X-men DOTD rpg: Welcomes Canon and created characters (LGTB)

Started by VoluptuousVixen, June 27, 2014, 09:36:20 AM

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So, should I make Rogue older?

Oh, and Scott, Wolverine, or Remy can be my Headmaster anytime! :P

Diesel Heart

Quote from: TamaRose on October 14, 2014, 09:14:59 PM
So, should I make Rogue older?

Oh, and Scott, Wolverine, or Remy can be my Headmaster anytime! :P

NAY! Cyclops must be like Broody McBlindtoBoobs! .... that's Cloud, by the way, in relation to Tifa.

Blue Nova

Quote from: WardenIce on October 14, 2014, 09:17:02 PM
NAY! Cyclops must be like Broody McBlindtoBoobs! .... that's Cloud, by the way, in relation to Tifa.

LOL so stern man, it will just make some ladies want you more~


Ive made Kitty 20, hehe I was thinking for the first story it could be her 21st birthday party?

She always said that Rogue was a couple years older then her so maybe she`s like 24ish?

Imgane Rogue, Kitty, Domino and Selene in their bathing suits will drive the boys nutts.

Diesel Heart

Quote from: loislanekent on October 14, 2014, 09:22:37 PM
Ive made Kitty 20, hehe I was thinking for the first story it could be her 21st birthday party?

She always said that Rogue was a couple years older then her so maybe she`s like 24ish?

Imgane Rogue, Kitty, Domino and Selene in their bathing suits will drive the boys nutts.

All we need now is Blob in a speedo and we'll all be wetter than a slip'n'slide


Quote from: WardenIce on October 14, 2014, 09:25:29 PM
All we need now is Blob in a speedo and we'll all be wetter than a slip'n'slide

From vomit maybe...

Diesel Heart

All I imagine is that scene with Fat Bastard in Austin Powers now...


Quote from: Matttheman89 on October 14, 2014, 08:19:15 PM
Hey everyone. If Wolverine isn't taken yet I'd like to put up an app for him. Also, I wouldn't mind if this was set a little more towards modern day, since it could give people who want to play certain characters an easier time.

Actually he's not taken yet... So if you want Wolvie go for him!


Quote from: loislanekent on October 14, 2014, 09:22:37 PM
Ive made Kitty 20, hehe I was thinking for the first story it could be her 21st birthday party?

She always said that Rogue was a couple years older then her so maybe she`s like 24ish?

Imgane Rogue, Kitty, Domino and Selene in their bathing suits will drive the boys nutts.

I will fix it tomorrow...and add her powers. By then she should have Miss Marvel's Powers and be with the X-Men but I am thinking the don't trust her that much.

*Jumps Cyclops and presses his face into Rogue's boobs*


I am playing Iceman So I will have a character sheet in before I go to bed tonight.
Status: Stepping away for a while.

Diesel Heart

Quite so, playing this strictly to canon is not very advocating of the idea of 'creative freedom'.  It should be kept as 'loosely based off of' at best when playing canon characters.  At least, that's always been my approach to it once I moved past playing strictly original characters.  With that said, hello everyone! I deleted the old submission to just wipe the slate clean (only to regret not saving the history but whatever).  So, here is the new, improved, and modified profile for the lovable/hated Summers.

P.S: Yes, I got extremely lazy with his history because honestly... there is a lot to cover  :D

REAL NAME: Scott Summers
AGE: 27?
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 195 lbs (88 kg)
AFFILIATION: X-Men - De Facto Leader/School Headmaster


HISTORY: Scott Summers was the first X-Men tutored by Professor X in the use of his powers in the Danger Room, being granted a visor made of ruby-quartz to help him regulate them on the field. Become the de facto deputy leader, Scott has always been a skilled tactician despite his lacking social skills. Despite his leaving the team and suffering romantic struggles thanks to the death of Jean Grey, Scott has been an efficient leader throughout the years. He successfully rose through the ranks of the Brotherhood to take it down from the inside out; fought off Krakoa; fought Apocalypse, Onslaught, the Brotherhood, and more enemies of the team and more. Now, he is the headmaster of the rebuilt Xavier Institute, dating Emma Frost, and continuing to lead the X-Men.


Optic Blasts: Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops's powers were originally believed to be ambient energies absorbed and metabolized by his body into concussive blasts that are released from his eyes. However, the energy supply of his optic blasts are later revealed to originate from a non-Einsteinian universe that opens up whenever he uses his optic blasts. Cyclops's eyes not only are organs that utilizes the visible spectrum of light to see the world around it. They contain inter-dimensional apertures, releasing powerful energies from another dimension into his own via the beams. Cyclops's mind has a particular psionic field that is attuned to the forces that maintain the apertures that have taken the place of his eyes. Because his mind's psionic field envelops his body, it automatically shunts the other-dimensional particles back into their point of origin when they collide with his body. Thus, his body is protected from the effects of the particles, and even the thin membrane of his eyelids is sufficient to block the emission of energy. The synthetic ruby quartz crystal used to fashion the lenses of Cyclops's eyeglasses and visor is resonant to his minds' psionic field and is similarly protected.

The width of Cyclops's eye-blasts seems to be focused by his mind's psionic field with the same autonomic function that regulated his original eyes' ability to focus. As Cyclops focuses, the size of the aperture changes and thus act as a valve to control the flow of particles and beam's relative power. The height of Cyclops's eye-blast is controlled by his visor's adjustable slit. His narrowest beam, about the diameter of a pencil at a distance of 4 feet has a force of about two pounds per square inch. His broadest beam, about 90 feet across at a distance of fifty feet, has a force of about 10 pounds per square inch. His most powerful eye-blast is a beam four feet across which, at a distance of 50 feet, has a force of 500 pounds per square inch. The maximum angular measurement of Cyclops's eye-blast is equivalent to a wide-angle 35mm camera lens field of view. The minimum angular measurement is equivalent to the angle that the thickness of a pencil would subtend at 4 feet. The beam's effective range is about 2,000 feet, at which point a 1-inch beam has spread out to 10 feet square, and then has a pressure of .38 pounds per square inch. Cyclops's maximum force is sufficient to tip over a filled 5,000 gallon tank at a distance of 20 feet, or puncture a 1-inch carbon-steel plate at a distance of 2 feet.

The extra dimensional supply of energy for Cyclops's eye-blast is practically infinite. Thus, so long as Cyclops's psionic field is active (which is constant), there is the potential to emit energy. The only limit to the eye-blast is the mental fatigue of focusing constantly. After about 15 minute of constant usage, the psionic field subsides and allows only a slight leakage of energy to pass through the aperture. Cyclops's metabolism will recover sufficiently for him to continue in about an additional 15 minutes. The maximum force of Cyclops' optic blasts are unknown, but a commonly given description is that he can "punch holes through mountains", and he has been shown to rupture a half-inch thick carbon steel plate.

Spatial Awareness:  Cyclops possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Cyclops has been observed causing beams to reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit his intended target accurately. It is his sense of superhumanly enhanced spatial awareness that allows him to perform these feats as well.

Expert Pilot: Cyclops is an expert pilot of fixed-wing aircraft, a skill he appears to have inherited from his father. It has also been implied that his trigonometric sense improves his abilities in the air

Master Tactician & Strategist: Cyclops has spent most of his superhero career as the leader of either the X-Men or X-Factor and has developed exceptional leadership skills. It is notable that regardless of their general attitude towards him, all of the X-Men tend to obey his orders in battle - because they know that he is usually right.

Expert Martial Artist: Cyclops also has extensive training in martial arts and unarmed combat, holding black belts in judo and aikido. His level of skill is sufficient to defeat six normal men with his eyes closed, and he has in the past held his own against dangerous enemies such as Wolverine and Ghost Rider.


Power Regulation Disability: Due to psychological trauma and physical injury at a young age, Cyclops is unable to control his optic blasts. In connection, his eyes have become more reliant on the ruby quartz he uses rather than affecting change to the injury.

Recharge Intervals:  Scott once required time between his optic blasts to recharge.

PERSONALITY: Due to his inability to control his optic blasts, and his extreme father-son loyalty to Prof. X, Cyclops is very poor with social skills and developing any kind of good relation with others. One such example is with Wolverine, with whom he has always been a rival of, and the two are now mutual enemies ready to kill the other if they do something out of line.


Visor: he mask Scott wears to prevent random discharge is lined with powdered ruby quartz crystal. It incorporates two longitudinally mounted flat lenses which can lever inward providing a constantly variable exit slot of 0 inches to .79 inches in height and a constant width of 5.7 inches. The inverted clam-shell mechanism is operated by a twin system of miniature electrical motors. As a safety factor their is a constant positive closing pressure provided by springs. The mask itself is made of high-impact plastic. There is an overriding finger-operated control mechanism on either side of the mask, and normal operation is through a flat micro-switch installed in the thumb of either glove.


Putting in my interest for this! I'd be playing Mercury again, if at all possible. c:

Pumpkin Seeds


Selene is supposed to be a teacher at the school?

I don't see that working out well at all, or even her deigning to think of doing such a thing....


The original post was changed. Selene is still a member of the Hellfire Club. The whole classes thing is for Xavier Institute affiliated characters.

As it is I am not exactly sure where to take Juggernaut. Should I start out a criminal, go straight to the being a teacher at the Institute phase, or start with his parole (with a pre-disappearance word from Xavier) and then roleplay out him becoming a member of the X-Men? I feel like the last one might have the most potential.


Quote from: deadmanshand on October 15, 2014, 02:57:56 AM
The original post was changed. Selene is still a member of the Hellfire Club. The whole classes thing is for Xavier Institute affiliated characters.

As it is I am not exactly sure where to take Juggernaut. Should I start out a criminal, go straight to the being a teacher at the Institute phase, or start with his parole (with a pre-disappearance word from Xavier) and then roleplay out him becoming a member of the X-Men? I feel like the last one might have the most potential.

Oohh... lol. Thanks dead, that makes sense.

And it looks like she'll be the only member. Ah well. She can take over the world her own damn self. Even though a little help would be nice...  >_>


Need to fill out Toad's history a little more. So he's going to be with the X-Men now instead of the Brotherhood and a little older?


Quote from: bubby on October 15, 2014, 03:00:49 AM
Oohh... lol. Thanks dead, that makes sense.

And it looks like she'll be the only member. Ah well. She can take over the world her own damn self. Even though a little help would be nice...  >_>

I'm sure there are number of people here who could be turned to Selene's cause.

And by the way that avatar is really rather nice.


Seconded on the new avvy bubby! ;)

Okay then, I'll do a little change for Gambit, boosting his age up in relation to Kitty's and Rogue's, then adding a tiny bit to his backstory to bring things up to date a little bit... Basically, I'm going to edit the current profile post I have.

And thanks TaraRose for the shout-out here! ;)

(Dayum we got X-23... I <3 Laura so much!)


Toad is done. Let me know if I need to change or adjust anything else.

Toad's Profile
REAL NAME: Mortimer Toynbee
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'3''
WEIGHT: 169lbs
AFFILIATION: Brotherhood



Mortimer Toynbee was born in York, England, and was quickly abandoned by his parents and spent many years in an orphanage, where he was constantly tormented by other children due to his ugliness and strangely shaped body (as his mutant appearance was present from birth). He was considered to be mentally inferior due to his extreme shyness and mild learning disabilities during his primary school years, though he was actually quite intelligent. He dropped out at an extremely early age and decided to fend for himself. Based on years of abuse and knowing full well he was a freak, Mortimer developed a severe inferiority complex, becoming servile to anyone that showed him the slightest bit of affection.

At sixteen, he met and lost his virginity to a prostitute. Like many weak minded men to women who treat them 'well', he thought she was in love with him. He spent weeks stealing things for her and eventually told her that he was in love with her. Such is common with these situations, she laughed him off. Toad can't remember what happened, but he fled to the states when the papers stated that a prostitute's body had been found with her neck snapped. The marks around her neck showed that she'd been strangled by something long enough to wrap around without any breaks and squeezed. Fearing he'd done it, he ran.

He was recruited into Magneto's Brotherhood, becoming Magneto's sycophantic 'toady'. Toad believes that Magneto loves him like a son. Ignoring the fact that everyone treats him like a human shield. He has also developed a crush on Magneto's daughter, Scarlet Witch, and is seemingly oblivious to her either repulsion or complete lack of knowledge that he might even exist.

With the seeming downfall of Magneto, Toad is unsure of where he belongs any more.


Toad s a shrimpy, smart mouthed, weasely punk with extremely poor hygiene with a wise guy attitude, who thinks he's tough because of the thugs he hangs around with. He mouths off seemingly without care for the consequences, but he will cower like a worm if confronted about his talk. He likes to surround himself with stronger people, because it makes him feel powerful.

He tends to fall for women quickly. He will do anything for the woman that he is in love with. They tend to be the type of women that would never give him the time of day. Usually very tall, very beautiful, and very powerful. This stalkerish love is easily broken if the woman does something that he finds unattractive. Such things include becoming pregnant (not by him, of course), if he is used to seeing them dressing a certain way and they change it drastically, or if he sees her giving the affection he wants to another man.

For the most part, Toad is harmless in his servile complex and stalker tendencies. Most times, he is a yes-man and will not advance on his feelings for a girl. He mostly just wants to feel like he belongs somewhere and that people want him around.

Short tempered, talks a big game, easily submits to those who show minimal affection to him.

    Superhuman Leaping: Toad's primary mutant power is the ability to leap to heights and distances far greater than that of an ordinary human. He has a vertical leap of over 24 feet and a horizontal jump of approximately 36 feet in a single leap. No definite limit to his leaping ability is yet known and can likely increase with age and training. Although Toad usually stands in a crouching position, he can stand erect if he wishes, the crouching poisition allows him quicker leaping if the situation calls for it. His unusually flexible spine enables him to crouch continually without strain.

    Superhuman Stamina: Toad's muscles produce much less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him.

    Superhuman Agility: Toad's bodily coordination and balance are enhanced to levels that are beyond the human body's natural limits.
    Superhuman Durability: Toad's body is somewhat tougher and more resistant to physical injury than an ordinary human's. He can withstand impacts and physical trauma that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human with moderate discomfort.

    Super-Prehensile Tongue: Toad has the ability to extend his tongue up to 25 feet in distance and ensnare objects and people. His tongue is superhumanly strong to the extent that he once killed a man by ensnaring him with his tongue and squeezing him, causing the man to be crushed to death much like a snake constricting it's prey.

    Mind Alteration: Toad's super-prehensile tongue contains mind altering toxins bending a person's will so that they obey Toad's commands.

    Toxic Saliva: He is also able to spit a caustic phlegmatic substance.

    Paralytic Resin: His pores secrete a mucus resin that adheres to any surface and paralyzes the nervous systems of whatever it touches.

    Superhuman Respiratory System: He can also contain large amounts of air in his expanding cheeks and throat and expel it with enough force to knock someone off their feet.

    Amphibian Control: Toad has demonstrated the ability to psionically communicate with amphibian life, such as frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders.

    Superhuman Strength: The Toad is superhumanly strong, primarily in his lower body, and is capable of leg pressing 3 tons. He possesses superhuman strength in his upper body as well, although to a much lower degree, and can lift about 1 ton.


    Combat: Toad is not hand to hand combat trained. Much of his fighting is based on wildly kicking and spitting till his enemy is either worn down or he can get away.

    Mentality: Toad is very emotional and very mentally unstable. He talks to himself quite a bit.

    Agility: Lack of proper training makes his agility near useless.

    Durability: He is far from invulnerable and can be injured in ways similar to an ordinary human. For instance, he is not bulletproof and can be injured by weapons composed of conventional materials.

    Prehensile Tongue: While it's very slick and very strong, if the right person were able to grab hold of it, they would have control of him easily.

    Mind Alteration: Mental and emotional instabilities would suggest that the toxin he uses to control other people affects him as well. The degree of control he has over the person he uses it on is minimal and it generally only works on people as weak willed as himself.

    Paralytic Resin: The resin he produces quickly wears off and does not prevent mutants from using their own abilities (such as Scott's eyes, Jean's powers, or even Rogue's if he were to touch her while she was affected).

    Superhuman Respiratory System: The force the wind created is not more than enough to knock an average sized person off their feet.

    Amphibian Control: Cannot control them once they are about half a mile away from him.




Despite his social awkwardness and seeming lack of intelligence, Toad is capable of understanding and utilizing advanced, even alien, technology. He is, however, unable to build it himself.

Toad has always had an unstable mutation, thanks to his infancy in the Black Womb Project. He is unaware of the experiments done to him.


Will Toad be with the X-men? Or Selene and Juggy as part as a new Brotherhood?


Can I ask Sasquacth and Curvy Kitten to help out as group Moderators?


Quote from: loislanekent on October 15, 2014, 08:54:17 AM
Will Toad be with the X-men? Or Selene and Juggy as part as a new Brotherhood?

I wasn't sure. When I first posted, he was listed on the first post as Brotherhood, then it was changed and it said he was with the X-Men, now it says he's in Other...so I wasn't sure if you wanted him somewhere specific.

He can be with the Brotherhood, if they want him. I'm okay with that.


I need updated BIOS from the Following please.
The ages would have bumped up to about this.
Also please have a face-calim of a Celebrity to portray the character. I.E Hugh Jackman.
The Game will go Live on Sunday the 19TH of October through to Monday the 20TH of October.

Wolverine, ??
ArchAngel, Id say hes about 32ish now
Rogue, About 24ish
Gambit, 30ish
Selene, ??
Juggernaut, 38ish
Domino, 31ish
Forge, 38ish


Im going to be naughty and im going to take Storm as well as Kitty and Mystique!  >:)
Basically im putting up the forums for the group pages as we speak.
If you want a second char feel free to ask for one.

The Brotherhood is Currently Mystique, Juggy, Toad and Black Queen.
Could always use a Pryo or Avalanche if you guys are intrested.