World of Warcraft- A love for Anduin (F for an Anduin, writer gender irrelevent)

Started by LamentingQuill, February 28, 2014, 01:24:07 PM

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Okay, so here is the thing.

I came up with an OC character I am rather affectionately fond of, she is Princess Anorrin (Sindarin for Like the Sun), she is the daughter of the late Kael'Thas and then I saw how Anduin had grown up and I just thought he was absolutely wonderful. I wanted to do something between him and Anorrin. Annorin like Anduin, is also a Holy priest, she refuses to indulge in mana the way most of her race does and her eyes are the lovely color of a January sky.

So here is the idea I had:

Anorrin was left as a small girl when her father went to Outlands and she was lovingly raised by Lor'Themar, she made her decision after reaching adulthood that she had no desire to take the throne after what her father did, she did not feel worthy of it and left it in the hands of Lor'Themar.
When the events in Pandaria came about, Anorrin was greatly intrigued by the mysteries of a new world and wished to have an adventure before she finally succumbed to the wishes of her adopted father and took a husband.

However, Lor'Themar being a fiercely protective adoptive father refuses her when she approaches him with the request, unwilling to allow him to venture into the dangerous unknown where he cannot protect her... so what is a princess to do? Stow away on a Horde air ship headed for Pandaria, that's what...

She is unprepared when the air ship crashes in Pandaria, but manages to escape the wreckage unharmed and makes herself scarce before she is discovered by any Orcs and sent home to an angry father.

The plan is that the princess shall run into some kind of trouble out there on her own and Anduin shall jump in to rescue like the noble prince he is ;)


I suppose I will bump this as it is now March, I still really want to do this, I adore Anduin :)