Lavaske's Grand Desires (M for F)

Started by Lavaske, August 18, 2014, 05:07:47 PM

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Welcome to Lavaske's List of Ideas!

If you find a role-play here that you like, take a look at my On's and Off's then shoot me a message.  I'd be happy to roleplay with you!

Everything you see here is OPEN unless otherwise noted.


The Hunter and his Succubus
Sig, the greatest hunter of demons that the world has ever known, has fallen in love with a succubus.

Normally his uncanny attention to supernatural auras would have alerted him to her demonic nature, before she could work her charms, but he was distracted.  He'd just slain a great demon lord in his hellish castle after a brutal battle.  Leaving the great fiends lair, his eyes fell across a maiden bound in chains.  Wounded and half delirious from the demon lord's poisoned blade, he lurched over to her side and unbound her chains, grabbed her by the wrists and dragged her halfway through the castle courtyard before collapsing to the ground.

When he awoke, he was lying in an abandoned cottage back on the mortal realm, but far from any known civilization.  She tended to him, made love to him and captured his heart- though his power brought her to lust for him as well.

Meanwhile, dozens of demons have been scrambling to fill the void in power that their old master left behind.  Infighting, bloodletting, treaty-making (and treaty-breaking), assassinations and political posturing are all the rage in the demonic kingdom.  Everyone knows that Sig slew their demon boss.  Everyone knows that slaying him, tricking him into working for them, or somehow displaying dominance over him would be a major victory on the path to the throne.

This roleplay would require each of us to play a few parts, including Sig, his succubus, various lords and ladies of hell, as well as some “NPC's” (Or “less important shared c haracters”) to sell both sides of the story:  Sig reovering and falling in love, and the demons who interfere with his new life.


The Mansion

Nobody knows much about Mr. Kost, except that he is a superbly wealthy individual, the last heir of a superbly wealthy line of entrepeneurs and lives in a gigantic mansion well off the main roads on the East Coast.  Few ever see his face except for his various servants and gardeners.  Even amongst them, the man rarely speaks or makes an appearance.

Recently, however, a group of individuals from across the country have received letters in their mailbox:


I expect to see you in my dining hall next Thursday, the 24th.  I've taken the liberty of purchasing your plane tickets and have hired chauffers to drive you to your airport, and to retrieve you from mine.  This is a semi-formal masquerade dinner, I expect you to dress accordingly.  I've included twelve-hundred dollars for the purchase of clothes.

I will see you soon.
-Mr. Kost”

Of course, Mr. Kost has more than just a dinner in mind.  He intends to host a bizarre sort of sex party.  Guests will be paired randomly and given a set of challenges, varying from the simple to the strange to the extraordinary.

This, of course, will require an ensemble cast.

Oh, Hell.

Lilith, Queen of the Second Circle, has gotten her hands on a very valuable soul:  Samantha (Name subject to change), the beloved wife of a powerful demon hunter.  Desperate to see her returned to him, the demon hunter sets out to reclaim her soul and free her from this demon's grasp.

The story won't be all swords, dead demons and bravado.  Hell may host a swarming mass of powerful monsters, but it is also a place of intrigue.  Other demons might discover that Lilith holds Samantha and set out to retrieve her, hoping to strike a deal with the demon hunter to their own benefit.  Lilith might give up Samantha's soul for a price.  Etc. etc.

Needless to say, this game will require an ensemble cast.  Feel free to bring several characters into the mix.  New storylines that intersect our main plot might arise from time to time to be played out between other scenes.

If you're interested, send me a message!