Tips for posting Images

Started by TexasWarren, December 26, 2013, 02:33:01 PM

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Note: This tip is written for Photoshop but most likely can be used with other software.

By default, images posted butt right up to the text when you use the Float Left or Right Tags. They look like this:

To make some room next to the text, open the image in your photo software (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.) and go to Canvas Size:

Next, add about 25 Pixels to the right side (for Float left) or left side (for float right):

Now, save the image as a .gif (not a .jpg):

You do NOT need to set a transparency, just save it and upload it to the E Wiki. The result is this:


If you have other image questions, feel free to post here and I will try to answer them.

If you have other Image tips, please feel free to post them here as well.



You can achieve the same thing by using the floatleft/floatright tag and inserting a padding to your IMG tag - this will make a space between the image and the text. Virtually the same result, but embedded in the code. ;)

[float=left][img padding=10][/img][/float]
[float=left][img padding=10][/img][/float]

Will result in:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id lectus vel velit pharetra faucibus a a urna. Pellentesque est augue, sagittis eget condimentum non, rutrum ut felis. Sed tincidunt sapien rutrum, bibendum leo sed, eleifend ante. Morbi tellus lacus, facilisis non lectus et, luctus ultricies neque. Mauris at tortor at ipsum lobortis luctus congue quis massa. Vivamus pellentesque lacus aliquam, rutrum sem vitae, iaculis urna. Duis mattis mauris dolor, fermentum cursus orci scelerisque eu. Etiam dictum lectus id massa ultrices, sit amet semper neque sodales. Curabitur viverra rutrum bibendum. Fusce eget arcu id nisi luctus mollis. Nulla congue, massa quis mollis pellentesque, est massa adipiscing urna, vel euismod turpis tortor ac risus. Nulla commodo turpis vel ligula commodo mattis. Nulla mi dolor, pretium vel ullamcorper sed, volutpat quis mi. Aliquam placerat orci sed lectus accumsan fringilla.

Praesent eleifend egestas diam, sit amet tempus arcu ornare a. Nunc porttitor pellentesque orci. Sed at sapien condimentum, lobortis metus ut, ultricies tellus. Sed vitae massa quam. Maecenas at dui lobortis, facilisis leo eu, volutpat leo. Maecenas lobortis commodo convallis. Mauris elit enim, euismod eu est eu, feugiat congue tellus. Praesent pharetra dignissim semper. Aliquam eget ipsum tristique, facilisis lorem quis, mollis justo. Pellentesque tincidunt sapien at libero dignissim, at sodales turpis ullamcorper. Nunc adipiscing neque ac enim vulputate commodo. Ut faucibus tempus elementum. Donec et lectus id dolor molestie blandit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque non condimentum magna.
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Thank you, jouzinka for teaching me something new! It's nice to have options.



You're welcome. Glad you found it useful. :-)
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Beguile's Mistress

I usually just add a few spaces between the url and float codes.


WOW! You ladies of E are full of knowledge! I did not know about that, either!

Thank you Mistress.... Now there is a line from a game. LOL


Beguile's Mistress