The Hero Project - [Recruiting]

Started by MzHyde, April 08, 2014, 12:18:37 PM

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In the far future, one in three people are born with super powers.

Science still hasn't found concrete proof as to why. The current prevailing theory points to the invention of the Electronic Valet Chip (or, EV-Chip) system as the catalyst. Using nanobots, neural transmitters, and microchips installed under the skin, humans could now carry around their own electronic assistants with customizable appearances and personalities. These programs, thanks to wiring behind the eye, could appear like holograms in front of the user, dispensing advice and information on the fly, as well as alerting the user to e-mails, messages, or search for answers over the internet. The complex system used the body's own magnetic field and energy for power, meaning it would never run out, never malfunction thanks to redundant systems and self-repairing nanobots, and would never need maintenance. The EV system allowed the user to forget many of their worries and, for once, just focus on living and enjoying life. Initially, there was much worry that the EV system would make people lazy, but it had the opposite effect; with inconsequential worries taken care of by the EV, people finally started to enjoy life to it's fullest.  With it's popularity growing, the EV system soon became cheaper, affordable by the masses and, soon after that, required by law. EV-Chips were installed in newborns, giving little boys and girls their own babysitters, linked with their parents' EV's. Bills were soon paid with the EV's help, news and TV programs could be streamed to them, everything could be done with EV's. So, with all of many of life's annoyances and quirks taken care of on it's own, the human brain was finally left free to grow and change.

The first Powered Individual was an anomaly, but soon there was an explosion of these births and, after many years, there were soon more people with powers than without. Costumed heroes and villains became reality. Soon, there were Powered Individual's (PI's) on the police force, in the government, and in the military. Powers vary wildly, from the boring and nearly useless (such as being able to talk to plants, or using sunshine to sustain oneself) all the way to the cataclysmic (being able to cause explosions, manipulating gravity). New government groups had to be formed to study, observe, and aid PI's. One such group is The Olympians, a government-sanctioned group of extremely strong, clever, or skilled PI's that help defend the country from threats both within and without. Some PI's are happy just living normal lives, some become Freelancers - protecting their own city or neighborhood, or taking missions for pay - while others want to aspire to more; they want to be part of The Olympians.

Thus begins The Hero Project.

A massive undertaking combining reality TV and a government-sponsored tryout for The Olympians. In a combined effort between the United States Government and Diable Electronics (creators of the EV-Chip), a massive studio the size of a three-story mall has been constructed. It contains a manor, a stadium, training arenas, shopping centre, and other facilities to house prospective PI's, train them, and hold the contest that will allow a select few to become members of the few, the proud, The Olympians. Live on national TV, with their every waking moment filmed, these PI hopefuls will compete with and against each other for a coveted spot on the nation's highest paying, most illustrious taskforce.

And you're one of them.



TL:DR VERSION: It's the future. There are a lot of people being born with superpowers. The help fill a government-sponsored Justice League-like faction, a reality TV show is being held in which various hopeful heroes will compete to earn as spot on said super team. Expect action, betrayal, drama, laughs, and sex with people in tight-fitting costumes.

Terms & Power Levels
EV-Chip: The Electronic Valet, a microchip and nanobot system integrated with the human body from birth. The EV provides every man, woman, and child, a personal assistant that helps them learn, grow, and accomplish everyday tasks with ease. Made by Diable Electronics and thought to have led to the emergence of the first Powered Individual. Each EV is fully customizable, representing itself as a hologram with a form, voice, and personality of the user's choice. The EV is part of the user's own body structure and thanks to the nanobots, it will not be destroyed by elemental PI's that engulf themselves in fire, ice, or other harmful substances. It can even remain with the user through teleportation or molecular reconstruction.

The Olympians: Government-sponsored United States PI group, tasked with the defense of the United States from threats both powered and non-powered within and without. The current branch resides in Washington, DC and consists of eight members; HercuLina, Riptide, Hellfire, Komodo, The Blacksmith, Hard Drive, Crossfire, and Thrall. The Hero Project winners will be part of a brand new West Coast branch which will consist of the six winners and HercuLina as branch leader.

Power Scale: The following is a listing of official levels of power, as categorized by the US government. The level of power is determined by factors such as; nature of power, destructive capability of power, PI personality and behavior, and PI intelligence and combat training.
---Gene-Hazard:Derogatory slang term that can refer to; an individual who has become heavily mutated or disfigured by their power, an individual who's power has gone out of control, or an individual who simply does not have the mental capacity to control said power. It is also sometimes used to refer to villains in general.
---Meek: Derogatory slang term that refers to normal, non-powered civilians. This does not include Class C individuals; civilians that do not have powers but are registered as heroes due to extensive combat training or enhanced technology.
---Class C: A PI with a power set that is not useful enough to fight crime with. For example; someone able to talk (and only talk) with plants or animals. Someone able to sustain themselves on sunlight. Someone able to heal, but at an extremely slow rate or in a small area. While considered PI's, they typically do not register to become heroes. Class C PI's make up the majority of PI's, equating to roughly 70%.
---Class B: A non-powered individual that is still registered as a hero due to either (a) extensive combat ability, (b) advanced technology, or (c) some combination of a and b. For example, The Blacksmith; a powered armor-wearing hero who uses advanced weaponry and defense systems to do battle with threats.
---Class A: What one might typically refer to as a 'superhero'. These PI's posses abilities that can be weaponized in some way. An example of the powers a Class A might have are; flight, super speed, elemental control, super strength, telekenisis, invisibility, accelerated healing, or weather manipulation. Class A PI's are under more scrutiny from the government and have stricter registration requirements.
---Paragon: A class reserved for PI's that not only have extremely powerful abilities (or technology), but have also demonstrated the intelligence to use them wisely, the combat aptitude to handle a variety of situations, and the moral fortitude to use their gift in the country's best interests. Any Class A or B individual, with enough experience and training can become a Paragon. The Olympians consist only of Paragaon-level PI's. A Paragon-level PI would be capable of city-wide destruction. They are tightly scrutinized, go through rigorous training and registration, and have every mission analyzed for proper power or tech use.

Below is a sample profile, please use this as a template for your application. Feel free to post it her or PM it to me, whichever you would prefer. As far as Power Class goes, refer to the Terms section above. Your character should be Class A or B, depending on if they actually have powers or not. If you feel you need to add more categories to your character profile, then please feel free to do so, but the ones displayed are the bare minimum and should be included.

Gina, extremely popular in Japan, poses on the cover of 'Gun Freak'

Alias: Crossfire
Identity: Gina Cross
Base of Operation: Washington, D.C.
Power Class: Paragon (Class B)

Background: Hailing from New York City, NY, Gina escaped the rough life she grew up in by joining the military as soon as she could. Sooner, actually. She lied about her age and claimed she was older than she was. With peacekeeping missions abroad in desperate need for more troops, her paperwork was looked over and she was allowed to join at sixteen. Gina excelled at everything the Marines threw at her, scoring high marks in CQC, marksmanship, tactics, and survival. With waning PI interest in joining the military, the US Government sanctioned The Hercules Project, an effort to create super soldiers from scratch. Gina was nominated for the program and, through a combination of gene therapy, enhanced nanomachines, and newly developed serums, she became a super soldier. Going under the nickname 'Crossfire', she worked extensively for the government for many years, conducting clandestine operations overseas. When she came home, she worked freelance for a bit in her home city before being recruited by The Olympians. Some speculate that she shouldn't qualify for Paragon level and, thus, should not be an Olympian, but her government ties allowed her access to the PI group. Gina Cross is now a judge in The Hero Project.

Abilities: Her military training provides her with extensive knowledge of firearms, hand-to-hand combat, explosives, and tactics. That alone makes her an extremely formidable opponent. The Hercules Project, however, endowed her with several enhanced attributes; slower aging, peak physical conditioning, enhanced strength and speed, and the ability to predict, with almost 100% accuracy, an opponents movement. Her expensive, cutting-edge, government-issue EV and nanobots also grant her accelerated healing and almost unerring accuracy with firearms.

Metro Mech

Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


This sounds cool.  I'm thinking a futa with kinetic force control, letting her fly and shoot kinetic energy as a weapon.  Super name Shockwave.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Foxy DeVille


So our characters can be kicked out of the "show" or is it one of those "all the way" shows?


*tosses hat in the ring*
and what sort of morality clauses will there be during the competition?
(meaning smut %)
The queerest of the queer ... I know what's good for you (You can touch me if you want)

My ONs and OFFs


I can't believe someone else plays Choice of Games stuff. I've got both of these games and have played them countless times. I'm in.


1) The initial contest started with thousands dying to enter. This was paired down to hundreds. Then fifty. Then, finally, twenty. That's where the players come in, as part of that twenty that made the cut to the live show. Now, obviously, I don't expect to get twenty people, so the blank spots will be NPC's who will remain, more or less, in the background. As the competition goes on people will be eliminated, ending with a final six winners. If we get six people, or less than six then nobody will be eliminated unless they want to be. If we have more than six, yes, people will be eliminated, but I'll make sure to get rid of the NPC's first and make sure it's exciting the entire way. After all, there is still the typical reality show staples of alliances, romances, and betrayals.

2) You can get as smutty as you like, but remember it's all on live TV!


Very cool...hoe serious vs campy will this be? Is it more Real World/Bachelor/Something trashier or is it more serious heroics with slice of life stuff thrown in? I want to come up with a suitable character :)
The queerest of the queer ... I know what's good for you (You can touch me if you want)

My ONs and OFFs


Leaning more towards the more serious or realistic side of things.


Ok...and I tracked down the game and am exploring it... It's fun :) I like how detailed the world is.
The queerest of the queer ... I know what's good for you (You can touch me if you want)

My ONs and OFFs


I'll be only keeping the core concepts, so don't worry about having to do homework.


This is going to be freeform, right?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Izaya Orihara

Well, if I had to give a reason for my actions, I guess it's because I love people. I guess I wanted to see the faces that mankind has to offer.


"Arrows through your heart."
Master ON/OFF


Inspiring concept! I love the tying in of predictable future technology. Actually helps me conceive of characters more comfortably, I think.


I think I want to come in with an Elemental Controller who has mastery over wind and air... She'd be able to fly, create mini tornadoes around herself to keep people from harming her, send out shearing wind blasts, that sort of thing. Could that work?
The queerest of the queer ... I know what's good for you (You can touch me if you want)

My ONs and OFFs

Metro Mech

Let's see I would want to do something along the lines of a mystic swords man with speed and grace unseen
Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


I will be putting up some more information and character templates later this afternoon, so keep an eye out!


The queerest of the queer ... I know what's good for you (You can touch me if you want)

My ONs and OFFs


"Arrows through your heart."
Master ON/OFF

Foxy DeVille

PM sent to ya!  Hope you like her... ;D


Finally got to send in mine after a few brain farts and situations came about. Hope it's good.
"Arrows through your heart."
Master ON/OFF