The City of Darkest Nights - Gotham City - Temporarily Closed!

Started by LaLu, June 12, 2014, 08:15:36 PM

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Gotham City. Everyone knows it's past. A city that thrives on criminal influence. A city corrupt to it's core, and with few rays of hope that shine for the people. In the beginning, Wayne Enterprises sought to bring the city back from it's deepest depths with kindness. A move that almost destroyed the company, it inevitably failed when a mugger known Joe Chill killed the Company's founders. Since that time, crime has reigned. Corrupt politicians stalemate the Police, and due to this many people either suffer or rise up in attempt to do something for themselves.

Most of these people are criminals. Those who thrive, and even rise above the rest in this cesspool breeding ground of crime. But for once another force has risen. He calls himself The Batman. A caped and masked man who seeks to strike fear into the heart's of the criminal underworld. One of mixed opinion by the police and the people. Hero, or menace? That's the question when this man is brought up in conversation. Soon, the people may well get their answer.

For a storm draws near. Arkham Asylum, where some of the world's most deranged and dangerous minds are held has just undergone a massive break out. One unforeseen, and barely controlled by the Gotham City Police. Most of the deranged criminals were locked back inside. Those that were not captured, those who were not once again locked away, terrorize the citizens of Gotham once more. They are the ones who parents check for under their children's beds at night. They are the ones, that despite every effort continue to evade the police and the one they call Batman.

So here we stare at the city that's beyond repair. The City of Darkest Nights.


Gotham: City of Darkest Nights is an extreme group game focusing on the beginnings and the follow through of The Batman world. It's envisioned in a more Nolan fashion, where realistic characters and a darker theme is part of the atmosphere. Below will be some basic game information to get people started, as well as a nice map of Gotham to help with placing as we get things moving.

  • Contacting The GM's?: If you send us a PM send it to all three of us. I cannot make that any more clear.
  • Who are The GM's: GnothiSeauton, Black Howling, Lady Lunarius
  • You Said Nolanverse, are we following the Events of the movies?: No. Picture this as an alternate universe. Similar to Nolan's world, but completely different. The events of the movies never took place. We're free to craft our own stories, and build our characters our own way.
  • How do I know what Cannon Characters are taken: In the second post of the recruitment thread, and later the OOC you will find a list along with links to the currently taken Cannon's and Non-Cannon.
  • Where will our sheets be posted: Thanks to Howling's mad skills with the wiki we will be utilizing the wiki for our sheets. This will give us maximum thread usage.
  • How will the game be played out: This is completely sandbox, with no system.  There will be some game-wide events that can affect just about anyone or everyone, but for the most part it is sandbox. 
  • How does time flow in this game?: Each week in game is a month in real life.

    Game Rules

    • Real Life Comes First: No matter what. Real life comes first. We don't push people to post. Please be patient with others. Not everyone can get posts out back to back.
    • Be Civil and Polite: This is supposed to be a fun, drama-free zone. Writing, for many (myself included), is supposed to be an escape from troubles and drama.
    • Unsolvable Disputes to be Settled by Gms: If there is a dispute between two writers in the story involving their characters and story lines, where both can't come to an agreement, the three GMs will act as impartial judges and try and settle the dispute.
    • Try to Use Correct Tagging/Warning for Posts: There will be a tags to be placed at the beginning of each post. They contain Name, Alias (If Any), Date, Time, Location, and Warnings. Warnings is to warn readers of any explicit content or non-con/extreme themes.
    • No Character Death Without Player Approval: If it's agreed upon, that's fine. But no one wants their hard work going down the drain, now do they?
    • Rules are subject to changes and updates please check back here often! We will notify you when changes are made!


Character Creation

Character Creation Rules and Guidlines:

  • Realistic, Nolan-Type Characters: Realistic characters. No magic or super powers/abilities. We're looking to do this in a modern, realistic tone.
  • THe Characters to Begin: In the interest of creating plenty of open space for more people, everyone is allowed to start off with three characters. There may be an expansion on that limit, but for now, it's just three characters. Face Claims and Canon Claims must be made known in this thread!!!I will try my best to keep an updated list of "claimed" characters.  You have 1 week to post more than a claim! Even if it is a partial sheet.
  • Character Approvals: You must get approvals from two out of the three GM's before you can play.
  • Character Images: Please be sure to use Real Life images, or Realistic Art for your Characters. No anime!
  • Rules are subject to changes and updates please check back here often! We will notify you when changes are made!
Thread listing:
Gotham: City of Darkest Nights Thread and Claimed Character List

Out of Character and In Character Threads

OOC/Info Threads:                              IC Threads                              ---                              ---
Recruitment Thread
Gotham Wiki and Info
Face Claims Thread
                              Gotham City - Uptown
Gotham City - Midtown
Gotham City - Downtown
Gotham City - Outskirts

Claimed Characters:

Male Canon Character's:                              Female Canon Character's:                              Male Original Character's:                              Female Original Character's:
The Joker
Jim Gordon
Two Face
The Riddler
Victor Zsasz
Carmine Falcone
Ra's Al Ghul
Death Stroke
The Question
Kevin Reiner
Oliver Queen
                              Poison Ivy
Harley Quinn
Vick Vale
Lady Shiva
Detective Ellen Yin
Talia Al Ghul
                              Ryan Reave
Kaoru Yuu
Tristian Lachlan
                              Vivian Abasi
Louisa Falcone
Carmen Falcone
Gemma Spadefore
Rebecca Williams

Pending Claims!
(Subject to Change Check back often!)

Pending Claims                              Pending Claims                             

Felicity Smoak


== Character Bio ==
[float=right][img height=300][/img][/float]
== Personal Information ==
[b]Legal Name:[/b]
[b]Part of Gotham Residing In:[/b]

== Physical Description ==

== Persona ==

== Key Skills ==

== Advantages ==

== Disadvantages ==

== Background ==

== Character Extras ==
Face Claim:
Ons and Offs:


Posting possible interest.  (Very tentative though as I have a lot games going and really probably shouldn't...)

Is the idea here that everyone is basically going to play a superhero or villain?  Or would there be roles for other more normal types?   My initial instinct was to tentatively dibs Two-Face and Huntress, but part of me wonders if it wouldn’t be more fun to have at least one character be a regular police detective or Falcone family member or something like that. 

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


Quote from: Strangefate on June 12, 2014, 10:15:29 PM
Posting possible interest.  (Very tentative though as I have a lot games going and really probably shouldn't...)

Is the idea here that everyone is basically going to play a superhero or villain?  Or would there be roles for other more normal types?   My initial instinct was to tentatively dibs Two-Face and Huntress, but part of me wonders if it wouldn’t be more fun to have at least one character be a regular police detective or Falcone family member or something like that.

Hi there...

Characters are open to just about anything.  It can be a hero/vigilante, a villain, cop/detective, or just another regular person (i.e. a Falcone family member).  You don't have to do a Hero/Villain combo.  You could do anything.  It's your choice.

In addition, original characters are definitely more than welcome!
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


Quote from: Strangefate on June 12, 2014, 10:15:29 PM
Posting possible interest.  (Very tentative though as I have a lot games going and really probably shouldn't...)

Is the idea here that everyone is basically going to play a superhero or villain?  Or would there be roles for other more normal types?   My initial instinct was to tentatively dibs Two-Face and Huntress, but part of me wonders if it wouldn’t be more fun to have at least one character be a regular police detective or Falcone family member or something like that.

What Gnothi said!


I would like to play Barbara Gordon if that's possible! If not, can I play Holly Robinson (AKA Catgirl and Catwoman II in the future)?


Alright, thanks.  :-)

I’ll just to have think about whether this is something I have time for currently then.  I think I would like to place a tentative dibs on Two-Face, although if someone blows into the thread with a completed character sheet, he/she can certainly have him. Not looking to hold anyone up.

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


Quote from: SydneyDrew20 on June 12, 2014, 10:21:22 PM
I would like to play Barbara Gordon if that's possible! If not, can I play Holly Robinson (AKA Catgirl and Catwoman II in the future)?

Barbara Gordon is open! However I don't believe that Catwoman II would fit in just now as we do have a Catwoman, now I could see you making an original with a similar concept. Maybe talk with LadyElizabeth about Catwoman having a protege and make an OC?

Quote from: Strangefate on June 12, 2014, 10:24:02 PM
Alright, thanks.  :-)

I’ll just to have think about whether this is something I have time for currently then.  I think I would like to place a tentative dibs on Two-Face, although if someone blows into the thread with a completed character sheet, he/she can certainly have him. Not looking to hold anyone up.

We can hold two-face for you for a week to let you mull it over. How's that sound?


Holly Robinson is Catwoman's protege in the comic book. She's known as Catgirl at the beginning.


Quote from: SydneyDrew20 on June 12, 2014, 10:29:27 PM
Holly Robinson is Catwoman's protege in the comic book. She's known as Catgirl at the beginning.

Ah yes. Ok. Sorry very little sleep today. It's almost pass out time for me. LOL!  If you talk with LadyElizabeth you two could collaborate if you'd like. 


Quote from: Lady Lunarius on June 12, 2014, 10:31:46 PM
Ah yes. Ok. Sorry very little sleep today. It's almost pass out time for me. LOL!  If you talk with LadyElizabeth you two could collaborate if you'd like.

Ok! I'll send in my character sheet for Batgirl later! :)


Quote from: SydneyDrew20 on June 12, 2014, 10:33:53 PM
Ok! I'll send in my character sheet for Batgirl later! :)

Feel free to post her here for us ^_^ Can't wait to see her!


Quote from: Lady Lunarius on June 12, 2014, 10:27:37 PM
We can hold two-face for you for a week to let you mull it over. How's that sound?

That should be ample time for me to make a decision, thanks.   :-) 

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


Quote from: Strangefate on June 12, 2014, 10:44:24 PM
That should be ample time for me to make a decision, thanks.   :-)

No problem we have it listed for you just let us know darlin <3


== Character Bio ==
== Personal Information ==
Legal Name:  Barbara Gordon
Alias: Batgirl, Oracle
Age: 20
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Part of Gotham Residing In: An Apartment in Downtown Gotham

== Physical Description ==
Barbara Gordon is a an attractive, young woman with a long mane of red hair, pale skin and a tall, lanky yet athletic frame. She has her father's blue eyes, according to her mother. And according to her father, she inherited being beautiful from her mother. Her body is toned and has been chiseled due to extensive martial arts training and ballet since she was a little girl. Despite being attractive, Barbara tends to downplay her looks by wearing clothes that down't show off her body, like large plaid shirts, jeans and boots, despite her mother's wishes that she would dress like any other girl. Though when the occasion calls for it, she does dress up in subtle dresses that show off her long, toned legs, her favorite body part.

== Persona ==
Barbara is gifted a genius level intellect. She's especially skilled at crossing information to get what she wants and how. During her life, people have always called her "talented", "decided", "obstinate" and "exceptional". She is a genius, possessing extensive knowledge in numerous different fields of study, making her an adept leader, detective, computer scientist, linguist, and combatant. Even if she was not able to go off into the streets at night and fight crime during her teen years, Barbara made sure to help as much as she could from behind the scenes, by hacking computers, going off and taking pictures and making a database on all the people that she's gotten dirt from. Even though her early work lead her to some pretty seedy places, she has built an extensive network of contacts in Gotham's online world of hackers that have helped her in the past. Even if the police isn't willing to follow on a lead for fear or simply because they've been paid off, much to her father's frustration, she knows Batman won't hesitate and neither will she. Fed up with the police, she has been thinking of taking matters into her own hands.

Barbara is the Bat Family member who thinks the most about the impact her actions may have on the marginalized population of Gotham. She wonders if the vigilante game is the right path for the city. To sum up, she can walk on others' shoes and reflect on her own actions, what makes her an unique member of the Bat Family.

== Key Skills ==
Skilled martial artist
Genius-level intellect
Superb hacker
Skilled detective
Photographic memory

== Advantages ==
Genius level intellect
Large network of hackers she's come to know over the years online
Empathy: Despite her intellect and desire to do justice, Barbara tries to understand why a criminal went down that road. She's taken criminal psychology classes in University and thinks that criminals aren't born, but made by the society they live in. While she knows some criminals can't be helped, she tries her best to go easy on the ones who have no other choice.
She is trained in boxing, Dragon Style Kung Fu, Judo, stick fighting, and many more.

== Disadvantages ==
Highly stubborn: Once something or someone gets into Barbara's radar, she won't forget about it and she will go to great lengths, even if it means she will get hurt, to bring that person to justice.
Empathy: Her sense of empathy and understanding for criminals can sometimes be a double-edged sword. While it can work in her favor, sometimes criminals take advantage of her and manipulate her to get what they want or escape. She's gotten attacked quite a few times while she's doing her detective work out on the street at night.
Despite having received a lot of help from the online hacker community in the past, some information they have provided her with has lead her to awkward encounters and sometimes very dangerous situations she must pull herself out of before going in deeper.
Having a detective for a father, there's not much she can get away with when it comes to lying. Jim often grounded her when she was a teenager for going off on her own and doing the police's work.

== Background ==
Growing up in the Gordon household, there wasn't any day that went by that Barbara didn't hear her father complaining about how the police department and the detectives in the city were becoming more and more corrupt with each passing day. Even if she was just a kid, she was always curious about her father's work and often asked him questions about his job. Her father tried to sugarcoat it all the time, by simply explaining that there were bad police men and good police men in Gotham. Given her intellect, those excuses were never enough for her, though she would simply nod and change topics. After many conversations with her father concerning corruption and injustice in Gotham, a permanent invisible scar was left in her mind and the curiosity of how a good, righteous man could become a villainous monster became planted in her brain. Given her desires to once day become like her father, Barbara dropped out of ballet at a very young age and began attending self defense lessons after she heard her father talking about a woman who had been raped and killed near their home. Since she started out young, she proved to be good in different disciplines and became a black belt during her teen years in karate and then moved on to other disciplines.

During her teen years, Barbara began to grow tired of her father complaining about the corruption in Gotham's police department and justice system. She decided to put her hacking skills to the test and began building connections with other hackers who showered with tips or leads. Armed with a camera and the car her father gave her for her birthday, she would set out to chase after the leads provided by the community she often spoke to. Even if the leads sometimes turned to be erroneous or completely bogus, Barbara did manage to get some pretty decent information on some of Gotham's seediest criminals. Her "detective" work often put her in danger and she was forced to call her father once when her car was stolen during one of her investigations, which lead Jim to confiscate her camera and give her a serious lecture on safety and how she should leave the detective work to him.

Despite the fact that she no longer had a car or a camera, Barbara would make sure to contribute to justice in some way from behind the scenes. Under the screen name Oracle, she began feeding Gotham's Dark Knight with information. Knowing her father  has a close relationship with Batman, she often follows her father to where they meet and listens to their conversations. Barbara wishes to do more than just hack computers and wait for someone else to do justice. In the past few months, Barbara has begun to chase petty criminals in Gotham wearing a home-made vigilante costume, consisting of  light-weight leather pants, a black hoodie and a black mouthpiece so only her eyes are seen. She calls herself Oracle.

== Character Extras ==
Face Claim: Deborah Ann Woll
Ons and Offs:

Black Howling

Wooow! Vodka on recruitment day isn't such a good idea after all. Especially on an empty stomach.

But, for reference sake. What the gals said.


Oh I am so tempted! A veteran Cop/Detective... I've always fancied that sort of thing in this sort of setting, especially Nolanverse. Oh so tempted! So I will express very tentative interest!


Quote from: EbonyQueen on June 13, 2014, 12:26:32 AM
Oh I am so tempted! A veteran Cop/Detective... I've always fancied that sort of thing in this sort of setting, especially Nolanverse. Oh so tempted! So I will express very tentative interest!

Can't wait to see what you come up with! I myself plan on a detective! Possibly a rookie we'll see.

Black Howling

Quote from: EbonyQueen on June 13, 2014, 12:26:32 AM
Oh I am so tempted! A veteran Cop/Detective... I've always fancied that sort of thing in this sort of setting, especially Nolanverse. Oh so tempted! So I will express very tentative interest!

I can't express this more! OC's are totally welcome!


I'm glad this is happening... we need more Nolanverse stuff out there!


I wanted to get a partial up at least, I know... I"m showing more than tentative interest, but dang-it, I'm -really- excited to get back into group-games!

== Character Bio ==
== Personal Information ==
Legal Name: Vivian Abasi
Alias: N/A
Age: 38
Sexuality: Bisexual
Part of Gotham Residing In: Midtown: West-Side

== Physical Description ==
Tall of dark skin, hair and eyes fit and lithe. She can be an intimidating presence in or out of uniform. Her features are not -beautiful- but she is not an unattractive woman. She looks more strong and confident than 'supermodel beautiful'. Her exquisitely maintained physique thanks to the run-down neighborhood gym her father had opened after his time with the Military. Her childhood was more boot camp than crayons, having no brothers the onus was on her to live up to a standard her father demanded.

== Persona ==
She appears to be a stern, serious woman and can very much be... at work. In reality, in her 'own' time she is more calm and laid back. A smile, a pat on the back, or words of encouragement for a friend, she has all of those in abundance.

== Key Skills ==
Expert Martial Artist (Krav Maga, Capoeira)
Expert Marksman (Handgun, Semi-Automatic)
Adept Detective
Adept High-Speed Driver

== Advantages ==
Physically Fit
Sharp Eyes
Steely Nerves

== Disadvantages ==
Intense (Can be so focused on one thing she can miss something else entirely)
Insomniac (She can't sleep, it's a reason she likes the night shift, but sleeping during the day is no easier)
Caffeine Addict (Don't bother talking to her before her first three cups of coffee)
Past Injury (Injured in the line of duty, while recovered the old wound to her back still hurts her occasionally)

== Background ==
Being a cop wasn't being a soldier. But for her father it was the next closest thing, he was proud of her the day she graduated from the academy, and kept a picture of her wearing her Rookie uniform until the day he died. Poisoned by a leak at one of my many, unsafe vats that are easily found at Axis Chemicals. His death had a deep impact on her. At nights, on weekends she worked, and worked out in the same small gym he had built years ago, where she learned the first disarms, take downs and strikes in Krav Maga, an art she first learned from him. It was not a long or an easy road to make Detective-Sergeant. The police force, as it was in many cities, was still very much the 'boy's club'. She spent a good many years in a patrol car and failed a promotion exam or two she was certain she actually 'aced'. It was not until sustaining a shrapnel wound to the back following an explosion that she was given a plain-clothes assignment. Mainly because her injury coupled with receiving it while shielding a small child with her own body made her known locally for a short time.

== Character Extras ==
Face Claim: Rutina Wesley
Ons and Offs: Ons: Group Sex, Anal Sex, female/female pairings. Offs: Vore, Scat, Death/mutilation

Black Howling

Quote from: EbonyQueen on June 13, 2014, 01:07:34 AM
I wanted to get a partial up at least, I know... I"m showing more than tentative interest, but dang-it, I'm -really- excited to get back into group-games!

== Character Bio ==
== Personal Information ==
Legal Name: Vivian Abasi
Alias: N/A
Age: 38
Sexuality: Bisexual
Part of Gotham Residing In: Midtown: West-Side

== Physical Description ==
Tall of dark skin, hair and eyes fit and lithe. She can be an intimidating presence in or out of uniform. Her features are not -beautiful- but she is not an unattractive woman. She looks more strong and confident than 'supermodel beautiful'. Her exquisitely maintained physique thanks to the run-down neighborhood gym her father had opened after his time with the Military. Her childhood was more boot camp than crayons, having no brothers the onus was on her to live up to a standard her father demanded.

== Persona ==
She appears to be a stern, serious woman and can very much be... at work. In reality, in her 'own' time she is more calm and laid back. A smile, a pat on the back, or words of encouragement for a friend, she has all of those in abundance.

== Key Skills ==
Expert Martial Artist (Krav Maga, Capoeira)
Expert Marksman (Handgun, Semi-Automatic)
Adept Detective
Adept High-Speed Driver

== Advantages ==
Physically Fit
Sharp Eyes

== Disadvantages ==
Intense (Can be so focused on one thing she can miss something else entirely)
Insomniac (She can't sleep, it's a reason she likes the night shift, but sleeping during the day is no easier)
Caffeine Addict (Don't bother talking to her before her first three cups of coffee)

== Background ==
Being a cop wasn't being a soldier. But for her father it was the next closest thing, he was proud of her the day she graduated from the academy, and kept a picture of her wearing her Rookie uniform until the day he died. Poisoned by a leak at one of my many, unsafe vats that are easily found at Axis Chemicals. His death had a deep impact on her. At nights, on weekends she worked, and worked out in the same small gym he had built years ago, where she learned the first disarms, take downs and strikes in Krav Maga, an art she first learned from him.

== Character Extras ==
Face Claim: Rutina Wesley
Ons and Offs: Ons: Group Sex, Anal Sex, female/female pairings. Offs: Vore, Scat, Death/mutilation

You had mentioned partial, so I'm not sure if this is the finished sheet. If it is, however, then it looks good to me.

On another note, I'll be at work pretty much all day and evening. I'll still be able to check in from my phone, approvals and such. But I'll be far quieter then normal.