Caehlim's Current Story Ideas (Mostly M/M stories) [Closed]

Started by Caehlim, September 09, 2014, 09:19:48 AM

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Caehlim's Current Story Ideas

Lords, Ladies and Lieges welcome.

Here are the ideas I currently have in mind for stories that I would like to work on. These are just a starting point and some suggestions, but feel free to contact me regarding any ideas you have and I can let you know if I'm interested. Please take a look through my Ons and Offs listed above or in my signature. If you're interested I'd prefer replies via PM to keep this thread nice and neat. I will be updating this thread as new ideas occur to me or removing ideas if it's no longer available.

Urban Fantasy Story Ideas
"Magic in the Modern Age"

Cyberpunk Story Ideas
"High Tech and Low Life"

Modern Story Ideas
"The Real World"
My home is not a place, it is people.
View my Ons and Offs page.

View my (new)Apologies and Absences thread or my Ideas thread.


Due to high levels of interest, I'm going to need to close this thread.

I'll update this once I have more slots available, but at present the above story ideas are all taken.
My home is not a place, it is people.
View my Ons and Offs page.

View my (new)Apologies and Absences thread or my Ideas thread.