The Portal Between Worlds; A Pathfinder Adventure.

Started by Blinkin, April 15, 2014, 04:07:41 PM

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The concept

It’s game night, and you’re in a hurry to get to the Student Union. Your GM, Professor Arthur Merdin has promised a new campaign that will “drag your heart, body and soul” into it’s depths. A step up from the usual exciting and entertaining sessions that you have come to expect from the talented GM over the last few months has you anxious to get to the session before it begins.

You are part of a group of 5 university students (Age 17-24) who have been role-playing together, under the GM-ship of Professor Arthur Merdin, the head of the Archeology department of the university. Merdin, a gifted story-teller and GM has spun out tales, scenes and worlds in such vivid detail that you can almost see them in your mind and provided such an amazing adventure that you can’t think of anyone who has missed a session since you’ve joined the group. It’s been worth losing a Friday evening for the fun of the experience.

As you enter the wood paneled room with it’s large, well used conference table, you see Professor Merdin already sitting in his usual seat, a battered briefcase that he uses as a GM screen open on the table. You take your usual seat and greet the other players; all of them familiar faces by now and if not real friends, you know them well enough to understand their style, taste and interest; even if you accidentally call one or two by their character names sometimes

As Professor Merdin lowers the lights in the room, you set out the tools of the trade. The carefully painted miniature of your character, the bag of dice and character sheet; the pencil and pad for notes… followed by whatever else you feel necessary for a night of gaming. As you settle in, the battery operated candelabra comes to life from it’s place in the center of the table; the corners of the room fall into gloom. The only thing that you hear is the ticking of the old clock on the wall between two now dark paintings of former university leaders as everyone goes quiet and the stage is set.

“As promised,” Merdin’s deep baritone comes out of the darkness behind the briefcase, only his bright blue eyes seem to appear over it’s top, “Tonight, you embark on a new journey. An adventure unlike any that you have had before… one filled with unparallel danger and unseen possibilities… if you’re strong enough… and smart enough to take them.” His voice, although low seems to fill the room in the same dramatic way that it
has each time for months; almost as if it were echoing up from a deep, dark tunnel. “You may continue to use these characters that you know so well, or create a new one. I would, however, suggest that you stay with the one that you know so well at this point.”

A voice pops up from the side of the table, “I’ll stick with this one, and I like him.” And then, “Do we want to order pizza now, or wait for a break?”

From another figure across from you, a soft whisper that no one could miss, “I snuck in beer.” Then a grin at Merdin, “you didn’t hear that Professor.” Followed by some chuckles.

Once the questions have been settled, Merdin continues, “When last we paused, you were camped for the night in the Forest of Everwood; your victory over the ogre raiders a heroic tale that will spread from the beleaguered village a few miles to the west to the surrounding countryside. The leafless branches of the winter-sleeping trees does nothing to hide the full red moon or stars above as you each slowly drift off into the sleep of the jus-“

“Umm, Professor…. Didn’t we set a watch? I think we set a watch.”

A soft, deep and somehow sinister voice comes from behind the briefcase, “Did you?” The player’s chuckle and Merdin looks about the gathered role-players, “Who is the victim, I mean guard this night?” The matter is quickly settled and the sound of a coke can being opened fills the silence a moment before Merdin continues, “But, you awake to a different place. You are lying on a grassy hillside, laid out in a semi circle on your backs; a chilly wind blows across your skin in a constant breeze as you stare up into a night sky filled with stars. The sounds of thunder booms in the distance. In spite of all of this, you feel warm, moist air about you… not far from where you lay are 3 large chest that appear to be bound with brass and made of a strange, dark wood.”

Even as Merdin’s baritone flows over you, you suddenly feel light headed as a sensation of vertigo washes over you and your stomach threatens to rebell only a moment before the room goes dark…

What seems like years later, Your eyes open slowly, feeling incredibly heavy as you gaze up at a night sky filled with stars of every imaginable color… far, far too many stars… eclipsed by a red moon. A chilled breeze blows across your skin as the sounds of thunder come to you in the distance… you smell salt water in the humid, warm air that caresses your bare skin… it’s at that moment that you realize that you’re naked and laying on a grassy hillside; 3 wooden chest lay a few yards away in a line in the grass. The brass fittings gleaming strangely in the reddish moonlight.

You are playing a college student who is a role-player. During a gaming session, your character is transported, via methods unknown to him or her, into the body of his fantasy character and the world in which he, or she, inhabits, for purposes yet unknown. The college students know each other fairly well, the fantasy characters know each other very well and can work together. MUST work together to survive and succeed at their task.

The catch: The fantasy characters are alive; have been living their own lives in their own world in paralell to the decisions and actions that the role-players have been playing them. But, these fantasy people have minds of their own, feelings and ambitions, goals and desires all of their own and they may not take kindly to sudddenly being pushed into the back of their own minds by some strange mind with even stranger ideas. They are going to want their bodies back and will, at least occasionally, try to excert what control that they might to influence the role-players. They know things that you don't, but you know everything that they do about how to do things, how to use weapons and a lot about the wrold. It's up to you how you deal with the voice in your head and come to terms because both of you need each other to get the job done. Some may be in the mind set of, "Hey Friend, how about you do it this way..." while others may simply scream "Get out of my body you mutherfucking bastard!" It's all up to you on how you come to terms, but terms must be set to co-exist.

Character Generation

All character information is to be directed to me via PM. DO NOT post it in thread. You may, if desired, share information about the Role-player character’s background and personality that you feel would be common knowledge among the others once character generation is complete. I do things this way to preserve the illusion of secrets and surprises that players may want to use during play or as sub-plot points for their characters.

I will keep all information on my hard-drive for reference purposes.

The Role-player

This will be fairly basic, as most of it will be short term and only relate to how the role-player’s mind works and interacts with it’s host. You may be as detailed as you wish, but I will probably ask questions to clarify things for my own mind.

Sexual Orientation:
Minor: (If Any)

Brief Physical Description: (Include anything out of the normal, prominent birth-marks, disabilities, quirks or mannerisms as well as a brief overview of the character on a physical level. Pics may be used, but as they do not help me, you’ll have to describe him/her to me)
Personality: (What is the character like, strengths, flaws, biases and so on? Anything that you feel may have a bearing on the character in how he/she acts and responds to things in his/her environment. Detail is good here.)
Hobbies, interest, etc: (What does he/she do for fun besides role-playing?)
Background: (The events that shaped the character into which he or she is today. Anything that you feel would be common knowledge or have a bearing on the character as a whole. Detail is good here as well.)
Relationships with other Role-players: (If any, feel free to discuss this with other players to see if there’s more than a friendship involved.

Note: An XP reward will be given for exceptional efforts on this facet of the character(s) story, if the character is selected for the game.

The Character

First, character Generation guidelines. I know this will possibly loose some of you, but everything is actually for a reason for the story arch.

Races: I’m looking for a classic, traditional feel to the story and game. Because of this, I am only allowing the core races of the Pathfinder system. This adds up to Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves/orcs, Halflings and Humans. I know this will not sit well with players who like the less rare and higher RP races, but there are story driven reasons for this decision.

Classes: Because they don’t really fit with the story and world that I’m building, Pscionics, gun-slingers and summoners will not be allowed. I will, however, allow classes from the Advanced Class Guide on a case by case basis to make up for this restriction.

Starting Level: 5th
Ability Scores: Point buy, 28 points. Place racial modifiers. Don't forget the +1 bonus at 4th level that can be added to any 1 ability score.racial modifiers.
Hit die: Full class HD+Con at 1st level. You have an option for 2nd through 5th levels.
1.   Roll hit die as normal for the class, adding con modifiers as normal.
2.   Take ½+1 of the class hit die+Con modifier

Once the method is selected, this is the method that you will use for the rest of the game. You may not switch back and forth to get the better of the two results. If you’re playing a fighter using the ½+1 HD option, at 5th level (without con bonus), you’ll have 34 HP.+Con bonus. If you use the random roll, you might have anywhere from 5 to 50 HP with the average being 25-30 HP before con bonuses. But you’re stuck with whatever you choose to do at generation.

Traits: 2
Flaws: 1 (if you choose to take a flaw, it WILL be played.
Starting Gold: As per the advancement tables for Pathfinder at 5th level. You may not spend more than half of this amount on any single item.

Bonus Item: Because I’m a kind and generous GM, everyone gets a Handy Haversack for free.

New Feat: Rogue’s Skill: This feat grants the character the skill points of a rogue at each level advancement, regardless of class. The character looses their normal class skill point amounts as a result. This feat must be taken at character generation, at 1st level.

Effect: The character trades his normal skill point allotment for his class for that of a rogue’s skill point amount. This Does not grant any other bonus such as class skills or other bonuses.

Did I miss anything?

Any questions may be directed to me via PM, or on this interest thread. Because of the number of interested parties, I will be making player selections based upon the characters backgrounds and personalities.


Because I want this game to go for the long term. Any player who does not respond in game, or give notice in the upcoming OOC thread after a week (7 days), will be notified via PM. If the player does not respond via PM within 3 days, the character will be considered forfeit and free for the GM to use as he pleases to further the storyline. This may include death or severe bodily injury. This sounds harsh, but be sure that you want in for the long haul before we get started. I depend on you, as does your fellow players to make a successful and fun experience and it is both unkind and unacceptable to not put the effort into the game that your fellow payers deserve.

The golden rules… or the 2 commandments.

1.   There will be no tolerance for stealing from a fellow party member. Any attempt to do so, for any reason will be met with the wrath of GOD (GM On Duty)… that would be me. I have seen table-top groups fall apart over this kind of activity and we all know Forum-play is even less stable. So, just don’t do it. You can scheme, plot, plan, double-cross, lie to and otherwise deceive your fellow players to your hearts content, but you will not steal from them.
2.   2. No attempt to kill, or seriously harm another party member will be tolerated. This will be met with a 10 foot meteorite from the sky driving said character into the ground like a 10 penny nail… but yet, no one will even see it… “Where the big rock come from? Where’s Billy bo?” IE, the character will suddenly and messily disappear from the world. You can punch, slap, kick, say bad things and otherwise argue amongst yourselves, you can hate each other and plan to hire an assassin, but the moment a blow that does lethal damage appears…. You disappear. Again, I have seen groups fall apart over this and I’ll not deal with it.

These rules are not too hard to follow, they should be fairly common sense, but I sometimes find myself wondering where common sense has gone to…

Important note: Because I will be portraying the personalities of these characters while the role-player occupies the body for the majority of the time, it is important that the personalities and motivations of these characters be particularly well thought out. S that I may portray them accurately.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.



Metro Mech

Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


Well, that's 4 interested parties. We'll leave this open and up for a few more days to see if anyone else states an interest. Thank all of you for letting me know that there is interest for the concept. :)
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


This actually seems like it would be really funny. Count me in.


  I loved it when you ran this in second editon, Blinkin, it would be great to try again. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Ah I changed my mind. I probably don't have enough time. For this game.


Ah, Mr. Muse. I thought that I would see you appear sooner than later. ;)
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: ulthakptah on April 16, 2014, 12:46:45 AM
Ah I changed my mind. I probably don't have enough time. For this game.

I'm sorry to hear that. The more, the marrier, but I'll wish you much enjoyment on your other games.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.

Callie Del Noire

Heh, I see what inspired that. 

Ave to think on an idea that doesn't go by the name Karl Cullinane.


Nor will we want to see Walter Slavoski (sp?). Yes, I read the series by Rosenberg many, many moons ago, the game concept is only loosely based upon the opening and the fact that a portal exist between the worlds. Beyond that, there is little, or no relation between the series and my own concept... I just thought that it was a fun way to put in some inner tormoil and play a game.

So, does that mean that you're interested?
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


How many people are you planning to take at the maximum?

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Blinkin on April 16, 2014, 01:07:50 PM
Nor will we want to see Walter Slavoski (sp?). Yes, I read the series by Rosenberg many, many moons ago, the game concept is only loosely based upon the opening and the fact that a portal exist between the worlds. Beyond that, there is little, or no relation between the series and my own concept... I just thought that it was a fun way to put in some inner tormoil and play a game.

So, does that mean that you're interested?

It's one of my favorite fantasies. So yeah.

Metro Mech

Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


I'm interested. Is this game going to be freeform or system based?


Quote from: Chaeronea on April 16, 2014, 02:37:48 PM
I'm interested. Is this game going to be freeform or system based?

Pathfinder in the title kinda implies system ;)



I'm looking for 4 to 6 consistant, reliable players. I would actually like to have around 8 or 9 interested people to make sure that I get the 4 to 6. When I start laying out character(s) generation guidelines, I'll lose a couple... not that I'm going to be difficult on generation, but I will be asking for more than the usual detail on personality and background and not using a point buy system.


It is a system based game. Pathfinder to be specific, and all of the material that you'll need can be found on the d20 site for the game.


Rosenberg was actually the first fantasy book that I read. After him, I moved on to Eddings and the other big names of the time, but Rosenberg will always have a soft place. It helped that I was a role-player at the time and I liked how it was done in the book.

More Info Dump Stuff...

Obviously, the "Real world" role-players will awake in the game to find themselves in the bodies of their RP characters, in the world that Prof. Merdin had described and had them active in during play. So, the characters will know something of the world, the basic factions, general rules of etiquette and a general idea of where some things are in relation to others. Rather than do a massive info dump at the beginning of the game, I'll be dropping information in during play as it's needed.

The Real WorldCharacters, called RPers for less confusion, know their characters as well as anyone who creates a character knows their creations. They also know whatever is reasonably acceptible in regards to their majors and life experiences based upon their background.

Here is the catch. The fantasy characters, simply called Characters for less confusion, have been living their lives in sequence with the descisions and actions of the RPers. BUT they are real, active and determined people who have just had their bodies pre-empted by a stranger. They aren't going to be thrilled and are in the back of the mind. They will try to influence the RPers,take control when possible and generally range in attitude from "hey friend, you don't want to do that to us..." to "Get out of my body you muther-fucking bastard!" It's up to the players how the personalities of each are portrayed, but I will be doing most of the inner communication and portrayals based upon the personalities you provide for the Characters. I think that this will add some interesting twist as if the RPers aren't careful, they may do something that isn't their idea, or find that they are getting free advice at the least appropriate moment.

The RPers have complete and total access to the skills, abilities and powers of the Characters. They may not realize it immediately, but some thought will bring up information. The Characters won't know anything about what's going on and probably not be happy about things. This is a major part of the game and it's up to you how the RPer and the Character end up working together to get the job done. There may be objectionable material in the game, so be warned; non-consent and slavery are only two areas that will pop up... thngs may be very interesting for those playing two opposite sexes and that will be fun to say the least.

Any questions?
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Metro Mech

No questions here but other then what does the sheet look like?
Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


The sheet looks more or less whatever you want it to look like. Mythweavers and Plothook produce one automatically if you use one of those, but as long as all of the information is there, I don't care much what it looks like. I can send you the format that I use in a word document if you like.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.

Metro Mech

Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


Not that I have considered. Character generation will be fairly standard and along with the rules. I will be limiting the class list, but offering alternatives that are pathfinder approved... I will be restricting 3rd party material, but otherwise, it's pretty standard. I'll reveal more when I have an idea of who's interested and what's going on.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


I'm also interested in joining. I've played in a similar game before, but the addition of warring souls occupying the same body adds an intriguing twist. I'm thinking that my character could be an architecture major with a love of castles and other old buildings. And that interest led to her discovering roleplaying and Pathfinder.