Looking for a partner

Started by pandorarose3, January 20, 2014, 05:15:34 PM

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I am looking for a partner for a story that I once had with someone else.  I want to keep the base story line but want to play it again.  The story description will be at the end of this post.  The person I am looking for must be willing to play two characters to make this work, you will see why in my description.  Or two people each playing a character, again you will see in the description what I am looking for.

Story description:

A female under cover cop falls in to a dark world of vampires, sex and domination when two vampires desire her, one for her body the other because she is his bride. Two friends become rivals to have her. Who will win her?

This will definitely be a BDSM based story line.  Hope to hear from a partner or two soon.  Below is the link to the intro post.  More information will be given to my partner when they message me.  Please message me before posting thank you.

My O/O Post
Discord: pandorarose3

My request post


This story is still open, and waiting for a partner.  Thought I might have one but not very sure.
My O/O Post
Discord: pandorarose3

My request post


Please still looking.  Only serious people only.  I really am looking to work this story line and know it has a lot of potential.
My O/O Post
Discord: pandorarose3

My request post


Please still looking.  Only serious people only.  I really am looking to work this story line and know it has a lot of potential.
My O/O Post
Discord: pandorarose3

My request post