Shadowrun Online! [5th edition]

Started by undisclosedtoyou, November 07, 2014, 07:50:02 PM

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Quote from: lockepick on November 10, 2014, 03:59:44 PM
Hey there! Voicing some interest if there is still room!

Is there any chance I could get an updated tally of what people are/aren't playing? I kind of got lost in the 5 pages of what concepts people were/weren't doing!

Let's see, we've got:

A Decker
Street Samurai
Aspectd Mage (sorceress)
Gun Runner(A walking armory!)
Street Shaman(Woohoo Cuchulainn!)

"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Did anybody else plan on going Face -- or can I put my quarter on that machine?
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


I haven't seen anyone put interest in creating a face character.  So go right ahead!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I think I did that thing where I see a game that looks interesting, and see 5 pages of reply -- and I panic and post interest before really reading things through. I foolishly missed a few key details, so as interesting as the game sounds, I'm going to withdraw my interest and concept. Apologies for misleading! Best of luck to everybody!
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: lockepick on November 10, 2014, 05:52:43 PM
I think I did that thing where I see a game that looks interesting, and see 5 pages of reply -- and I panic and post interest before really reading things through. I foolishly missed a few key details, so as interesting as the game sounds, I'm going to withdraw my interest and concept. Apologies for misleading! Best of luck to everybody!

Lol, that's okay! 
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Question for the Clan.  Need a bit of a pointer on Skills.  Skill Priority A (my choice) gives me 10 Skill Group Points.  I'm planning on investing those into three categories - Electronics (Decker, need it, minimum value 4, probably higher), Influence (always a good set to have), and Biotech (I had thought about Engineering, but Biotech seemed like an odd choice, so I went with it).

Thoughts on distribution for the 10 points?


I found Errata for free at Drivethru RPG, but I'm not sure if it's an actual copy or if it's say, a sample.  The comments say the file on offer is 3 pages, is that consistant to what you all have?
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Reiji, if one of those skills is a skill you intend to dabble in, you can guy it for--I tihnk--5 of your starting karma, freeing up base points for other things 

It's bee a bit so I could be wrong. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


No, you've got it.  5 BP for a base skill group.  So, what're you suggesting, that I split my 10 points between Electronics & Influence? That'd either mean a level 6 Electronics and level 4 Influence, or Level 5 in each...


I'm an idiot and realized I had once again read something wrong... working on a Magical Adept Face... sorry for being so wishy washy.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


:)  That would make you quite influencial.  :) 

You're doing a decker, right?  I'd go 6 electronics. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Can you max out skill groups like you can regular skills, though?  In SR4, skill groups were capped at a rating of 4...


Quote from: lockepick on November 10, 2014, 07:05:13 PM
I'm an idiot and realized I had once again read something wrong... working on a Magical Adept Face... sorry for being so wishy washy.

Lol, LP!  It's okay, I don't think you're wishy washy!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Question.  I'm looking over the gear stuff in R&G...I'm interested in the Ballistic Mask, and the description says it has a metric ton of custom looks, but they never give a price for that just built into the regular cost, then?


Well Reiji played Payday...

As for the cost, it doubles the cost. If you look at the stat block, customized is +150NY to it's base 150.


Payday?  No, no.  I watch Arrow.  Or Teen Titans, back in the day.  Or Arkham Origins... you see where I'm going with this?


"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Spoilered because it's huge! Still have some finishing touches to do: Spend Remaining Karma; Names/Details on Contacts.

Hope you don't mind I tweaked your lists into tables. Thought it looked a little neater! I feel like my backstory and personality are weak, but I'm also not sure how relevant they'll be!
Human Mystic Adept Face
Real World Character Sheet

Name: Hunter Gleason

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (Submissive Bottom)

Distinguishing Features/Marks: Laid back clothing

Noteworthy Skills: Strong math background; Interpersonal Skills; Analytical Mind.

Personality: Hunter originally joined MMOs as a social event. He played the games looking forward to working with groups of people even if the content didn't actually enforce it. He came to Shadowrun Online because it was a system that enforced a team dynamic. Once it was clear that players were locked into the game, it created a lot more risk to an already 'deadly' system. More than ever, Hunter respects the risks, and tries to plan carefully to avoid combat and keep Player's safe; trying to unite players towards the common goal of 'beating the game' and getting out.

Background: Hunter's father worked from home as an Engineer. His job and personal interests made him an 'early adopter' for technology, even if he didn't have the mindset to really learn or understand the new piece. Hunter grew up with the technology around him. When school became difficult for somebody who favored 'nerdy' pursuits, he found more understanding people online. He didn't cloister in like some might, managing to maintain a balance of social graces, self confidence, and book smarts through high school.

Shadowrun Character Sheet

Personal Data

Name/Primary Alias: Skald
Metatype: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145 lbs

Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 2
Public Awareness:
Karma: (Chargen)
Total Karma: 0


Body: 2
Agility: 2
Reaction: 2
Strength: 2
Willpower: 4
Logic: 3
Intuition: 3
Charisma: 6
Edge: 5
Essence: 6
Magic: 6
Initiation Grade: 1

Initiative: 5 + 1d6

Composure: 10
Judge Intentions: 9
Memory: 7
Lift/Carry: 4
Movement: 4 / 8

Physical Limit: 3
Mental limit: 5
Social limit: 11
Astral Limit: 11


Skill Name:RTGATTPool||Skill Name:RTGATTPool
Animal Handling:06 (CHA)5||Impersonation:56 (CHA)11
Archery:02 (AGI)1||Instruction:06 (CHA)5
Armorer:03 (LOG)2||Intimidation:46 (CHA)10
Assensing:03 (INT)XX||Leadership:56 (CHA)11
Automatics:02 (AGI)1||Longarms:02 (AGI)1
Blades:02 (AGI)1||Navigation:03 (INT)2
Clubs:02 (AGI)1||Negotiation:5+16 (CHA)12
Computer:03 (LOG)2||Perception:43 (INT)7
Con:6+46 (CHA)16||Performance:16 (CHA)7
+- Fast Talk:6+66 (CHA)18||Pilot Ground:02 (REA)1
Cybercombat:03 (LOG)2||Pilot Water:02 (REA)1
Demolitions:03 (LOG)2||Pistols:02 (AGI)1
Disguise:53 (INT)8||Running:02 (STR)1
Diving:02 (BOD)1||Sneaking:42 (AGI)6
Escape Artist:02 (AGI)1||Spellcasting:66 (MAG)12
Etiquette:56 (CHA)11|| +- Illusion:6+26 (CHA)14
First Aid:03 (LOG)XX||Summoning:56 (MAG)11
Forgery:03 (LOG)2||Survival:04 (WIL)3
Free-Fall:02 (BOD)1||Swimming:02 (STR)1
Gunnery:02 (AGI)1||Throwing Weapons:02 (AGI)1
Gymnastics:42 (AGI)6||Tracking:03 (INT)2
Hacking:03 (LOG)2||Unarmed Combat:02 (AGI)1
Heavy Weapons:02 (AGI)1||


Nuyen: =Y= 50
Primary Lifestyle: Low, 1 Month


R4 Fake SIN"Anthony Affluent"
Sony EmperorCore 438; R2 Commlink
Meta LinkCore 438; R1 Commlink
TrodesCore 439
Subvocal MicCore 439
Trauma Slap PatchCore 451; if Wireless, auto stabilize
R3 ContactsCore 443; Thermographic Vision, Low Light, Image Link
10x Plastic RestraintsCore 447
100x ReagentsCore 316

Melee Weapons


Ranged Weapons



Lined CoatCore 437; Armor: 9; Capacity: 9/9


Device Rating:
Data Processing:





Spells/Preparations/Rituals/Complex Forms

Mentor Spirit: Raven
Advantage: +2 to Con Tests; +2 to Manipulation Spells
Disadvantage: Charisma + Willpower (3) Test to resist exploiting someone's misfortune or pulling a clever trick.


StunboltCombatF-3Core 284; LOS, Mana
Analyze TruthDetectionF-2Core 286; Touch, Mana
Mind ProbeDetectionFCore 287; Touch, Mana
HealHealthF-3Core 288; Touch, Mana
Increase CHAHealthF-4Core 288; Touch, Physical
Chaotic WorldIllusionFCore 290; LOS (A), Physical
Opium DenIllusionF-1SG 111; LOS (A), Mana
Improved InvisibilityIllusionF-1Core 291; LOS, Physical
Physical MaskIllusionF-1Core 291; Touch, Physical
Trid PhantasmIllusionFCore 291; LOS (A), Physical
Control ThoughtsManip.F-1Core 293; LOS, Mana; Sustain
InfluenceManip.F-1Core 293; LOS, Mana; Perm.


NameBeat Cop22Misc
NameShark Lawyer22Misc

Adept Powers

KinesicsR61.50Core 310; +1/R to resist social
LinguisticsR10.25SG 172; Learn languages
Commanding VoiceR30.75SG 170; +1/R to opposed Intim/Leader; plant suggestions. Can effect (CHA) Targets, -1 for each additional
Voice ControlR31.50Core 311; Mimic voices, +1 Limit/R
Combat SenseR10.50Core 309; +1 Defense/R, always gain Perception vs Surprise
Improved Ability (Con)R21.00Core 309; +1/R
Improved Ability (Nego)R10.50Core 309; +1/R
Power Points:6.0 / 6.0


Mentor Spirit-5Core 76; See Spells
Insomnia (Partial)+10Core 81; WIL+INT (4) or regain Stun in half time
Addiction (Mild)+4Core 77; Sleeping Pills, 1/month, Withdrawal test or -2
Incompetant+5Core 81; First Aid, Can't attempt checks
Unsteady Hands+7Core 87; BOD+AGI (4) after stress or -2 to AGI tests

Priority System:
Metatype: D
Attributes: C
Magic: A
Skills: B
Nuyen: E

Base (+25)
Quality Net (+20)
Power Points (-12)
Nuyen (-6) for 12,000
Spell x2 (-10)
"Beat Cop" Contact (-4)
Initiation Grade 1 (-13)

Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Hmm can't decide between an elf and an ork


  Be diferent!  Play an orc!  (Or a dwarf!) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: cuchulainn on November 11, 2014, 03:34:26 AM
Hmm can't decide between an elf and an ork

Quote from: Muse on November 11, 2014, 05:59:18 AM
  Be diferent!  Play an orc!  (Or a dwarf!)

Different is a great suggestion!
Quote from: Muse on November 11, 2014, 11:30:39 AM
  I think  J.T. may be ready. 

Oh woot! I've been looking forward to reading her!
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's

Latooni Subota

Guess who took that distinctive flaw?! I should have everything done in a few hours, after I meet up with my mother for lunch.
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


A request for a reminder.  You can't take any Qualities, negative or positive, that revolve around personality, right?