Ideas Roving in my mind (M/F needed for F)

Started by Esmeralgirl, November 23, 2013, 01:06:37 AM

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Ok guys I'm new here and now it's my second request thread, but if it comes to plotting, It's my first thread. I wants some decent role players to play with me in a story driven plot. I'm not saying just story, we can balance sex and story 30:70. Right now I don't have much things in mind except for a thing, about which I'm craving from a long time.

House Of Night

Ohh yes you all got me right, I'm craving for a play based on the house of night series by P.C Cast. I will be thankful to all of you if you do it with me.

Plot- I'm not really sure about as what should be the plot, we can discuss it together once we will be good. We can make our main characters as canon or non canon characters, It's upto you and than starts out rolling other secondary characters. I wants it to be a romance, and if you wants we can have it in histotical setting too. It's all on you,to decide as to what you wants for the plot. I know my request thread is lame, I'm sorry for that but please please any taker of this story..


This role play idea came into my mind recently when I was watching Leonardo in inception. The movie is really awesome and an exception. Since than I have been dying to play it out and now since recently I have been out of role plays. I simply was wondering if someone will hit me up, and show interest in it. I wants it OC, so no Leonardo, because he is too damn best to be played by someone. Sorry no intentions to hurt anyone's feeling.  If someone is interested, we will discuss the plot in the Pm's

If anyone wants to do one shot stories with me, you can hit me up for that too and The paragraph rule of 2-3 doesn't applies to one shot stories.

P.S:- For me to take interest in our play I wants someone who will write atleast 2-3 paragraphs and give me enough to work on.

And if you have your own ideas, you can hit me up with them.
