Dc Origins-Opal City Interest Thread

Started by NosCorventius, June 26, 2014, 12:43:23 PM

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Desription:Opal City, Louisiana; originally named The Port O’ Souls, was founded in 1789 by a mix of French and English settlers amongst them Puritans, Huguenots(French Protestants), and Pirates/Smugglers. From such humble and rowdy beginnings the town grew into one of the most important ports in America. Besides it's booming docks, today most of America knows The Opal for it's architecture, cuisine, absinthe factories, swamps, music, and annual festivals but there is another side. A darker side that looms just under the surface for Opal City is a cursed place. A place where monsters roam both the endless swamps and darkened alleyways. For here in Opal City, magic is very real and so are the consequences it brings.

This is an origins RP exploring the beginnings of the careers of modern and legacy heroes like: Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Mr. Terrific 2, Phantom Lady 2, the Atom 2, Atom Smasher, Jade, Obsidion, Sandy, Starman 2 or 3, Stargirl, etc

As well as the prime years of Members of the Justice Society of America like: Green Lantern/Sentinel Alan Scott, Dr. Fate, Zatara, Dr. Mid-Nite, The Sandman, The Phantom Lady, Wildcat,  and Al Pratt/The Atom. 

Silver and Golden Age Heroes/Villians or Immortals like Adam Strange, the Phantom, Jason Blood/Etrigan, the Shade, Vandal Savage, Abra Kadabra and The Amazing Mumbo and most of your magic/supernatural/horror types like Raven, Swamp Thing, Solomon Grundy, Silver Banshee, The Gentleman Ghost, Klarion, etc are also welcome here. As are any O.C.’s you might dream up that will realistically fit into such a setting. In short The Opal is the Magic/Paranormal/Supernatural capitial of the DCU for the purposes of this RP. So while you can travel anywhere if your a magician or monster Opal City is your home base.

History and Tone: Unlike the other threads in DC Origins, Opal has had heroes before. A group that fought local and national threats from the shadows. A group that the Government all but sanctioned, as long as the stayed in the shadows. That is until 1948 when Joseph McCarthy and The Committee on Un-Americian activities exposed the Society; demanding that  they come out from behind the Mask and work for the Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans (A.R.G.U.S). or disband.

Some chose to register, some chose retirement, some chose to go rogue. What is left is a fractured Government sanctioned JSA that fights without recognition and resembles the B.P.R.D. but with more red tape, a more effective but loosely affiliated and paranoid group of rogue heroes and hunters and a group of retiree's that wonder if they made the right choice. In tone overall, I see the Rp as a mix between Watchman, Hellboy, and the TV show Supernatural. Magic and the Paranormal are real but, most of the world is still blissfully ignorant and those that do know; aren't allowed to tell you.

Location, environment, and population: For any that have not caught the references above I am basing my Opal City off of the City of New Orleans and the surrounding area. Thus their are numerous old French and Art Deco buildings with in old town, with a mix of modern and gothic architecture with in the down town areas and along the edges the swamps still sit waits for the unlucky and unwary. The people themselves are a mix of businessmen and blue collar folk but most have seen something at one time or another that makes them believe, at least partially, in the superstitions and ghost stories of the old timers and swamp folk.

Storyline: I'd love to do a story that focuses on the rising threat of Brother Blood his search for a way to raise Trigon. As I think, we need a big threat to bring the JSA back together and/or inspire their kids to pick up the mantle. That being said if I get a better idea from you the writers we'll go that direction instead.

If you are interested please contact us through the OOC Thread.: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=195177.msg9494933#msg9494933 or reply here.


Status: Stepping away for a while.