Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy (Pathfinder)

Started by Inerrant Lust, January 11, 2014, 05:16:41 PM

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Gots some more questions!
Which roles you need filling? A druid can be either a melee or caster druid [not both easily]. As a melee druid would have a nasty companion [10th level] and decent combat ability but not a tank, more a dash in slash and flank type. The caster though is also nasty, flyer casting multiplue summon nature allies that draw off attacks [and many have very nice abilities...image 10 striges attacking a huge CR beast each one that hits does -1 con damage a rd until they have done 4 con damage and they stay grappled meaning it takes an attack to get rid of them. Or maybe 5 cheetahs all doing trip attacks!] At the same time the druid can do other nifty spells.
I can see either role it depends on what you all feel is needed but once i set a path I cant really alter it so let me know what you think would be best for the group?

Now On to other questions, GW and IRLust. I would have a +2 weapon enchanement is that a floating enchanement for a wild shape? what I mean is variuos sahpes have variuos attack forms; bites, claws, gore, trample, etc. DO I get to choose when my druid takes a new form how to apply the magical enchanement or do I need to set it as a static plus always on claws or always on bites?

GW has said that the AC enechanements shift to her wild shape...would that also include the base armor she would normally druids wear leather which would be +3 by the varient...does this now mean the leather can also be applied in the wild form?

IRlust how would you like to decide on the beasts known that she can shape into? Knowledge nature? are ther any shapes you would not allow? FYI at the level she is now she can shift into a HUGE beast!



Quote from: Phaia on January 19, 2014, 10:25:52 AM
I would have a +2 weapon enchanement is that a floating enchanement for a wild shape? what I mean is variuos sahpes have variuos attack forms; bites, claws, gore, trample, etc. DO I get to choose when my druid takes a new form how to apply the magical enchanement or do I need to set it as a static plus always on claws or always on bites?

At the start of your turn you can have it affect whatever weapons you wanted, natural or manufactured, and could choose again at the start of each turn. So yes, you can totally choose claws one turn, bite the next, and so on.

Quote from: Phaia on January 19, 2014, 10:25:52 AM
GW has said that the AC enechanements shift to her wild shape...would that also include the base armor she would normally druids wear leather which would be +3 by the varient...does this now mean the leather can also be applied in the wild form?

No, it doesn't change the rules, it simply lets you have a +3 enhancement bonus even when you don't have armor. You don't get to include the regular armor on top of that if the rules don't say you get it.

Inerrant Lust

As for roles, well... we have;

Wizard (Control)
Alchemist (Damage)
Gunslinger (Reliable Damage)
Inquisitor (Tank/Detection?)
Magus (Control/Damage?)
Ranger (Damage/Exploration?)

A healer would be appreciated by the others, I'm sure- which a Druid could certainly do. Purify Food and Drink is likely a valuable spell in this setting...

Limitations on wild shape would be mostly... what she's seen, what she's been around. Where did she come from? How did she learn how to be a druid? There was the major issue though of the blight and what I brought up in the PM... how does this effect her, fluff-wise? All her non-magical furry friends would be in various stages of corruption. Although... magical and summoned animals would be no different. Because of the fluff of the Blight, they might even be worse...  :-\

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I feel like I should have made the eastern part of the continent lower... :P It was my intention that the bottom part of the GreatForest was tropical and rainforesty... with the warm plains region slowly becoming rainforest...

Inerrant Lust

Oh, I nearly forgot.

Max HP at 1st level, average from there on out (round up)

Also, a solution to the animal companion dilemma... you keep your animal companion unblighted by virtue of some unspoken connection or symbiotic magic. Granted, this may mean they can't eat blighted food or it will poison them.. or maybe they are slightly imperceptibly blighted and your connection keeps it from getting worse.


Druids are not great is cure moderate at 2d8+10
If the group needs a healer then a cleric works best...can then channel 5d6 healing to everyone that needs it!
Let me look at that if you perfer a cleric!!



Arngrim Watcher

  "This is all a punishment the gods have bestowed upon us for relying too heavily on magic. If we're going to reclaim the gods favor and rid our world of this blight, it will be humanoid ingenuity and perseverance that does it, not some lost art of the ancients." 

    "So, this foolish expedition into the forest is the latest suicide mission they've found for me? First things first, I don't work for any of you. My job is to make it to the city and report back. Keeping you all alive is a secondary objective. The only one who can give me orders is me. With that out of the way, anyone of you who isn't ready to die should leave now. If I catch you running away when the shit hits the fan I'll kill you myself if you try and come back."

Age      38
Birthday   18th of December
Height:      3’4”
Weight:      38lbs
Skin:      Gruff
Hair:       Short Brown
Eyes:      Narrow Hazel 
Style:      Arngrim dresses practically in a long blue duster with good quality hiking boots. His belt however, is a mess of powderhorns, pouches, and other containers. His most prized possesoins are his Firearms, works of art he constructed himself, and the magical ring upon his finger, a memento from his mentor and romantic interest.

Inerrant Lust

A cleric isn't strictly required, and Ghostwheel is going for a oracle now anyways.

I am more interested in hearing fluff, though. A druid isn't impossible, but I am curious to hear your spin on it. :P


I'm going to be mostly self-sufficient for out of combat healing, though more is always appreciated. In combat is a problem I suspect everyone has since we don't have the heal spell.

I'll also note, I'm damage and control. Each bomb is also a stinking cloud with a rather nasty save v being nauseated. That or a trip against whatever's hit.

It's time to finish her fluff though since mechanics are nailed down. 


Like IL said, feel free to do something else :-) I'm switching to Oracle, focusing on tanking, debuffing, and healing :-)

Inerrant Lust

Also, for both adult and non-adult situations... what is everyone looking to see or do?

It's going to be somewhat of a dungeon crawl through more than just foresty terrain, though you'll interact with fellow party members PC and NPC along the way... and possibly other things. As for sexiness, what's everyone's limitations and such? Non-Con? If so, opinions on Non-Con with what?


Re: Sexiness.

I'm personally only attracted to females, and would not find any erotic scene without at least 1 vaguely female creature sexy. Kinks include mind control, corruption, body swapping, and transformation.

But I will play through any scene my character finds themselves in. It's not like I find the rest of the dungeon crawl sexy, and I still play that  :P.

As far as how much I expect to happen? I didn't plan for it even a little. I figured Arngrim would do a lot of scouting ahead of the expedition to try and get a heads up on any dangers while travelling, do a little hunting while camps getting set up, take part in 4/5 watches and mostly stick to himself when back at camp.


I am still very interested in this campaign and would like to submit a character if I'm still welcome.

Despite my initial close-mindedness in regards to the in-character explanation/fluff of the magic item variant learn, the more I think about it, the more it just doesn't seem to really be that big of an issue. I've always seen the benefit of the variant rules-wise and do agree that it does help to make things more balanced.

The two character concepts I'm currently considering are basically two different versions of the same character. A female hunter of evil outsiders, like a Ranger/Inquisitor combo.

One version is a half-elf, the other a tiefling, but if I remember correctly; someone else is already considering a tiefling character, or is that not a concern/problem?

The half-elf version would have her being raised by her elven father, can you please elaborate on elves a bit more? Specially regarding the longer lived races losing their minds, how often does it happen? Despite being around 200 or so, would it be likely that he still has his sanity, or when doe elves after experiencing the first signs of the on-set, if it's a common occurrence.

As for the tiefling idea, would a PM be okay(provided of course that I am still welcome to submit a character)?


E.F.A., we've got a couple of elves and half elves, who are really rare in the world at large.  Teiflings on the other hand are quite common these days.  : )
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

Inerrant Lust

We just lost our inquisitor (Ghostwheel is going oracle) and they would fit in with the fluff very well. Especially outsider-hunting ones. I imagined Paladins being more the stand-and-fight demon hunter kinds... while inquisitors are adept at rooting out demon-possessed humans or devil worshippers in disguise.

Half-elves and tieflings don't bother me that much. It's improbable, but would not be entirely implausible to have a group of all half-elves or tieflings. Having more than one tiefling isn't really a problem, and I am curious to hear your idea, so you should totally PM me. :P

As for elves, it's likely 200 years old is fine. But those who are old and starting to approach venerable are caught in a world they really don't belong in anymore. Some  do not develop this madness, but it's also there to accelerate the abandonment of old traditions and ways of thinking.


I have like 2700+ gp left

How is that possible you may ask?...Jahtera [druid] does not have armor, has 3 weapons, a backpack and some small gear.
She does not need a horse, lots of rations [survival dc10 to get enough food for herself and purify food and water to make it eatable]



Inerrant Lust

I hope to start this late this week or at the start of the weekend.


Thank you  :-)

PM Sent

Apologies if I missed it, but Traits and Drawbacks?

As for sexiness, the more erotic scenes, the better in my opinion. My on-offs are a bit vanilla though. Non-Con depends on the situation, for example: a fondling hand from a mischievous horny ghost, perfectly fine. While violent rape and such is a no go.


Oh, Phaia!  Very sexy, I like her.  (Both the portrait and the sheet.  :)  )

I.L. please feel free to molest my Holly in bizarre and wonderful ways and with bizarre and terible monsters.  Just be sure to take the time to make sure she's excited before the tentacles penetrate and driven to screaming bliss in spite of herself.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Character Sheet (will do mundane items in a bit)
Name: Anton
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Oracle

Born to a small settlement, the young man grew quickly into his role as the settlement's healer and protector. When corrupted food was brought back from foraging, it was his duty to clear it of the corruption. When dirty water could have sickened the entire village, he was the one who must stand over the water and make sure to expend his power to make sure none got sick. When food was stolen from the demons' followers, it was he who made sure that none of it had been poisoned on purpose. It was never an easy life, but in his duty he found a semblance of ... not happiness, but satisfaction, and perhaps even peace.

All that changed the day the demons found their encampment. Anton was out that day, leading a raid on the servants of the demons and they never expected what happened. They had always kept their location secret lest the demons find out where they were and kill them--or worse. But even worse than that happened, an ambush that took Anton and the others entirely by surprise. The only one to escape, Anton ran back as quickly as he could to the settlement where he found little but smoking ruins, ashes, and unrecognizable corpses. Tracks led away, but his skills in the wilderness were paltry and he was unable to follow the demons. Denied even his revenge he slept in the ruins of his home.

It was there, beneath a floorboard that had a strange, hollow ring as he lay his head down that he found his father's armor. Etched in a strange, silvery metal, it fit him like a second skin. Donning it he realized that everything he knew was gone, and that there was no going back to it. He had always put the expedition off as something silly, and he had always had more important duties to take care of. But now... That day he left his home with little left to lose, determined to find something new. Perhaps it might pay off after all. And if not, at least he wouldn't die defenseless like his family and friends had.

Combat Roles: Healing, buffing, debuffing, tanking.

Marie Reynolds

For sexiness, I would prefer be but through sense deprivation more psychological torment the being brutalized or disembered or sexual accosted by monsters. placed in embarrassing positions by traps. Sexual tormented by sex toys and such or the threat of being used sexually but kept on edge as it does not come. Sexual hijinks and harmless pranks between party members is always fun as well. Bondage is always  fun to include also. My sheet will be up shortly. IL do you use both Abysal and Infernal as languages.

Lipstick Epitaph

This story sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
Are you currently accepting new characters?

Inerrant Lust

I won't turn you away, but you've got a limited time to come up with a character before we start.

Marie; Oh, you guys already met Honeywine? I was thinking of possibly introducing her as a character later on. :P

Demonic and Abyssal will likely be irrelevant, as this setting isn't strictly carrying the same fluff about the planes and various Evil Outsiders. When I have the time, I'll elaborate on the different kinds.

A drawback for a third trait is fine.

Marie Reynolds

Okay, well you can also introduce her again tapping us to clean up more of nature this way you have a recurring npc to ask us to take care of things. So any suggestions for languages to speak to the evil creatures then? since they are my favored enemy and what not.