wing so she could continue her education.  Three years later, she succeeded him in his post, becoming one of the youngest Senators in living memory.

Gloria's time in the Senate was controversial, largely because her late father's shadow still eclipsed her.  Desperate to become known for her own deeds and not her father's, Gloria pushed more and more hardline views: nobility was a sacred charge, that the peasantry were a burden that they were nontheless obliged to protect, that the Senate should be more powerful than the counterweight provided by the Representative of the Common Folk.  Her charisma won her several supporters, but it was the failed attempt on her life that launched her to both fame and notoriety.  A sharp stone, sent flying from a sling during a speech, had fractured her left temple and sent her into a coma for nearly a week.  When she woke, Gloria found that her face was partially paralyzed.  To her horror, she could no longer smile.  Worse yet, she could only speak with extreme focus.  Even then, her words were slow and slurred, like those of a drunk.

The attempt on her life rallied much of the Senate around her in an ostentatious show of sympathy.  Most tried to use her for their own political agendas, but a select few reached out in a show of genuine good faith.  Gloria's speech partially recovered over the following months.  After a year, she could speak at a normal pace once more, but her voice was gritty and her words took on a rolling lope.  She never regained the ability to smile beyond a faint smirk.

Gloria quickly realized that her newfound popularity had given her considerable power.  She spent the next decade luring would-be benefactors in, uncovering their plots, and then forcing them to side with her or risk political humiation.  With her small conclave of allies as the nucleus, Gloria built a powerful unified bloc in the Senate, one that was strictly pro-nobility and pro-commerce, often to the extreme disadvantage of the common folk.  A little less than a year ago, she was elected to the seat of Speaker for the Senate, and has no intentions of giving it up easily.

-- Political renown and power.  If she wanted to, Gloria could snap her fingers and throw any man in prison on a provisional warrant.  When she speaks in that coarse, rolling voice, people listen.
-- Favored by the Nobles.  Gloria's policies and agenda have been strongly pro-Noble, and the past decade has been exceptionally prosperous for this social class as a result.  She can count on their support in most matters.
-- Wealth and personal power.  Gloria inherited her father's plantation after her aunt's death, and has slowly been using her political power to expand its reach.  It's now one of the largest estates near the Capital, giving her considerable wealth and a large group of loyal families and bodyguards, as well as a safe haven outside of the city.
-- Emotional.  Gloria may have wealth, power, and clout, but she is constantly haunted by her self-imposed emotional isolation.  She is single, having never married, and intends to never do so.  As a result, she is unable to experience genuine emotional intimacy.  She considers this her primary weak spot, and goes to great lengths to protect this vulnerable aspect of her personality.
-- Physical.  She is not a fighter, and barely knows how to hold a sword correctly.  She is constantly accompanied by faceless bodyguards, but is otherwise defenseless.
-- The common folk.  Many of her policies that have benefited the nobles have been unfair to the common folk, from increased taxation to draft employment to a weighted justice system.  It's by no means totalitarian, and she has advocated that it is the Noble's obligation to protect the peasantry, but she's often vilified by the common folk nevertheless.

Other traits: TBD

On/Offs: I don't anticipate this character will enter any sexual situations.  If she does, however, she's a lesbian and probably more than a little aggressive.

Question Mark

Note: Work in Progress

Full Name: Alba Tamera
Title or Rank: Her Holiness, the Most Revered 41st High Bishop of The Faith, in the 10th Year of Her Wisdom, Alba Tamera
Role: Alba Tamera is the 41st High Bishop of the Faith (which is just what I'm calling the dominant institutionalized religion at this point).  The High Bishop fulfills three main functions.  First, he or she offers guidance to the Faithful, providing a spiritual rock for them to cling to in the tempest of life.  Second, he or she acts as the Faith's representative in matters of state, politics, war, and other fleeting mortal trifles; his or her word represents the "True Way".  Although it is often ignored in non-military matters, theological precedent states that the True Way is not expected to be taken as infallible advice in the short term, but rather as a more intangible truth to guide decisions.  Third, and most importantly, the High Bishop serves as the tangible conduit between the Eternals, Ron and Lin ((again, temporary names, open to suggestions)).  In other words, he or she is the Great Mediator, bringing the two intangible forces together in mind, body, and soul in order to achieve existential balance in all things.  Alba Tamera is in the 10th year of her guidance.  High Bishops only serve for 11 years.  Thus, in just over a year, she will be ceremoniously relieved and her successor, the 42nd High Bishop, will take her place.
Home Region: Alba Tamera hails from Sundon, the fertile plains on the western edge of the Hellation Empire, where sunkissed grass meets fertile ocean.  Sundon is widely regarded as the breadbasket of the empire, a region of stability and prosperity, farms and fishermen.  Alba Tamera was born in the city of Sundon, the titular epicenter of the region, to a fisherman and his boatsmith wife.

Age: 23
Appearance: Like most people from the far western edge of the Empire, Alba Tamera is lithe and olive-skinned, with inky black hair and an angular face.  She is of middling height and no great heft, and as tradition states expends no effort to beautify herself.  Despite her youth, she seems to wear an almost constant mask of sorrow and solemnity.  It is frequently said that her predecessor's untimely death left her unprepared for the rigors and stress of the station of High Bishop.  Alba Tamera, like many before her, prefers to wear the traditional armor of the Faith.  Although each suit is crafted anew for each High Bishop, often with subtle changes to the finery and occasionally with excessive opulence, Alba Tamera requested that her armor be a replica of Chevally the 35th's regalia.  She believed that it best reflected the duties of the High Bishop: the armor was for protection and symbolized the strength and might of the Faith, but it was also a burden that the High Bishop must carry wherever she went.  There was no room for opulence here, and the smith crafted the armor to reflect Alba Tamera's humble, somber appearance.  The steel and bronze was cast in dark hues of soil and wet earth, with simple muted fabrics hung along the cuirass and legplates.  The emblem of the Faith is apparent above her heart, with a simple token of personal value hung above the solar plexus.  Scripts from the holy writings, carefully preserved and toughened for this purpose, are hung from her belt.

Experience: Alba Tamera is a diplomat and an activist first and foremost.  When she succeeded Gillian after he died from a wasting illness in his 6th year, she quickly made it clear that her priority was improving the lot of the common folk.  Although educated in the mysteries of the Faith and the basis of law during her three years in S'Alois, Alba Tamera was nonetheless caught off guard by the sheer weight of her mantle as High Bishop.  Still, she has managed to become a formidable force in the Capital, working alongside (but never with) the Representative Martin L'mae to improve the state of the common folk.

Personality: Quiet, pensive, determined, willful, compassionate, empathetic, humble, naive, idealistic, muted, sorrowful, reluctant, always seeks to compromise, hesitant to make hard decisions, too trusting for her own good.  Alba Tamera can best be summed up as a young girl who never had the chance to grow up.  Despite her deep knowledge and experienced advisers, Alba Tamera struggles to reconcile what she sees every day with her hopelessly idealistic outlook on the future.  Although solemn, almost sorrowful in a mysterious way, she exudes a motherly aura of kindness and safety.  She spends most of her time around the common folk, tending to their spiritual questions and troubles, and so has become ever more popular than the late Gillian.  Despite her penitent service, she still has difficulty throwing off the naive trappings of youth.  This leads to frustration, since she only has a year left to serve as High Bishop before her exile, and feels that she has not been able to do enough with the time she was given.
Background and history: What has made your character noteworthy (if applicable)?


Other traits: Add other (personality) traits that may be of relevance to the story.
On/Offs: Please provide a link to your O/O page if you have one. If not, please specify what relevant concepts you would have your character encounter, or avoid.

Izaya Orihara

I'll finish it off as soon as possible.

Full name: Velissarius Therius Caephalas
Title or rank: Grand Archon of Kal Zorathion, and Duke of Coracaesium
Home region: Coracaesium, Kal Zorathion. Kal Zorathion is in the far eastern parts of the empire, and can be geographically said to have elements of the real world's Italy, Greece and Turkey, or thereabouts.

Age: 21
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Combat ability and experience: Velissarius is highly skilled when it comes to both politics and war, having to face such things a fair bit despite his relative youth. He tends to favour swords of varying types, often tending to use one-handed swords, such as rapiers and broadswords/basket-hilted swords. He's also a decent shot with a crossbow, but that tends to be pretty easy to master anyway.

Ambitious, charismatic and manipulative, he can be arrogant. Velissarius can be quite capable and level-headed when faced with challenges, and is a fast learner, often only having to be taught something once before he learns it.  As an unfortunate side effect of his upbringing, he's probably not going to think highly of non-nobles. He possesses both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex. He usually considers most other people weaker, and beneath him. He sees them as you might expect, yet when he believes others to be stronger, or they have proven themselves to be stronger, Velissarius obsesses over them, wanting to become as strong as them, yet also seeming fanatical towards them, and perhaps as scared of them. He tends to seem polite, yet sometimes mocking, and amused by the attempts of others to stop him, when the rare few figure out what he's up to. Despite the level of honour members of nobility are supposed to have, he possesses a feral cunning and a knack for quickly exploiting any opening or weakness possessed by others, revealed by his impressive intellect and perceptive abilities. With said cunning, of course, being hidden behind his usual veneer. He trusts no one, seeking honesty and truth to be naive and foolish concepts.  Beneath a complex façade, lies one who desires to be acknowledged by those close to him, and whose lack of proper experience in matters of a more intimate nature bely his seemingly confident persona. Rarely has he lacked that which he has desired, one way or another, and so losing such things would be hard indeed for him to contemplate, or to deal with. Velissarius often seems to be on the side of whomever he deals with, though those who are perceptive enough can realise how he subtly remains on his own side, never truly committing to one faction or another. His odd mind can seem sadistic at occasion, and often masochistic at others.
Background and history:
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Born into a fairly powerful noble family, he was first of the son of the Duke of Coracaesium and the Grand Archon of Kal Zorathion, which was a long-time vassal of the empire of Hellatius, though it had once been a powerful empire. Reading voraciously as he grew up, he found an interest in a wide range of subjects, including weapons, battle and strategy, but also history, religion, philosophy, politics, chemistry, the arts, and countless other subjects. Velissarius excelled in his training, when he learnt to fight, especially with swords. His intelligence was known at an early age, and this was often combined with his speed and agility to make him a dangerous swordsman. Though, offsetting this would be a lower than average physical strength.

Due to his appearance, he was frequently mistaken for being a girl, though that's something he was never particularly bothered by. Receiving a lot of attention as he did, from an early age, he nonetheless also received the ire of his older sister. Before his birth, she had received much more attention, and both his becoming heir in preference to her, and how he was viewed from a young age, were things she had a great deal of trouble tolerating. Numerous attempts to hurt, humiliate and sometimes even kill Velissarius were among the kinds of things faced by him.

In a turbulent time, his father was often busy dealing with a complex political situation, whilst his mother was often on his sister's side. Trouble brewed yet further, when his mother tried to poison him, and failed to kill him. His mother later committed suicide but Velissarius was still in state of fear due to others in the castle who also wanted to assassinate him. His later lost his life in a trip, when he fell off his mount after being hit by a poisoned arrow. Coracaesium became a hive of activity, plotting, assassination and chaos spreading as fear amongst the nobility heightened.
Vellissarius was granted a daunting task- rise to the top of this as unscathed as possible, and restore at least some semblance of order. Even with the famed politics of Kal Zorathion, this was too anarchic for the liking of the nobility, though there was little many of them could do, disunited and paranoid as they were. To a historian, similarities would be noticed between the Archonate, and the empire it had once been long ago. Corruption, plotting and backstabbing had been a grave threat to the empire back then, and such troubles had weakened a once powerful eastern nation greatly, softening the empire so that the successes of surrounding nations to claim much of its lands, became just that. Coracaesium was still known for its trade, wealth and fortifications, though it was no longer known as the Queen of Cities.

Indeed, once ruling from there was the Empire of Shal-Morzinn, with a unique culture, language and history stretching back a long time, to an earlier empire that it considered itself the continuation of, and the various ancient city states and and kingdoms that were once present in its heartland. The Kal Zorathion Archonate had once been that empire, and a number of senior noble families traced descent from the Imperial dynasties that had ruled it. The Caephalas dynasty had been one of the more successful, and that had, for a time, reversed its decline. The last emperor of the dynasty, however, was less competent than his predecessors, and was highly unpopular amongst the masses, being something of a mentally unstable tyrant. Complicated politics, assassinations, torture and the like were involved in that time of turmoil, as was a deposed emperor of another short-lived dynasty that ruled for barely a week, before he fled and appealed to a western nation whose enmity Shal-Morzinn had earned before. A Crusade, as well as a greedy merchant republic, among other things, coincided with an invasion from the east, along with betrayal, backstabbing and death causing the empire's power to decline, loosing territory, though maintaining a naval advantage due to its fleet, and the well-disciplined troops possessing infamous heavy cavalry proving enough of a bane to enemies to keep them from completely overrunning the empire's territory. Eventually, the eastern invasion was bought off, and the western trials saw a continual decline, with several other dynasties having various successes and failures. The Crusade sieged the legendary walls of Coracaesium, though as they had always, they stood, and the crusaders were repelled. Shal-Morzinn would keep relying on its wealth, and the west for help against various threats, whilst also having to keep various powerful nobles from dragging other nations into their schemes. Further incursions, and the empire eventually fell apart, eastern beyliks taking some territory, whilst the rest united into the Grand Archonate of Kal Zorathion- after a separate branch of the Caephalas dynasty, which had formed a kingdom in Veratinum, had recovered rule of Coracaesium, later becoming a vassal of Hellatius, and with the empire's help, recovering some of the land held from its predecessor.

Essentially, Velissarius managed to outmanoeuvre and deal with many of the threats in Coracaesium, solidifying his control. His sister, ever observant, decided not to take chances, and left the Archonate's capital, deigning to plot from afar. In a more distant part of the empire of Hellatius, Kal Zorathion had to deal with various threats in the east, including barbarian hordes, and desert tribes and nations. Velissarius took to command of some of the forces, fighting against a power-hungry new warlord from the east. That warlord was backed by a nation bordering Hellatius, named Makuran.

Distrusting the Archonate's local troops, tainted by allegiances, politics and scheming, and whose loyalties often shifted with fatal consequences, Velissarius utilised a unit of men that had once served as an Imperial Guard unit, the Jaervald Guard recruited from those far to the north. Along with this, he used western mercenaries, though he kept a watchful eye on them. Several key castles along the edges of the far eastern mountain ranges were recaptured by Velissarius, who had caught the attention of Hellatius's Emperor at the time. A decisive battle at a mountain pass, where a fortress blocked the entrance and served as a base from which attacks upon Kal Zorathion were conducted, was fought at odds of 16,000 versus 70,000- a large number of common soldiers, as well as a core of elite knights, horse archers and skirmishers. Through a combination of trickery, tactical and strategic genius, countless foes were slain. Velissarius killed the infamously dangerous enemy commander in single combat, and ended the lives of numerous warriors by his own blade. Dealing far more damage than he received, his army slaughtered many of the opposition, and routed them. Famed for his speed, perception and skill in battle, in this and in other successive conflicts, he became known as the White Eagle of Kal Zorathion, soon coming to win the war after sacking Autiyara.

Later on, he created a personal army named the Legion of the White Eagle.

Strengths: Highly skilled swordsman, good strategist. High literary knowledge. Adept in politics.
Weaknesses: Physically lacking in strength, arrogant. Foreigner (Kal Zorathion is essentially a blend of the Roman Empire and the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire, so heavily Greek culture/language, and resembles in some ways, one of the Greek successor states after the 1204 sack of Constantinople by the 4th Crusade, though without sacking and with more money, whilst the religion is Orthodox Christianity combined with Manichaeanism and syncretic Hellenic-Egyptian mystery cult type stuff). Tends to react badly to having his ambitions thwarted. Can be distracted by the complex political situation back in Kal Zorathion.

For the sake of balance, please make sure that your entourage (which includes your main character) has at the very least two main strengths, but also two main weaknesses. You can add more, as long as they are in balance. Examples could be but are certainly not limited to;

  • You bring along a cunning assassin in order to inflict damage on an opponents entourage.
  • Your main character is an exceptional fighter
  • One of your squires may be plotting for himself
  • Your servant might be spying for another champion

Other traits: Add other (personality) traits that may be of relevance to the story.
On/Offs: I'm fine with most stuff, though feel free to ask. On a related note, Femdom type stuff is always good.

Full name: Gelesius Kamateros
Role: Guard Captain
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Full name: Euphemia Doukaina
Role: Spymaster/assassin
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Well, if I had to give a reason for my actions, I guess it's because I love people. I guess I wanted to see the faces that mankind has to offer.

Question Mark

Full Name: Martin L'Mae
Title or Rank: Representative of the Common Folk
Role: Martin L'Mae is the Representative of the Common Folk, often just called Representative L'Mae, or Martin the Walker.  His role is largely ceremonial; he is a perfunctory representative of all non-Noble peoples in the Empire, speaking for them in matters of governance and in times of crisis.  However, his word does not carry much weight outside of his own inner circles.  He is not powerless, but in the face of a united Senate, he may as well be.
Home Region: Martin has famously claimed that he was born on the road between Solin and the Crest, but neither he nor anyone else actually knows for sure.  When he was Martin the Walker, he considered his boots his home.  Since being elected to the represent the common folk, however, Martin has called the mountains to the north of the Capital his home, and his protracted stay in the heart of the Empire is nothing more than a brief diversion.

Age: 44
Appearance: True to his supposed Solinnic heritage, Martin is a tall, broad-shouldered man, with a mane of dark brown hair and a short ragged beard.  His dark eyes are set beneath a protruding brow; their small, squinty appearance belie his intelligent and thoughtful demeanor.  Decades spent living rough in the wilds and on the road has left his skin rugged and windburnt, and his face is marred by two scars: the first is a long, thin crack that runs through his left cheek and over his mouth, and the other is a crevasse of puckered skin above his right eye.  Martin has traditionally traveled in simple clothing, and this fashion has carried over into his official dress.  Instead of a pockmarked shirt and vest, he now wears a simple, plainly engraved cuirass over a thick woolen jacket, with a faded blue cloak tied to buckles below the neck.  It's surprisingly humble dress -- many previous Representatives preferred to emulate their extravagant Senatorial counterparts.  It's the clothing of a soldier; odd, but as Martin said when he accepted the office, his choice in wardrobe was no coincidence.

Experience: Martin is an experienced orator, public personality, and folklorist. 

Personality: Talkative, charismatic, convincing, entertaining, juvenile, impulsive, ambitious, manipulative, worldly, experienced, prone to exaggeration and lying, stubborn, overconfident, has an ego, can have difficulty taking things seriously, often hides his emotions and intentions.  Martin L'mae sees life as one big joke, and unfortunately the common folk are too often at the butt end of it.  He embraces the philosophy of laugh and let live, but he also considers it a vague sort of duty to improve their lot in life.  As a speaker and companion, he is nearly unparalleled in his ability to entertain.  Martin is at his best when he is the center of attention, and will often go out of his way to place himself in such a situation.  He can be somewhat immature, but rarely malevolent.  Martin is very protective of his inner identity; despite his fame, few if any can claim to truly know him.
Background and History: Martin's past is convoluted and complex, as rich and full of adventure as the stories he spun for a living.  Much of what is commonly known has been told from his own mouth.

As Martin tells it, he was born on a warm summer evening on the road between Solin and the Crest, a stretch of the Empire's highway that runs along the jagged cliffs overlooking the great eastern ocean.  His father thought Martin a bastard child, begot from foul affair.  In a desperate agony, he threw Martin's mother and himself onto the great rocks below rather than raise another man's son.  Martin was found on the road and raised by a group of traveling entertainers, learneping the skills needed to live in the wild, and performing for an audience with drums and voice.  He ran away at a young age for reasons unknown, surviving by walking from town to town, begging and playing his drums for scraps.

As he grew older, his voice deepened and his skill increased.  No one can deny that Martin is a true talent, a master performer and orator.  However, unlike most traveling bards, Martin refused to play for nobles.  He would dress as the common folk did, talk like they did, tell their stories and set up and perform in their squares and villages.  During this time, Martin claims to have had many adventures, often at the specific expense of a corrupt or buffoonish nobleman.  Some of these are even true (albeit exaggerated): Martin famously outwitted Castor of the Crest's adviser in an attempt to convince the aloof nobleman of the plague spreading in his lands, and any man can see the gouge in the stone where Martin had deflected Olivia's dagger from the heart of her framed lover.  Other stories, such as finding a lost treasure and distributing it to the common folk, or stopping a devastating wildfire by breaking a dam, are tall tales that Martin conjured in order to fill gaps in his performance.  Although he said these were fiction, they grew in his wake nonetheless, and eventually became indistinguishable from the truth.  Over the next few decades, Martin would build an impressive library of tales, stories, and epics revolving around his life, a curious mixture of extraordinary fact and careful fiction.

The years crawled by, and word of Martin the Walker (as he had come to be known) spread throughout the Empire.  Ironically, it was the clumsy attempts of anxious nobles to stamp out his stories that initially spread his fame.  Martin realized that his sudden popularity was a powerful tool.  He continued to perform, but he also began to turn his efforts towards a more political goal.  Masterful diatribes on the abuses of the noble class peppered his ballads, and he began to cultivate a growing sense of oppression in the common folk.

Ten months ago, Martin walked to the capital in response to a summons by Gloria se Esconvale, recently appointed Speaker of the Senate, and conferred with her in private for two days and three nights.  When he emerged, he announced his nomination for Representative of the Common Folk, and won by a narrow margin soon thereafter (I imagine the election of the Representative is democratic, or at least superficially so).  While he has made strides in his duties, achieving far more in his own right than the previous Representstive, he is regarded as tepid, even ineffectual, in his dealings with the Senate.  He is nonetheless a popular Representative, and his word carries significant weight in the Emperor's court.

Martin's conference with Speaker Esconvale is a secret largely kept from the public at large, however.  For those that know, there is the suspicion that Martin the Walker's rapid ascension to Representative of the Common Folk was not entirely serndipitous, and may not have been possible without Speaker Esconvale's help.  This would leave Representative Martin indebted to her, reducing or even removing one of the major obstacles she faces in pushing her agenda.

-- Popular hero.  Martin is incredibly popular with the common folk, both for his patronage and for his time spent amongst them.  Though his power and theirs may not be great, it is not to dismissed.
-- Charisma.  A lifelong performer and bard, Martin can be both charming and devastatingly persuasive.  He has a knack for flattery, and can lure the unwary into accidentally giving away their secrets.
-- Worldly knowledge.  Believe his tall tales or not, it is impossible to deny that Martin the Walker has seen more of the Empire than most men alive.  Martin is familiar with many exotic customs and cultures, and possesses a seemingly boundless mental encyclopedia of facts, curiosities, and stories.
-- Politics.  Whether he succumbed to Gloria se Esconvale's offer or not, Martin is in over his head in the political world.  With no formal education, he often finds himself being outmanuevered by his opponents or hopelessly lost in the complex political intrigues that rule the Senate.
-- Nobles.  Given that Martin L'mae made a living off of mocking the nobles, it is understandable that he has difficulty currying their favor.  He finds it nearly impossible to secure their support in virtually any matter, although he has begun to make inroads, albeit in unorthodox manners.
-- Gloria se Esconvale.  Whether it's through a backroom deal or her superior political ability, Gloria is able to consistently and effectively keep Martin L'mae under her thumb.  Her power bloc in the Senate makes it nearly impossible for him to get a political foothold.  As with the nobles, however, he is making some slow progress.  Whether this is because Gloria allows it or because he's finding the ability to is unknown.

On/Offs: I don't think Martin will be engaging in any sexual encounters, but if he does, he's pretty vanilla, a true romantic.


Name: Vera Hellatius
Age: 21
Appearance: Vera is of average height but remarkably fragile looking for a huntress. Her femininity is somewhat underdeveloped compared to some of her siblings and it is often that visitors mistake her for being a sister much younger and further down the line. Vera has short brown hair that is left to lie straight across her face. Her skin is pale which leads many to believe that her solitude is often spent indoors, not taking into consideration that the princess might go out at night more often than by day.

Inside the palace, Vera will usually dress up prettily, as is demanded of her by her father. When she ventures outside of the Imperial court's grounds on her own business though, she is often not easily recognizable as a princess and may go to great lengths to remain anonymous.

Hobbies and activities: Vera is an excellent wild game hunter and an expert archer. Her favorite places to be are the many forests near the capital, where she will practice and perfect her skill in hunting and archery. She is always accompanied by her dark horse and more than often leaves her entourage behind, much to the annoyance of her father.

When Vera is not hunting, she is usually found in her room, studying ancient texts or ordering around servants to her petty desires. What knowledge she means to acquire from the books is unknown to most in the court, but her desire for collecting fine and exotic fashion is well documented. It is not often that she's actually seen wearing any of it though.

Personality: Vera is in many respects quite unlike her sisters. Her personality is cold and her aura is one of distance and lack of compassion. She is most at ease when she is alone, but even then she exudes an air of unpleasantness and contempt for her surroundings. Matters that concern her most are her own well being, power, material wealth and the ability to ride out into the wilderness whenever she pleases. For more sociable concerns, she cares not so much. She holds most of her sisters and even her father in disregard, but keeps the latter a secret. As for anyone else, there isn't any noticeable compassion. The only exception would be her horse.

She would have refused to partake in the tournament altogether, were it not for the fact that she found her sisters to be undeserving of the power that came with victory in the tournament. If anyone were to wield such power, it would be her and whatever suitor would appear to be most eligible. As such, the stakes of the contest were too important for her to disregard the event and had left Vera determined to partake in it. The rules of the tournament were clearly set, but that by no means meant Vera would abide to them at all times.

Background and history:  Vera is one of the oldest (precise details to be discussed) daughters of the Emperor. Love for any of her sisters is either extremely well guarded or non existent. As a younger girl, it had been rumored that she had displayed cruelty towards several of her younger sister's pets and sometimes even the sisters themselves. Once beyond the age of 12, these reports no longer appeared. Either she had stopped with such petty acts, or was wise enough to have them remain unnoticed.

Her skill as a huntress is matched only by a few others in the Empire, and it is those few individuals that she holds in high regard. Whilst not always a young woman of many words, once she starts about her favorite hunters, she can talk for days and will expect others to remain interested. Vera finds no use for hunting parties, as is usually the norm and often rides out herself and takes a more intensive approach to the sport of archery and hunting. Rumors had been floating around in court that at one time, Vera had purposefully and intently killed another hunter during a night in the dense forest. However, no person knew where the rumor had started, nor were any local hunters found to be missing. Eventually the rumor had been dismissed as a myth and no investigation had ever been conducted.


  • Skilled hunter: If something leaves a trace, she will find it. She's best at tracking wild game, but can use her techniques creatively in other situations. If she wants to find you, she likely will.
  • Expert archer: No really, put that apple on your head.
  • Well read: She keeps up with what's going on in the Empire and will know more about what goes on outside the safe walls of the Capital city than the average person. She has also learned about magic, but is not able to perform any herself.

  • Not liked: She isn't very well liked by the people that know her well, including but not limited to her personal handmaidens and guards, her sisters (I'll leave individual princess relations and possible exceptions to this to the other princesses, but I'm assuming an overall negative attitude to Vera), her other family and other members of the Imperial court. If her father had a favorite daughter, it would definitely not be Vera.
  • Cold personality: Without saying a word, Vera can come off as distant and uninterested. She seemingly lacks compassion for anything other than those that she really likes. When she does show interest in another person, there is a good chance that she intends to use that person for her own personal gain.
  • Pretentious: Whilst not vocally arrogant, Vera is convinced that she is better than others at just about everything.

Other traits:
On/Offs: Link

Full name: Lena
Role: First Handmaiden
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Full name: Beth, Sarah, Lily
Role: Handmaidens
Appearance: Similar to Lena

Full name: Harold
Role: Captain of Vera's Personal Guard
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Full name: Rose
Role: Guard
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Full name: Frederic, Marcus,
Role: Guards
Appearance: Similar to Harold


I posted the first thread for this story, which is an OOC Discussions thread that aims to work out details and backgrounds for the characters, setting, connections, etc. Please feel free to have a look in what's already being discussed, as well as provide suggestions, feedback, commentary and so on. Link to the thread is here.

For those that have their applications posted here already, consider your characters accepted.

Moon Hound Hati

Is there still room for more champions? The aspect of also manning an entourage of supporting characters to a champion sounds particularly interesting.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Quote from: Moon Hound Hati on November 12, 2014, 08:46:32 AM
Is there still room for more champions? The aspect of also manning an entourage of supporting characters to a champion sounds particularly interesting.
Yes, you're welcome to apply!

Moon Hound Hati

Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.

Moon Hound Hati

Full name: Leasick Valshanner
Title or rank: Baron
Home region: Vallachia is a small region located in the south-eastern corner of the empire. It is mostly dominated by mountains, the two tallest of which are called the Vampire Peaks, after the local legend telling of a blood sucking fiend that comes in the night. Its vallies are dotted here and there by simple farms, taking up what little furtile land it has to offer. The main capital of the region is a city called Dracus, which sits at the foot of Vampire Peaks, where all the main roads cross, and is the main hub for commerce and trade. Vallachia has a temperate-continental climate, which is characterized by important annual variation in temperature due to the lack of significant bodies of water nearby. Often winter temperature is cold enough to support a fixed period of snow each year, and relatively moderate precipitation occurring mostly in summer, with many days of rain between days of sunshine.

Age: 26
Appearance: Clear, blue eyes is one physical trait that seems to be handed down from generation to generation within the Valshanner clan nearly without exception, to the point that it, somewhere along the line, became the official color of the house. With hair dark as raven feathers and an athletic figure that reaches just past the six feet mark, he strikes one as confident in his stance and body language.

Eye for the Candy

Combat ability and experience: Leasick is experienced in the arts of war, especially guerrilla warfare and scorched earth tactics. He has personally lead many bloody battles and favors the lance in most fights, though he is no stranger the ways of the sword, either. The odds have rarely been in his favor, but cunning and a keen mind have helped him overcome the odds.

Personality: The young lord of Vallachia is a textbook example of a person that should not be judged by their appearance. While those bright blue eyes may fool you into believing him to be a man of little experience and innocence, Leasick is, in reality, someone who has experienced many trials and tribulations. His heart is one that belongs to his people, always acting with the interest of his beloved Vallachia in mind and despising those who seek to exploit them. A keen and cunning mind rests upon his shoulders, one that is very brutal and merciless in its approach to achieving order and prosperity for Vallachia.

Background and history: Leasick's life is one riddled with strife and tragedy, during which he murdered his father, buried his older brother alive, and went to war against his younger brother. At the age of sixteen, he was forced to strike down his own father, whom had slowly descended into a spiral of madness, the result of which left Vallachia nearly falling apart at the seams. Ignorant of Leasick's direct involvement of the baron Valshanner's death, the corrupt nobles of Vallachia pushed to have the young lordling succeed him instead of the elder brother, Magnus, who was too much of a rabid dog for the nobles to use as pawn, as he had already become infamous at that point for his unpredictable outbursts of extreme violence and penchant for debauchery     often without his partner's consent.

Little under a year later, just past his seventeenth birthday, Leasick was christened the new baron of Vallachia. He was motivated by a love of his nation and a duty to maintain its sovereignty and power, so he began purging all who would opposed its interests. Exploiting the ignorance of the corrupt elite that had placed him in the seat of power, he had many of them captured and executed under accusations of treason. Their bodies were impaled upon spikes and placed in the city square, where they would remain for several days, serving as a warning to other miscreants, and a sign for those craving change.

Fed up with his elder brother's behaviour, whom had managed to outdo himself after a night of violence and rape that would haunt the memories of many Dracus residents for a long time, the baron locked his sibling in a coffin and buried him alive as punishment for his crimes.

In the years that followed Leasick worked to rebuilt Vallachia to its former glory, creating a rule system, among other things, that would help boost the region's trade and income from that trade. A mine was built to further boost trade, introducing precious ores and gems gained from the mountains themselves. A new order was established within the army of Vallachia, which allowed even those of lower standings to become guards and knights, and where rank was given based on performance and not social rank. Because reforming a whole military system was not something that happened overnight, Leasick often lead battles himself, proving himself capable both as a warrior and military strategist. Due to the small size of his own forces, he favored employing guerrilla warfare and scorched earth tactics.

At the age of twenty-three, his younger brother, Jules, had defected and become the pawn of the ruler of a neighbouring country. Claiming to be disgusted by his brother's brutal rule, he lead the army of the foreign ruler into Vallachia, intend on taking Leasick's place as baron. Though outnumbered, Leasick was far more experienced and capable, and managed to strike down his last remaining sibling on the field of battle after a bloody campaign, driving the remaining forces off Vallachian soil. The corpses of slain enemies were impaled upon spikes and placed along the border, a warning to all those who wish harm upon the land.

The common people of Vallachia now hail Leasick as a hero, one whom stands incorruptible and unwavering against those who wish Vallachia harm.


  • Master strategist: A keen mind and years of experience have tempered the steel of his cunning mind. The end justifies the means.
  • Expert lancer: You don't want this stick up your ass, trust me.
  • Man of the common folk: A well liked figure among commoners and those of lower social standings due to his work as baron of Vallachia.


  • Merciless and brutal: Some disapprove of his methods.
  • Not one of us (nobles): Not easily trusted by other leaders and those of higher social standing due to his past actions towards many of the Vallachian nobles.
  • Outspoken: He is a very direct man, sometimes rudely so.

Other traits: -
On/Offs: My O/O thread is a bit outdated. Please refer to my role-play preferences instead.

Full name: Cade Skoll
Role: Leasick's right hand man and one of his two personal guards
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Full name: Marika Midguard
Role: Leasick's second personal guard
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Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.

Question Mark

Finished Martin L'mae's profile, more or less.  I definitely want to go back and review it when I have a clearer head.


Looks good Hati! Go ahead and add your character to our new Characters thread. Talks about certain issues and much information can be found in the Discussions thread.

I'll be trying to post one of the first IC threads today or tomorrow, if I can squeeze it in my own schedule. It'll allow the champions to start describing their arrival to the Capital and serves as a sort of introduction. Not every character is required to introduce themselves there though as it is a rather specific location. Once that post is up, other locations will follow soon!

Drake Valentine

Champion 'Mystery Challenger'

Full name:  Yong (Xu Yong)
Title or rank: None known. He is a mystery. (Banished Prince)
Home region: Xu Empire. Far overseas to the northeast resides a warring continent. There has been unrest between the many dynasties that populate the mass of land. Yong hails from the leading powerhouse of the Xu Dynasty which is gradually conquering the smaller dynasties with its military might and sheer numbers. The Xu Empire functions similar to what the foreign land in which Yong has ventured to or from what he can tell. Unlike the Empire in the present land which is trying to find a successor through trials and hand of honors of the Princesses, Yong's faction goes a different route. They believe that those who represent true power can rule their kingdom by overcoming hardship and thus they practice the fictional principal of a lion throwing its cubs over a cliff to see which ones may survive the ordeal. All children of the right of succession for the throne of the Xu Dynasty are banished, only followed by a proper retainer. Every thirty years they return to compete and show their skills and to prove their succession of the throne through what deeds they have achieved. These children are not always the offspring of the Emperor, but potential candidates of successor who inherited the 'Xu' title as adopted siblings.
Age:  25

Appearance: Yong's image can be intimidating for some, frankly he isn't the tallest of men. His height is of a good five feet and seven inches. Though his build, why, he is a beast. His body is ripped and muscular all over, not bulging so, but rightly balanced through his years of harsh training. His features are exotic as well, his skin possesses a golden hint in pigment to it. His hair bright, more vibrant than fire and his eyes carry a red hue to them as well, a biological factor of his royal heritage of the Xu Empire lineage. 

Combat ability and experience:  His combat capabilities are superb, though he may not see them as such. His body is proof of the ordeals he has went through under training and supervision from his retainer.  He has not fought in official wars. He has however been in many skirmishes over the years, mostly one on one fights or even mock combat against multiple opponents. His preferred weaponry is a bo-staff; although he won't turn down a more honorable hand to hand combat session with anyone.

Yong is a quiet and reserved man for the most part. He is also a honorable human being that does not follow to the traditional rules a kingdom may share. If he sees something in the wrong, he won't hesitate to intervene, even if he may not understand the situation to the fullest. He is also fearless, which could be a bad quirk instead of a good one, although this also goes to his strong foreign bloodline. Another trait is that he is a selfless man, he does not dress royally nor is he one much for accepting gifts when they are offered, unless they are literally forced upon him and then he must be humble enough to take them with gratitude. A more burdening aspect of his character is being able to live freely, meaning, he sees no harm in doing as he may please at times as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. There have been times he has enjoyed himself with other's company and the foreign women are quite interesting and even appetizing for his tastes. Still, as a 'prince,' he tends to make it a habit of conquering those in power wherever he goes, even if it is just one during his stay of training, anyone less is usually beneath him.
Background and history: WIP

‘Strange’ Unarmed Fighting Skills: Or so they may be seen by the foreigners. Yong's unusual fighting style is a variety of martial arts that he has learned from his retainer and that he has self trained and taught himself by studying and competing against other unarmed fighting styles. He is always incorporating new techniques in his arsenal.
Expert Staff Wielder: He has went above and beyond with the staff, learning from his Retainer and further refining it into his own style. Not only does Yong use flashy moves to distract his opponents and possibility impress the crowd, but he also can chain in devastating strikes and knows how to channel his entire energy into his weapon for more powerful hits.
Grappler: Yong knows how to put another down into submission and has knowledge on ways to break another's grip upon his body. His grappling abilities does not apply to just humanoids, he is also able to grip firmly upon obstacles and scale them with ease when incorporated with his acrobatics.
Acrobatic/Quick Footed:    Yong knows how to move his body and thus is a reason why he doesn't wear armor as it would naturally add a burden on his poise. He may forgo applied defenses, but he also regains the freedom of mobility to perform agile feats beyond a 'tin man.' Also without being weighed down by anything, he often is able to perform faster evasive maneuvers rather than guarding against them.
Foreigner: He knows little of the language of this new land he has embarked within. Some he vaguely can understand and speak thanks to the teachings of Long, but without a translator he can do little for himself in conversing in extensive detail.
Horse Riding: Although horses were later domesticated into the Xu Empire, Yong had never the time to properly learn how to ride them.
Archery: His abilities with a bow are poor and need refining.
Swordsmanship: He isn't gifted in the arts of the sword and often avoids wielding them along with other weapons that aren't staffs.
No Armor: Lack of armor leaves his body vulnerable to received blows and possibly fatal wounds.
Etiquette/Manners: He is still learning proper mannerism of 'court,' but even his ways are much different than those of this foreign land.

Other traits:
On/Offs: *Lazes*

Companion I

Full name: Fang Jing
Role: Retainer and protector of Xu Yong. He serves as a speaker of the trials should they ever return to the Xu Dynasty.

Companion II

Full name:  Long Min
Role: Translator. Merchant.

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 

Question Mark

All this anime...  Writing first encounters with all these characters is going to be entertaining.


Quote from: Question Mark on November 13, 2014, 09:35:52 AM
All this anime...  Writing first encounters with all these characters is going to be entertaining.

How does those two things connect? I don't think "Why does your eyes cover half your face?!" is considered a normal conversation-starter.
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread

Drake Valentine

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 

Question Mark

Quote from: ReaperDouble0 on November 13, 2014, 09:39:33 AM
How does those two things connect? I don't think "Why does your eyes cover half your face?!" is considered a normal conversation-starter.

I was thinking more along the lines of their exotic hair colors and styles.  It could be a cultural thing; maybe colorful dyes and ornate hair-dos are the current fad.


Quote from: ReaperDouble0 on November 13, 2014, 09:39:33 AM
How does those two things connect? I don't think "Why does your eyes cover half your face?!" is considered a normal conversation-starter.
It would be a humorous one.


I posted the first IC thread, titled 'The City Gate'. It's meant to serve as an opportunity for Champions to make an introductory post as they arrive at the city with their entourage. Other characters are of course welcome to post here as well (either for their main characters or perhaps one of their entourage) but other locations will be made available very soonTM that may be more ideal locations for princesses and any other player characters.

Link to the new post: The City Gate

Before you make a post, please consider making use of a header such as this one;

[float=left][IMG padding=5 width=275]IMAGE LINK HERE[/img][/float]

Usage of this type of header is recommended (by me!) but not required. If you don't use them, please try to make sure that you include a description of your character's appearance, actions and status so its easier for others to respond to what's happening.


Name: The character's name, alias and/or title
Role: The character's role or position
Location: Threads usually indicate the scene's location, but this can be used to further specify. This can also be used to mention if your character is entering or leaving the scene.
Appearance: A short description of what the character's appearance is like, in the time frame of the post
Tagging: Characters that are referred to or communicated with in this post

Moon Hound Hati

I'd like to suggest putting that code for the header at the bottom of the IC OP.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Quote from: Moon Hound Hati on November 13, 2014, 11:36:23 AM
I'd like to suggest putting that code for the header at the bottom of the IC OP.
But the code is OOC info! My OCD cant handle that :(

Moon Hound Hati

Quote from: mj2002 on November 13, 2014, 11:53:57 AM
But the code is OOC info! My OCD cant handle that :(

But it's more convenient for the players not having to sift through the recruitment thread just to get that code to be able to post in IC threads! D:

That or perhaps a thread with all important info such as the post header code could be compiled. It could have the established history of the setting and other info, too. Some of the larger group games often have it.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Quote from: Moon Hound Hati on November 13, 2014, 12:25:14 PM
But it's more convenient for the players not having to sift through the recruitment thread just to get that code to be able to post in IC threads! D:

That or perhaps a thread with all important info such as the post header code could be compiled. It could have the established history of the setting and other info, too. Some of the larger group games often have it.
I intend to make such a post, the concept had already crossed my mind, but I wanted to wait before I collected some more information to post there. Also, people will have to find the IC thread anyway, and the post where its announced happens to have that code!


A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


And my introduction is up, such as it is. Man, grand parades are so much more wordy than simple entrances. I do not plan on writing such lengthy posts every time.


Quote from: Birchleaf on November 13, 2014, 06:44:50 PM
And my introduction is up, such as it is. Man, grand parades are so much more wordy than simple entrances. I do not plan on writing such lengthy posts every time.
That's what introductions are for of course! This was precisely what I had envisioned myself if I had a Champion character, nice post!

On another note, I'm toying with the idea to post another OOC thread just for chats, general post feedback and quick announcements. This thread seems to be serving that purpose for now, which is alright I guess.

Question Mark

I'll vouch for getting a pure OOC thread separate from the Discussion thread up ASAP.  The sooner we can abandon the Group Roleplays Wanted forum, the better, both for courtesy and convenience.


Quote from: Question Mark on November 13, 2014, 09:02:39 PM
The sooner we can abandon the Group Roleplays Wanted forum, the better
It's not such a bad neighborhood =(

Anyway, the OOC thread.

Question Mark

Quote from: mj2002 on November 13, 2014, 09:25:17 PM
It's not such a bad neighborhood =(

Anyway, the OOC thread.

It's not, really.  I've probably spent more time here than on any other forum in E.

Ah, memories.


We're still accepting applications for this story, including Champions and even the Emperor. There's also the opportunity to play some sort of a neutral character who doesn't necessarily compete for the throne. If you have a nice concept, just post it here!


Full name: Reynik " Levi " " little Leviathan "
Title or rank: Lord Commander of the imperial Navy
Home region: Eastern coast of the empire in a small fishing village.

Age: 23
Appearance: image pending

Combat ability and experience: Reynik has fought in several battles against pirates and enemy empires fleets in his rise to the top. He is proficient in the sword, dagger, bow and his favorite weapon of the staff.

Personality: Reynik is a likable young man, charismatic to the extreme, apt to give his men a slap on the back and a tankard of ale as much as an official accommodation. His manner most of the time is laid back and carefree however in the crucible of battle he becomes a cunning and able Commander, able to turn the tide of a battle with nothing but a good plan and a handful of sailors.  In short most people get on fine with him but do not cross him.

Background/history: Reynik was not born of noble birth.his father captained a merchant ship and his mother had died in childbirth. As such Reynik grew up on ships and learnt fr from the crew as soon as he was able. When he was fifteen Reynik was put forth to join the Navy but before they could arrive to pick him up there village was attacked by pirates. Few survived and Reynik's father was counted among the dead. Swearing revenge Reynik worked harder then any other in navel training and at age twenty was given his first command. With a small crew of twenty men he tracked down the pirates and put them to the sword, taking their ship "the Leviathan" as his prize. He was voted lord Commander soon after when the former one retired.

Strengths: unwavering loyalty from his men, gifted swordsman, unaffected by most weather conditions of the land.

Weaknesses: feels restricted on land. Has a knack for finding female related trouble, not being noble makes him ignorant to many customs.

other: Reynik cares little for taking power for himself as long as the people are safe and the empire strong although he won't decline any offers extended to him.


Looks like a good character sheet. I'd just note that the character might be a little young to have reached the rank of Lord Commander of the Empire's Navy. Perhaps he's achieved this rank through some sort of extraordinary feat? Otherwise, perhaps you could make him slightly older or not quite the rank that he has now? It's up to you of course.

Consider reading through the discussion thread we created, it's linked on the first post of this page. It contains a lot of useful information that you may wish to read through when you have some spare time.


Shall do, I stated the reason for his gain in rank but shall add more detail to better explain it.


Quote from: azzmeister89 on November 18, 2014, 07:30:34 AM
Shall do, I stated the reason for his gain in rank but shall add more detail to better explain it.
That would be great. In general, it'd be nice if you could elaborate slightly more on your character's personality and history. It's a bit short compared to the other characters that have signed up so far. Also, you're more than welcome to accompany your character with an entourage, though this certainly is not required.


I'll probably be making a second primary character, probably a prostitute or thief, possibly both. I want a character that I can more freely fool around with without having to worry about breaking Millianna. Any objections?
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread



I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread



Full name: Diannelle Simnel, usually going by Diane however.
Title or rank: "Wanted dead or alive", that counts I presume?
Role: Prostitute, thief and assassin-for-hire
Home region: Slums of the capital

Age: 20
Appearance: Diannelle has golden blonde hair, normally kept a tad messy (though intentionally so), with most of it cut to her shoulders, with just a few locks of hair reaching almost down to her bust. Much like her hair, her eyes are of a golden brown shade, radiating a kind and friendly aura. She has a rather large bust and isn't afraid of using the sex appeal to seduce, entrance or lure. Going with that, she has a nice thin waist meeting with a well-rounded waist with a very nice ass, along with a pair of long, slender legs.

Experience: A very swift-fingered and skilled thief, more than capable of stealing a ring off a finger without the owner noticing. Besides that, she is very skilled sexually, and knows well how to seduce a man or two. Knows a few assassination-methods, though she normally refrains from murder if possible. Agile and quick on her feet. Knows the capital better than most, both the good sides and the not so sweet.

Personality: For the most part, Diannelle appears as a very kind and passionate person. For the most part, she's cheerful and a very relaxing and enjoyable person to be with. She radiates of positivity and refuses to look negatively on anything, contrasting her professions quite heftily since the jobs she does are normally reserved for the immoral and cold. She can be quite caring towards the ones who need it, though this side is normally reserved for those who can't stand up for themselves. While not being a vigilante of any kind, she isn't fond of the strong making use of the weak, be it with work or abuse.

Background and history: Diannelle was born into what some might call a family breaking up. her father never existed, and her mother was a prostitute, and her father had been a client, so it wasn't a surprise that he was never seen again. Her mother didn't have the means to take care of her and "gave her away", which in less formal words means that she threw her on the street and hoped for a quick death. However, a mother who had just lost her son to illness found her and raised her as her own for many years, before she eventually passed away while giving birth to her third child, making Diannelle the oldest in the family. She never actually got to know that she was adopted. She was 14 years at the time this happened.

For a few years, they lived off stealing from rich merchants and travelers. Not a lot usually, just enough to manage. She was trying to make sure they had some morales, despite how much it hurt to have enough money to live luxuriously for decades within reach, but still holding back. She kept on with this for a few years, until it was starting to be presented as a major issue in the capital and merchants made sure their carriages were better guarded, and the city guard was keeping a keener eye open, making it a lot harder to make a living off of thievery. Realizing how it was getting both more dangerous and less rewarding to steal, she slowly drifted into prostitution. She kept it hidden from her "siblings" at least, not wanting them to walk down the same path after her.

Over time, she occasionally offered murder as well. Usually offering the job while listening to someone complaining about how much they hated a person, before seducing the target to a private place and killing them with a needle to the back of the neck or by strangling them. It isn't a common occurrence though, not enough to make it appear as a problem.

As the guard merchants kept up and the city watch loosened up after Diannelle laying low for a long while, she picked up on the thievery again, though with her being a bit rusty, she did a few screw-ups and was quickly put up as a wanted person. The sketches hanging on the occasional wall aren't great though, and the prize-money for bringing in either her or the body isn't big enough for a serious bounty-hunter to consider trying to catch her, and she knows more or less every decent hiding spot in the capital.

Strengths: very cunning thief, extremely well liked in the slums, skilled seductress and she knows both every corner of the capital, and everything that happens in it. Skilled seductress.
Weaknesses: Wanted in the capital for thievery, has no political strength whatsoever, and is not very strong physically, and would easily be overpowered if someone really tried. Can't read or write.

Other traits: Sterile, incapable of becoming pregnant even if she tried.
On/Offs: As my ons/offs is currently very outdated, I'd rather refer to my role-play preferences, which were updated pretty recently. Some major ons/offs worth mentioning are:
Ons: Anal, vaginal, oral, light bondage, exhibitionism, breastplay, biting.
Offs: Scat, vore, extreme pain (sexually), more to be added.
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread


Working on Reynik's people and should have the extra stuff done by thursday


She looks cool, Reaper. I bet Alias could put her to many good uses.  ;D
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Pencil me in as interested in this as-well.

I have quite a unique idea for a thief pretending to be a champion floating around in my head. Needs fleshing out, but I'll be working on that tonight if characters are still being accepted.


Quote from: Rave on November 18, 2014, 05:02:29 PM
Pencil me in as interested in this as-well.

I have quite a unique idea for a thief pretending to be a champion floating around in my head. Needs fleshing out, but I'll be working on that tonight if characters are still being accepted.
They certainly are.


Why make a champion, when you can make the Prince of Thieves?  :P

Hope he's acceptable! Let me know if he needs any editiing~

    Full name: Malek -
    Title or rank: The Prince of Thieves.
    Home region: Capital Slums.

    Age: 23.
    Appearance: Malek is a toned and lean young man, who stands at a firm 6 feet sharp. His height is the least noticeable thing about him, as the rest of his appearance certainly calls for attention. His hair is as scarlet as blood, grown long and flowing to curtain his face. His eyes take the same colour hue as his hair, a slightly brighter red emitting from the iris. It is an odd coloration of hair and eyes, yet he never questioned it. His teeth are white, exceptionally so, a trait not common among lower born humans within the capital. He is often dressed in bright golden jewellery, none of it he bought, all of it stolen. He is quite handsome, with a beautiful face and a firm body structure to rival any of the kingdom's warriors and champions.

    Combat ability and experience: Malek is the crowned king of dirty fighting, based off of his profession and line of work. He is an experienced martial artist, yet as many masters would tell you, has tainted the combat techniques he's learned by infusing them with dirty and 'Un-honourable' tactics. He is famous for fighting without honour, caring very little or outright disregarding the concept of it. Winning is everything, and victory is not always achieved cleanly or honourably. It rarely is. It is not uncommon for him to aim right at your most sensitive areas, or use cheap and dirty tricks to get the upper hand. All this is not to say his fighting skill alone is weak. He has an unmatched skill with a sword and daggers, his weapons of choice, usually coated in different poisons. His hand to hand combat is formidable, his techniques focusing more on evasion and using the opponents strength against them rather than requiring brute strength. As founder and acting prince of the Thieves Guild, he has experience managing and dictating hundreds of members beneath his command. There is no loyalty among thieves, and as such he has survived too many attempts on his life to count. He is combat ready and possesses acute situational awareness, with the ability to lead from the shadows and achieve long lasting results.

    Personality: No one knows Malek's true personality per-say, simply because it is always fluid and ever changing. One could say his personality depends on the person he is talking to, and the situation he finds himself in. If talking to, for example, a princess, Malek is charming and seductive while maintaing a gentlemanly facade. If talking to an enemy or a threat, he is often arrogant and taunting, choosing to play mind-games and using trickery to purposely anger and annoy his opponent. Generally, how you approach him determines his personality towards you, yet one thing is for certain, never trust him with anything.

    Background and history: In the very back of his memory, since the very first thought was found in Malek's mind, he had no one. No parent to speak of, no family, no family friends or relatives. The streets of the Capital's slums were his parents, rats and scavengers his family. He was unlike all the other orphans within the capital, since they either had their parents killed or were simply abandoned by them. Malek on the other hand, had no memory of parents to begin with, and had no interest in finding out who they were. From simple research, he concluded early on that whoever gave birth to him left him to the streets at no later than a tender age of two years old. How he survived since then, he concluded was up to strangers' pity and pure instinct. His will to live.

    Learning to steal was like learning to walk, a necessity if Malek was to ever make it. The local orphanage and homeless shelters were often occupied or out of food by the time someone as small as him at the time made it to the front of the lines, and as such he had to rely on his own to find food and water. He would make frequent trips to the market place, studying, watching other thieves trick and lie their way into a free meal. He memorized everything he saw, everything, and applied it until he achieved the same results. For a long, long time, he had no name. To anyone who say him or knew him, he was just 'another orphan'. That is until he realized that living day to day, stealing basics and sleeping on the pavement was something he had outgrown, a life he was not willing to continue living. He gave himself a name, Malek, which ironically translates to 'King' in a foreign language he'd heard a travelling merchant speaking. He began searching for people like him, children like him, who knew no parent or were abandoned. People who had to steal to survive, to kill to survive, and recruited them all.

    Small groups turned into bigger groups, techniques and skills were shared and subsequently taught by Malek to others who joined his ever growing companionship. With age, came experience, and with experience came grander and harder tasks. Simple thievery turned into much, much more. As such, Malek founded the Thieves Guild at age 17, a haven for the shady and un-clean, a place where all thieves, assassins, and hit-men would gather to look for jobs and contracts, to find common interests and partners, to hone their skills and find a place to practise newly learned techniques taught by the very thieves gathered in the guild. It was a sanctuary for those who were deemed too wicked, too unclean for the capital and its champions. Malek himself had no expected what he started to grow into such an encompassing sanctuary within the slums of the capital, and yet it brought him fortune. Exiled masters of martial arts would teach him how to fight in return for their safety within the guild, swordsmen and assassins would show him how to stab and assassin, poison makers would demonstrate how to craft their potions and venoms.

    Yet the most important resident within the thieves guild was an old man, who showed up at Malek's gates looking for a home. The man was a clergyman and a priest, who had abandoned the church after the death of his wife and his subsequent loss of faith. The old man taught Malek the very basics of magic, slight of hand trickery, small flashes of light, useless to many yet priceless for a thief. It was with that, that Malek's teachings were complete, and he could comfortably run the thieves guild as he gained loyal followers and experience.

    The next few years were spent establishing the Guild's foothold in the capital. It was like a virus, taking root within the kingdom and spreading its disease. Bribery was rampant, and Malek had many officials and judges under his thumb, taking constant payment to turn a blind eye to the guild's activities. Malek had influence, influence over the city and perhaps some of its politics simply because of how easily it was to corrupt people. The temptation of money, whores, safety from capital punishment, all of these things were easily enough offered and in return, Malek got amnesty. His wanted posters were everywhere, littering the city's walls, yet no one dared report him knowing his money was in the soldier's pockets, and their head would be severed as a result of trying.

    The high capital, the people his money could not bribe however, issued him a title and a higher bounty: The Prince of Thieves, Wanted Dead or Alive, the reward being a single wish granted by the emperor, no matter the price. His reputation grew and so did his infamy among the slums, becoming a cult legend within the streets. People claimed he was not human, others claimed he was demon-born, and rumours spread about him. Yet none of it bothered him, Malek was only after one thing from the start: The abolishment of the nobility system, and of course, a seat of power. It was a reckless dream, but he dreamed to take the Emperor's seat, and longer would he have to bribe, no longer would he have to steal and kill to live, no longer would his guild, his family, would have to hide. They would instead, rule.

    Luckily, news of the tournament came, the winner having a chance to become Emperor himself and take a princess' hand. Oh what a chance that was. A few forged documents here and a few bribes there, and Malek was 'Prince Abaddon of Gareth, Republic in the East', contesting for the position among the other champions. And hey, if he could steal a few golden necklaces and a few hundred coins in the process, it's better than nothing at all.

    • Leader of a Thieves Guild, thus having many combatants and greedily loyal men beneath his command.
    • Basic use of Magic.
    • Experienced Hand to Hand combatant and swordsman.
    • Influence, bribing and blackmailing several people in authority to turn a blind eye to his actions.

    • Infamous: His reputation may cause people to know some of his moves/techniques.
    • Wanted: Higher officials who cannot be bribed may want to arrest him, if recognized by them.
    • Physicality: While he is leaner and muscular, he is built for agility. Brute strength warriors may damage him if they land a hit.
    • No loyalty among thieves: Self-Explanatory. Vulnerable to betrayal.

    Other traits: Cunning, Witty, Charming, Ruthless, Leader, Charismatic, Greedy.
    On/Offs: Same as Player's. (See Signature).[/list]


    Great addition, feel free to post it in the character's thread!



    Quote from: Rave on November 19, 2014, 12:42:54 AM
    Awesome! I shall.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you're character roam the streets of the capital. Can you work within the existing locations (marketplace, champion's district, etc?) or would you have suggestions for a setting that fits better for your character?


    I can certainly find a place for him to pop up, no worries!


    Quote from: Rave on November 19, 2014, 12:51:13 AM
    I can certainly find a place for him to pop up, no worries!
    Also, if you can find the time, be sure to read through the Discussions topic!


    Quote from: Rave on November 19, 2014, 12:51:13 AM
    I can certainly find a place for him to pop up, no worries!

    Diannelle just became open in the marketplace. Same profession as well as where they live, they would likely be decent friends. I don't plan on having her a part of a guild though.
    I'm available on Discord!
    Feel free to message me if you want to chat

    My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
    My request thread


    Quote from: mj2002 on November 19, 2014, 12:54:35 AM
    Also, if you can find the time, be sure to read through the Discussions topic!

    Oh goodness, looks like I have a lot of reading to do!

    Quote from: ReaperDouble0 on November 19, 2014, 01:06:28 AM
    Diannelle just became open in the marketplace. Same profession as well as where they live, they would likely be decent friends. I don't plan on having her a part of a guild though.

    That certainly seems likely! It wouldn't surprise me if they were indeed friends, or know each other in some way. I'd be happy to talk about possible connections, I am popping in a little late so I could certainly use some!

    And naturally not every thief has to be part of the guild, membership is quite optional :P

    Drake Valentine

    Not to nitpick, but I was under impression Empire was more European. It seems silly for martial arts being taught unless character itself was foreign to learn such. I do not see it common place

    "When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
    Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

    Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
    Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


    Personally, I'm fine with stretching the setting to allow martial arts to be considered part of the culture. Perhaps its an uncommon technique thats not practised by many since most prefer weapons?

    Drake Valentine

    Quote from: mj2002 on November 19, 2014, 01:43:40 AM
    Personally, I'm fine with stretching the setting to allow martial arts to be considered part of the culture. Perhaps its an uncommon technique thats not practised by many since most prefer weapons?

    If that is case, it tends to take away from foreigners having potential different fighting styles if similar can be just as learned in Empire itself or surronding areas of its influence of territory. Weapons or weaponless, martial arts can still be incoporated into either; so essentialy it doesn't matter if people choose weapon training  If it is a pratice anyone could easily partake or have edge in such styles within Empire.

    "When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
    Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

    Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
    Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


    In Europe, unarmed fighting styles never developed to the same extent as in other parts of the world for the simple reason that Europeans were never successfully disarmed by their governments. Hence, anyone who wanted to learn to fight used a weapon to do so, because even a pointy stick is more deadly than the fists of most humans. In the Far East though, the peasantry were stripped of all weapons, leading them to develop unarmed combat if they needed to fight back. That is why traditional 'ninja' weapons are modified farm tools.

    Since our empire is based on Europe, the locals had no need to develop any unarmed techniques more advanced than boxing, because if you really needed to kill someone or rebel against that jerk noble, you used a sword. Or a dagger. Or a spear. Or an axe. Or something. Hence, they are not going to be good unarmed combatants. Why bother when weapons are overwhelmingly superior?


    I'm personally still fine with a character having learned 'martial arts', but we can still assume it's going to be little match against an armed person who isn't a complete idiot at fighting. I'd still like to hear feedback on this position.

    Question Mark

    Quote from: Drake Valentine on November 19, 2014, 01:40:23 AM
    Not to nitpick, but I was under impression Empire was more European. It seems silly for martial arts being taught unless character itself was foreign to learn such. I do not see it common place

    This is the danger of Fantasy.  Just because some of the technology in the setting is superficially similar to our own 13th century Europe does not mean that all aspects of society are similar.  For example, the Empire has a Senate, there has been no mention of knights or a chivalrous code (although such a consideration hasn't slipped my mind when planning out the Faith), and feudalism is being phase out at an earlier point.  I'll be honest; it feels quite nitpicky to single out unarmed combat in this already anachronistic mess.

    Upon further thought, mess isn't the right word.  One of the beautiful things about fantasy is that you can screw real world history and take the setting in new and interesting directions.  There was a brief exchange in the Discussions thread about how we shouldn't limit ourselves by real world precedent, and I think we should stick to that course.

    Quote from: Drake Valentine on November 19, 2014, 02:06:02 AM
    If that is case, it tends to take away from foreigners having potential different fighting styles if similar can be just as learned in Empire itself or surronding areas of its influence of territory. Weapons or weaponless, martial arts can still be incoporated into either; so essentialy it doesn't matter if people choose weapon training  If it is a pratice anyone could easily partake or have edge in such styles within Empire.

    The Empire is huge, and fighting styles are bound to vary due to distance, tradition, climate, and history.  For example, consider real-world English longbowmen, French cavalry, the early Turkish grenadiers, and the Scandinavian raiders, all existing at roughly the same time but distinct due to tradition and the current political climate and military technology in their home regions.  Given the size of the Empire, I think it's reasonable that a Capital noble would see the fighting styles of a foreigner and a citizen from the outskirts of the Empire as equally strange and exotic.

    Quote from: Birchleaf on November 19, 2014, 02:18:46 AM
    In Europe, unarmed fighting styles never developed to the same extent as in other parts of the world for the simple reason that Europeans were never successfully disarmed by their governments. Hence, anyone who wanted to learn to fight used a weapon to do so, because even a pointy stick is more deadly than the fists of most humans. In the Far East though, the peasantry were stripped of all weapons, leading them to develop unarmed combat if they needed to fight back. That is why traditional 'ninja' weapons are modified farm tools.

    Since our empire is based on Europe, the locals had no need to develop any unarmed techniques more advanced than boxing, because if you really needed to kill someone or rebel against that jerk noble, you used a sword. Or a dagger. Or a spear. Or an axe. Or something. Hence, they are not going to be good unarmed combatants. Why bother when weapons are overwhelmingly superior?

    This is fascinating, and I've never thought about this.  In response to your last sentence, I'd argue two reasons: it may be culturally relevant (I.e. "Only cowards use steel when they have their fists") or it may be practical (i.e. You can never get caught if you never own a weapon).

    Quote from: mj2002 on November 19, 2014, 02:35:10 AM
    I'm personally still fine with a character having learned 'martial arts', but we can still assume it's going to be little match against an armed person who isn't a complete idiot at fighting. I'd still like to hear feedback on this position.



    On the topic of martial arts, I'd like to point out that while it's traditionally been linked with Japan, and some times China, the term martial art itself can be applied to almost any form of combat. That could be European fencing, Japanese staff fighting, Philipino knife fighting, Greco-roman wrestling, USA special forces CQC, Russian kick-boxing, Scandinavian axe-fighting, Zulu tribe spear-throwing... etc., etc. I hope I'm not nitpicking too much.

    And if there's something wrong with the term 'martial artist' itself, you could always choose something that is exactly the same, but sounds different. Brawling expert? Fisticuffs champion?  Probably a few others (though those things, themselves, are also a martial art).
    A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
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    Check out my poet tree!

    Moon Hound Hati

    Although the term martial art has become associated with the fighting arts of eastern Asia, it was originally referred to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. The term is derived from Latin, and means "arts of Mars", the Roman god of war.

    Personally, I would just call it unarmed combat, since that's basically what it is: combat without using armaments (weaponry).
    Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


    Quote from: Rave on November 19, 2014, 12:51:13 AM
    I can certainly find a place for him to pop up, no worries!
    And he has, good stuff!


    I've a minor champion in the works - he'll be done tomorrow!


    Good stuff.

    My own posting rate is going down because Im experiencing some busy days. I hope to be back at it properly soon though!


    As promised, the character! Let me know what you think - if everything gets approved, I'll post it over to the character thread.

    Petrov Leonid, minor champion

    Full name: Petrov Leonid
    Title or rank: Baron of Novogelsk
    Home region: In terms of geographical distance from the capital, Novogelsk might not be the Empire’s most distant frontier, but paradoxically it’s one of the most isolated. Located on the very brink of what’s considered habitable, Novogelsk is a cruel landscape of tundra and taiga, and the choppy seas surrounding it are impassable for most of the year. Worst still are the local tribes: all too often, a trade ship would arrive in summer only to find the Empire’s solitary garrison had been razed by barbarian warlords the previous winter. After decades of botched governance and half-hearted expeditions, Novogelsk (and its inhabitants) has only just been placated in recent years. It’s quickly becoming known for its whaling and fur trade, rather than being a place where disgraced officials are sent to die.

    Age: 28
    Appearance: The product of a noble upbringing in a harsh climate, Petrov gives the impression of being refined and cutthroat at the same time. His equipment is functional first and decorative second, and much of his apparel follows a similar philosophy. As a concession to his temporary return to civilisation, Petrov keeps himself immaculately groomed whilst in the capital.

    Combat ability and experience:
    A place of dark winters and scarce settlements, combat in Novogelsk centred on ambush and attrition rather than full scale war. While the fighting might’ve lacked the scale of pitched battle, it was every bit as pure in its ferocity, and Petrov is no stranger to bloodshed.
    Though professionally trained, Petrov’s combat style has a ‘slipshod’ element that places it somewhere between knightly discipline and dirty fighting. It’s a rough breed of combat, where shields and heavy boots are used as often as weapons themselves. Petrov has a disdain for swords, as thick furs were worn by everyone from professional soldiers to lowly farmers, rendering cutting weapons useless. Crossbows, spears, and maces were instead the order of the day, sometimes used on foot, at other times from the saddle of rugged ponies that carried men across the ice. 

    Personality: Blunt and vivacious, clever and humorous, it comes as no surprise to learn that Petrov grew up on the Empire’s remote borders. His rough manners and endless bravado amuses some and infuriates others, though most people will concede that he’s reliable in his own way, and can be counted on to carry out the difficult or unpleasant tasks that nobody else wants.

    Although he lives up to many of the expectations surrounding frontier citizens, Petrov isn’t quite as shallow as he first seems. Beneath his arrogance and mischief lies a remarkably spiritual soul, and while his interpretation of the True Way incorporates a lot of local customs and strange variations, it’s clear he’s a zealous believer in the Empire’s Faith. He’ll use numbers and concrete information to make a final decision, of course, but that doesn’t stop Petrov seeing portents and omens in all sorts of everyday details.

    Background and history:
    Born to a house of minor nobles, Petrov had the dubious fortune of becoming a squire to an aging lord just months before the latter’s spectacular descent into scandal. The lord was subsequently appointed as Novogelsk’s ruler, and while this was ostensibly a position of some authority, even a fool could see the assignment for what it truly was: exile. Novogelsk was a desperate place, a veritable prison where the dishonoured were sent in the hopes that their deaths might accomplish some small use. By all accounts, the lord’s punishment was well deserved… but unfortunately, it was his entire household that shared his burden. When the lord left, he took with him his family, servants… and young squire, Petrov.

    It was common knowledge that Novogelsk was a death sentence for Imperials, that the Empire only affected a few hopeless colonisation attempts to dissuade foreign powers from claiming the wretched wastelands for themselves. Weighed down by this knowledge, most of the Imperials stationed there quickly turned to corruption or despair. The lord, for his part, chose alcoholism to ease his misery. Ironically, this would prove to be the source of Novogelsk’s salvation: as the lord’s drinking became steadily worse, his squire took over an increasing number of the lord’s responsibilities. Petrov went from relaying his master’s orders to making them on his behalf, and it soon became clear that he was far more adept at the task than his lord ever was. By the time the lord finally managed to get himself killed on a barbarian’s spear, he had no sons of his own to survive him, and there was little enough complaint when Petrov took over as steward. 

    Although his gift for logistics was certainly helpful, it was coin and faith that ultimately bought victory for Petrov. Realising that the native warlords could only ever be fought to a standstill, he instead turned his attention to converting them. Petrov wasn’t the first to try this, of course, but he was willing to get his hands dirtier than any of his predecessors. His actions found traction in the very worst of the natives, the Kveldulfs. Part refugees and part brigands, the Kveldulfs scratched out a wretched survival only through banditry and slave raids against their betters, and even the other tribes despised them… but there were advantages to their impoverishment and desperation. Petrov found that a little coin could buy a tremendous amount of loyalty, and the desolate people latched on to the Empire’s Faith like a drowning man seeking flotsam. The concept of rewarding slavers and bandits didn’t sit well with everyone back at the garrison, but Petrov insisted they were merely “unenlightened” rather than evil. What started as an alliance of convenience quickly turned into something more substantial. A second front opened up, and armed with a vast reserve of cheap (and expendable) militia, the Imperial garrison was finally able to subjugate the province’s unruly warlords. In the end, surprisingly few native settlements were put to the torch: religious conversion and intimidation did most of the work. A hybridised version of the Faith took hold – traditional worship mixed with the odd animal deity – and Petrov eventually declared that the natives were no longer enemies of the Empire.

    He was far less forgiving of enemies within his own ranks, however. Even after the conflict had ended, the gallows were fed an ample supply of necks to snap. Officers who fabricated expenses to feather their nests, deserters who abandoned the Empire’s cause, the many corrupt officials who abused their remote station… in Petrov’s eyes, these traitors could only find redemption at the end of a rope. As one chapter of bloodshed closed, another opened up, and Petrov’s grim campaign to root out corruption earned him as many enemies as friends. In the end, it had the desired effect. Novogelsk’s sordid reputation has since been purged, and now even the locals think twice before stealing livestock or dodging a tax.

    Despite his success, Petrov remains something of a controversial figure. Priests and nobles talk of how he ‘reconciled’ the natives and stamped out corruption, but others see an honourless hypocrite who colluded with bandits and turned on his own. In either event, he managed to solve one of the Empire’s long standing nuisances by taming Novogelsk, and nobody roused themselves to complain when the desolate little province was given to him as a reward. Novogelsk has since become a modestly prosperous territory, and while its violent edge persists, its whaling and fur trade brings a decent amount of gold each year. Pilgrims sometimes visit to see the sacred shrines constructed by converted natives, and under Petrov’s protection, most of them make it back to civilisation in one piece.


    • Shrewd administrator: Cunning as a fox and thorough as a grinding wheel, Petrov has an undeniable talent when it comes to administration, law, and the caprices of governance. A knack for sniffing out duplicity has served him well in all three fields. Were it not for his sorry lack of diplomatic tact, he might’ve done well in politics.
    • Tough: Struggle and discomfort are constant companions in the tundra, even for nobles, and a decade of living there can turn a person to iron. Beneath his groomed façade, Petrov’s boundless stamina and ability to shrug of small injuries make him a worthy opponent for any combatant.
    • Crusader: Incorruptible and passionate, Petrov’s biggest accomplishment was a symbolic one: bringing the Faith to Novogelsk. He might’ve picked up a few pagan trinkets along the way, but his conversion of Novogelsk’s natives has landed him in good stead with the Church. He also ensures that a good portion of the region’s newfound wealth heads back to their coffers, and while the Church’s approval isn’t for sale (obviously!), it does display a commendable degree of loyalty.


    • Tactless: Always one to speak his mind when silence will suffice, Petrov’s strength lies in uncovering deceit, not practicing it. His enemies find it easy to predict his next move - usually because he brazenly declares it in front of the biggest audience he can find - while his allies often withhold sensitive information, rightly fearing that he couldn’t keep a secret to save someone’s life.
    • Small fish: With meagre (albeit infamous) landholdings and a retinue that borders on non-existent, Petrov doesn’t have a great deal of political capital at his disposal. What little he has is more the product of goodwill and notoriety rather than actual power.
    • Doomed undertaking: Were he to win the tournament, charm the ruling authorities, and somehow marry all the princesses through a complex time-sharing arrangement, there would still be good cause to doubt Petrov’s candidacy.  Politically divisive and diplomatically lacking, it would take a council of lunatics to appoint him ruler.

    Other traits:

    • Controversial: Is it magnanimity or dishonour to strike an accord with former bandits? What about the brutal execution of corrupt countrymen? Petrov tends to polarise opinions, especially when it comes to his own action.
    • Good with animals: An endearing but largely useless quality, Petrov likes animals, and they like him. It’s just a pity he doesn’t extend a similar affection to his fellow person.

    On/Offs: See the link!

    Personal guard #1

    Full name: Kaia
    Role: Guard, advisor, trophy, and a dozen other things besides.
    Notes: A Kvedulf auxiliary, albeit one that’s been scrubbed up for appearances back at the capital. Of Petrov’s two guards, it’s hard to say which is better behaved.
    Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

    Personal guard #2

    Full name: ‘Lord’ Renko the Third
    Role: Bodyguard and best friend
    Notes: The second half of Petrov’s underwhelming entourage is his faithful wolfhound, Renko. Loyal, perceptive, and smart enough not to speak: as far as minders go, a noble could do much worse.
    Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide


    Well, I certainly approve. I find the fact that you describe him as embarking on a 'doomed undertaking' especially interesting. Do you see him as a dark-horse challenger that might win it all anyway, a courageous underdog whose story is not notable because he wins, but because of how he perseveres despite no chance of victory, or perhaps an outsider that a champion with a higher chance of an Imperial Crown could eventually recruit as an ally? Feel free not to answer, or give a really vague answer of course. Though I am curious, surprises are pretty good too.


    Feel free to post your character sheet in the appropriate thread and start posting! Your chararacter looks very interesting!


    Quote from: mj2002 on November 25, 2014, 06:11:37 AM
    Feel free to post your character sheet in the appropriate thread and start posting! Your chararacter looks very interesting!

    Great! I look forward to getting started.

    Quote from: Birchleaf on November 25, 2014, 01:51:50 AM
    Well, I certainly approve. I find the fact that you describe him as embarking on a 'doomed undertaking' especially interesting. Do you see him as a dark-horse challenger that might win it all anyway, a courageous underdog whose story is not notable because he wins, but because of how he perseveres despite no chance of victory, or perhaps an outsider that a champion with a higher chance of an Imperial Crown could eventually recruit as an ally? Feel free not to answer, or give a really vague answer of course. Though I am curious, surprises are pretty good too.

    Vague answer it is!

    I wanted to make a character that fulfils a slightly different role in terms of storyline. Major champions will be the main contenders, of course, but minor champions like Petrov present a wildcard. Every good story has someone like Petrov: he’s the local cop who’s always a step behind the main characters, or the recurring henchman who appears on the mastermind’s behalf, or the squad member who doesn’t get much screen time, but gets to fire the rocket launcher in the big action scene.

    Terrible analogies aside, you hopefully get the idea. Petrov’s an underdog whose role will change depending on opportunities and relationships presented by the main players. Beyond that... it'd be a spoiler to go into specifics.