A Quill in search of Ingenuity (F for M character, writer gender is irrelevant)

Started by LamentingQuill, December 29, 2013, 06:15:01 PM

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Hey peeps, I find myself with more than enough time on my hands to take on some more partners, I am finding myself very much in the mood for sexy bow wielding elves sweeping me off my feet, or my character, that works too, haha! Anyway, I am legit in the mood for something involving Tolkien style elves.

However, if elves are not for you, in my signature is the links for my ons and offs and my request thread, there is a mountain of plots in my request thread due to a very overactive imagination, lol. All of it is organized into linked categories in the table of contents.

I hope to hear from some new potential partners and friends very soon! :)