Female for Adult RP wanted

Started by mermaidmaster, December 25, 2013, 09:35:53 PM

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Harmony and Mermaid Master are looking for a submissive woman to RP with us who likes to be involved in a real plot (with graphic BDSM sex scenes) rather than just a succession of sex scenes.

First lets just get the boring stuff out of the way- please we are not looking for a player who writes one liners, it's not a judgement just a preference. Okay that's it.

This story is about three college students Brett and [the character of the role player we are looking for] are in a relationship and Brett seems to have a wandering eye which focuses in on Tina [the character we have]. Now Brett has no intention of losing his girlfriend but becomes increasingly stricken by this urge he has to be with both women. He has casually brought up the idea to his girlfriend in the past and there is no chance of her willingly agreeing to share her boyfriend let alone indulge in sexual activities with a woman as she is far to reserved for such things.

Brett, however, has been working on a project in which he could use hypnosis to control his subjects and that's when it comes to him. If he were to use hypnosis on his girlfriend, planting a phrase that would cause her to fall into a hypnotized state following only his orders, then he could have what he always wanted. It all seemed like a long shot but for Brett it was worth the effort.

As the story unfolds, the idea is that, once hypnotised, his girlfriend becomes a willing party. Tina, a much more liberal and sexually deviate individual, is happy to partake in this little threesome when Brett brings it up. They know one another from class and have often flirted with each other. Tina is, of course, completely unaware of what he has done. He continues this risky business for awhile, enjoying the naughty girl his girlfriend becomes under hypnosis.  She, upon being hypnotised, becomes equally as wanton as Tina. Just, when she isn't under hypnosis, she is very straight-laced and inhibited.

Brett's luck runs out when his girlfriend and Tina come face to face one day when his girlfriend is not hypnotized and Tina behaves in a way that shocks and confuses the girlfriend as she has no memory of their previous sessions. And, well, the rest is to be seen...

If you are of the female persuasion and would like to play this part, reply here or by PM.