Star Wars: Rise of Kyuss (Saga Edition) - Open (NC-Exotic)

Started by LSWSjr, August 27, 2014, 06:20:40 AM

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A Star Wars Saga Edition Campaign

It is twenty two years before the destruction of the first Death Star, the Clone Wars threaten to tear the Republic apart and a dark entity is reawakening on the galactic rim.  Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has granted Jedi Master Yoda the resources for an expedition to the Tee'Essar system, lead by Jedi Master LeHane, to uncover the true nature of this entity and to eliminate any further threats to an already unstable galaxy.

You are one of the many chosen to be a part of this expedition, but then who are you... a Jedi padawan, a freshly minted clone, a service droid, or maybe something else?

This is a mature campaign, using the Star Wars Saga Edition roleplaying game, it is open to all persuasions and will feature graphic violence, drug use, sexual themes, etc.  All official Saga Edition rulebooks, supplements and web enhancements are open to use with the restriction of races discovered, and technology created, after the Clone Wars / Rise of the Empire Era.

Player Characters
The first run of accepted characters will start at level 1; will be built using either 28 attribute points for most organic characters or 23 attribute points for Droid characters; and will have a Background (chosen by the player), Manufacturer (chosen by the player, if a Droid) and, if accepted, a Destiny (chosen with the help of the GM).

Characters always gain the maximum starting credits for their base Heroic class. Characters who join the campaign later, and who are starting with 2 or more Heroic class levels gain additional credits, using the following formula: (level x [level -1]) x 2,000 credits. Bonus credits from Wealth are calculated normally at character creation. Licenses need only be bought once for multiples of the same item, for example you only ever need to pay for one sporting blaster pistol license to carry any number of sporting blaster pistols legally after that.

Posting Requirements
There will be a minimum requirement of 1 post per week and this may increase during high action scenes. Characters who haven't acted within this timeframe will have their actions automated by the GM, inline with similar actions/background of the character from the past.

I appreciate that real life can have a huge impact of people's availability, including my own, so players should not worry about any LOA's, be they their's or mine, in relation to the long term running of this game.

With that said, I admittedly suffer from serious health problems and the resulting delays have greatly effected my games in the past. I am devoted to making my campaigns successful, but I feel that all applicants should be aware of my state of health, before applying.

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Ooooh, have been wanting to play SAGA for a while now... *grins*



Hit Point Gains
Instead of rolling for Hit Points when you gain a level, you gain a set number of Hit Points based on that class's Hit Die:
- d4 = 3
- d6 = 4
- d8 = 6
- d10 = 8
- d12 = 10

Campaign-wide Defense Score Decrease
All characters and NPCs have a starting score of 5 in each Defense (Fortitude/Reflex/Will), instead of the usual 10. A character's Damage Threshold does not share this -5 penalty, so it should generally be 5 higher than their Fortitude Defence, with the exception of characters with negative size modifiers to their Damage Threshold.
GM Reasoning
I have made this particular change to make attacks a viable option for non-combat characters, as in normal games Defenses get so high that offensive skill checks are often a superior choice over ever attempting combat.  For Jedi, this will also make Block and Deflect useful at higher levels, where otherwise your Defenses would generally be higher than most of your best Use the Force checks.

Noble, Scoundrel, Scout and Soldier Defense Bonus Progression
At the 11th level of this class, each of your Defenses increase by a cumulative +1 bonus (for a +3:+2:+1 spread); and at the 18th level of this class, each of your Defenses increase by a cumulative +1 bonus (for a +4:+3:+2 spread).

Jedi Defense Bonus Progression
At the 11th level of the Jedi class, each of your Defenses increase by a cumulative +1 bonus (for a +2:+2:+2 spread); and at the 18th level of the Jedi class, each of your Defenses increase by a cumulative +1 bonus (for a +3:+3:+3 spread).

The Athletics Skill
The Climb, Jump and Swim skills now fall under the Athletics skill, which is available to all five classes.  A character with Athletics trained (and focused) is considered respectively trained (and focused) in all three previous skills, however any bonuses, penalties and/or effects for the previous skills still only apply to that aspect of the combined Athletics skill and not the other two aspects.
Example: a Gungan may take 10 on Athletics checks that were previously covered by the Swim skill, but not on checks that were previously covered by the Climb or Jump skills.

The Skill Training Feat
If the Skill Training feat is gained as a Bonus Feat from increasing your overall Character Level, you may choose any currently untrained skill (excluding Use the Force unless you also have the Force Sensitive feat), and you are not restricted to those on your Class Skill list.  If the Skill Training feat is gained as a Bonus Feat from increasing your Class Level, you are still restricted to untrained skills on your Class Skill list.

Droids & Constitution Requirements
Droids can take (non-race specific) feats with Constitution requirements by substituting it with a Strength requirement 2 points higher.  For example, a Droid Scout can take the Shake It Off feat, provided they are trained in Endurance and have a Strength of 15 or higher.

Projectile Weapons Are Faster Than Blasters
When using any ranged weapon that doesn't deal Energy damage and/or have an area of effect, you gain a +3 bonus to hit at Point Blank and Short Range; a +1 bonus to hit at Medium Range; and a -1 penalty to hit at long range.  These stack with any other range modifiers.

Shooting In Melee
Using a ranged weapon in close combat has been changed as follows:
-a ranged weapon two or more size categories smaller than you grants a +2 bonus to hit, when used against an adjacent target
-a ranged weapon one size category smaller grants no penalty or bonus to hit, when used against an adjacent target
-a ranged weapon of your size category inflicts a -2 penalty to hit, when used against an adjacent target
-a ranged weapon one size category larger inflicts a -5 penalty to hit, when used against an adjacent target
-a ranged weapon two or more size categories larger than you cannot be used against an adjacent target, even if on a mount.
"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


I'll throw my hat; definitely interested in a SW using the Saga edition!




Special Trait: You may use the Basic Survival application of the Survival skill whilst in urban and civilized environments.
Bonus Class Skill: Deception, Gather Information, or Survival.

Special Trait: You may reroll Perception made to sense deception or influence, keeping the better result.
Bonus Class Skill: Deception, Stealth, or Use Computer.

Special Trait: You start with a cybernetic prosthesis at no additional cost; and when your Fortitude Defence is lowered by moving down the Condition Track, your Damage Threshold does not decrease from this.
Bonus Class Skill: Endurance, Mechanics, or Treat Injury.

Special Trait: Any attempt to hide your true identity using the Deceptive Appearance application of the Deception skill has the check treated as one step easier.
Bonus Class Skill: Deception, Gather Information, or Stealth.

Special Trait: You gain a +2 competence bonus to grapple checks.
Bonus Class Skill: Acrobatics, Endurance, Survival.

Special Trait: You gain Skill Focus - Knowledge (galactic lore), as a conditional bonus feat, if you possess Knowledge (galactic lore) as a trained skill; and you can plot a safe route through hyperspace in 30 second (5 rounds).
Bonus Class Skill: Gather Information, Knowledge (galactic lore), Survival.

Special Trait: You may obtain black market goods in half the usual time (1 day minimum); you have a criminal record and criminal contacts.
Bonus Class Skill: Acrobatics, Gather Information, or Stealth.

Special Trait: You take no penalty on Treat Injury checks (or Mechanics checks for droids) to heal yourself.
Bonus Class Skill: Pilot, Ride, Survival.

Special Trait: When you spend a Force Point to add to an untrained skill check, you gain an additional 1d6 bonus to that check.
Bonus Class Skill: Gather Information, Survival, or Treat Injury.

Special Trait: You always have favorable circumstances (+5 bonus, before other modifiers) when you use the Intimidate application of the Persuasion skill; and you have a prominently visible scar (face, neck, hand, etc).
Bonus Class Skill: Deception, Persuasion, or Treat Injury.

Special Trait: You may take 20 on a Gather Information check, howver it takes 20 times longer than normal.
Bonus Class Skill: Gather Information, Knowledge (galactic lore), Use Computer.

Special Trait: You gain a +2 competence bonus to untrained skill checks made using your three listed Bonus Class Skills.

Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (any one), Persuasion, or Use Computer.

Bonus Class Skill: Deception, Gather Information, or Persuasion.

Bonus Class Skill: Deception, Gather Information, or Stealth.

Bonus Class Skill: Initiative, Persuasion, or Use Computer.

Bonus Class Skill: Endurance, Ride, Pilot.

Bonus Class Skill: Acrobatics, Gather Information, Knowledge (bureaucracy).

Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (life sciences), Treat Injury, or Use Computer.

Bonus Class Skill: Endurance, Ride, Treat Injury.

Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (galactic lore), Mechanics, or Use Computer.

Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, or Use Computer.


Bonus Language: High Galactic
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Knowledge (any one), Persuasion, and/or Treat Injury.

Bonus Language: High Galactic
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Mechanics, Treat Injury, and/or Use Computer.

Bonus Language: Bocce
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Deception, Knowledge (bureaucracy), and/or Persuasion.

Bonus Language: Bothese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Deception, Gather Information, and/or Persuasion.

Bonus Language: Cerean
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Acrobatics, Knowledge (life sciences), and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Old Corellian
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Initiative, Knowledge (technology), and/or Mechanics.

Bonus Language: High Galactic
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Gather Information, Knowledge (bureaucracy), and/or Knowledge (galactic lore).

Bonus Language: Kel Dor
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Endurance, Survival, and/or Treat Injury.

Bonus Language: Durese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, and/or Use Computer.

Bonus Language: Bocce
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, and/or Use Computer.

Bonus Language: Gamorrean
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Endurance, Survival, and/or Treat Injury.

Bonus Language: Zabrak
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Acrobatics, Endurance, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Ithorese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Knowledge (life sciences), Persuasion, and/or Treat Injury.

Bonus Language: Shyriiwook (understand only)
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Endurance, Persuasion, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Mon Calamarian or Quarrenese (player's choice)
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Acrobatics, Mechanics, and/or Persuasion.

Bonus Language: Gunganese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Acrobatics, Ride, and/or Persuasion.

Bonus Language: Huttese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Deception, Gather Information, and/or Stealth.

Bonus Language: Rodese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Acrobatics, Stealth, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Ryl
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Deception, Persuasion, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Socorran
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Deception, Stealth, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Sullustese
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Sy Bisti
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Deception, Mechanics, and/or Stealth.

Bonus Language: Jawa Trade Language
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Endurance, Ride, and/or Survival.

Bonus Language: Dosh
Bonus Class Skills (Any 2): Endurance, Persuasion, and/or Survival.
"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Color me interested Big Time. I'll work on a character she will be a Jedi likely with major issues with the Jedi Order not evil but a Grey Jedi willing to walk alone over having her hands tied at some point in the game. Others did leave the Order it seems usually if they married or fell away from the path and seems to leave on good terms. But at first she will be a true believer in the Jedi Path all naïve and open to seeing the evil in the Universe.


When you bang your head against the wall, you don't get the answer, you get a headache.



oooh oooh ooh!  May I play?  Please, please, please!?!?!
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Anyone interested is free to post their characters below, acceptance will be rolling and we'll start when we have at least four players and more can still join after that :-)

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Cortosis weave is listed as Rare in the modern erra. 

May I be permitted to purchase a vibrolbade with that material for the standard cost? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Muse on August 28, 2014, 03:51:32 AM
Cortosis weave is listed as Rare in the modern erra. 

May I be permitted to purchase a vibrolbade with that material for the standard cost?
In truth it has always been rare due to the difficulties in mining the stuff, that said, the Confederacy were found to be mining it during the Clone Wars so it's definitely Era acceptable.

Consider that a yes for your vibroblade :-)

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Hey, just a question regarding the Damage Threshold.  Since it is dependent on the Fortitude, is it still subject to the -5 as stated in your opening post?  I thought I'd ask, since I have a character that risks going into shock at only 8 points of damage  ::)


I believe you'll find you answer in the second sentence of the same paragraph.
Quote from: LSWSjr on August 27, 2014, 06:28:18 AM
Campaign-wide Defense Score Decrease
All characters and NPCs have a starting score of 5 in each Defense (Fortitude/Reflex/Will), instead of the usual 10. A character's Damage Threshold does not share this -5 penalty, so it should generally be 5 higher than their Fortitude Defence, with the exception of characters with negative size modifiers to their Damage Threshold.
^ Relevant text in bold.

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions




*smiles*  Okay, so actually--instead of the noble duelist--I'm putting together a scout.  A gungan traditional warrior.  He's along for some muscle, and to help out in the wilderness.
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Here's the base idea character, subject to some fine tuning and descriptive padding in the near future:

Obrin Sathis
Male Zabrak (Jedi 1)
Background - Planet of Origin (Nar Shaddaa)


So here's what I made!

She's an ace pilot, a human, daughter of a murdered ex-jedi (History explains this) She runs her daddy's ship, the StarFury.



  I believe i'm ready to roll.  OR at least at accept critique. 

  I don't think I finished Zeeko's pretty long winded history.  After the treaty between the gungan and the Naboo, several  gungan were sent to the Naboo capitol as ambassadors and observers.  Boss Balto said that they should send several young people to pursue a Naboo education.  Several bosses sent one of their younger children.  Boss Balto sent Zeeko, saying that the young warrior had a bright adn flexible mind, but also that his great pride in the gungan people and their ways would permit him to learn foreign ways without being unduly seduced by them.  He also advised Zeeko to study and adapt the Naboo dialect of basic language. 

  "This Amidala, she'sa no thinking she'sa better than the gungan.  She'sa just one Naboo.  The Naboo, they'sa going to see that clumsy buffoon.  You'sa smart, Zeeko, and you'sa proud.  Don't let the naboo get to thinkin' we'sa bellow them again."   

  After acquiring a bachelors degree in social studies from a university int he capitol, Zeeko hired his friend Minuet to take him to Coruscant, where he applied for a position as an aid and guard to Senator Amidala.  Several months later, he was assigned by Senator Amidala and CHancelor Palpatine to represent the Naboo on a small military mission. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Okay guys, busy with my kids at the moment, but I'll do a proper update in about eight hours :-)

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Okay, so we've got four great applications so far, I'll get a game thread posted tomorrow and we can start.

Anyone still interested is welcome to join in, just post up your application :-)

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions




Those of you using google docs might want to make the pages linked available to those who have the link :P


Also do you folks have any opinion on what rating you'd like the game to be, Light, NC Exotic, Extreme?!?

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


That depends on what kind of game you're looking to run, and what you're comfortable at.

I don't mind either way.