Star Wars SAGA: The Mandalorian Wars (Redux)

Started by Inerrant Lust, May 25, 2014, 01:50:51 PM

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Laughing Hyena


Quote from: Batman4560 on May 28, 2014, 03:07:45 AM
Here is my character sheet if this is still taking characters.

Good grief, Bats. Those ability scores. How many point build is that, exactly?

I definitely need to tweak Shaala's sheet a bit, she's got military gear from that one campaign and I'm trying to figure out just what I was thinking two years ago with her talent/feat choices. ;)

May not get it all finished today and may shift her around a bit, but she'll still remain a somewhat meek Togrutan Noble 1/Jedi 4 with very limited diplomatic experience as part of her training.

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.


Her double-bladed  lightsaber, a standard utility belt and clothes plus credits (how do we figure those?) and my character is good to go. Jedi tend to be minimalist on gear.

As for stats those do seem high my character got some boost from her 4th level state enhancements but she still has only one 18.


i think she ment Batmans stats.. not made by the rules we made them...


Status: Stepping away for a while.

Inerrant Lust

I am extremely tempted to reduce the BaB and level requirements of all prestige classes by 4... making them accessible by level 3 a la the advanced classes of D20 Modern.

Granted, this change will also apply to NPCs like the HP reduction...

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Inerrant Lust on May 28, 2014, 10:59:44 PM
I am extremely tempted to reduce the BaB and level requirements of all prestige classes by 4... making them accessible by level 3 a la the advanced classes of D20 Modern.

Granted, this change will also apply to NPCs like the HP reduction...

Why is that tempting Lust? Forgive my novice look into Star Wars lore but I could use some help from other accepted characters into putting together a backstory.

Inerrant Lust

Mostly because it would give characters, both PCs and NPCs, more options to play around with.

I am very tempted to add more house rules... but I also don't want to burden everyone with a bunch of things to remember. I have been looking at other house rules online and I found one that I might use instead of 'tempting' PCs with free dark side powers.

Basically, every time you take Force Training- you get 1 more force power... but it must have the dark side descriptor.

Well... let me try to establish the scene;

A few decades ago, the Republic was at war with the Sith Lords Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma (and their supporters). The Republic beat them and basically scattered the Sith into hiding. The Mandalorians (A clan-based of warriors that worship battle) supported the Sith but were also handily beaten. They were humiliated and more or less exiled back to their corner of the galaxy.

In the decades since, the Mandalorians have been modernizing- moving away from tribal individuals that glorify personal combat to an organized military force dedicated to professional warfighting. They have been conquering nearby worlds and conscripting millions into their clans, as well as building massive factory-planets. They are backed by a lineage honed in war and have been kicking the Republic's ass.

The Jedi have refused to join the war because the Council senses a greater threat- one that will supposedly arise from their involvement in the war. A Jedi knight Revan exposes the Mandalorians' genocide of Cathar and this prompts a great deal of his fellow knights (and some masters, even) to join the war against the Council's warning.


Quote from: Laughing Hyena on May 28, 2014, 11:27:09 PM
Why is that tempting Lust? Forgive my novice look into Star Wars lore but I could use some help from other accepted characters into putting together a backstory.

Right now, there are no accepted characters. We're all unacceptable. T_T

Hm, well, let's see:

The Jedi High Council is a somewhat new idea, dating back only fifty years to the Great Droid Revolution. There are jedi who still do not acknowledge the High Council, but consider themselves loyal to the Jedi Order.

The Jedi temple on Coruscant is being expanded. For most of the last hundred years the temple has been a tiny hermitage, with the Jedi having no true 'center' but being distributed around the galaxy in a loose alliance with the Republic. The closest thing to a 'center' would be the great Jedi library and academy on Ossus. It's only with the beginning of the Mandalorian Wars that there's definite mention of the High Council, and the temple becoming the training center for jedi. Prior to this era, while some jedi trained at the Academy on Ossus and others in various hermitages scattered throughout the Republic, it was also entirely common for jedi to be trained by their masters without ever being introduced to the Council and the Temple for 'approval' of any sort. So in the last century, the jedi have been gradually moving away from a coalition of independent warrior-monks, some of whom voluntarily came together to create hermitages and to deal with local governments and support the Republic, to a more organized "central school" mentality. This is kind of hinted at in my character's background.

If the year is 3976 BBY (roughly the start of the Mandalorian Wars), then the last great Sith Lord in the Old Sith Wars was killed about two decades ago, as a consequence of which the library on Ossus was ravaged. As a result of the destruction of the Library and Academy at Ossus, the jedi spread out a great deal and cached their secrets and artifacts in storehouses all over the galaxy, rather than clustering them in one place.

As a result of this recent disaster, the creation of the Temple and the re-centralization of the Jedi order does NOT sit well with many Jedi.

This is one of many reasons why Revan was able to draw so many to his cause so quickly.

From the Wookieepedia, with some bolding on my part:
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
As of the Mandalorian Wars the High Council existed in its permanent, twelve-member form, headquartered in the High Council Chamber in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. With several satellite councils overseeing different regions of the galaxy, the Council established a traditional Chamber of Conclave in the Jedi Temple, requesting members of these satellite councils report to the High Council annually.[8] During the Mandalorian Wars, the Council advised all Jedi not to involve themselves in the war. While trying to keep the Order together, the High Council was forced to deal with the repeated failures of the Tarisian Jedi Council in capturing one of their charges "responsible" for the death of his classmates. Recalling the Tarisian Jedi to Coruscant, the High Council dissolved the administrative body and closed the academy on Taris. Unbeknownst to the Council, the group was secretly a part of a secret society within the Order, led by the retired Jedi Seer Krynda Draay.[9] Not long after, the Council appointed Master Draay's son, Lucien, to the High Council on the recommendations of Draay's advisor, Haazen. Council members Vrook Lamar and Vandar Tokare reasoned that this appointment would help them get to the bottom of the massacre on Taris, which had remained unresolved as the Council continued to temper the growing number of Jedi that wished to engage the Mandalorians.

Soon after Draay's appointment, another Tarisian Council member, Master Xamar, confessed the truth of the Padawan massacre and the existence of the Covenant. Giving Master Krynda Draay full immunity in exchange for Xamar's confession, Master Lamar led a strike force against the Draay Estate, intent on arresting the traitorous Jedi and quelling another schism. During the assault, Haazen revealed his intent to control the Jedi Order and supplement it with Sith by eliminating the High Council, executing Operation: Vindication, which saw the destruction of the estate, and his own death. Following the debacle, the Republic and the High Council both agreed to cover up the incident as a Mandalorian terror attack, and also exonerated the accused Padawan Zayne Carrick and his associate Marn Hierogryph.[10]

Meanwhile, the Council was dealing with several outspoken members of the Order who disagreed with the High Council's neutrality in the ongoing war. Preaching patience and restraint against the Mandalorians, the Council originally condemned the impetuousness of Jedi Revan and Malak until a group of Masters experienced a vision of the Mandalorians massacring the people of Cathar. Sanctioning the splinter group, the Revanchists led the Republic to a victory against the Mandalorians.[11] Following the war, a single Revanchist returned to Coruscant to face the Council's judgment. Voting unanimously, the Council excommunicated the Jedi from the Order for disobeying their original call to neutrality.[10]

The Mandalorians...

Hm. I think we might be in 3963 BBY, the Siege of Taris, or maybe I'm wrong. I'm guessing based on how this campaign started in a previous incarnation.

This page probably contains too much information.

TL;DR version: in this era, the Jedi High Council is considered fairly new, is trying to establish its power by having regional councils report to it, is breaking the decision to distribute the Jedi's artifacts and knowledge made at the fall of Ossus by creating a new Temple and new Library and new Academy on Coruscant. Many Jedi think this isn't a great idea (putting all the eggs in one basket again). Many Jedi also are not entirely keen on the degree of Council oversight, as it is reducing Jedi autonomy on the fringes. Add to that a giant scary invasion by Mandalorian supersoldiers influenced by the Sith, that the Council is pretending 'doesn't concern us.'

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.


That worked out pretty well! Lust gave you the 'galactic level' overview and I sort of gave you the 'stuff that might influence how your padawan was trained' view. ;D

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Inerrant Lust on May 28, 2014, 11:45:42 PM
I am very tempted to add more house rules... but I also don't want to burden everyone with a bunch of things to remember. I have been looking at other house rules online and I found one that I might use instead of 'tempting' PCs with free dark side powers.

Basically, every time you take Force Training- you get 1 more force power... but it must have the dark side descriptor.

You mean on top of every other benefit of force training? Nice.


Quote from: Laughing Hyena on May 29, 2014, 12:30:37 AM
You mean on top of every other benefit of force training? Nice.

Shiny candy! Mustn't eat the shiny candy! It's bad for you!

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.


@Innerant Lust: Is that "buy force Training, gain [darkside] force power for free" deal Go?
( And to follow up question, as Cathar's are quite savage race (much like wookies, who have Rage as racia ability, and gain no darkside points for it) if Cathar Force user uses Rage power, would it give Darkside point normally, (or like some house rules, there would be Will DC (situational hardness) or gain DFP). )

Inerrant Lust

Considering the relative ease with which it is to remove a dark side point (a force point can be used to lower your DS score by 1) then, I would say that there is no will save DC. Besides, a will save DC doesn't exactly make sense... you're making a conscious effort to use an inherently evil ability- nothing is really compelling you to but your own emotions. That's all roleplaying. :P

I suppose then, for the sake of making it more standardized and less dependent on DM fiat- yes, you gain one [darkside] power with every purchase of Force Training.



@I.Lust: What is the closing date of Apps btw?


New aplication.  This is an audition for the roll of Marin's Aprentice: 

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name:      Jono Rha
Class:      Jedi 5
Species:   Twi'lek

Age      17
Build      Toned, but small, sleek, and lythe. 
Height      5'5”   
Weight      135lbs
Skin      Soft Blue
Eyes      Golden
Style      Jono favors black trousers and a light matching shirt.  His belt buckle, buttons, and cuff links are polished copper—as is the handle of his green bladed light saber. 
   Jono is a gentle hearted young man, compassionate and empathic.  In many ways he embodies the light side of the Force, and is particularly skilled with powers that draw strongly on the Light Side.  Though he is quick to forgive, cruelty and atrocity can awaken a terrible rage in him. 
   Jono has two hobbies.  Dancing and the yo yo. 

History:   Jono's great aunt, Mikaela Rha, was a renowned and well respected jedi, one of many from Jono's family.  He was very young when his parents sent him away.   He remembers the tears in their eyes, but also remembers their expressing great pride in what he was to become. 
   Particularly as a child, Jono's serenity showed him to be especially in touch with the light side of the force.  Those who knew of Marin's tendency to mirror the force users around her considered him a logical choice to be paired with her as padawan learner.  Jono has done very well under her tutelage. 

Dark Side Points   0
Destiny Points      ?
Force Points      7

Strength   10   +0
Dexterity   14   +2
Constitution   12   +1
Intelligence   12   +1
Wisdom   13   +1
Charisma   19   +4

Hit Points   45

Fortitude   15   +1   +1   +2   =19
Reflex      15   +1   +2   +0   =18
Will      15   +1   +1   +0   =17

Base Attack   +5
Melee         +5
Missile/Finesse   +7

Light Saber      +7
Damage      2d8+2 (+4 vs. Dark Side)

Force Training
Jedi Heritage (Rebellion Erra Pg. 34)
Skill Focus: Use the Force
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Proficiency: Light Sabers
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Force Power Suite
Dark Rage (DS)
Force Light (LS)
Negate Energy
Sever Force (LS)
Vital Transfer (LS)

Acrobatics      2   +5   +2   +0   +0   =d20+9
Deception      2   +0   +4   +0   +0   =d20+6   1 Reroll
Initiative      2   +0   +2   +0   +0   =d20+4
Perception      2   +0   +1   +0   +0   =d20+3
Use the Force      2   +5   +4   +5   +0   =d20+16

Dark Side Sense
Dark Side Scourge

All Temperature Cloak
Aquata Breather
2 Copper Yo Yo. 
Credit Stick
Fusion Lantern
Utility Belt (no tool kit?) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

Laughing Hyena

I have no idea where you guys keep pulling these numbers from! Look at my sheet because clearly I am missing some big time stuff here! ^_^


@Hyena: What numbers? Class bonuses? (to saves its level, to damage its ½level)


Quote from: Inerrant Lust on May 28, 2014, 10:59:44 PM
I am extremely tempted to reduce the BaB and level requirements of all prestige classes by 4... making them accessible by level 3 a la the advanced classes of D20 Modern.

This is a bad idea, since they gain higher defenses which are meant to counteract that bonuses to ability scores characters get.

They're at that level for a reason, and it wouldn't be a good idea to screw with the numbers.

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Miroque on May 29, 2014, 03:41:26 AM
@Hyena: What numbers? Class bonuses? (to saves its level, to damage its ½level)

Yeah thats what i was looking for. ^_^


Quote from: Inerrant Lust on May 28, 2014, 11:45:42 PM
Mostly because it would give characters, both PCs and NPCs, more options to play around with.

I am very tempted to add more house rules... but I also don't want to burden everyone with a bunch of things to remember. I have been looking at other house rules online and I found one that I might use instead of 'tempting' PCs with free dark side powers.

Basically, every time you take Force Training- you get 1 more force power... but it must have the dark side descriptor.

Well... let me try to establish the scene;

A few decades ago, the Republic was at war with the Sith Lords Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma (and their supporters). The Republic beat them and basically scattered the Sith into hiding. The Mandalorians (A clan-based of warriors that worship battle) supported the Sith but were also handily beaten. They were humiliated and more or less exiled back to their corner of the galaxy.

In the decades since, the Mandalorians have been modernizing- moving away from tribal individuals that glorify personal combat to an organized military force dedicated to professional warfighting. They have been conquering nearby worlds and conscripting millions into their clans, as well as building massive factory-planets. They are backed by a lineage honed in war and have been kicking the Republic's ass.

The Jedi have refused to join the war because the Council senses a greater threat- one that will supposedly arise from their involvement in the war. A Jedi knight Revan exposes the Mandalorians' genocide of Cathar and this prompts a great deal of his fellow knights (and some masters, even) to join the war against the Council's warning.

I like that rule after all wouldn't all Jedi have to potentially be able to tap the Dark Side to know the force who study the force, they just don't use it. That is the secret temptation of the Dark Side Yoda could do this power or this way to use it and he chooses not to. That is why he is a true Jedi Master.

Inerrant Lust

If you are looking for a quick reference, try this to find certain things.

Inerrant Lust

I've made my decision. It was difficult, and I was really loathe to turn away some of your character concepts... but ultimately I decided to look for more OOC compatibility and who would, in my opinion, help this game's survivability.

So, it came down to...
Laughing Hyena

Sorry everyone else. :(