Selena's Love Story Ideas. [UN]

Started by Selena, September 05, 2008, 08:39:08 PM

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Okay, I was listening to a song ( Song: Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore - Bon Jovi with LeAnn Rimes. ) and I got a couple of ideas for a game.

Idea One:
A story of two newly weds that are strangers as they had their wedding arranged when they were only children. They had only briefly met a couple of times before they got married, and really don't know each other at all. Now they're married, the game would be about them learning about each other, and the ups and downs of learning to love someone that you don't know. Both very young and innocent, it would be a long time before they felt truly comfortable with each other, so I would like their emotional relationship to develop before anything physical came into it. So if you like a fast moving game, mostly about sex and such this game probably isn't for you. I really just want this game to be a gentle love story.

Idea Two:
This one is another love story, but its more like Lady and the Tramp. One of the characters would be in a different class or a different race than the other and maybe already involved with someone, and they'd have an affair. He would maybe work for her, and be forced to see her every day with her husband, while at stealing away at times to see him. The game would be them dealing with the fact they can't be together properly, trying to overcome their differences and trials. Again I'd want it to be more than just about the physical side of the relationship and be more of a starcrossed lovers kind of game.

Another Random idea which came to me listening to a song. ( Song: There You'll Be - Faith Hill. )

Idea Three:
Two strangers find themselves in a bomb shelter in the second world war as a German air raid hits. The male is preferably part of the home guard, or someone that's just about to sign up to the army. The story would be about them getting to know each other and helping each other through the long night of bombing, consoling each other and such. Hopefully if the game went well, we could extend it after the raid and play out more of the war. Though the whole plot and what will happen is open to discussion. Granted I haven't thought this one out much, but it just came to me, and I've been up all night so yeah.

For both games, I'd like to get to know the person a little before we start as I'm rather shy. Also, we can discuss the characters and settings, and make sure we agree with each others Ons & Offs before starting.

I would like to play the part of the girl in both games, but I don't mind of a male or female plays the part of the guy.

Here is my current game to see my writing, though keep in mind these games are a lot different to the one I am doing at the moment, and a lot less about the sexual side of things.

The Luck Of The Irish.

I'm trying to better my vocab and description so I can write better posts, so please bare with me. :]

If you have any questions, feel free to Pm me.

( Sorry if this post isn't very good. It's my first time putting up ideas. xD )
Under Construction. (:


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Under Construction. (:



Aha, well...We can talk about it also?

I really want to see people's writing and stuff before I commit any of the games to them.
>.>; Just to make sure their writing is compatible with my own. :]
Under Construction. (:


Under Construction. (:


Well honestly I'd need to know more about the role play. Arranged marriage is rare in the modern world.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Quote from: Inkidu on September 06, 2008, 07:43:30 AM
Well honestly I'd need to know more about the role play. Arranged marriage is rare in the modern world.

Admitedly I haven't thought it out intirely.
I was hoping I could work out the kinks with the other person. >.>

These are just really the basic ideas to work from.
Under Construction. (:


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Yeah, like. They're open to disccusion and change?
Under Construction. (:


No, no its uh spelled entirely, sweetheart.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Quote from: Inkidu on September 06, 2008, 08:03:08 AM
No, no its uh spelled entirely, sweetheart.

Oh sorry.
I've been up all night and its now 2pm.

I'm a little tired.
Under Construction. (:


If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Under Construction. (:

The American Patriot

Quote from: Inkidu on September 06, 2008, 07:43:30 AM
Arranged marriage is rare in the modern world.

Actually, I hate to butt-in. But arranged marriage is more prevelent today in the modern western world than you'd realize. Especially with immigrant families form the asian countries (southwest, southeast and other asian countries). It's strange, but most arranged marraiges seem to work out better than traditional ones.
"Do you have any idea how we are talking about here? We are talking about the 'Butcher of Keiv'... The 'Cakemaker of Keiv' could kick all of our asses, and we are talking about the 'BUTCHER of Kevi'... Does that tell you anything?"

Story of the Accident...


I am interested in the second idea.

Do you have any more information on the setting/appearance/ethnicity (of the lovers)/time period?


Quote from: Aiden on September 07, 2008, 03:49:20 AM
I am interested in the second idea.

Do you have any more information on the setting/appearance/ethnicity (of the lovers)/time period?

Most of my ideas are just the raw outline, open for discussion about the finer details.
I guess I thought that would help me get to know the other person before the game starts. Lol.
Under Construction. (: