The Dungeon of Fabulous Treasures-open role play

Started by Verasaille, October 12, 2014, 12:28:07 AM

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(Lucky pokes the others with his hoopak. "Hellloooooo?")


Hello there Remiel. I think since Lucifer got approved she has forgotten this thread. I think it was her turn to post. If I see her or if you want to PM her maybe we shall see if she still wants to continue?
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


(OOC: Sorry)

Tilos stated the question perfectly.

"Lucky please tell us what do you see ? Shall I bring you down ?  it may be foolish for us to try and manage whatever caught your eye while a fall so high is about our feet"

Laura was concerned, Lucky wasn't revealing much.

"Does it make sense to being Tilos up ? followed by me or shall we try another path ? This does seem dangerous"
That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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See my role play preferences (underneath my picture) for my ons and offs


In the far corner of the room a large mostly white fur covered creature snoozed with a tail wrapped over his nose. The sound of the Kender squealing about flying woke the cave yeti and he yawned. Looking around in confusion he thought he saw something floating in the air by the tunnel entrance.

He let out a warning growl, a deep rumble that might shake the tunnel a bit and cause a couple of icicles to fall down.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"Do you see the rope?" Lucky pointed.  "There's a coil of it over there."

Just then, something growled nearby.  Lucky spun, or at least swiveled in mid-air, trying to discern the source of the noise.  Somewhere in the back of the icy cave, high so the others could not see, there seemed to be some kind of creature covered in white fur that was starting to move.  It was rather large, especially compared to the kender.

At first, Lucky thought it might be a bugbear in disguise, and he let out a cry of alarm.  But it didn't seem to be a bugbear.  "Hellloooo!" he called out toward the yeti.  "I'm Lucky Hipweed of the Amberbottom clan!  Is this your cave?  It's a very nice cave, although it's very cold.  Don't you ever get cold?  Don't be alarmed by the fact that I seem to be flying--kenders don't usually fly, well, not unless they've had a lot of apple ale!  And then they still don't really fly, they just think they can. "  He fumbled around in his pouch, looking for something he could give to the yeti as a gift.  He selected the fifth thing his fingers came across, at random--which happened to be a shiny blue gem.  Completely oblivious to its value, he offered this to the yeti in an outstretched hand.

Then another thought occurred to him, and he quickly snatched it back.  "Wait--you're not a bugbear in disguise, are you?"


It was not everyday that Kender came into the cave. And certainly not one offering gifts! The Yeti sniffed and moved forward slowly. Outstretched hand to touch the shiny gem. Could it be the Yeti was actually just a friendly furball guarding a treasure?

Then the Kender withdrew his offer and the Yeti blinked. Then a frown as the kender still floated in the air. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to let out a ferocious roar!

(OOC, loving this, you may roll for defense- use 1d6, Yeti got a 5)
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Roll Result: Lucky Hipweed rolled: 1d6
Result: 2,
Total: 2

The Kender did a somersault in the air as the force of the yeti's roar blew him over.  The gem dropped from his fingers, down onto the icy ground below. 

"Wheewwwweeee, that's some bad breath you got there!" said the Kender.  "How about a breath mint?"  He dug into the pouch again.  Somewhere in there was a sweet, he just knew it...


"Oh dear ! It didn't sound good !" The sorceress worried. "Lucky Im bringing you down to join us, lets leave trouble there and try one of the other paths !"

The sorceress tries to modify the telekinesis spell to bring lucky back safely.

Roll Result: LuciferOs rolled: 1d6
Comment: bring lucky home
Result: 3,
Total: 3
That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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It was a lucky day for the Kender and between his agile somersaulting and the sorceress's magic, he floated back down safely. The yeti went back to his treasure and lay back down to sleep.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Tilos gripped his shaft and watch the antics of the kender in the air.  For a moment there a crack of grin came across his face, then he admonish himself internally.   He was supposed to do away with these adventurers and take their meager treasures back to the dragon.  For a moment,  as he watched the kender drift down,  he wondered if he knocked out the sorceress that the kender would fall to ground and kill himself.   But as he ready himself,  the moment passed and the dratted kender was on the ground.   

He sighed as he stepped back from the group for a moment and then studied the ice wall.   “Do you know if there is any value of climbing that wall and seeing if that creature is protecting any treasures?”   He glanced at the Kender, for a moment,  “Did you see anything else beyond the wall? “


"Wheee! Awwww," said Lucky as he floated back to the ground.  He was a bit disappointed--the levitation spell had been fun.

He looked up at Tilos as the tiefling asked his question.  "I think there was a chest at the back of the cave, hey, now that you mention it, I wonder what was in it?"  He rubbed his chin, pondering.  Lucky wasn't motivated by greed as was most adventurers, but rather by his insatiable curiosity.

To the sorceress, he said, "Aw, he didn't look that mean, I mean yeah he had terrible breath but then so do I sometimes, especially when I've just had boiled onion soup!  And don't get me started on firespice.  If I get a mouthful of that, I can practically breathe flames like a dragon!"


"Treasures or not if anything that could cause us trouble is on the top of that plateau, it would be foolish of us to try and make a stand while floating their slowly, while that creature attacks as, all it has to do is say boo and we skip a step and fall to our deaths, we can't retreat quickly. I say its too dangerous, lets take another path, we have only tried two and there were seven I think, one too small for most of us, but there are others."

The sorceress was glad lucky had returned intact.

"Its good your in one piece, that growl means that whatever it is, is big and not happy. That means one thing for people intruding on its lair. Trouble, lets not provoke it further."

The sorceress then turned about "Its good my magic is working again, that had me worried for a while. Anyway, I chose this path, and it didn't seem a good one, does anyone else care to choose the next ?"
That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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From the room above them came a low rumbling chuckle. As if the Yeti was calling them all 'chicken'. He examined the fine blue gem that the Kender had dropped. Smiling he dropped it into the treasure chest. Of course there were other tunnels to explore.

The goblin was relieved the yeti was at least successful in keeping the treasure he was guarding. They had still not explored tunnels 5 and 6. Both were rather dark and musty smelling.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"What about if we go down the left tunnel?" Lucky pointed to the kender-sized one, the one that the carrion crawler had disappeared into.    "Oh, wait, I forgot, you're not kender sized.  You'd probably have to crawl on your hands and knees, that's no fun.  It's not your fault you're too tall!  All right, let's go this way!"

Smiling with benevolence, Lucky started heading down tunnel number 5. 


Tilos glanced at the kender size hole and then bites his lower lip for a moment as he listens to Lucky. The obvious choice was the other tunnel and he breathed a sigh of relief as the kender went down the tunnel.  Somewhere in in his alcoholic fog of a brain,  a song popped into his mind,   Mamba No. 5.  For a moment he stopped and his tail start swinging back and forth in time with the song and he even for a brief moment moved his hips back and forth.   

He blinks and shakes his head to clear his head,  no idea where that song came from and then smiled exposing his fanged teeth,  "That tunnel looks fine, I'm sure we can find some more interesting things there. "


Laura saw lucky choose a tunnel and bravely lead the path down its interior.

She gave quick smile at Tilos before following lucky, making sure to take in her surroundings.

"It would be good to have something to show for this exploration, something to show my relatives. Who knows ?"

That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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See my role play preferences (underneath my picture) for my ons and offs


The goblin grinned as they headed for tunnel number five. "Keep going, a few more feet....come on, don't stop now..."

The tunnel was very dark, and narrow. Barely tall enough for the tallest of them to stand upright. It got so that only one could pass at a time. If they do not have a light, they might fall through the trap door. As it is, the trap door is cunningly hidden in the dirt of the cave.

Can anyone detect traps? Have a roll of the dice, (1 d6) and beat 5 to detect the trap door.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.



my staff gives off a light ... I am not sure if that is enough though.

Roll Result: LuciferOs rolled: 1d6
Comment: trap door
Result: 4,
Total: 4

That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
Active threads
See my role play preferences (underneath my picture) for my ons and offs


As a Kender / Thief, Lucky has an innate skill for detecting traps.

Roll Result: Lucky Hipweed rolled: 1d6
Result: 3,
Total: 3


(OOC-since Tilos is essentially not of your party but supposed to be helping the goblin... I am afraid you both lose, the trapdoor opens as the kender and his lady friend slide down a chute to a pool below. It is not deep, but the room they are in is VERY dark. I do believe that Laura can stand up in the water, but Lucky is a bit short...hope he can swim! Once one of you can light things up, you see a round room with the pool in the center, there is a tunnel leading down to the North and another tunnel leading south and upwards.))
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


"Wheeeee!" shouted Lucky as he slid down the shoot.  One minute he was just walking along, the next a trapdoor had opened and he was plummeting downward...but he shared the personality characteristic of most kenderfolk, to always adopt a positive outlook no matter what. 

Splash! went the kender, as he hit the pool.  This was not quite as fun--Lucky could swim, but he wasn't very good at it.  The room was very dark, even for his eyes.   "Hello?  Miss Laura Descia? Mr. Tilos?" he said, dogpaddling in place.


"Youlien Frenanah lan den Queisten!" Laura yelled in elvish, its translation could be guessed at.

When she had got her bearing after falling she realized she was in water. It did prevent the landing being as bad but it certainly was startling.

When she managed to get on her feet she noticed that the kender wasn't tall enough to do the same.

"Climb on my back Lucky" the elf offered. When triggering her staff to shed light on the area.

There was no sign of Tilos, for the moment anyway. But more immediate issues came to mind. What now ?

"Tilos !" Laura yelled to the roof, hoping he could hear us "Can you hear us ?"

Laura's first instinct was to use telekinesis to go back they way they came but the passageway turned somewhat, and telekinesis on several people, or on others outside of sight was dangerous and unreliable. For the moment they were safe, unless anything lurked in the water.

"The passage south looks like the best option, perhaps we can meet with Tilos again, otherwise we will be separated and that probably would be a bad thing. How are you going there lucky, still with me ?"
That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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Ohh yes, the pit trap,  now he remembered the way,  this tunnel contained it, and he was quite please when heard the trap was sprung and gleefully rubs his hand together,   for a few moments, thoughts of regrets went through his mind, but then he shrugged it off and thought that all he had to do was go down to the lower caves and pick up whatever meager treasures from their dead bodies. He was quite eager to do just that, until he heard the sorceress's voice.   Again there was a moment of delight that they were still alive, which soon turned to resignation as now he might need to do the deed himself almost regrettable.   He mutters under his breath,  as he hears them down below,  "Well get on with it Tilos, the dragon isn't going to be pleased with you is he now."  berating himself and then  he yelled down,  "I think there may be a passage down from here, I can maybe meet you south, Yes? "   

As he said this a thought passed through his mind,  as he looked down the chute and then grin as he mutters some magical words,  maybe some boulders down the the chute will knock them on the head he thought as he attempted to conjure the boulders.  As the words left his mouth,   goose feathers start appearing in the chute and start floating down and even a pillow appeared and would fall down the chute and possibly hit either one of the adventures down below.

Tilos grumbled,  as he saw what he conjured up,   as it wasn't the first time he had misspoken spells before,   he sighed and decided to see if he can find the lower tunnels and meet up with the group, because it was obvious that he will need to kill them on a more personnel level


The tunnel to the south leads up for a short ways, and then it heads down. The tunnel narrows as they walk. The light from the sorceress' staff shows them the walls are dripping with slime. Green goo that drips lazily down the walls and collects on the floor. As they go lower still the slime is collecting in a slow river that leads to a puddle of slime. There in the gloom they can just make out a box like form sitting on a rock, surrounded by a river of slime.

Is it a real treasure or a mimic? GM rolls in the AB....( 1d6=4) Get higher than GM and get a treasure.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Roll Result: LuciferOs rolled: 1d6
Comment: treasure
Result: 4,
Total: 4
That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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