Super Eros and Medieval Heroes - Two Stories

Started by Jester, August 17, 2008, 11:21:44 AM

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I am interested in a couple of tongue in cheek games that include fun, sexy buxom and muscular heroes and lots of sex action.

Super Eros

Max Fender was a Super Hero. One of those few that have been given super power to protect the world and its occupants. He was a minor super hero compared to Superman and many others....or so he thought.

Out there was a female super hero who's powers when combined with his own made them the most powerful duo. Their powers would increase tenfold and villians would fear them.

The only downside was that in order for their powers to be enhanced they would need to be in a state of sexual excitement.  Full sex would make them incredibly powerful while a flash of breast would only increase it by a bit.

Can they keep themselves in a state of sexual tention to save their city?  Cue lots of tight sexy costumers and comic capers.

Medieval Heroes

The King was in trouble. His enemies had all united against him  and three armies were converging on the capital. Even if he had the money no number of soldiers would be able to withstand the threat of Dragons and Giants. 

There was only one thing for it. The king calls back two Heroes of the Realm who were banished a few years ago.

Can the two heroes work together to help the kingdom?

I see the heroes being super sexy and super arrogant. At first they dislike each other immensely but finally they cannot withstand each others sex appeal. 

Maybe the man is a rippling muscled barbarian and the female hero is blonde archer in tight leather outfits.

Let me know if your interested!


I like the 'Medieval Heroes' idea - it sounds a bit like Conan and Jondra in "Conan the Magnificent" (one of the Robert Jordan Conans), or possibly Conan and Karela (from most of the other Robert Jordan Conans :)).


Wanna rp? just pm me your ideas and all. I'm up for it. I need some rps