Calling all Sekirei and Ashikabi's

Started by arthenwel, December 25, 2013, 11:08:23 PM

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I'm in the mood to start up a sekirei-themed group rp. I really have been craving one of these plots, but picture it best as a group Rp. Now, there are some rules and limitations. I want the sekirei to be mostly OC. Of course, some of the main cannons will be available, but I will only hand them out to people that I think can pull them off. Also, although in the series, you could have multiple sekirei per ashikabi, I won't allow more than 3 sekirei per ashikabi, unless there are more unemerged sekirei. Even then, I may keep them unemerged and thus, unclaimed. It's no fun if sekirei all flock to one guy after all. Also, if you want to be a sekirei, please send me a character profile by PM and I will take a look to see if it fits in. I will assign a random number to each sekirei as long as the numbers aren't that of a main character. If you are interested, just let me know.

Also, while there really isn't a set play system to govern fights, if they break out,  you can come to an agreement on how to hash the fight out. If I deem someone to be god-modding, I may throw a little bit of nature in to help evn the field out.
Be careful who you try to burn. You might just find that the other person knows how to play with fire better than you.



Also, just as in the series areas will be split int four areas: North, East, South, and West. So, I am looking for some people willing to help watch the threads. They will be given a staff character in addition to their own.
Be careful who you try to burn. You might just find that the other person knows how to play with fire better than you.



I think i'd be interested in this. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Just in case, though. I think you should go into more detail about what, exactly, Sekirei and Ashikabi's are in your first post. Just in case somebody's like wdf? ;)

(Pictures help, a lot)

But yeah, I'd definitely like to play an Ashikabi. Gonna play a male Matsu xD

Also, how's the plot looking? Are we going for story plot, where the Sekirei all have to fight each other to be #1, or are we taking on the corps Head-on? For the sake of RPing with others, I say we all have a common enemy. It could take place after the events of the show. A sort of Rebellion against the Corporation that leads to an all-out war between the government and us.

Ah... sorry... I seemed to have knocked over a box of plot-bunnies.

But yeah, count me in on this. I'll start working on an app either later today or tomorrow cuz I'm lazy.

Wish ya luck and here's hoping for more interest!


That's awesome. Of couse, seeing as you don't have her powers, you won't know as much, but that would be kind of awesome to see. I like your ideas. I didn't want to have a free-for-all. After all the loser gets booted and that's not much fun. I think it will be alternate events stemming from the beginning. You know, the island with the sekirei. If you want it, you can be a staff member.

    For those of you who don't know what's going on, I would suggest watching the series 'Sekirei'. It will explain better than me. Sekirei are extraterrestrial beings that were sent her and landed on an island. each one has different powers. Their powers reach a certain point while unemerged where it will plateau. The get stronger after emergance. This happens when an ashikabi kisses their lips. After that the sekirei is bound to them. When they kiss their ashikabi, they are 'released' allowing them to use their full power. The more sekirei's an ashikabi has, the more strain it puts on him or her. That's pretty much the basics.
Be careful who you try to burn. You might just find that the other person knows how to play with fire better than you.



HEY! I just did an interest check for a Sekirei RP. Are you still interested in making one? I'd love to play.


OH MY GOD! I COULD HUG YOU RIGHT NOW! Yes, I am still interested. In fact I was about to resubmit the interest.
Be careful who you try to burn. You might just find that the other person knows how to play with fire better than you.



Well Clearly we must combine are strength. Did you want a rule system for this or just free form?

Izaya Orihara

Seeing the above post, I always tend to prefer free form over systems, since things can get a bit technical, complicated and bogged down to an unnecessary degree with some systems.
Well, if I had to give a reason for my actions, I guess it's because I love people. I guess I wanted to see the faces that mankind has to offer.


Well if we focus more on the sekirei x akibashi romance and less on the epic battles free form will work. I personally would allow lesser canon characters like those sekirei that made one shot appearances in the show since most weren't really defined and left open. The problem I predict though is we might have like more PC akibashis then PC sekirei and GMs will have to play the difference.


Well, I like freeform better. I was hoping to look more on the romance. As the fighting almost always results in one ceasing function.

   As for the problem with having more ashikabi's than sekirei, I was thinking of keeping a reserved list. People wanting to be ashikabi will be placed on a list. When there are 10 free ashikabi, we could close the recruitment until there are enough Sekirei to go around.

    Whar dou you think?
Be careful who you try to burn. You might just find that the other person knows how to play with fire better than you.



I guess that will work. But I doubt 10 people total will even play. I posted an interest check for Sekirei and got no responses, you posted and got 3 people to respond counting me.


Ill add interest. Ill be watching to see where this goes.


Quote from: KnightNelson20 on May 01, 2014, 01:36:50 PM
Ill add interest. Ill be watching to see where this goes.

Interest to play what? Sekirei or Ashikabi?


Well, we shall see how the recruitment goes and take it from there.
Be careful who you try to burn. You might just find that the other person knows how to play with fire better than you.



either or i was just expressing interest for the rp in general.


Counting Izaya Orihara, KnightNelson20, and myself that makes 3 players. 4 if  ZephySempai is still interested. How many players you looking for GM arthenwel?