[VAN-E]/[UN] Werewolf, vampire idea.

Started by Xanaphia, September 07, 2008, 07:26:35 PM

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So I was thinking today about the moderately trashy, preteen, series 'Twilight'. I really love the idea of it, but something about the actual books bothers me. Anyways, you don't need to know the books to understand what I will be talking about though!

In this there will be 3 main characters-A human[female], a vampire[either-preferred male] and a werewolf[male]. The general premise of the story:

The human and werewolf have known each other for a long time [Lets say ten years--around 18-21 years old]. They've been friends for most of it until the werewolf turned [16-19] and became said werewolf.  [In this game, being a werewolf is a gene passed through fathers, there's a 50-50 chance of getting it.]  When he becomes a werewolf he distances himself from the human for fear of hurting her. [Before he changes they could be in a relationship or just friends, we'll talk about it.]
Once the both of them are applying for colleges they both end up going to the same place where the vampire is introduced.

Yay, then it's freeform from there on out.
If you want, the werewolf and human could have headstart on the vamp [posting wise]. More-or-less to get a better backround instead of Swiss cheese.
Another possibility is playing multiple roles. [playing both were and vamp.] I could then as well play all minor characters [if that's the case/desire of my partner.]
Another side note would be-obvious but I'll say it anyways!-Werewolfs+vampires=oops. Sworn enemies.
The female also doesn't know about the other species existing.

Anyways... I would like to play the female human [Sorrysorry, I know a few other people would like to play her but I would like to.] I am more than welcome to the idea of there being a female vampire-but the were is to be male... Just cause a werewolf female doesn't sit in my mind right.

Oh gee-this just sounds like a list of demands now. Please feel free to PM me about this, poke some holes through it and help me out-don't PM me just to tell me this is a horrible idea, it makes small cute things die.

Hope to hear from someone at least! :]



The Vampire role has been taken by daylily.
The werewolf role is still open.

Also: A few things about werewolves:
In human form they're always very warm to the touch, they tend to be tanner, stronger build and has darker hair.



I'm also interested in the Werewolf; I've read the entire Twilight Series... thanks to a friend who pushed them into my lap due to the enticing word for me "Vampire". So I throughly enjoyed them and I have actually been thinking of starting something like this myself, so if you want I'll gladly partake in the action as the Werewolf.
