Shards of Magick: A Merry Gentry Series AU - Still accepting - LGBTQ friendly

Started by Kokaine, November 18, 2013, 02:54:28 PM

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Quote from: Dancing flower on April 09, 2015, 03:52:42 PM
Not sure. I think a lot of the information needs to be updated since it's being resurrected from nearly two years ago. I would just wait for nows.

Tease :P


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I think we have enough people familiar with the setting that we can assist anyone who wants to start scribbling character concepts down.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Cool! I feel like I should read some stuff before even doing that, though. I know what I like with regards to fey. I like alien Queen Mab types, trickster spirits, gothic underfolk. My interests match up pretty well to the kith in Changeling: The Dreaming with sprinkles of Pan's Labyrinth, David Bowie's Bulge Labyrinth, Brian Froud, Spiderwick Chronicles, and A Midsummer Night's Dream.


Have a couple of ideas floating about my head at the moment.  A brer rabbit type character or an underground goblin type character.

Quote from: Dhi on April 09, 2015, 05:07:40 PM
David Bowie's Bulge Labyrinth.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


So I could be way off base here, but this is what I was thinking for a character...

Still a Work in Progress.

Full Name : Yara Solomon
True name : Aanisah nari al-Samoonmi al-jinn
Age : Born in 751 AD, but has only been active his century for 15 years.
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Single

Court : None
Species : Sila Jinn
Powers/Magical Affinity :

Shapeshifting – Yara can change into virtually anything she wants, animate or inanimate.  She has spent years as a man as well as a woman which gives her some interesting insights into each gender.

Insubstantiality – She can do this at will and even instinctually at any sign of danger.  She just disappears in a puff of smoke, though anything that can bind a spirit can also bind her in this form and in some cases force her to re-take form.

Possession – Like other Jinn Yara can possess a person.  She would only do so under the most dire of circumstances and she can be exorcised by any devote religious practitioner.  Possession is not a complete take over, but she can nudge with suggestions of what the victim should do.  If the victim of possession dies she is expelled from the body and suffers some severe mental trauma.  It is not a pleasant experience and one that leaves her vulnerable.  (This is not something that I would do in game unless it was very much discussed with the other player way in advance.  I have included it because the myths about Jinn include it.  I will remove if you wish.)

Wishcraft – Her powers of wishcraft are limited.  If you want a small windfall, like a full ride scholarship, she can arrange that.  Have a girl fall in love with you?  Okay yeah, but that doesn’t mean she will stay that way.  There is no immortality or lottery winning or earthshattering requests.  Sila are not like other Jinn, they are subtle and tricky, which is why very little is known about them.

Weapon(s) :  None.  She does have an honest to God flying carpet though.
Occupation/Position : Bartender

Height : 5’6”
Weight / Body type : Yara is curvy without being overweight.  She finds the curves to be the ultimate in femininity and attractiveness.
Hair : Glossy dark brown/black hair
Skin : Golden
Eyes : Grey-ish
Distinguishing Features : Yara is a beautiful Lebanese woman with glossy dark brown/black hair and grey-ish eyes.  She does on occasion change her hair color, but that is fairly uncommon with Yara who loves the way she looks.  She is proud of her adopted human culture and takes pride in her “heritage.”  She often incorporates Lebanese and Arabic designs into her clothing, make-up and jewelry.  Yara is curvy without being overweight.  She finds the curves to be the ultimate in femininity and attractiveness.

Personality : Affable and easy to talk to.  Yara knows when to talk, when to flirt and when to listen.  She is the perfect bartender.  The old locals find a kind word and a sharp wit willing to listen to the same old story like she was hearing it for the first time and the new college students find a beautiful flirt that likes to string you along for an ego boost and a good tip.  In reality Yara is all of these things and more. She is an information broker and a good one at that.  She holds a strict neutrality policy among the courts and knows enough people and enough dirt that anyone forcing her to break her rules will pay for it.  Word is if you need to know what is going on in and around New Orleans Yara is a good person to go to, but there is always a price for her information.  Yara isn’t stupid.  She isn’t much different away from her job and is always listening for some morsel of interesting gossip or information that she can tuck away for use later.  As much as Yara can be friendly and helpful she can be quite mercenary when it comes down to business, especially when working with people she doesn’t know.

Likes : Non-Sexual.
Dislikes : Non-Sexual.
Fears : Just what it says.

History : Yara slipped between worlds approximately 15 years ago.  It wasn’t the first time she had slipped through the veil between worlds for a (mostly) harmless ride on an infidel.  This was not the first time she had visited.  For most Jinn it was a way to break the dreary formless existence that they used to pass the eons in the twilight realms.  Without form a Jinn is instinctual, bound to follow a set of laws that have existed from time immemorial, seeking out those that have forgotten the gods and entering their bodies to torment them until the gods were appeased.

Unfortunately Yara was drawn to a very important fae in spiritual crises and after a series of unfortunate accidents Yara was discovered within the young courtier and exorcised.  Instead of returning to the formless nether of her home the ritual bound her forcing her to take shape.  With human form came reasoning and morals she found interesting and alien.  Yara chose not to return to the twilight realm and learn more of humanity in the best way she thought possible, as one of them.

She wandered for a while, fascinated with what she saw and learned of other visitors from planes she knew nothing of.  She also learned that this information had value.  Yara settled in New Orleans.  With her wishcraft she could have easily lived without the need of work, but that would not let her immerse herself in the intriguing entities that called the big easy home.  Ever the observant Jinn, Yara saw how people opened up to the old human that had rented her the room above his tavern.  It was a simple thing to grant a tiny wish to his only worker and sent her on her way, then convince the old man to hire her instead.

From that point on Yara has been a fixture in New Orleans.  She carved out a pretty good little niche for herself dealing information and has been recruited by the courts on multiple occasions, but has so far been able to re-buff them. Yara has an ingrained aversion to danger and understands picking one side makes her an enemy of the others.  No she is quite content to gather her information and dole it out in little nibbles to those that need it.  So far she has managed not to get burned by powers greater than her, but what will she do when something gets dropped in her lap that is too hot for anyone to handle?

Sexuality : Lesbian
Sexual On's : Here
Sexual Off's : Here

Played By : Crash

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


It's very different to the 'normal' Fae characters you would have in this game. Have you had a glance over the old threads with characters and background info?
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


I did but in the character creation section it kind of said be creative so I thought what if Jinn were Arabic Fae and went from there.  She certainly isn't a god or goddess like a number of characters were. If she is too far outside the norm I will make a different character.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I'm not GMing, so it's not my call to make :) Most of the characters tend to come from more of a Celtic background, at least in the novels.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


To be fair Koka said that she will be reworking and looking over the game details when she gets the chance. It has been a rather long time since this has been touched so she really needs a chance to pull thing together again before anyone should be really pushing for character approval.

So why don't we let her do her thing and give her some time before we get into some great debate about what is setting appropriate and what isn't. As we really don't know what is going to change.



Heh, yeah, I'm not ready to look at character sheets just yet folks. I will say that other backgrounds besides Celtic will likely be approved provided the characters magic fits within the 'verse itself but I will look at that once I am ready to read sheets.

I'm gonna make an effort to bump this game up to priority 1 this weekend so that we can get going though.
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]


Aye Aya Koka!

Curvy - :P

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Alright guys, so after some real thought I've decided that I am not going to run this game. Unfortunately I've just not done well with GMing games on E and its making it difficult for me to get properly motivated to do this. My apologies if I got anyone's hopes up.

That said, if Haloriel and/or Cerigo wish to take this idea and make a go of it or rip it apart or whatever, they have my full blessing to do so. I just don't have it in me, sorry.
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]


Totally understand Koka.  I have given up GMing games here for similar reasons.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Kokaine on April 14, 2015, 12:05:00 PM
Alright guys, so after some real thought I've decided that I am not going to run this game. Unfortunately I've just not done well with GMing games on E and its making it difficult for me to get properly motivated to do this. My apologies if I got anyone's hopes up.

That said, if Haloriel and/or Cerigo wish to take this idea and make a go of it or rip it apart or whatever, they have my full blessing to do so. I just don't have it in me, sorry.

Understandable. I am not a fan of gming either. We have our other games if this one isn't picked up by an interested gm.  ♥


Oh, sad to hear that. I was looking forwards to playing Loki again


Quote from: Kokaine on April 14, 2015, 12:05:00 PM
Alright guys, so after some real thought I've decided that I am not going to run this game. Unfortunately I've just not done well with GMing games on E and its making it difficult for me to get properly motivated to do this. My apologies if I got anyone's hopes up.

That said, if Haloriel and/or Cerigo wish to take this idea and make a go of it or rip it apart or whatever, they have my full blessing to do so. I just don't have it in me, sorry.

You are allowed to do whatever makes you happiest. <3 As for me, I've always worked better as an assistant and not full on being GM.


As Haloriel said, don't feel bad about stepping back from it. We all have a duty to ourselves.

If anyone else decides to pick up and run this game, I'd love to be informed about it.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


I totally understand Koka, and would likely feel the same way in your place. It's a pity but if anyone else does decide to run one, I might be interested so pls let me know. :)