World domination... but most likely not (M looking for F or M)

Started by Outlaw Fallen, December 12, 2013, 10:01:27 AM

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Outlaw Fallen

Hey, everyone. If you haven't already met me, I'm Fallen. Please respond to this thread via PM. Now that that is out of the way, I'll tell you why I'm posting here. I'm looking for a LONG TERM (emphasis!!!) rp partner, be it male or female, I don't care either way. I would like to continue playing out the timeline of my main character (possibly one or two of my others), and part of that would be finding someone for him to be with. I guess I should say first that, seeing as he is just out of a relationship, there are some obstacles to be expected. There are many more details to that relationship and quite a few possibilities to throw in there that could swing the dynamic between our characters in a direction you prefer. By this, I mean that he could be pushed into a more dominant position, for those of you desiring a dominant partner. He is already an alpha a-type personality, but he can be a master, if that's what you want. How they meet, how the relationship builds... all up to you and how the game is played (you might actually have to think for yourself on this one).

Female characters are preferred, and I only say that because a male character will have his work cut out for him. I say this not to deter anyone from trying, because not only do I have my own ideals for a male partner, but there is also the nature of the character you would be playing with (whom is completely unfamiliar with male affection, for starters). If you would like to try to make this a m/m game, let me know so we can talk about what both of us expect. Moving on...

This will be a very plot-driven game. I'm not saying that there won't be copious amounts of nooky, because I know that's what a lot of people want. I do, however, expect for my partner to be proactive in this game. I have a few things planned for it, some conflict to overcome, etc... but I would like for my partner to contribute and not just go with everything I do. This is a game that will require effort and some degree of dedication. Not for the faint-of-heart, I would say.

It should probably be said that if you have your character based more in real life or if your play is more geared toward real life, this is not the game for you. Real life photos tend to dent my imagination (it's fine if it works for you), which is why most of mine are anime, CGI, or some form of art. I don't care what species, age, mythos, power level, whatever your character is, but I will be playing my own character(s), and this is not negotiable. I probably shouldn't have to say that, but I'm sure there's at least one who would message me and ask. Of course, as always, I am open to other rp inquiries. I apologize for not putting a whole lot of detail in here, but the way I see it is... those that are interested will ask for more. As I said already, please respond to this through PM.
"I fought the decisions that called and lost
My mark has the relevant piece in this
I will come reformed
In short, for the murder of those I court
I bless the hour that holds your fall
I will kill you all" - Coheed & Cambria
A/A's UPDATED! (6/6/19) | Desires | Outlaw-bait

"Doesn't love always begin that way; with the illusion more real than the woman?" - Jean-Luc Picard