All flesh must be eaten. [Zombie apoc, System,LGBT Friendly] (STILL RECRUITING)

Started by Lyndsey, August 03, 2014, 03:48:01 PM

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    Hello all, I've had the hankering for a game set in a post apocalyptic scenario for some time now, and thus am putting together an attempt at forming a small group (3-6 writers) though there could be room for more should there be sufficient interest. This will be a system game, using the AFMBE or All Flesh Must Be Eaten system. Do take note that I will not be assuming the role of GM for the game, that honor will fall to Jr, and you can check out his profile
HERE. Any questions on the rules or the system should be directed to him, while I'll be handling the administrative side of running the group, as well as all other inquiries.

The nature of the game is designed in such a way that any interested individuals are able to join up at any time, depicted in game by the main group encountering a new survivor. Thus, any interested parties can jump in and join immediately anytime after character creation. Do take some time to read the character creation guidelines and rules, to avoid any misunderstanding, thank you!  :-)

Feel free to post and register your interest or write up a character, and please don't hesitate if you have any questions. My inbox is always open! :)


Latest updates will go here!

Update 7: We have started recruiting once more for one or two characters, preferably female ones. Do take a look through the relevant threads (character and game)and feel free to contact either myself or Jr if you have any questions.

The Plot

The year is 2014, you've all heard this story many times over before. Scientists poking their noses where they don't belong, conducting experiments on matters that should be better left untouched. Their goal was noble - a project to keep save mortally wounded soldiers on the battlefield, what resulted was anything but. In March 2014, scientists succeeded in saving a man, pronounced dead in a heart attack through their research, or at least that's what they thought. They succeeded in bringing his corpse back to life, brain-dead and with a desire to claw and bite any living human in the vicinity. That's what started the outbreak. Once infected, a human would turn in the matter of days, or hours if they were already dead. Chaos soon erupted round the world, the infection ironically being spread by carriers looking to escape out of the country to safety. Just over a year on, civilization has collapsed, with small pockets of survivors fighting not only to survive against the infected, but each other.

The game takes starts in July 2015, in post-infection San Francisco. Most survivors in the city live on their own, doing whatever they have to do to get by since the city was razed in an effort to contain the infection. There has been word of others living under the protection of the military in containment zones elsewhere in the country, but these reports are unverified. There are no cellphones, internet TV or radio, and the wilderness is slowly starting to reclaim the city. The remnants of the military has established several controlled zones in various cities, and the people living in these live under strict martial law. Food is growing scarcer by the day, with people starting to venture outside of the zones to seek supplies, and a better life. This is a world where your fellow survivors can be just as deadly as the infected, perhaps even more so, and only the strongest will survive.

The infection and the infected:

The Infection
You don't know how it started, you don't know how it works, and you definitely don't know the cure. Want to find out? Go ahead and convince your fellow survivors that it's in their best interests to have a hungry cadaver chained up in the basement for experiments. They'll understand, really.

Nombies: Your run-of-the-mill undead. Witless creatures who are drawn to grab and bite anything that moves or makes noise. If it doesn't taste like living flesh, they stop biting and go find another thing. Their strength lies in numbers, rather than any individual merits as predators.

Scrawnbies: It's been a year since the outbreak and some zombies are doing better than others. Others waste away to little more than skin and bones, seemingly kept alive only by hunger. They're weaker than nombies, but their gaunt frame allows them to fit in unexpectedly tight spaces. Some collapse out of starvation, seemingly dead until they sense movement within arm's reach.

Strongbies: Remember that guy at the gym whose diet you swear consisted entirely of protein powder and canned testosterone? Well, he couldn't lift his way out of being eaten. Aside from being stronger and tougher than other varieties, these ones seem to prefer their meat tenderized. Anybody going toe-to-toe with one can expect a haymaker from Hell.

These are just a few of the types you're likely to encounter. New and exciting varieties may appear as you explore the city.

Current active characters:

Gracie Evans

James green

Rich Gary Han

Daniel Bruce

Game threads:

Character Sheet Thread
OOC Thread
IC Thread

Posting code for characters:

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
[/list][float=right]Character Image Code Here[/float]

    The rules

    • Activity The expected posting rate for all players involved is at least once every three days. I understand some may be able to do multiple posts per day, while for others real life may get in the way sometimes. If you are unlikely to be available for an extended period of time, be sure to let me know. You may allow other writers to NPC your character if you wish, or simply have him/her uninvolved if you require an absence. I reserve the right to remove/kill off any character who has been inactive for an unreasonable period of time.

    • Do bear in mind that this game was set up with a small group in mind, and thus not every character would be accepted should myself or Jr feel that the game has reached the number of characters we can handle. I would also like to reserve the right for us to reject any character that does not fit the setting or theme of the game.

    • Interested individuals should be literate and willing to share the creative load

    • While I don't think there is a reason to be strict on the posting length, please give your fellow writers enough to work with. 

    • If for any reason you need to leave the game, do inform your fellow writers. It's only polite.

    • Drama Antagonistic traits and in-game drama is always welcome. OOC drama is not. I expect everyone involved to be mature enough to work with each other.

    • Side threads. It is expected that side threads will become necessary over the course of the game, both to allow for interactions between smaller groups of characters and to keep the main plot moving along. Be sure to notify whenever a side thread is created so that it can be listed and linked.

    • Inform the GM of any major plot events 

    [li] Character death is possible, should your character be killed, via any means, you will be allowed to enter a new character into the game, should you desire.


    Character creation:


    • All genders and orientations are welcome, but your character should be 16+

    • Feel free to seek out connections with other writers, friends, siblings, etc.

    • When creating a character, writers should bear in mind that your character should be a relatively realistic, with a life before the apocalypse. This is part of what makes a game like this fun, how they struggle to adapt to their new environment.

    • Should you have trouble coming up with a character concept, feel free to shoot me a PM, I'll be more than happy to work with you to come up with something.

    • Be sure to check out the character sheets thread, link found in this post, to ensure that your characters do not turn out to be too similar to others already in play!

    • Our GM will be happy to help you out with the mechanical aspects (stats, skills, etc) of character creation should your require. All that's really required is the bio. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to handle all parts of character creation if you're inclined. You are also more than welcome to post your character's background and concept before filling in the mechanical aspects later.

    Character sheet image for reference

    Character sheet:

    character sheet template
    [/list][i][b]Character Picture:[/b][/i] [float=right]Picture code goes here[/float]
    [i][b]Gender and orientation:[/b][/i]
    [i][b]Place/Date of birth:[/b][/i]

    [i][b]Personal effects: [/b][/i](Items with no bearing on game mechanics)

    [i][b]Physical description:[/b][/i] (One solid paragraph)

    [i][b]Personality traits:[/b][/i] (One solid paragraph)

    [i][b]Biography: [/b][/i](Two-three solid paragraphs, be sure to include how they ended up in San Francisco)

    [b]Items and equipment: [/b] (To be determined by GM)

    [b]Attributes:[/b] (These are the mechanical aspects with which our GM will be happy to help you with, should your require)

    [b]Strength: [/b]                [b]Intelligence:[/b]
    [b]Dexterity:  [/b]              [b]Perception:[/b]
    [b]Constitution:[/b]            [b]Willpower:[/b]

    [b]Life points:[/b]
    [b]Endurance points:[/b]
    [b]Speed: [/b]
    [b]Essence Pool:




    Jr, here. I'm going to be running this game, so any questions regarding mechanics or character arcs should probably be directed at me. As previously stated, we'll be using the AFMBE corebook and the One of the Living book. If you want to use material from another source, feel free to ask permission and I'll hear you out. The entire party will consist of Norms.

    For those of you who are not familiar with All Flesh Must be Eaten or the Cinematic Unisystem, don't panic. Making and playing a character is incredibly simple. Just shoot me a PM and I'll walk you through the process. Don't feel the need to make a survivalist or a badass for this game. Norms are fairly regular people who could have been doing anything with their lives before the contagion hit. Remember that the best weapon is a good head on your shoulders.


    Character Sheet Sample:

    Name: Gracie Evans
    Age: 25
    Gender and orientation: MtF pre-op transgender. Bisexual.
    Place/Date of birth: Aspen, Colorado. 4/7/1989

    Personal effects: locket on a silver chain around her neck, framed picture of family.

    Physical description: Gracie stands at Five foot ten, relatively tall in comparison to most others. She had blonde hair cut in a shoulder-length bob and blue eyes, with a fair complexion that looks like it would not do too well if exposed to the sun for too long. She's lithe and light on her feet, and would not seem to pose too much of a physical threat to any would-be assailants. The golden labrador retriever that is almost always by her side however, is another matter entirely. Gracie is often accompanied by her protective companion, Toffee, who usually is a good enough deterrent to anyone who intends to harm the girl.

    Personality traits: Gracie is for the most part, a gentle soul. She tries to avoid confrontations whenever possible, something that is becoming increasingly difficult to do in these troubled times. She is quiet and reserved, and has grown to become distrusting of people and their intentions, though she still does her best to help those she deems genuinely in need. One should not mistake her calm nature for weakness however, for she is a survivor, and can be quite ferocious when pushed into a corner. She is loyal to those she trusts. She values the relationships she has, and would put her family before anything else. Gracie also suffers from bouts of insecurity and self-doubt, and struggles with difficult decisions, and generally tends to follow her gut more than anything else when confronted with such a situation. This unfortunately, also tends to result in her making rash choices from time to time.

    Biography: Gracie was born the third of four children in the small tourist city of Aspen in Colorado. Pretty early on, Gracie had figured out that she had been born in the wrong body. Thankfully, she had the support of her family, with her parents and older brother and sister in particular forming the pillars of strength that she would lean on whenever things would get difficult for her growing up. Their love and support became essential to the girl, as she began her transition in her teens with her parents' blessing.

    Growing up close to the woods, Gracie's father would often take her and her siblings out on camping trips, and as a result the girl developed and affinity for nature, picking up many useful tips and pointers for camping out in the forest. She was particularly adept at bowfishing, and quickly became quite a good shot with a bow, and a pretty decent cook to boot. Life was good and comfortable, and while Gracie still had to deal with the occasional bully or two in school, her childhood was for the most part, a happy one.

    But like all good things, her childhood would have to come to an end, starting with her two older siblings going to college and eventually moving away from home, and before long it was Gracie's turn to pack up and leave, headed to the windy city where she had been accepted into the medicine program of one of the city's universities. The girl had just started her residency in the university's hospital when her life was turned upside down. Working in a hospital, Gracie was about as close to ground zero as one could possibly get when the outbreak happened. It had happened so suddenly one night, one moment it was business as usual and the next the hospital had erupted into chaos.

    Somehow, Gracie had managed to escape the madness of the hospital, barely avoiding getting trampled by the panicked mob fleeing the scene. Once out in the open she headed for the nearest building she could find in the form gas station, risking herself by stopping along the way to break the window of an abandoned truck to rescue a dog trapped within. The girl managed to lock herself in a storeroom while the city descended into madness. Spending the night locked in the cramped room with only her newly rescued companion for company, Gracie tried her best to ignore the sounds around her, to little avail.

    The screams would eventually die down, soon replaced by bursts of gunfire, and by the time the sun rose in the morning, the military and swept in and taken control of the area, and had started shepherding the survivors into the newly created quarrantine zone in the middle of the city. The next few days quickly blurred into months, and now Gracie resides in the so-called safe zone within the city, doing her best to keep her head down and follow the orders of the military. The hope that her family may have survived in one of the other zones, however slim it may be is the only thing keeping her going, and she has plans to escape the zone and out into the wilderness to try and look for them.

    Items and equipment: Doctor's bag, First aid kit, Binoculars, Cheap car, Modern hunting bow, Fishing gear

    Attributes: (These are the mechanical aspects with which our GM will be happy to help you with, should your require)

    Strength: 1                Intelligence: 4
    Dexterity: 2               Perception: 3
    Constitution: 2            Willpower: 2

    Life points: 22
    Endurance points: 20
    Speed: 8
    Essence Pool:14

    Qualities:Photographic memory,Attractiveness 3,Tireless

    Drawbacks:Secret 1, Dependent 1, Emotional Anchor, Reckless

    Skills: Medicine 4, First Aid 5, Research/investigation 4, Notice 2, Driving 3, Hand weapons - Bow 3, Survival 3, Swimming 2


    Quote from: Question Mark on August 04, 2014, 09:23:58 PM
    Interested, and I sent Jr a PM.

    Is that the destiny logo you have as your avatar? Also, awesome, I can't wait to see what you come up with.  :-)

    Sarah Morgan

    This could be interesting.  Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the rule books needed?


    Quote from: Sarah Morgan on August 06, 2014, 03:41:55 AM
    This could be interesting.  Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the rule books needed?

    Hi Sarah, sent you a PM regarding the matter!



    Update 3 has been posted, and the game has been started! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or create a character and join in the fun!  :-)

    Sarah Morgan

    I thought I'd post a quick update to let everyone know I'm still interested in the game, and I'm reading through the rule book now, currently reading chapter two about character creation.  Being visually impaired, I wondered whether the book would be readable by the speech program on my computer that allows me to read Web pages and such, and luckily it reads the text just fine.  I've run across some RP books where that wasn't the case, say if a book is printed in a strange font, or the text is taken directly from an image of the book's pages, rather than actual printed text.  Anyway, I just wanted to reassure everyone that I've not lost interest, and it's good to know there's help available for the mechanical decisions, like how many points to spend where.  Here's hoping we get some more players interested, though it could still be workable with two people, I think, if necessary.  Now back to reading, and I'll try to have my character done by the end of the weekend, I hope.

    Question Mark

    Sarah Morgan

    Still reading, and overall the accessibility of the PDF files has been good.  At least the main rule book is accessible, and the only files I couldn't read were the "One of the Living" book, and the norm file.  The "Living" book gave me a bunch of gibberish basically, in what my screen reading program translated as bullets and filled squares, so I'm guessing it's one of the books printed in such a way that the text isn't recognizable.  I was looking forward to reading that book too, just to get some more info, and because I'm curious that way, but I'll make do with the basic rules.  I suppose I could see if DriveThru RPG has it, but I'm guessing it'll be the same PDF, so I'll have the same issue in trying to read it.  I suppose I could try writing to the company, but that wouldn't work either, since I didn't exactly buy the book, and I don't think the site's been updated in quite a few years anyway.  Oh well, at least most of the batch of files is readable, so theat's a plus.


    Sorry to hear, Sarah. Though, I don't think it will be too much of an issue. Being new to system games myself, Jr has been nothing but helpful and I'm sure he can help you out with any questions you have regarding the mechanics, and I'm here for everything else as well! In truth, I think the bulk of what you need to know can be found in the character creation segment.


    Thanks for expressing your concern, Sarah. I'll try to shoot you a PM later today and see if we can work something out together. OotL is just a book of extra options, so I wouldn't be too worried.


    This is not my usual bag of rats, but it does look like it could be interesting.
    Where did you say a copy of the basic rules could be found?
    Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

    Currently available, frequently lurking.
    Ons and Offs
    Absences and Apologies
    Ideas and inspirations: small groups

    Red Stella

    This looks like fun!

    I've got the PDF, which is entertaining in itself.   

    Are we supposed to be creating Norms, or are the other two types available as well?



    Quote from: Red Stella on August 10, 2014, 04:27:16 PM
    This looks like fun!

    I've got the PDF, which is entertaining in itself.   

    Are we supposed to be creating Norms, or are the other two types available as well?


    Hi! Yes, you are supposed to be creating a norm.  :-)


    Would there be a place for the washed out jock, in the dead end job, who, after the zombie apocalypse took his job, took his wife, actually realized that he's never in his whole life had so much 'fun'. Like he was made for this ?


    Quote from: Dingo on August 11, 2014, 02:59:32 AM
    Would there be a place for the washed out jock, in the dead end job, who, after the zombie apocalypse took his job, took his wife, actually realized that he's never in his whole life had so much 'fun'. Like he was made for this ?

    Of course. I don't think there should be too many limitations placed on character concepts, as long as they are reasonably realistic, and are not too similar to other characters already in play. The creation mechanics should ensure that they are balanced in terms of other characters.


    Name: James Green
    Age: 29
    Gender and orientation: Male. Bi-sexual. Prefers women.
    Place/Date of birth: San Francisco / August 19th 1986

    Personal effects: 2010 Football Championship Ring, gold wedding band.

    Physical description: James stands tall at almost two meters, with broad shoulders and a very maintained athletic body. His dark blonde hair is always unruly and even moments after shaving, or so it seems, his beard is already growing, so he keeps it trimmed short instead of shaven smooth. These days, his pale blue eyes look on the world with enthusiasm. Every day is a new challenge.

    Personality traits: James is happy. If there is no immediate danger from the Zeds, you can find him whistling some kind of cheerful tune. He holds no anger or regret to the world that was. And looks at the current situation almost like a blessing. While life is rough and dangerous deadly even he goes about it with a next to permanent smile. A true smile, for never before in his life has he ever felt this alive. He is however not a thrill-seeker, and if days go by without any dangerous things happening that is much more the better.

    A swimming pool incident as a child has left James with an irrational fear for any moderate large bodies of water and swimming pools.

    Biography: Born and raised in San Francisco, James never truly left the city. As a child he was sporting and athletic. He started playing football in high school. Married his sweetheart, Lois Garcia straight out of school, and went to play for the local college team. Studying for him was only a way to keep playing, and he did graduate with a business degree. And went on to play for one of the big teams. In his first ten minutes of the game, he received a tackle that snapped his knee. And while his team won the season, James never played again, although he worked tirelessly to become fit again and now his knee only hurts when a storm is coming.

    He ended up managing a sporting goods store. Nine to five. Every day, including most Sundays. Weeks, months, years. He discovered Lois had an affair, but instead of being angry about it, he just nodded and filed for divorce. Moved out. Started fucking everything that ended up in the bedroom of his tiny apartment. And worked in the dead-end job.

    It was some time ago, when suddenly his still not ex-wife Lois called him in a total panic. Her new lover had gone totally weird on her. Even bitten her. Not a loving nibble, but he had actually taken a full bite out of her. It was then, James encountered his first zombie, before everything had gone to hell completely. His wife did not last long after that and he ended her existence as a zombie quickly.

    Ever since then he has been walking around with an almost shaming kind of joy in his heart. Even though, like most, he has to struggle for survival. Even though, like most, he has lost people he cared about. But there is no longer a machine that grinds human lives into meaningless dust. There is only nature and survival left. Although he would not call the zombies nature.

    Items and equipment: (To be determined by GM)

    Strength: 4             Intelligence: 2
    Dexterity:  2             Perception: 2
    Constitution: 3           Willpower: 2

    Life points: 38
    Endurance points: 32
    Speed: 10 mph
    Essence Pool:15

    Qualities: Strength to 4, Attractiveness 2, Charisma 1, Fast Reaction Time 2

    Drawbacks: Honorable 2, Hurting 2, Phobia (Drowning) 1

    Skills: Acrobatics 1, Brawling 1, Climbing 2, Dodge 1, Driving (Car) 1, Driving (Motorcycle) 2, First Aid 1, Humanities (Economy) 2, Intimidation 2, Language (Spanish) 1, Notice 2, Running (Marathon) 3, Running (Dash) 4, Seduction 1, Smooth Talking 1, Sport (Football) 5

    QuoteUpdated with a character sheet. The math should be alright. Bought Strength up, and paid 1 point for acrobatics. Skills are however very expensive and I don't think I went overboard with anything.


    Quote from: Dingo on August 11, 2014, 06:16:37 AM
    Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
    Name: James Green
    Age: 29
    Gender and orientation: Male. Bi-sexual. Prefers women.
    Place/Date of birth: San Francisco / August 19th 1986

    Personal effects: 2010 Football Championship Ring, gold wedding band.

    Physical description: James stands tall at almost two meters, with broad shoulders and a very maintained athletic body. His dark blonde hair is always unruly and even moments after shaving, or so it seems, his beard is already growing, so he keeps it trimmed short instead of shaven smooth. These days, his pale blue eyes look on the world with enthusiasm. Every day is a new challenge.

    Personality traits: James is happy. If there is no immediate danger from the Zeds, you can find him whistling some kind of cheerful tune. He holds no anger or regret to the world that was. And looks at the current situation almost like a blessing. While life is rough and dangerous deadly even he goes about it with a next to permanent smile. A true smile, for never before in his life has he ever felt this alive. He is however not a thrill-seeker, and if days go by without any dangerous things happening that is much more the better.

    Biography: Born and raised in San Francisco, James never truly left the city. As a child he was sporting and athletic. He started playing football in high school. Married his sweetheart, Lois Garcia straight out of school, and went to play for the local college team. Studying for him was only a way to keep playing, and he did graduate with a business degree. And went on to play for one of the big teams. In his first ten minutes of the game, he received a tackle that snapped his knee. And while his team won the season, James never played again, although he worked tirelessly to become fit again and now his knee only hurts when a storm is coming.

    He ended up managing a sporting goods store. Nine to five. Every day, including most Sundays. Weeks, months, years. He discovered Lois had an affair, but instead of being angry about it, he just nodded and filed for divorce. Moved out. Started fucking everything that ended up in the bedroom of his tiny apartment. And worked in the dead-end job.

    It was some time ago, when suddenly his still not ex-wife Lois called him in a total panic. Her new lover had gone totally weird on her. Even bitten her. Not a loving nibble, but he had actually taken a full bite out of her. It was then, James encountered his first zombie, before everything had gone to hell completely. His wife did not last long after that and he ended her existence as a zombie quickly.

    Ever since then he has been walking around with an almost shaming kind of joy in his heart. Even though, like most, he has to struggle for survival. Even though, like most, he has lost people he cared about. But there is no longer a machine that grinds human lives into meaningless dust. There is only nature and survival left. Although he would not call the zombies nature.

    Items and equipment: (To be determined by GM)

    Attributes: (These are the mechanical aspects with which our GM will be happy to help you with, should your require)

    Strength:                 Intelligence:
    Dexterity:                Perception:
    Constitution:            Willpower:

    Life points:
    Endurance points:
    Essence Pool:




    I think the concept looks pretty good. Don't be afraid to ask for help with the technical aspects of the character should you require!


    count me interested in this, but i'll just watch for now...

    expect me to join at some point..  ;)



    Quote from: Dingo on August 11, 2014, 10:06:42 AM
    updated the sheet up there. Dang, skills are expensive.

    Looks good to me. Looking forward to having you in the game, once our GM signs off on your character sheet!


    I've spent some time with the book and my concept, which seems to be settling into a hunter-type. Does that sound useful?
    Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

    Currently available, frequently lurking.
    Ons and Offs
    Absences and Apologies
    Ideas and inspirations: small groups