Some different twists on old tales and some new ones mXF FXF

Started by seeker619, May 21, 2014, 06:22:29 PM

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The girl your dating is sister just so you know.--About a guy  who finds papers saying he was adopted and from the identifying info his girlfriend is his sister-

Class Project-Sexy chemistry teacher is teaching biochem to gifted students of about 16 or 17 and they just try and make her pass out in class and put it on you tube but instead when she wakes she is boy crazy and nobody knows if they should report her or themselves, or just enjoy the fun.  Then perhaps weren't you feeling tired?????

Stranded-Two people from work hate each other and find they booked the same cruise and with a big boat it was just majorly annoying.  When they wind up alone on a life raft it is their worst nightmare until they realize they have landed on a deserted island and have to survive together or kill each other.

Human keeps surviving attacks from dead succubi-She was a target by them as she had proof of them so many succubi were sent to feed on her and Leave her dead but instead the opposite happened.  She wound up outliving all of them but couldn't figure out why all of these woman kept dying in her bed.  That is a different part of the story we will discuss but what gave her the immunity?

Waking up after an accident to see the man examining your private area was the boy you teased in high school so badly that they say he needed therapy for a year--You are at first mortified, then feeling like maybe you are ill and he drugged you until finally you just look forward to your check ups.

Forcing the queen to trade herself for her country-A country is broke and war with the invaders has only depleted food stores and taken away any manufacturing.  But they control one element the other side cannot defeat them without.  Only torture them to death.  The King of the invading country says he will restore money, jobs, infrastructure, and any other assistance if the lovely queen becomes his slave.

Overpowering the Harem Mistress-Once you discover you have been drugged along with the other men you drug the Mistress and she is now putty in your hands.  You release the other men and have her for a meal three times a day.