A Feyborn Search

Started by feybornkresh, December 25, 2013, 11:37:22 PM

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Hello there,

thanks for taking interest, and welcome to my search thread. Hopefully you can find something you're interested in here or maybe you just want to pitch me an idea of your own. I am a more than willing partner and completely open so don't be shy.

Generally I am at my best when playing in action-based rps but I will try out just about anything.

If you want to take a look at my On/offs to see if I would be right for whatever you might be cooking up you can do that otherwise just send me a pm asking any questions that you might have.

Before I start to ramble I am going to get on to my own ideas - I hope we can make something together.


Story Summary:

Darkness Reborn

In 138 ABY the Sith Empire was destroyed by allied forced and the remnants of the New Jedi Order. This defeat lead to the creation of The Galactic Federation Triumvirate and a reforming of the New Jedi Order. Only a handful of people associated with the Empire managed to escape and go into hiding. During the following years these survivors were hunted and by 174 ABY considered to be entirely wiped out. The galaxy officially wrote off the Sith as nothing more than history but the Sith could never truly be destroyed.

175 ABY - The self appointed Darth Xainn, after defeating his master in combat, steps forward as the leader of the remaining Sith in hiding with the mind to recreate the Sith and bring them to power once more. He and four other Sith survivors establish the New Sith Conglomerate - an Oligarchy founded on the basis of all the previous Sith configurations and meaning to take all the strengths and eliminate a great deal of the weaknesses. This new power quietly makes it's home on Lehon, a forgotten planet, and looks to bolster it's ranks through the recruitment, willing or otherwise, of individuals and bringing them to be trained as Sith. Lehon Academy is just the beginning.

(I have a much more full story just let me know if you want me to pm you that)


Other Tid bits:

I've had this idea in my mind for some time and have been throwing it around a bit and now I think I want to take it on with another individual. Originally I considered it as a group idea but feel it would be strongest with just two people (maybe a couple more but that can be decided later)

This will be fairly involved meaning that I will, and you will be expected to, play at least two or three characters (probably more but of course not all at once). This is a world/story building situation.

As far as adult themes go anything is pretty much green lit, after all, we are dealing with Sith.

I don't especially care if my partner is male or female (just must be willing to play both genders).

Anyway, just hit me with a pm or ask a question on here to let me know if you are interested at all/want more detail. I have already thought about this for a long time so I am perfectly willing to fill anyone in on what I have generated.

Interested in Star Wars in general but not so much my idea?
Well you could either pitch me your own idea or you could suggest something of mine - I am perfectly open to either.
ALSO, any other idea, honestly.


Brainstorming: Traceur Grand Prix (parkour/freerunning based idea)

So I have kind of had this floating around in my mind as well. It is a bit specific and would require a bit of knowledge about parkour (which I think most people actually have very little idea of what that is).

Anyway, I was thinking that a story could take place in France, in an area like Provence (where parkour originated). The whole idea for there story is for there to be a kind of racing community there based around parkour/free-running - kind of like Death Race or The Fast and The Furious but on foot. The racing community is large and somewhat corrupt so there will be sex, drugs, and death. As far as character ideas I am thinking that one player will be a person familiar with what I am going to call the Traceur Grand Prix and the other player will be someone almost completely new to the town/region in which it is held.

Male of female applicant - I don't really care but you should be willing to play either gender should we need/want them.


Seductress: Corruption based (looking for F)

For this idea I would like a girl to play the seductress to my own character who is curious but generally green and doesn't know much about the situation he is getting himself into. This can stem into pretty much any genre. The female character will be part of a rather renown organization and will recruit my character into that organization - her reason for recruiting my character will be more for gaining power reasons than anything else although this could change over time.

Here I am looking for a girl specifically.

As a possibility the inverse is definitely possible - myself being the seducing character and yours being the seduced.


Frienemies With Benefits (looking for F)

Sorry about the cheesy name, lol

I'm thinking this would be most interesting in some kind of action-based setting whether that be a spy/organization setting or a war setting or a future one or whatever - something to make the frienemies situation most interesting.

What I am kind of looking for is for our characters to be rivals basically. Attracted to each other but also a bit hateful of one another as well though the line between love and hate is a very thin one and love starts to build up.

(my preference for this is a super organization war where our two characters work for different agencies)


Agent VS Agent

This idea is simple and involves us playing agents from two different super organizations that are nemesis - both look to control the power in their region. The organization are not strictly against one another but sister organizations under the same government who have been fighting for dominance over the other for some time. As such the rivalry abides by an honor structure that rules out the killing of operatives or the complete destruction of facilities or important tools; pretty much everything else is green lit.

This is a very basic idea and I would like to talk about some story elements before we get really started.


This section will be meant for RPs meant to scratch my nerd itch. I don't have stories thought up or anything like that so any ideas are welcome

Halo RP

I am convinced SOMEONE will appreciate it. Who doesn't like hyper enhanced super humans and crazy ass, equally as super, aliens beating the shit out of each other. Oh yeah, and that whole weird Flood thing...


Yeah, that's right, dragon ball Z - awesome in its concept and action but fairly shitty in it's story. Idc. I love it. If you love DBZ as much as me and would like to start something please don't hesitate to message me. Seriously...


Bumping this. Will add new story/setting/situation here when I think of one.