Swashbuckling adventure on the high seas!

Started by apygoos, November 03, 2013, 10:26:59 PM

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no reason 2 cant do the same thing, though like i said, no reason necessarily to hide your gender here on this crew.

also annoucnement!
Loves has volunteered to Co-GM. being the one that nudged me into doing this, shes the other parent of this game too, so it's only fitting methinks. i trust no one has any objections?


I'd be up for a female officer or a rival Captain that somehow ends up joining the main crew.

Also pondering some sort of servant girl/captive.
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Post of main captain taken, otherwise I wouldn't mind :p


if everyone would please check the OP, i have an important question there along with a general plot synopsis to get us going.


aand courtesy of swashbucker, we have a 2 vessel approach, one pirates, one navy. that was also added as a plot option to the OP


if we are voting then I like the two ship idea with one being pirate and one being navy


as do i, so the GMs like it, would everyone else be comfortable with that idea?
you could take a navy character as a second character if you so chose.



The Navy


they are actually relatively historical. :)


Quote from: Swashbuckler on November 04, 2013, 10:55:44 AM

*makes a note of this*

*grins and teases him with a buxom blonde who has a nice booty*

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
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                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!


again I am likely to have a nutter :P spider monkey pet and a thousand ferrets...



i can draw up a character sheet once im sure the majority of people are on board with the idea of the pirate/navy thing.


I'm always interested in anything Naval or Piratical from that era and would very much be willing to play a character to suit - Pirate or Navy.


Well, my vote goes without saying I think  :D

I would gladly make a character on each if it helped it along. 


I might actually play a male on the navy side if it can be Ichabod Crane....I steals him


Players are more than welcome to play multiple characters, one or more for both ships

*reminds herself that she was suppose to stick at three*




ill have a CS template up in a bit once loves gets home..


I'll only be playing one character, likely on the piratical side.

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!



aaand heres the character sheet Please PM the sheets to myself and LovesReading2






Desired position:

Appearance: [post REAL life images here of your respective faceclaim for your character, as well as filling out details below]

Height –

Weight –


Complexion –

Notable marks or features – [any scars or tattoos?]

Ons: [both sexual and non]
Offs: [both sexual and non]



*special notes* [what are things about the character that the crew may know, or has heard as rumors? List those things here]


Player: BassBX

Name: Richter Hawke

Alias: Blaze

Age: 24

Faction: Pirate

Desired position: Captain? Maybe First Mate?

Appearance: [post REAL life images here of your respective faceclaim for your character, as well as filling out details below]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/297/9/2/richter_abend_cosplay_by_sheenasymphonia-d4dtfwh.jpg

Can cosplay images count? I can't think of any real people I could base off of.

Height – Six foot three

Weight – 200 pounds

Hair: Dark red. Long.

Complexion – Fair complexion

Notable marks or features – [any scars or tattoos?] Glasses. Tattoo of a hawk across his back.

Ons: [both sexual and non] Flirty girls, curvy girls. Seduction. Swordplay, firearms, owning a ship.
Offs: [both sexual and non] Fools, pirates with no honor, betrayal. Pain during sex.

Personality: Calm and collected, usually the voice of reason. Loves being flirted with, because he likes attention. Furious and powerful fighter, don't get in his way when he's fighting.

History: I'll write this tomorrow. I need to go.

*special notes* [what are things about the character that the crew may know, or has heard as rumors? List those things here]
Rumored that he had been killed years ago, but is untrue.


please PM the sheets to me and Loves
i might also note, that the captains of both the ships are the GMs respectively
you all be the crew of Neptunes Vengeance! [at least on the pirate side]
and please request your role on the ship to work according to what skills they may have to offer.


Just to be clear... are you going to allow women on the Navy side?

And if so, must they be servants and the like or can they be actual sailors?
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